16 research outputs found

    Epidemiological patterns of asbestos exposure and spatial clusters of incident cases of malignant mesothelioma from the Italian national registry.

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    BACKGROUND: Previous ecological spatial studies of malignant mesothelioma cases, mostly based on mortality data, lack reliable data on individual exposure to asbestos, thus failing to assess the contribution of different occupational and environmental sources in the determination of risk excess in specific areas. This study aims to identify territorial clusters of malignant mesothelioma through a Bayesian spatial analysis and to characterize them by the integrated use of asbestos exposure information retrieved from the Italian national mesothelioma registry (ReNaM). METHODS: In the period 1993 to 2008, 15,322 incident cases of all-site malignant mesothelioma were recorded and 11,852 occupational, residential and familial histories were obtained by individual interviews. Observed cases were assigned to the municipality of residence at the time of diagnosis and compared to those expected based on the age-specific rates of the respective geographical area. A spatial cluster analysis was performed for each area applying a Bayesian hierarchical model. Information about modalities and economic sectors of asbestos exposure was analyzed for each cluster. RESULTS: Thirty-two clusters of malignant mesothelioma were identified and characterized using the exposure data. Asbestos cement manufacturing industries and shipbuilding and repair facilities represented the main sources of asbestos exposure, but a major contribution to asbestos exposure was also provided by sectors with no direct use of asbestos, such as non-asbestos textile industries, metal engineering and construction. A high proportion of cases with environmental exposure was found in clusters where asbestos cement plants were located or a natural source of asbestos (or asbestos-like) fibers was identifiable. Differences in type and sources of exposure can also explain the varying percentage of cases occurring in women among clusters. CONCLUSIONS: Our study demonstrates shared exposure patterns in territorial clusters of malignant mesothelioma due to single or multiple industrial sources, with major implications for public health policies, health surveillance, compensation procedures and site remediation programs

    Sudden Unexpected Deaths and Vaccinations during the First Two Years of Life in Italy: A Case Series Study

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    Background The signal of an association between vaccination in the second year of life with a hexavalent vaccine and sudden unexpected deaths (SUD) in the two days following vaccination was reported in Germany in 2003. A study to establish whether the immunisation with hexavalent vaccines increased the short term risk of SUD in infants was conducted in Italy. Methodology/Principal Findings The reference population comprises around 3 million infants vaccinated in Italy in the study period 1999–2004 (1.5 million received hexavalent vaccines). Events of SUD in infants aged 1–23 months were identified through the death certificates. Vaccination history was retrieved from immunisation registries. Association between immunisation and death was assessed adopting a case series design focusing on the risk periods 0–1, 0–7, and 0–14 days after immunisation. Among the 604 infants who died of SUD, 244 (40%) had received at least one vaccination. Four deaths occurred within two days from vaccination with the hexavalent vaccines (RR = 1.5; 95% CI 0.6 to 4.2). The RRs for the risk periods 0–7 and 0–14 were 2.0 (95% CI 1.2 to 3.5) and 1.5 (95% CI 0.9 to 2.4). The increased risk was limited to the first dose (RR = 2.2; 95% CI 1.1 to 4.4), whereas no increase was observed for the second and third doses combined. Conclusions The RRs of SUD for any vaccines and any risk periods, even when greater than 1, were almost an order of magnitude lower than the estimates in Germany. The limited increase in RRs found in Italy appears confined to the first dose and may be partly explained by a residual uncontrolled confounding effect of age

    Epidemiological patterns of asbestos exposure and spatial clusters of incident cases of malignant mesothelioma from the Italian national registry

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    Abstract BACKGROUND: Previous ecological spatial studies of malignant mesothelioma cases, mostly based on mortality data, lack reliable data on individual exposure to asbestos, thus failing to assess the contribution of different occupational and environmental sources in the determination of risk excess in specific areas. This study aims to identify territorial clusters of malignant mesothelioma through a Bayesian spatial analysis and to characterize them by the integrated use of asbestos exposure information retrieved from the Italian national mesothelioma registry (ReNaM). METHODS: In the period 1993 to 2008, 15,322 incident cases of all-site malignant mesothelioma were recorded and 11,852 occupational, residential and familial histories were obtained by individual interviews. Observed cases were assigned to the municipality of residence at the time of diagnosis and compared to those expected based on the age-specific rates of the respective geographical area. A spatial cluster analysis was performed for each area applying a Bayesian hierarchical model. Information about modalities and economic sectors of asbestos exposure was analyzed for each cluster. RESULTS: Thirty-two clusters of malignant mesothelioma were identified and characterized using the exposure data. Asbestos cement manufacturing industries and shipbuilding and repair facilities represented the main sources of asbestos exposure, but a major contribution to asbestos exposure was also provided by sectors with no direct use of asbestos, such as non-asbestos textile industries, metal engineering and construction. A high proportion of cases with environmental exposure was found in clusters where asbestos cement plants were located or a natural source of asbestos (or asbestos-like) fibers was identifiable. Differences in type and sources of exposure can also explain the varying percentage of cases occurring in women among clusters. CONCLUSIONS: Our study demonstrates shared exposure patterns in territorial clusters of malignant mesothelioma due to single or multiple industrial sources, with major implications for public health policies, health surveillance, compensation procedures and site remediation programs

