212 research outputs found

    Composition Operators on the Dirichlet Space and Related Problems

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    In this paper we investigate the following problem: when a bounded analytic function ϕ\phi on the unit disk D\mathbb{D}, fixing 0, is such that {ϕn:n=0,1,2,...}\{\phi^n : n = 0, 1, 2, . . . \} is orthogonal in D\mathbb{D}?, and consider the problem of characterizing the univalent, full self-maps of D\mathbb{D} in terms of the norm of the composition operator induced. The first problem is analogous to a celebrated question asked by W. Rudin on the Hardy space setting that was answered recently ([3] and [15]). The second problem is analogous to a problem investigated by J. Shapiro in [14] about characterization of inner functions in the setting of H2H^2.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure. See also http://webdelprofesor.ula.ve/nucleotachira/gchacon or http://webdelprofesor.ula.ve/humanidades/grchaco

    Public Debt Frontiers: The Greek Case

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    This paper attempts to quantify the maximum amount of debt that a government can sustain by itself, i.e., the limits to public indebtedness. Using a Dynamic General Equilibrium model where the government is fully characterized, we compute the steady state inverse relationship between the public debt to output ratio and the size of the government, measured as the total public expenditures to output ratio. This line is the budget constraint of a government in steady state. Calibration of the model for the Greek economy to fiscal targets reveals that, for the period just before the current recession, i.e. 2002-2006, the debt to GDP ratio was very close to the calculate limits wich depends dramatically on the interest rates. However, short after de financial crisis of 2008, sustained deficits drove the Greek economy to a point where the Greek Government crossed the debt limit where the country could only meet its debt obligations only if international investors where willing to lend. We conclude that the hight initial level of debts previous the crisis together with the rise in interest rates were the causes of the posterior debt crisis.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Public debt frontiers: The greek case

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    Las causas de la crisis de deuda Griega son otras distintas de la indisciplina fiscal. Los indicadores macroeconómicos desde el año 200 a 2006 no indicaban nada que pudiera presagiar el desastre. Causas de tipo estratégico en el manejo de la deuda parecen más razonables a la hora de explicar el fenómenoUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Economía sostenible : ¿mito o realidad?

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    El impacto económico sobre el entorno es clave a la hora de valorar los precios de un determinado bien, ya que su cantidad disminuirá y será sustituido por otro bien de menor coste. A esto se une una sostenibilidad amenazada por el aumento de la población y del uso abusivo de los recursos naturales

    Women’s Leadership in Humanitarian Settings in Central America

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    During the first-ever World Humanitarian Summit last year, the global humanitarian community was abuzz around Local Humanitarian Leadership (LHL). Concrete commitments were made and reflected in the Grand Bargain as well as in the Charter for Change, proposing initial steps at the global level for a shift in power, knowledge and resources towards local humanitarian actors.  There has never been a more appropriate time to look at women’s leadership in the humanitarian sector, particularly at the local level, as women’s leadership is also about transforming power structures and systems.We interviewed nine women leaders from Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua, from civil society organizations members of the CRGR, feminists, academics, and humanitarian managers who have successfully led emergency response teams. Through interviews with these nine highly experienced leaders, we identified the daily challenges they face in the course of their work, and how humanitarian trainings could better cater to their leadership development needs. By highlighting the perspectives of these few women leaders in Central America, we wish to develop guidance on how women’s leadership can be made more visible in humanitarian workshops and training materials, and how to make the challenges women leaders face in the humanitarian sector better understood. Despite the small number of interviews and the qualitative nature of this report, the findings may also offer insights for learning in other areas of the globe, such as Asia

    Desarrollo del cronograma y costo del saneamiento en la zona rural con biodigestores en diez localidades de la provincia de San Miguel - Cajamarca

