733 research outputs found

    Criminal Procedure—Supreme Court Narrows Scope of Summary Procedures in Federal Criminal Contempt Convictions

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    Under its power to supervise the administration of justice in the federal courts, the Supreme Court has severely circumscribed the use of summary proceedings to punish for contempt of court

    Klinische erfahrungen und angiomyographische Kontrolle mit einem neuen Glutisal-buton-versuchspraparat

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    Die Autoren haben uber ihre Erfahrungen mit dem neuen Glutisal- Versuchspraparat - einer Kombination von Salicylamid und Dimethyl- aminophenyldimethylpyrazolon im Zusammenhang mit der Behandlung von 350 Patienten berichtet. Es wurden vor und wahrend der Behandlung instrumentell die Schmerzempfindlichkeit, die Funktion der quergestreiften Muskulatur (Tonus und Kontraktionsamplitude), Kreislauf, Nerven- und Gelenkfunk· tion mit dem Myotonometer und Angioneuromyographen (nach SZIRMAI), Oszillometer, Oszillographen, Angiometer registriert. Es wurde die Harn- saureausscheidung bei Gichtfallen registriert. Die Autoren fanden, da&#946; das Praparat die Erkaltungen, verschiedene rheumatische Erkrankungen sowie Gicht gunstig beeinflusst. Die Vertra- glichkeit war sehr gut.</p

    LÄnghorningar i mindre hackspetthabitat : en feromonbaserad inventering av lÄnghorningar i södra Sverige

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    The understanding of species’ ecology and their trophic interactions, are crucial in the work of conservation. A population decline in a predatory species may be a result of a decline in their food source, a trophic level down. Then an understanding of why the predator’s food source has declined is needed, to be able to pinpoint conservation actions. In Swedish forests one such trophic interaction is between dead wood, saproxylic insects and woodpeckers. Modern forestry of clear cuttings and monoculture plantations of coniferous trees, has changed many Swedish forests to be less diverse in tree species, age classes of trees, types of dead wood, denser and hence also deficits in dead deciduous wood. As a result, insects in Swedish forests have declined. Most longhorn beetle species (Cerambycidae) larvae are saproxylic and have different niches. Niches such as specific host trees, age classes of trees, types of wood and different succession stages of decomposed dead wood. Of the 118 species of longhorn beetles in Sweden, 46 were red listed in the 2020 Swedish red list evaluation. Lesser spotted woodpecker (Dryobates minor) is a small woodpecker preferring open broadleaf forests. Between 1975-1991 the Swedish population decreased by approximately 50% and today D. minor is classified as Near Threatened, according to the 2020 Swedish red list evaluation. Studies in southern Sweden have shown that the most important factor influencing reproduction success in D. minor is the prey density several weeks to months before breeding. During that time they feed on wood living insect larvae, mainly in dead thin twigs on living deciduous trees. Longhorn beetle larvae and pupae are probably the most important food source. In order to understand why D. minor is threatened, their food source has to be understood as well. In this study I used pheromone traps to monitor longhorn beetles in 34 areas between May-July, in the counties of SkĂ„ne, Blekinge, SmĂ„land and VĂ€stergötland in southern Sweden. Pheromone-based trapping is an effective method to monitor otherwise elusive species and in this study pheromone blends attracting mainly Pyrrhidium sanguineum, Phymatodes testaceus, Poecilium alni and Plagionotus arcuatus were used. The areas monitored in this study, had been inventoried 2019-2020 by “project lesser spotted woodpecker at Lund University”, giving occurrence information about D. minor. In this study I found no differences in longhorn beetle abundance or longhorn beetle biodiversity between areas inhabited or uninhabited by D. minor. Hence, no evidence was found that D. minor habitat choice depend on the longhorn beetles studied. A strong positive association was, however, seen between P. sanguineum and P. alni and large dissimilarities between P. testaceus and P. alni as well as between P. sanguineum and Anaglyptus mysticus. These associations between the species could perhaps be used in future identification of indicator species. I also found a negative correlation between the biodiversity of longhorn beetles and increasing latitudes, but the factors affecting longhorn beetles are not clear. Lastly, several new localities with red listed species were found and my findings suggest that P. sanguineum, P. alni and perhaps also A. mysticus distributions are underestimated