    Tremolite asbestos exposure in a rural area: personal sampling campaign results

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    Background Rural areas on the Calabro-Lucano border, Southern Italy, are characterized by the presence of ophiolites outcrops containing tremolite. A study mapped the outcrops and assessed the exposure through environmental sampling of airborne asbestos fibers nearby towns, showing doses up to 22 ff/L. Our study assesses the presence and level of personal exposure to inhalable asbestiform fibers in residents employed in occupational activities involving earthmoving and soil disturbance and other activities. Methods We recruited 30 volunteers including 20 employed in construction and agriculture and 10 employees working in other sectors not involving disturbance of the soil, and also five relatives of patients who died of pleural mesothelioma residents in areas with ophiolites outcrops. Sampling was conducted over two days later in the summer. The content and type of asbestos fibers were determined by technique of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) equipped with EDS (Energy Dispersive Spectrometer). Results The SEM analysis showed the presence of asbestos fibers serpentine type tremolite in 20 above 30 filters obtained by personal sampling. EDS microanalysis allowed to exclude titanium and organic material. The doses of tremolite fibers observed were between 0.8 and 23.06 ff/L. The environmental fund limit of 2 gg/L was exceeded in 50% of samples. 60% of farmers reported a personal exposure than 2 ff/L (from 2.07 to 23.06 ff/L) and 100% of construction workers (from 4.02 to 12.02 ff/L). The five relatives reported exposure values from 0.8 to 6.07 ff/L, exceeding in three cases the limit of 2 ff/L. Conclusion 90% of residents not employed in agriculture and construction has been exposed to doses of tremolite lower than the value of the fund. The information campaign, aimed at a proper risk management, was useful. Health surveillance of resident population is needed

    Governance of preventive health intervention and on time verification of its efficiency: the GIOVE study

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    OBJECTIVES: The GIOVE Study was aimed to the achievement of allocative efficiency of the budget allocated to the prevention of human papillomavirus (HPV)-induced diseases. An ex-ante determination of the most efficient allocation of resources between screening and multicohort quadrivalent immunisation programmes was followed by the ex-post assessment of the allocative efficiency actually achieved after a 12-month period. DESIGN: A bound optimisation model was developed to determine the ex-ante allocative efficiency of resources. The alternatives compared were the screening programme alone and the quadrivalent immunisation with access to screening. A sensitivity analysis was carried out to assess the uncertainty associated with the main inputs of the model. Subsequently, a cohort of girls with a complete recorded vaccination history were enrolled in an observational retrospective study for 18 months to ensure full compliance with the recommended schedule of vaccination (0, 2, 6 months) within a 12-month time horizon. SETTING: Basilicata region, in the south of Italy. PARTICIPANTS: 12 848 girls aged 12, 15, 18 or 25 years. INTERVENTION: Immunisation with quadrivalent anti-HPV vaccine. OUTCOME MEASURES: The vaccination coverage rate was considered to be the indicator of the best achievable benefit, given the budgetary constraints. RESULTS: Assuming a vaccine price of €100 per dose, a vaccination coverage rate of 59.6% was required for the most effective allocation of resources. The optimal rate of coverage was initially in favour of the multicohort strategy of vaccination against HPV (72.8%±2%). When the price paid for the quadrivalent vaccine dropped to €85 per dose, the most efficient coverage rate (69.5%) shifted closer to the immunisation rate actually achieved during the 12-month observation period. CONCLUSIONS: The bound optimisation model demonstrated to be a useful approach to the ex-ante allocation and the ex-post assessment of the resources allocated to the implementation of a multicohort quadrivalent anti-HPV vaccination programme

    Predictors of filing claims and receiving compensation in malignant mesothelioma patients

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    Although the predominant occupation origin of mesothelioma is well known, determinant factors involved in filing compensation are scarcely investigated. A linkage between incident mesothelioma cases collected by Italian mesothelioma register (ReNaM) and compensation claims and assignment by Italian national insurance Institute (INAIL) has been conducted for cases diagnosed in the period 2010–2015 and occupational exposure to asbestos. Logistic regression models and decision tree models have been used to identify demographic, diagnostic and anamnestic factors significant for filing and receiving compensation. We have included in the analyses 5019 mesothelioma cases, and among them, 3321 (66.2 %) were found in INAIL archives as mesothelioma cases who fil claims for compensation. The modalities of asbestos exposure, sector of working activities and job type are crucial factors. Furthermore, gender, age at diagnosis, area of residence have been found to be significant predictors of probability to fil claims. Relative risks to fil claims were obtained for the above determinants and conditions to maximize the probability to obtain compensation identified. Our findings demonstrate that there is a need to enforce policies for improving awareness of the occupational origin for mesothelioma cases. Stakeholders, occupational health and safety institutions can play an important role for improving the sensitization regarding the rights of compensation benefits, ensuring the equity and the effectiveness of insurance, welfare and public health systems