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    El desarrollo de esta tesis está enfocada principalmente en la elaboración de una propuesta de planeación de la Gestión del cronograma y costos con el uso del PMBOK sexta edición, para la construcción de una obra de saneamiento básico con biodigestores, proyecto de saneamiento localizado en la provincia de San Miguel del departamento de Cajamarca. El proyecto consiste en la construcción de 831 unidades básico de saneamiento (letrina con arrastre hidráulico con biodigestor para el tratamiento de excretas). En la parte primera se basa en describir el problema real, donde podemos precisar que no contamos con herramientas que ayuden a llevar un control de la ejecución del Proyecto desde el inicio hasta el final. Se justifica pues mediante este estudio se va a desarrollar un plan de gestión tomando como base los conocimientos PMBOK, basados principalmente en dos conocimientos (cronograma y costo), se buscará hacer comparaciones con el método del valor ganado, realización de un cronograma mediante el Microsoft Project, esta propuesta servirá para obras similares, para que así puedan tener un mejor control en la dirección de proyectos basado en el cronograma y costos. Se tiene el Objetivo principal y secundarios que se basa principalmente en desarrollar un plan de gestión del cronograma y costos en la ejecución de la obra de saneamiento con biodigestores de la zona rural de la Provincia de San Miguel. El marco teórico está desarrollado a través de los conocimientos del PMBOK. Por último, la metodología a usar será mediante el levantamiento de información en las 10 localidades donde se ejecutó la obra y análisis documental Bibliográfico sobre Project Management Institute (PMBOK). Finalmente, el proyecto nos conduce a una optimización del trabajo, sin afectar la rentabilidad del proyecto el tiempo de ejecución la obra, cumpliendo con los requisitos de buena Gestión de Proyectos.The development of this thesis is mainly focused on the elaboration of a planning proposal for the management of the schedule and costs with the use of the sixth edition PMBOK, for the construction of a basic sanitation work with biodigesters, a sanitation project located in the province from San Miguel of the department of Cajamarca. The project involves the construction of 831 basic sanitation units (latrine with hydraulic drag with biodigester for excreta treatment). In the first part it is based on describing the real problem, where we can specify that we do not have tools that help to keep track of the execution of the Project from the beginning to the end. It is justified because through this study a management plan will be developed based on PMBOK knowledge, based mainly on two knowledge (schedule and cost), it will seek to make comparisons with the method of earned value, making a schedule through Microsoft Project, this proposal will serve for similar works, so that they can have better control in the direction of projects based on the schedule and costs. The main and secondary Objective is based, which is mainly based on developing a schedule of management of the schedule and costs in the execution of the sanitation work with biodigesters in the rural area of the Province of San Miguel. The theoretical framework is developed through the knowledge of PMBOK. Finally, the methodology to be used will be through the collection of information in the 10 locations where the work was carried out and Bibliographic documentary analysis on Project Management Institute (PMBOK). Finally, the project leads us to an optimization of the work, without affecting the profitability of the project the execution time of the work, complying with the requirements of good Project Management.Tesi

    RNA-binding protein Elavl1/HuR is required for maintenance of cranial neural crest specification

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    Neural crest development is transcriptionally controlled via sequential activation of gene regulatory networks (GRNs). Recent evidence increasingly implicates a role for post-transcriptional regulation in modulating the output of these regulatory circuits. Using RNA-sequencing data from avian embryos to identify potential post-transcriptional regulators, we observed enrichment during early neural crest development of Elavl1, which encodes for the RNA-binding protein HuR. Immunohistochemical analyses revealed expression of HuR following establishment of the neural plate border. Perturbation of HuR resulted in premature neural crest delamination from the neural tube as well as significant reduction in transcripts associated with the neural crest specification GRN (Axud1 and FoxD3), phenotypes also observed with downregulation of the canonical Wnt inhibitor Draxin. RNA pulldown further shows that Draxin is a specific target of HuR. Importantly, overexpression of exogenous Draxin was able to rescue the cranial neural crest specification defects observed with HuR knockdown. Thus, HuR plays a critical a role in the maintenance of cranial neural crest specification, at least partially via Draxin mRNA stabilization. Together, these data highlight an important intersection of post-transcriptional regulation with modulation of the neural crest specification GRN