14 research outputs found

    Energy feeding strategies to shorten the postpartum anoestrous in grazing dairy cows

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    A prolonged postpartum anoestrus (PPA) is related to a low reproductive efficiency in dairy farms, independently of the calving pattern or feeding system. Postpartum luteal activity resumption is coincident with the onset of lactation when the cow is in negative energy balance, which depending on its magnitude could alter the hypothalamus – pituitary – ovary axis of the animal and prolong the PAA. In this article, some results from experiments that manipulated nutrition as a strategy to shorten the PPA, with emphasis in grazing systems, are briefly reviewed. Available information suggests that manipulation of the level and source of dietary energy are promising tools to reduce the length of the PPA in grazing dairy cows and increase the reproductive efficiency in dairy farms

    Comparison of two methods of progesterone application in a fixed time artificial insemination protocol in beef cows

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    Two experiments were conducted at two commercial farms to compare pregnancy rates of nulliparous (n = 178) and primiparous (n = 130; Farm 1), and multiparous (n = 161; Farm 2) Aberdeen Angus cows, when 200 mg s-c of injectable oil-based progesterone (MAD-4) or a 558 mg progesterone releasing intravaginal device (DIV) were used in a fixed time artificial insemination protocol based on estradiol benzoate (EB), prostaglandin (PG), equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). Primiparous and multiparous cows were weaned 30 d before treatment (60–90 d postpartum). The ovarian status was determined by rectal palpation and the animals classified as cycling or in superficial anoestrus or deep anoestrus. The P4 source affected (P<0.0001) the pregnancy rate of primiparous and multiparous cows, but not that of nulliparous cows (Farm 1: Nulliparous: 51% and 42%; Primiparous: 42% and 10%, DIV and MAD-4, respectively, with a treatment x category interaction (P = 0.0056). Farm 2: DIV: 51% vs. MAD4: 9%, P=0.0001). Independently of the hormonal treatment, the ovarian status influenced pregnancy rates (P<0.0001), cycling cows showed the highest value and cows in deep anoestrus the lowest. No significant treatment x ovarian status interaction was found. It is concluded that replacing the DIV by MAD-4 decreased pregnancy rate of primiparous and multiparous cows, but not that of nulliparous ones

    Effect of cow parity and synchronization method with PGF2α on conception rates of Bos indicus cows in Cameroon

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of two synchronization methods with prostaglandins F2α (PGF2α) on heifers and multiparous cows. Fourty-three Bos indicus cows (white and Red Fulani) were divided into four groups in a two-by-two factorial structure, parity x method of synchronization. The synchronization methods consisted of a two-dose regime which involved injection of animals on day 0 with PGF2α (Lutalyse) at 5 ml per cow intramuscularly. On day 11, the injection was repeated at the same dosage. On day 14 (72 h after the second injection), a fixed-time artificial insemination (AI) was done. On day 15 (96 h after the second injection), a second insemination was done. The one-and-a-half-dose regime consisted of an injection similar to the first treatment mentioned above on day 0. Thereafter, cows were observed for heat, and anyone showing heat was inseminated. A second dose was given on day 11 to all animals not having shown any heat. A fixed-time AI was done on days 14 and 15. Blood samples were collected on the day 0 of insemination for each cow while day 11 and day 21 after insemination. Progesterone was analysed by means of standard ELISA progesterone kits to determine its profiles after insemination. Results show no evidence of the effect of treatments on conception rates (P>0.05). Similarly, heifers and multiparous cows had similar conception rates (P>0.05). Between 3 weeks and 3 months of pregnancy, there was a loss of embryos of 28 % in heifers and 20 % in multiparous cows, but the difference between the two groups was not significant (P>0.05). It recommended that farmers do not synchronize animals with poor body condition score (BCS). They should also monitor weight gains of heifers, remove them from the herd when they have been mixed with young growing bulls and put them in a breeding herd. The two-dose regime is better to be used in areas where the inseminator cannot easily be available.http://link.springer.com/journal/112502016-01-31hb201

    Effect of pre-partum feed supplementation on post-partum ovarian activity, milk production and calf growth of small holder dairy cattle in Cameroon

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    Seventy-two cows were selected for an on-farm study on the effect of feed supplementation before calving on milk production, ovarian activity and calf growth of Holstein, indigenous Red Fulani cows and their crosses. Prepartum feed supplementation was done using cotton seed cake (80 %), maize (18 %), bone meal (1 %) and kitchen salt (1 % NaCl). Supplementation levels consisted of a low supplementation fed at 1 kg per animal per day and high supplementation fed at 2 kg per animal per day. In addition, Red Fulani cows received the supplements in two different ways namely a prepartum supplementation consisting of 1 kg per cow per day and pre- and post-partum supplementation consisting of 1 kg per cow per day before calving and 1 kg per cow per day postpartum up to 30 days after calving. Blood samples were analysed using ELISA Progesterone kits to determine the length of post-partum anoestrus. Results show that prepartum levels of feeding did not have any effect (P>0.05) on body condition score (BCS) at 12 weeks after calving, calf birth weight, average daily weight gain of calves, milk production and post-partum anoestrus. High BCS at calving was shown to influence BCS at 12 weeks of lactation. Holstein cows had bigger calves (P<0.01) at birth (45 kg) compared to traditional cows (36 kg) and crosses (34 kg). There was little benefit of pre-partum supplementation on the parameters investigated in this study. Consequently, low income farmers are advised to concentrate their efforts of supplementation early in lactation.The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the African Development Bank.http://link.springer.com/journal/112502015-10-30hj201

