334 research outputs found

    Model Bin as a Measuring Element of Grain Pressures

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    The problems of measuring grain pressures in a grain bin are analysed. The difficulties in measurements in the past are critically studied and an attempt is made to minimise them in the present set-up. The important steps in instrumentation while fabricating and their effect on the results are indicated. The model bin with strain-gages affixed is examined for the measurement of grain pressures. Its use as a proper and convenient . measuring element is evaluated. It is found that the electric resistance strain gages for measuring the horizontal and vertical strains in the wall of a cylindrical bin are useful in observing pressure changes of the grain pressures on the wall

    Theoretical Considerations for Viscoelastic Characterization of Biomaterials

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    The mechanical properties of biomaterials need to be known and standardised before design, construction and testing of processing and handling machinery can be undertaken. Since experiments in the past have proved the viscoelastic nature of biomaterials, it is necessary to characterize them in order to ascertain their response to handling and processing. For engineering materials, the application of the theory of viscoelasticity is now quite well known,. but this is not the case for biomaterials. In the characterization of biomaterials it will be necessary to modify the basic theory in the context of the bio-effects. The theoretical considerations are discussed in this study. The various bio-engineering terms are defined and viscoelastic representation with particular emphasis on bio-creep and relaxation is described. An attempt is made to show analogy with the mechanical models and their generalization. Barreleffect for viscoelastic materials of bio-origin is outlined. The shift-factors and their significance as a material property are also included

    BCT-CS : blockchain technology applications for cyber defense and cybersecurity : a survey and solutions

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    Blockchain technology has now emerged as a ground-breaking technology with possible solutions to applications from securing smart cities to e-voting systems. Although it started as a digital currency or cryptocurrency, bitcoin, there is no doubt that blockchain is influencing and will influence business and society more in the near future. We present a comprehensive survey of how blockchain technology is applied to provide security over the web and to counter ongoing threats as well as increasing cybercrimes and cyber-attacks. During the review, we also investigate how blockchain can affect cyber data and information over the web. Our contributions included the following: (i) summarizing the Blockchain architecture and models for cybersecurity (ii) classifying and discussing recent and relevant works for cyber countermeasures using blockchain (iii) analyzing the main challenges and obstacles of blockchain technology in response to cyber defense and cybersecurity and (iv) recommendations for improvement and future research on the integration of blockchain with cyber defense. © 2022,International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications. All Rights Reserved


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    An investigation of conducting a presentation examination instead of a classical written examination method on academic and research performance of undergraduate chemistry students was performed at the University of Texas-Pan American. The results suggest that chemistry students do much better in the presentation examination compared to the written examination at the advanced organic chemistry course. But, the performances of the students in the lower level courses are mixed. However, students do much better in research work when presentation examination was conducted

    Intergranular percolation in granular YBCO/BaTiO3 composites

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    Ferroelectrics and high temperature superconductors are two promising materials for future electronic devices. Both being perovskite ceramic structures with similar crystal chemistry a set of samples were prepared from the composite of (1-x)YBa2Cu307–δ – (x)BaTiO3 (YBCO/BT). These samples were investigated with temperature dependent resistance, FTIR, X-ray diffraction and SEM-EDX analysis. It has been found that the critical exponent in the Tc0 (R = 0) region is in agreement with the percolation theory. A long-range superconducting order results from thermally assisted percolation process through weak-links between the grains. The connectivity in the coherent transition region can be explained by a power law.Annapurna Mohanta1, Dhrubananda Behera1*, Simanchalo Panigrahi1 and Naresh Chandra Mishra2 1Department of Physics, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela-769 008, Orissa, India 2Department of Physics, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar-751 004, Orissa, India E-mail : [email protected] of Physics, National Institute of Technology, Rourkela-769 008, Orissa, India Department of Physics, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar-751 004, Orissa, Indi

    A production inventory model with exponential demand rate and reverse logistics

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    The objective of this paper is to develop an integrated production inventory model for reworkable items with exponential demand rate. This is a three-layer supply chain model with perspectives of supplier, producer and retailer. Supplier delivers raw material to the producer and finished goods to the retailer. We consider perfect and imperfect quality products, product reliability and reworking of imperfect items. After screening, defective items reworked at a cost just after the regular manufacturing schedule. At the beginning, the manufacturing system starts produce perfect items, after some time the manufacturing system can undergo into “out-of-control” situation from “in-control” situation, which is controlled by reverse logistic technique. This paper deliberates the effects of business strategies like optimum order size of raw material, exponential demand rate, production rate is demand dependent, idle times and reverse logistics for an integrated marketing system. Mathematica is used to develop the optimal solution of production rate and raw material order for maximum expected average profit. A numerical example and sensitivity analysis is illustrated to validate the model

    SugarChain: Blockchain technology meets Agriculture -- The case study and analysis of the Indian sugarcane farming

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    Not only in our country and Asia, but the agriculture sector is also lagging all over the world while using new technologies and innovations. Farmers are not getting the accurate price and compensation of their products because of several reasons. The intermediate persons or say middlemen are controlling the prices and product delivery on their own. Due to lack of education, technological advancement, market knowledge, post-harvesting processes, and middleman involvement, farmers are always deprived of their actual pay and efforts. The use of blockchain technology can help such farmers to automate the process with high trust. We have presented our case study and analysis for the Indian sugarcane farming with data collected from farmers. The system implementation, testing, and result analysis has been shown based on the case study. The overall purpose of our research is to emphasize and motivate the agricultural products and benefit the farmers with the use of blockchain technology.Comment: 17 page

    Response of intercrops and nutrient management on the performance of tobacco based intercropping system and assessment of system sustainability

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    Intercropping of tobacco with garlic produced the highest total (2292 kg/ha) and first grade (1256 kg/ha) cured leaves of tobacco. In the recommended dose of respective intercrops 75% produced total and first grade cured tobacco leaves compared to 100 per cent of the recommended dose. Tobacco quality was also influenced with nutrient management. Puckering and maturity scores did not impaired up to 50 per cent application of nutrients to intercrops. Among the intercrops garlic gave the highest economic yield (1.18 t/ha) over three years on the basis of monetary gain. The highest net return (Rs 47,948 / ha) and cost benefit ratio (1:1.78) was achieved under tobacco + garlic intercropping system. Nutrient supplied at 75 percent of recommended dose provided net return (Rs 45551/ ha) and cost benefit ratio (1:1.81) equivalent to 100 per cent of recommended doses. Soil fertility was either maintained or improved due to intercropping intervention in comparison to cultivating tobacco sole. This record was migrated from the OpenDepot repository service in June, 2017 before shutting down

    Causality between Electricity Consumption & Economic growth : Empirical Evidence from India

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    In this study ,an attempt has been made to investigate causality between electricity consumption and economic growth in India by adopting Granger Engel causality model for 1960-2006 period .Test results shows that electricity consumption has positive effect on economic growth. The paper support for the reforms in power sector and indicates that electricity act as a catalyst in realizing various social and economic goals