115 research outputs found

    Rehydration of calves : Presentation of an expert system

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    In addition to dehydration, diarrheic enteritis in calves is generally associated with acid-base disturbances and fluid and electrolyte imbalances. The evaluation of these disorders, based on the measure of blood pH and Na+, K+, C1-, HCO3- concentrations, and on the calculation of the serum anion gap (difference between the concentrations of the major cation and the major anions) and of the base excess, helps optimise the treatment and further refine the prognosis. Acidosis is the most frequent disorder, with or without an increased serum anion gap depending on the etiology of the diarrhoea. This problem is corrected by the administration of bicarbonate or carbonate solutions. Less common disorders include alkalosis and dyskalemia. An expert system, providing a clinical and therapeutic protocol, was developed to evaluate acid-base and hydroelectric disorders associated with diarrheic enteritis in calves.En plus de la déshydratation, l'entérite diarrhéique du veau est généralement associée à des déséquilibres hydro-électrolytiques et acido-basiques. L'évaluation de ces troubles par la mesure du pH sanguin et des concentrations sériques de Na+, K+, C1-, HCO3-, et par le calcul du trou anionique (concentration sérique des cations diminuée de celle des anions) et de l'excès de base, permet d'ajuster au mieux le traitement et de préciser le pronostic. Le déséquilibre le plus fréquemment observé est l'acidose avec ou sans augmentation du trou anionique selon l'étiologie de la diarrhée. L'acidose est corrigée par l'administration de solutés bicarbonatés ou de carbonates. Les autres troubles moins fréquents sont l'alcalose et les dyskaliémies. Un système expert, sous forme d'un protocole clinique et thérapeutique, a été développé pour évaluer les troubles acido-basiques et hydro-ioniques associés aux entérites diarrhéiques du veau

    Os retratos de Maria Isabel e Maria Francisca de Bragança, de Nicolas-Antoine Taunay

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    Nicolas-Antoine Taunay, French landscape painter, produced also several portraits during his stay at the Rio de Janeiro Court. In this city, in 1816, he paints the queen Carlota Joaquina and all her daughters. In this group, two portraits have a very special way: the paintings still today catalogued as Maria Francisca and Maria Teresa, but probably being Maria Isabel and Maria Francisca de Assis - princesses that, in this year, left Brazil to marry the Spanish King Fernando VII, and his brother Carlos Maria Isidro de Bourbon. In this article, beyond to describe these portraits (and analyse the identities of the portrayed princesses), I analyse their functions in the Court society and the mains artists of this gender in Europe. I will discuss, as well, the hypothesis about the Taunay choices. In this sense, I will analyse the possible circulation of the typologies of portrait between Italy, Portugal, Spain and France, understanding these productions by Taunay and the functions occupied by these portraits in the political relations between Brazil and Europe.Nicolas-Antoine Taunay, pintor de paisagens francês, também realizou alguns retratos durante sua estadia na corte do Rio de Janeiro. Nessa cidade, em 1816, ele pinta a rainha Carlota Joaquina e todas as suas filhas. Nesse conjunto, dois retratos sobressaem-se de modo especial: os hoje ainda inventariados como de Maria Francisca e de Maria Teresa, mas que provavelmente são o de Maria Isabel e o de Maria Francisca de Assis - princesas que, nesse ano, deixavam o Brasil para casar-se, respectivamente, com Fernando VII, o rei espanhol, e com seu irmão Carlos Isidro de Bourbon. Neste artigo, além de descrevermos os retratos (e analisarmos a questão da identidade das princesas retratadas), abordamos suas funções na sociedade das cortes e os principais artistas do gênero na Europa. Discutimos, também, as hipóteses que permeiam as escolhas de Taunay para sua execução. Nesse sentido, tratamos da possível circulação de tipologias entre Itália, Portugal, Espanha e França, buscando entender a forma como Taunay os realizou e as funções que doravante tais retratos ocupariam nas relações entre o Brasil e a Europa.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESPSciEL

    Notas sobre a Carta de Veneza

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    This paper presents a critical reading of the Venice Charter, an Icomos key document, fruit of a conference held in 1964. The Charter is often quoted in Brazil but is not always properly understood. The conservation and restoration charters - especially those produced by international institutions - are documents that have an indicatory or, at the most, prescriptive character. They constitute the deontological foundation of many professionals involved in preservation, but they are not recipes for immediate use. In order to elaborate a well-founded reading of the document, its ideas must be understood in connection to the theoretical postulates of the time they were engendered and to the developments of the field. Thus this paper will examine these subjects, commenting and enlightening the Charter's articles and pointing out the origins of specific ideas. It also discusses how the Charter relates to previous documents and their theoretical foundations. This approach, based in a critical analysis, is necessary in order to reach a fuller interpretation of the Charter's indications so that they can be used in the present

    L'hôtel Le Gendre, ex-La Trémoïlle

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    Chastel André. L'hôtel Le Gendre, ex-La Trémoïlle. In: Bulletin de la Société Nationale des Antiquaires de France, 1966, 1967. pp. 90-92

    La galerie François Ier à Fontainebleau

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    Chastel André. La galerie François Ier à Fontainebleau. In: Bulletin de la Société Nationale des Antiquaires de France, 1968, 1970. pp. 186-188

    Histoire de la Renaissance

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    Chastel André. Histoire de la Renaissance. In: École pratique des hautes études. 4e section, Sciences historiques et philologiques. Annuaire 1974-1975. 1975. pp. 625-631

    Histoire de la Renaissance

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    Chastel André. Histoire de la Renaissance. In: École pratique des hautes études, Section des sciences historiques et philologiques. Annuaire 1958-1959. 1959. pp. 42-44

    Histoire de la Renaissance

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    Chastel André. Histoire de la Renaissance. In: École pratique des hautes études. 4e section, Sciences historiques et philologiques. Annuaire 1975-1976. 1976. pp. 623-627

    Histoire de la Renaissance

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    Chastel André. Histoire de la Renaissance. In: École pratique des hautes études. 4e section, Sciences historiques et philologiques. Annuaire 1972-1973. 1973. pp. 457-461