109 research outputs found

    Optimal learning in optimal contexts : the role of self-determination in education.

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    This literature review provides an overview of education studies that have been guided by selfdetermination theory (SDT). First, the authors examine studies that have assessed motivation based on SDT. Second, the authors detail research that has focussed on the linkages between motivation types and students’ behavioural, affective, and cognitive outcomes. Third, the authors present studies on how learning contexts (parents, teachers) contribute to students’ motivational resources. The authors conclude that the motivation types proposed by SDT are important for understanding how students thrive and succeed at school. The authors also highlight the significant role played by teachers and parents in the development of student motivation. The authors conclude with a summary of the benefits of selfmotivation for learning and offer some recommendations for the field.Le présent article procure une vue d'ensemble des études sur l'éducation qui ont été guidées par la théorie de l'autodétermination. En premier lieu, nous examinons les études qui ont évalué la motivation fondée sur la théorie de l'autodétermination. Nous expliquons ensuite la recherche portant sur les liens existant entre les types de motivation et les résultats des étudiants en matière de comportement et de composantes affectives et cognitives. Nous présentons aussi les études sur les contextes d'apprentissage (parents, enseignants) qui contribuent aux ressources motivationnelles des êtudiants. Nous en déduisons que les types de motivation proposés par la théorie de l'autodétermination permettent de comprendre les éléments qui permettent aux étudiants de se démarquer et de réussir en milieu scolaire. Nous mettons aussi en relief le rôle important que jouent les enseignants et les parents dans le développement de la motivation de l'éudiant. En conclusion, nous présentons un résumé des bienfaits de l'automotivation dans le cadre de l'apprentissage et offrons quelques recommandations pertinentes au domaine en question

    Attentes de motivation et comportements différenciés de l'enseignant d'Éducation Physique et Sportive à l'égard de ses élèves : une étude en contexte naturel d'enseignement.

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    International audiencePrevious research set in both educational and sport settings has examined the relationship between, teacher's and coach's expectancies and differential behaviors issued to students and athletes. The purpose of the present study was to extend this line of research by analyzing consequences of a not much studied pre-existing expectation (i.e., non induced) – the one related to motivation – on the frequency, content, and style (i.e., controlling vs. autonomy-supportive) of interactions between PE teacher and his pupils. 144 pupils and their teachers from 7 classes were examined during physical education classes. The teacher's expectancies were assessed at the beginning of the academic cycle. Teacher-students interactions were taped and systematically coded with two instruments at 4 different occasions. Results showed that teacher's expectancies were related (1) positively to technical instruction and autonomy-supportive style, and (2) negatively to negative affective feedback and controlling style. These different dimensions could constitute important mediators of Pygmalion effect in PE.Le rôle des attentes du superviseur (e.g., enseignant d'EPS, entraîneur) sur les comportements qu'il manifeste à l'égard des supervisés (e.g., élèves, athlètes), est un thème qui a été largement appréhendé en contexte éducatif et sportif. L'objectif de cette étude est d'étendre cette ligne de recherche en analysant les conséquences d'une attente préexistante (i.e., non induite) peu étudiée – celle relative à la motivation – sur la fréquence, le contenu, et le style motivationnel (i.e., contrôlant vs. soutenant l'autonomie) des interactions qu'un enseignant d'EPS entretient avec les élèves. 144 élèves issus des 7 classes et leurs enseignants ont été observés en cours d'EPS. Les attentes de l'enseignant ont été mesurées au début de la séquence d'enseignement. Les interactions enseignant – élève ont été enregistrées durant 4 leçons, et codées à l'aide de deux instruments. Les résultats montrent que les attentes de l'enseignant sont associées (1) positivement aux informations techniques et à un style soutenant l'autonomie, et (2) négativement aux feedback affectifs négatifs et à un style contrôlant. Ces différentes dimensions pourraient constituer des médiateurs importants de l'effet Pygmalion en EPS

    Explaining the Context-Specificity of Student Motivation: A Self-Determination Theory Approach

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    Self-Determination Theory (SDT) is a theoretical framework that is useful for explaining students' behaviours, motivations, and academic outcomes in educational settings. We highlight the main premises of SDT and clarify how the context-specificity of student motivation can be explained using the Hierarchical Model of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation (HMIEM). We review findings from SDT research on within-subject processes underlying students' motivation and academic outcomes, and on between-subject differences in student motivation. Moreover, we draw attention to critical areas for future research on the context-specificity of motivation in educational settings

    Can high-intensity exercise be more pleasant?: Attentional dissociation using music and video

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    Theories suggest that external stimuli (e.g., auditory and visual) may be rendered ineffective in modulating attention when exercise intensity is high. We examined the effects of music and parkland video footage on psychological measures during and after stationary cycling at two intensities: 10% of maximal capacity below ventilatory threshold and 5% above. Participants (N = 34) were exposed to four conditions at each intensity: music only, video only, music and video, and control. Analyses revealed main effects of condition and exercise intensity for affective valence and perceived activation (p < .001), state attention (p < .05), and exercise enjoyment (p < .001). The music-only and music-and-video conditions led to the highest valence and enjoyment scores during and after exercise regardless of intensity. Findings indicate that attentional manipulations can exert a salient influence on affect and enjoyment even at intensities slightly above ventilatory threshold