    Exp&#233;riments h&#233;matologiques nucl&#233;aires complementaires apr&#233;s irradiation totale

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    Les auteurs out effectue apr&#232;s une irradiation totale de 1200r de rats blancs des deux sexes des examens h&#233;matologiques &#224; la suite d'irradiations ainsi que des examens physiologiques et des contr&#244;les. Ils n'ont observe de modification importante des facteurs coagulants qu'au troisieme jour; cette modification &#233;tait maximum avant la mort, c'est-&#224;-dire au stade terminal. Les temps de coagulation naturelle ont beaucoup diminu&#233;, de m&#234;me que ceux de la thrombine et ceux de la thrombine avec le bleu de toluidine, c'est-&#224;-dire que l'h&#233;parine lib&#233;r&#233;e ( = antithrombine semblable &#224; l'h&#233;parine) a diminue. Pour les facteurs V et VII et en particulier pour la prothrombine on a observe un fort accroissement de la concentration. Les auteurs pensent que ceci est explicable par le fait que la d&#233;composition des tissus pendant l'irradiation entraine la lib&#233;ration de kinase et d'autres activateurs dans la circulation sanguine, ce qui provoque une anoxemie des tissus. D'autres exp&#233;riences sont en cours en collaboration avec de nombreux sp&#233;cialistes et instituts.</p

    UtvÀrdering av reproduktiv prestationsförmÄga och pÄverkande skötselfaktorer hos mjölkkor hÄllna i smÄskalig produktion i Tadjikistan