    Lying Postures of Dairy Cows in Cubicles and on Pasture

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    Cows housed indoors with cubicles are probably more restricted in their choice of lying posture and orientation compared with cows housed on pasture. We therefore compared lying postures on pasture in Uruguay and the Netherlands with lying postures in cubicles in the Netherlands, also recording orientation on pasture in Uruguay and divider and bedding type in Dutch cubicles. We visited one farm with four herds in Uruguay, doing live observations, and 25 Dutch farms, taking pictures of cows. Observations of 205 cows on pasture in Uruguay showed more long postures, lying on their belly with their neck stretched. Two herds preferred lying towards north and south, while one herd preferred west and east. Pictures of 217 cows on pasture in the Netherlands showed more wide postures (lying on the side with three or four legs stretched out). Pictures of 527 cows in cubicles in the Netherlands showed more narrow postures (lying on the side with hind legs folded). More long postures (lying on the belly with a stretched neck) and less short postures (lying with the head folded back) were seen in cubicles with soft floors and English dividers; more narrow postures were seen in cubicles with concrete floors. Wide postures were seen more in cubicles with mattresses and free-hanging dividers. We conclude that since cows in cubicles show more narrow postures than on pasture and cannot choose their orientation, their choice in showing preferred behavior is restricted. More research is needed to study the consequences of restricted choice in lying behavior on the health and welfare of dairy cows

    Lying Postures of Dairy Cows in Cubicles and on Pasture

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    Cows housed indoors with cubicles are probably more restricted in their choice of lying posture and orientation compared with cows housed on pasture. We therefore compared lying postures on pasture in Uruguay and the Netherlands with lying postures in cubicles in the Netherlands, also recording orientation on pasture in Uruguay and divider and bedding type in Dutch cubicles. We visited one farm with four herds in Uruguay, doing live observations, and 25 Dutch farms, taking pictures of cows. Observations of 205 cows on pasture in Uruguay showed more long postures, lying on their belly with their neck stretched. Two herds preferred lying towards north and south, while one herd preferred west and east. Pictures of 217 cows on pasture in the Netherlands showed more wide postures (lying on the side with three or four legs stretched out). Pictures of 527 cows in cubicles in the Netherlands showed more narrow postures (lying on the side with hind legs folded). More long postures (lying on the belly with a stretched neck) and less short postures (lying with the head folded back) were seen in cubicles with soft floors and English dividers; more narrow postures were seen in cubicles with concrete floors. Wide postures were seen more in cubicles with mattresses and free-hanging dividers. We conclude that since cows in cubicles show more narrow postures than on pasture and cannot choose their orientation, their choice in showing preferred behavior is restricted. More research is needed to study the consequences of restricted choice in lying behavior on the health and welfare of dairy cows

    Libro de Resumenes del 1er. Congreso Internacional de Veterinaria, el 4to Congreso Nacional de Veterinaria, el 9no. Congreso Nacional de SUVEPA, las 22das Jornadas Veterinarias de Maldonado, y las 9nas. Jornadas Técnicas de la Facultad de Veterinaria

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    Para la Sociedad de Medicina Veterinaria del Uruguay, conjuntamente con SUVEPA y el Centro Medico Veterinario de Maldonado, representa una enorme satisfacción, anunciarles hoy, la realización del 1er. Congreso Internacional de Veterinaria, el 4to Congreso Nacional de Veterinaria, el 9no. Congreso Nacional de SUVEPA, las 22das Jornadas Veterinarias de Maldonado, y las 9nas. Jornadas Técnicas de la Facultad de Veterinaria, que se desarrollarán entre el 21 y el 23 de noviembre, en el Centro de Convenciones del LATU. Enorme satisfacción decíamos, porque es con legitimo orgullo, que comprobamos que la profesión veterinaria nacional, continua avanzando y desarrollándose. Estamos convencidos que del trabajo diario y abnegado de todos y cada uno de los veterinarios, a lo largo y ancho de nuestro país, dependen en gran medida, muchos de los importantes logros que nos distinguen diferencialmente en el mundo entero. Pero no es suficiente, el proceso de mejora continua con el que estamos comprometidos, exige de nosotros mantenernos en capacitación permanente, desarrollando nuestras orientaciones, y en definitiva construyendo, aplicando y difundiendo conocimiento como parte del compromiso ético asumido con la sociedad en su conjunto. Estos eventos que anunciamos, son hitos muy importantes en ese proceso de crecimiento profesional y personal, y esperamos sean catalizadores de las demandas de toda una profesión. Dr. Ramiro Díaz Presidente de la SMV

    Avances en el conocimiento de la vaca lechera durante el período de transición en Uruguay : Un enfoque multidisciplinario

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    La transición del estado preñada no lactante al no preñado lactante es un período de cambios drásticos para la vaca, la cual debe adaptar su metabolismo a las fuertes exigencias que le demanda la producción. Del equilibrio con que la vaca resuelva este proceso dependerá la capacidad de maximizar la producción y la calidad de la leche, de evitar enfermedades metabólicas y asegurar la siguiente preñez. La mejora nutricional, la selección genética y el manejo animal han aumentado la producción de leche en las últimas décadas, y esto se asocia a una disminución del desempeño reproductivo y al aumento de problemas sanitarios. Esta revisión resume trabajos realizados en los últimos años en Uruguay, enfatizando en el manejo diferencial de nutrientes, la respuesta en comportamiento ingestivo, los mecanismos endocrino-moleculares de la partición de nutrientes y su relación con la fertilidad en vacas lecheras. Se reportan experimentos que estudian la eficiencia productiva de diferentes biotipos lecheros y razas. Se describen trabajos en salud que identifican el período de transición como período de riesgo a enfermedades metabólicas, infecto-contagiosas y traumáticas. Se concluye que los estudios integrados en problemas de relevancia nacional es la respuesta necesaria a sistemas biológicos complejos como lo es la vaca lechera durante el período de transición en pastoreo