    Level 0 trigger decision unit for the LHCb experiment

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    The Level-0 Decision Unit (L0DU) is the central part of the first trigger level of the LHCb detector. The L0DU receives information from the Calorimeter, Muon and Pile-Up sub-triggers, with fixed latencies, at 40 MHz via 24 high speed optical fiber links running at 1.6 Gb/s. The L0DU performs simple physics algorithm to compute the decision in order to reduce the data flow down to 1 MHz for the next trigger level and a L0Block is constructed. The processing is implemented in FPGA using a 40 MHz synchronous pipelined architecture. The algorithm can be easily configured with the Experiment Control System (ECS) without FPGA reprogramming. The L0DU is a 16 layer custom board

    The Effects of Cognitive-Affective Switching With Unpredictable Cues in Adults and Adolescents and Their Relation to “Cool” Executive Functioning and Emotion Regulation

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    The impact of emotion on executive functioning is gaining interest. It has led to the differentiation of “cool” Executive Functioning (EF) processes, such as cognitive flexibility, and “hot” EF processes, such as affective flexibility. But how does affective flexibility, the ability to switch between cognitive and affective information, vary as a function of age and sex? How does this construct relate to “cool” executive functioning and cognitive-emotion regulation processes? In this study, 266 participants, including 91 adolescents (M = 16.08, SD = 1.42 years old) and 175 adults (M = 25.69, SD = 2.17 years old), completed a cognitive–affective switching task with specific (as opposed to general) unpredictable switches, as well as measures of inhibition, attention, and cognitive-emotion coping strategies. We expected cognitive to affective switching to be more costly than affective to cognitive switching in females versus males, as well as higher switch costs in adolescents. Using linear mixed modelling, we analysed the effect of age, sex, and types of switching on reaction time. Results show that adolescents are slower switchers than adults, and demonstrate that females, although faster switchers than males, are slower when switching from cognitive to affective content than when they are switching from affective to cognitive content. Multiple regression analyses revealed age-specific associations between cognitive-affective switching and inhibition. These results converge with reported developmental and gender specificities in EF and emotion processing, respectively. Additionally, affective flexibility could relate to differences in vigilance and inhibition

    More Than Meets the Eye: The Impact of Materialism on Information Selection During Luxury Choices

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    Visual attention is an important condition for consumer decision-making. However, not much is known on individuals' determinants of this visual attention. Using eye tracking, this study investigated how psychological values (i.e., materialism) modulate visual attention to specific sources of information (i.e., product, brand and additional information) in the context of luxury consumption. Participants were asked to perform a forced-choice experiment, where products were randomly assigned with luxury and non-luxury brands (Experiment 1) and product information (Experiment 2). Experiment 1 revealed that materialism was related to relatively higher attention to luxury as opposed to non-luxury and higher choice proportion of products displayed with a luxury brand. Experiment 2 showed that when providing additional product information (e.g., regarding the material) in addition to the brand, all participants chose luxury products more often. Interestingly, choices seemed to be driven by enhanced attention to brand for participants with high levels of materialism when choosing luxury products. In contrast, choices were driven by text for participants with low levels of materialism for non-luxury products. This suggests that individuals with high levels of materialism may prefer luxury products for different reasons than individuals with low levels of materialism: while the first focus on the symbolic dimension conveyed by the brand (Experiment 1), the latter pay attention to the actual product characteristics (Experiment 2). Taken together, our results suggest that materialism as a psychological value has an impact on visual attention and information selection during decision-making in the context of luxury consumption

    A global experiment on motivating social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Finding communication strategies that effectively motivate social distancing continues to be a global public health priority during the COVID-19 pandemic. This cross-country, preregistered experiment (n = 25,718 from 89 countries) tested hypotheses concerning generalizable positive and negative outcomes of social distancing messages that promoted personal agency and reflective choices (i.e., an autonomy-supportive message) or were restrictive and shaming (i.e., a controlling message) compared with no message at all. Results partially supported experimental hypotheses in that the controlling message increased controlled motivation (a poorly internalized form of motivation relying on shame, guilt, and fear of social consequences) relative to no message. On the other hand, the autonomy-supportive message lowered feelings of defiance compared with the controlling message, but the controlling message did not differ from receiving no message at all. Unexpectedly, messages did not influence autonomous motivation (a highly internalized form of motivation relying on one’s core values) or behavioral intentions. Results supported hypothesized associations between people’s existing autonomous and controlled motivations and self-reported behavioral intentions to engage in social distancing. Controlled motivation was associated with more defiance and less long-term behavioral intention to engage in social distancing, whereas autonomous motivation was associated with less defiance and more short- and long-term intentions to social distance. Overall, this work highlights the potential harm of using shaming and pressuring language in public health communication, with implications for the current and future global health challenges