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    Tajikistan is classed as a lower-middle-income country with 1/3 of its population living in poverty, facing several challenges restraining its development. One contributing factor of restraining the development is the low level of income – individually and nationally. Agriculture constitutes a substantial percentage of the GDP of Tajikistan, and dairy production is important for the agricultural economic gain of the country. However, 95% of the dairy cows are held under smallholder conditions and dairy production levels are low in Tajikistan, both compared to high-income and neighbouring countries. With reproductive performance being a main pillar of a high-yielding dairy production, studies aiming at evaluating and improving reproductive performance would inarguably be beneficial to increase production in the country. No such studies have, to the author’s knowledge, previously been conducted in Tajikistan. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the reproductive- performance and management of smallholder dairy cows in Tajikistan. 70 farms and 88 individual cows were included in the study, distributed in 5 different districts around the capital Dushanbe. The study was performed by 1) interviewing the farmers regarding management routines with possible effects on reproduction and 2) performing a clinical evaluation on individual cows to assess the reproductive performance and occurrence of clinical disorders possibly affecting it. This clinical evaluation consisted of a reproductive and general anamnesis, a general observation of 6 parameters including Body Condition Scores (BCS), examination of the udder and milk, vaginal inspection and rectal palpation. If needed cow-side milk-progesterone test was also performed. The criteria to be included in the study was to have a farm with <20 dairy cows and for examined animals to be female cows with a history of ≄1 calf and ≄20 days postpartum. Results showed that the reproductive performance was affected with the most prominent challenge being a high proportion of cows with prolonged days open, leading to a prolonged calving interval and consequently production and economic losses. Prolonged days open was seen both in cows with a healthy, cyclic reproductive tract and in cows with the reproductive disorder of dominance: anoestrous. The general health of the cows was good with few overt signs of clinical disease. However, a majority of the cows had an abnormally low BCS and the cows with BCS 1 were significantly (p<0.009) less likely to be pregnant that cows with BCS 3. There was also a substantial mismatch regarding anamnestic statements and subsequent clinical findings, indicating possible gaps in management. In deed, interview answers revealed several basic management factors possibly contributing to the reduced performance and anoestrous. In conclusion, a reproductive inefficiency seems to be evident in the investigated cows in Tajikistan, leaving room for improvement in the management factors that may contribute to its existence. Improvement could lead to productive, nutritional and socioeconomic gains. However, the means to implement improvement need further investigation - even if the current results contain clues as to where one might start.Tadjikistan Ă€r klassificerat som ett lĂ„g-medelinkomst land med en befolkning dĂ€r 1/3 lever i fattigdom och landet stĂ„r inför flera utmaningar för att kunna utvecklas. En bidragande faktor som hĂ€mmar utvecklingen Ă€r den lĂ„ga inkomst-nivĂ„n, bĂ„de pĂ„ individuell och nationell nivĂ„. Jordbruket utgör en vĂ€sentlig andel av Tadjikistans BNP, dĂ€r boskapshĂ„llning och mjölkproduktion i stor utstrĂ€ckning bidrar till jordbrukets ekonomiska vinning. Trots det upptar smĂ„skaliga gĂ„rdar 95 % av jordbruket i landet och produktionsnivĂ„erna Ă€r lĂ„ga – bĂ„de i jĂ€mförelse med höginkomstlĂ€nder och grannlĂ€nder. En viktig grundförutsĂ€ttning för en effektiv mjölkproduktion Ă€r en fungerande reproduktion och studier med mĂ„l att utvĂ€rdera och förbĂ€ttra reproduktionen hos mjölkkorna vore fördelaktiga för att öka produktionen i landet. Inga sĂ„dana studier har, i författarens vetskap, utförts tidigare i Tadjikistan. DĂ€rför var mĂ„let med denna studie att utvĂ€rdera den reproduktiva prestationsförmĂ„gan och skötselfaktorer som kan pĂ„verka denna hos mjölkkor i smĂ„skalig produktion i Tadjikistan. 70 gĂ„rdar och 88 individuella kor frĂ„n 5 olika distrikt runt huvudstaden Dushanbe inkluderades i studien. Den genomfördes genom att 1) intervjua lantbrukarna angĂ„ende skötselfaktorer som kan pĂ„verka reproduktionen och 2) kliniskt utvĂ€rdera individuella kor angĂ„ende den reproduktiva prestationsförmĂ„gan samt förekomsten av kliniska störningar som kan pĂ„verka den. Den kliniska utvĂ€rderingen bestod av en generell samt en reproduktionsinriktad anamnes, en allmĂ€n observation av 6 olika parametrar inklusive Body Condition Score (BCS), undersökning av juver och mjölk, yttre inspektion av vagina och rektal palpation. Vid behov gjordes Ă€ven ett progesteronprov frĂ„n mjölken. För att inkluderas i studien krĂ€vdes att gĂ„rden hade <20 mjölkkor och att undersökta djur, förutom att vara honor, Ă€ven haft ≄1 kalv och var ≄20 dagar postpartum. Resultaten visade en pĂ„verkad reproduktiv prestationsförmĂ„ga, dĂ€r frĂ€msta utmaningen var att en stor andel av korna hade ett förlĂ€ngt intervall mellan kalvning och nĂ€sta drĂ€ktighet. Det leder oundvikligen till ett förlĂ€ngt kalvningsintervall med bĂ„de ekonomiska och produktionsmĂ€ssiga förluster som konsekvens. Det förlĂ€ngda intervallet mellan kalvning och drĂ€ktighet sĂ„gs bĂ„de hos korna som var kliniskt friska med en normal cyklicitet och hos korna som hade den dominerande reproduktionsstörningen i studien: anöstrus. Kornas generella hĂ€lsa visade fĂ„ kliniska tecken pĂ„ sjukdom. DĂ€remot hade en majoritet av korna onormalt lĂ„ga BCS och kor med BCS 1 hade en signifikant (p<0,009) lĂ€gre sannolikhet att vara drĂ€ktiga Ă€n kor med BCS 3. Dessutom visades att anamnestiska uppgifter frĂ„n lantbrukaren ofta inte stĂ€mde överens med pĂ„följande kliniska fynd, vilket skulle kunna peka pĂ„ brister i skötselrutinerna. I enlighet med detta visade intervjuerna brister i flera grundlĂ€ggande skötselfaktorer som potentiellt kan bidra till den pĂ„verkade reproduktiva prestationsförmĂ„gan och prevalensen av anöstrus. Sammanfattningsvis verkar det finnas en ineffektivitet i reproduktionen hos korna i Tadjikistan, dĂ€r flera pĂ„visade skötselfaktorer kan vara en del av förklaringen och skulle kunna förbĂ€ttras. En effektivare reproduktion vore positiv dĂ„ det kan leda till ökade produktionsnivĂ„er, förbĂ€ttrade socio-ekonomiska faktorer och bĂ€ttre livsmedelsproduktion. Hur man bĂ€st gĂ„r tillvĂ€ga för att nĂ„ en sĂ„dan förbĂ€ttring krĂ€ver vidare undersökningar, Ă€ven om dessa resultat kan ge ledtrĂ„dar i var man kan pĂ„börja arbetet

    Dopamins roll i aptitreglering – vad vet vi om djurslaget hund?

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    Syftet med denna studie Ă€r att titta pĂ„ det vi vet om dopamins roll i aptitreglering idag, bĂ„de generellt och med ett veterinĂ€rmedicinskt intresse specifikt pĂ„ hund. Dopamin Ă€r transmittorsubstans i flera nervbanor i hjĂ€rnan och dess frisĂ€ttning har traditionellt kopplats starkt till att positivt förstĂ€rka nyttosamma upplevelser eller handlingar i det som kallas kroppens ”belöningssystem”. I relation till föda och födorelaterade beteenden har man dock pĂ„ senare tid sett att dopamin har en bredare betydelse Ă€n att enbart förstĂ€rka sjĂ€lva födointaget. I litteraturen syns dĂ€rför ett fokusskifte mot ett vidare perspektiv med hĂ€nsyn till dopamins alla, nu kĂ€nda roller – nĂ„got som vĂ€ckt insikten om det dopaminerga systemets komplexitet och frĂ„gan om det ens Ă€r möjligt att fĂ„ en helhetsbild över alla dess funktioner. Denna litteraturstudie har undersökt delar av ett stort litteraturmaterial fram tills idag och konkluderar att trots mycket forskning Ă€r dopamins exakta funktioner i aptitregleringen fortfarande inte klarlagda utan det verkar fortfarande rĂ„da ovisshet och oenigheter. Den generella bilden Ă€r att dopamin inte anses viktigt för att ett djur ska kunna konsumera föda, utan dopamins essentiella roll ligger i att skapa förutsĂ€ttningar som ser till att ett djur faktiskt nĂ„r sin föda; att kunna lĂ€ra sig vilka olika stimuli som indikerar föda, att associera en viss handling till att nĂ„ sitt mĂ„l, att motivation finns för att söka efter eller jobba för att nĂ„ föda, att omvandla en tanke till motorisk handling eller för den delen delta i kommunikationen mellan olika, relevanta hjĂ€rnomrĂ„den. Dopamin verkar dessutom viktigt för att vĂ€rdera olika typer av föda, att skapa en drivkraft att jobba för det ”bĂ€ttre” alternativet i en situation dĂ€r det finns flera möjliga alternativ och att göra djuret berett att vĂ€lja den godare eller nĂ€ringsrikare men mer svĂ„rtillgĂ€ngliga födan. Specifikt pĂ„ hund Ă€r forskningen knapphĂ€ndig och fĂ„ slutsatser kan dras dĂ€rifrĂ„n utöver den generella tesen. Det verkar finnas bĂ„de likheter och olikheter mellan mĂ€nniskans och hundens dopaminerga system och utifrĂ„n det skulle man behöva titta nĂ€rmare pĂ„ vart eller vad det Ă€r som skiljer sig. Det vore viktigt att veta vad som skiljer sig ur ett kliniskt perspektiv eftersom hunden delar mĂ€nniskans vardag och patologiska tillstĂ„nd som ses hos mĂ€nniska Ă„terspeglas i allt större grad hos vĂ„ra husdjur. Dopamin har exempelvis sammankopplats med det överintag av föda i samband med en fett- eller sockerrik diet som tros ligga till grund för fetma - ett ökande problem hos sĂ€llskapsdjur som hund. Det Ă€r den kliniska potentialen inom bĂ„de human- och djurhĂ€lsovĂ„rden som driver forskningen om dopaminsystemet framĂ„t, Ă€ven om en förstĂ„else för hela systemet verkar svĂ„rt att nĂ„ med dagens metoder.The purpose of this study is to examine the current knowledge of what role dopamine plays in appetite control; both generally and from a veterinary perspective regarding the domestic dog. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter in several different neural circuits and its synaptic release is traditionally associated with the positive reinforcement of beneficial experiences or actions in the brains so called “reward” system. However, up to date research reveals that when it comes to food and food related behavior dopamine seems to have a broader significance than being a plain reward of feeding – forcing a shift of focus in the recent literature towards widening the perspective and taking all the possible roles of dopamine into consideration. As an effect this has led to the realization of how complex the dopaminergic system is and raised the question of whether it is possible to ever fully understand it. This study reviews parts of an immense research material and concludes that in spite of the amount of research made the exact functions of dopamine in appetite control remains unclear. Anyhow, the general opinion according to the studied material is to exclude the idea of dopamine being important for an animal to consume food. Instead dopamine is important in creating conditions for an animal’s ability to actually reach the food; the capacity of learning which stimuli that indicates food, associating a certain action with reaching the aimed goal, creating motivation to seek or work for food, translating a thought to motor action or participating in the communication between relevant regions of the brain. In addition, dopamine seems to make it possible for animals to differentiate between foods when there is more than one alternative by adding a value to each food. In this way dopamine creates a drive that makes the animal prepared to work for the more valuable (e.g. tastier or more nutritional) alternative even if it is harder to reach. When it comes to specific studies regarding dogs the research is parsimonious and few conclusions can be made beyond the general hypothesis. Both similarities and differences have been observed between the human and dog dopaminergic systems. Therefore more research is needed to understand in a more exact way where, or in what sense, the two species differ. From a clinical perspective it is important to understand the differences since the domestic dog increasingly shares the human everyday life, and pathological conditions seen in humans are mirrored in our pets. One example is obesity, where dopamine has recently been connected with the over intake of food occurring in alliance with a poor diet containing too much sugar or fat. Obesity is a growing health issue in humans, but also in pets such as dogs. The clinical potential of dopamine in both human- and animal healthcare motivates further research, even though understanding the complete picture seems difficult with the methods existing today

    Forehead Skin Blood Flow in Normal Neonates during Active and Quiet Sleep, Measured with a Diode Laser Doppler Instrument

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    Changes in forehead skin blood flow during active and quiet sleep were determined in 16 healthy neonates using a recently developed semi-conductor laser Doppler flow meter without light conducting fibres. Measurements were carried out at a postnatal age varying from 5 hours to 7 days. The two sleep states could be distinguished in 17 recordings. The mean skin blood flow values during active sleep were significantly higher (p<0.01) than those during quiet sleep, the mean increase being 28.1%. The variability of the flow signal, expressed as the coefficient of variation, changed significantly from 23.1% during active sleep to 18.2% during quiet sleep

    Sjuksköterskans roll vid livsstilsrÄdgivning till patienter med hypertoni.

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