3,213 research outputs found

    Effects of Combining Feed Grade Urea and a Slow-release Urea Product on Performance, Dietary Energetics and Carcass Characteristics of Feedlot Lambs Fed Finishing Diets with Different Starch to Acid Detergent Fiber Ratios.

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    Recent findings have shown that microbial nitrogen flow and digestible energy of diets are increased when urea is combined with a slow-release urea (SRU) in diets with a starch to acid detergent fibre ratio (S:F) 4:1. This affect is attributable to enhanced synchrony between ruminal N availability for microbial growth and carbohydrate degradation. To verify the magnitude of this effects on lamb performance, an experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of combining urea and a SRU in diets containing S:F ratios of 3:1, 4:1, or 5:1 on performance, dietary energetics and carcass characteristics of finishing lambs. For that, 40 Pelibuey×Katahdin lambs (36.65±3 kg) were assigned to one of five weight groupings in 20 pens (5 repetition/treatments). The S:F ratio in the diet was manipulated by partially replacing the corn grain and dried distiller's grain with solubles by forage (wheat straw) and soybean meal to reach S:F ratios of 3:1, 4:1 or 5:1. An additional treatment of 4:1 S:F ratio with 0.8% urea as the sole source of non-protein nitrogen was used as a reference for comparing the effect of urea combination vs. conventional urea at the same S:F ratio. There were no treatment effects on dry matter intake (DMI). Compared the urea combination vs urea at the same S:F ratio, urea combination increased (p<0.01) average daily gain (ADG, 18.3%), gain for feed (G:F, 9.5%), and apparent energy retention per unit DMI (8.2%). Irrespective of the S:F ratio, the urea combination improved the observed-to-expected dietary ratio and apparent retention per unit DMI was maximal (quadratic effect, p≤0.03) at an S:F ratio of 4:1, while the conventional urea treatment did not modify the observed-to-expected net energy ratio nor the apparent retention per unit DMI at 4:1 S:F ratio. Urea combination group tended (3.8%, p = 0.08) to have heavier carcasses with no effects on the rest of carcass characteristics. As S:F ratio increased, ADG, G:F, dietary net energy, carcass weight, dressing percentage and longissimus thoracis (LM) area increased linearly (p≤0.02). Combining urea and a slow-release urea product results in positive effects on growth performance and dietary energetics, but the best responses are apparently observed when there is a certain proportion (S:F ratio = 4:1) of starch to acid detergent fibre in the diet

    Classical and Quantum Solitons in the Symmetric Space Sine-Gordon Theories

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    We construct the soliton solutions in the symmetric space sine-Gordon theories. The latter are a series of integrable field theories in 1+1-dimensions which are associated to a symmetric space F/G, and are related via the Pohlmeyer reduction to theories of strings moving on symmetric spaces. We show that the solitons are kinks that carry an internal moduli space that can be identified with a particular co-adjoint orbit of the unbroken subgroup H of G. Classically the solitons come in a continuous spectrum which encompasses the perturbative fluctuations of the theory as the kink charge becomes small. We show that the solitons can be quantized by allowing the collective coordinates to be time-dependent to yield a form of quantum mechanics on the co-adjoint orbit. The quantum states correspond to symmetric tensor representations of the symmetry group H and have the interpretation of a fuzzy geometric version of the co-adjoint orbit. The quantized finite tower of soliton states includes the perturbative modes at the base.Comment: 53 pages, additional comments and small errors corrected, final journal versio

    On the perturbative S-matrix of generalized sine-Gordon models

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    Motivated by its relation to the Pohlmeyer reduction of AdS_5 x S^5 superstring theory we continue the investigation of the generalized sine-Gordon model defined by SO(N+1)/SO(N) gauged WZW theory with an integrable potential. Extending our previous work (arXiv:0912.2958) we compute the one-loop two-particle S-matrix for the elementary massive excitations. In the N = 2 case corresponding to the complex sine-Gordon theory it agrees with the charge-one sector of the quantum soliton S-matrix proposed in hep-th/9410140. In the case of N > 2 when the gauge group SO(N) is non-abelian we find a curious anomaly in the Yang-Baxter equation which we interpret as a gauge artifact related to the fact that the scattered particles are not singlets under the residual global subgroup of the gauge group

    Emergence of Superlattice Dirac Points in Graphene on Hexagonal Boron Nitride

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    The Schr\"odinger equation dictates that the propagation of nearly free electrons through a weak periodic potential results in the opening of band gaps near points of the reciprocal lattice known as Brillouin zone boundaries. However, in the case of massless Dirac fermions, it has been predicted that the chirality of the charge carriers prevents the opening of a band gap and instead new Dirac points appear in the electronic structure of the material. Graphene on hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) exhibits a rotation dependent Moir\'e pattern. In this letter, we show experimentally and theoretically that this Moir\'e pattern acts as a weak periodic potential and thereby leads to the emergence of a new set of Dirac points at an energy determined by its wavelength. The new massless Dirac fermions generated at these superlattice Dirac points are characterized by a significantly reduced Fermi velocity. The local density of states near these Dirac cones exhibits hexagonal modulations indicating an anisotropic Fermi velocity.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    Electronic transport in polycrystalline graphene

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    Most materials in available macroscopic quantities are polycrystalline. Graphene, a recently discovered two-dimensional form of carbon with strong potential for replacing silicon in future electronics, is no exception. There is growing evidence of the polycrystalline nature of graphene samples obtained using various techniques. Grain boundaries, intrinsic topological defects of polycrystalline materials, are expected to dramatically alter the electronic transport in graphene. Here, we develop a theory of charge carrier transmission through grain boundaries composed of a periodic array of dislocations in graphene based on the momentum conservation principle. Depending on the grain boundary structure we find two distinct transport behaviours - either high transparency, or perfect reflection of charge carriers over remarkably large energy ranges. First-principles quantum transport calculations are used to verify and further investigate this striking behaviour. Our study sheds light on the transport properties of large-area graphene samples. Furthermore, purposeful engineering of periodic grain boundaries with tunable transport gaps would allow for controlling charge currents without the need of introducing bulk band gaps in otherwise semimetallic graphene. The proposed approach can be regarded as a means towards building practical graphene electronics.Comment: accepted in Nature Material

    Thermodynamic Bethe Ansatz Equations for Minimal Surfaces in AdS_3

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    We study classical open string solutions with a null polygonal boundary in AdS_3 in relation to gluon scattering amplitudes in N=4 super Yang-Mills at strong coupling. We derive in full detail the set of integral equations governing the decagonal and the dodecagonal solutions and identify them with the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz equations of the homogeneous sine-Gordon models. By evaluating the free energy in the conformal limit we compute the central charges, from which we observe general correspondence between the polygonal solutions in AdS_n and generalized parafermions.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures, v2: a figure and references added, minor corrections, v3: references added, minor corrections, to appear in JHE

    STM Spectroscopy of ultra-flat graphene on hexagonal boron nitride

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    Graphene has demonstrated great promise for future electronics technology as well as fundamental physics applications because of its linear energy-momentum dispersion relations which cross at the Dirac point. However, accessing the physics of the low density region at the Dirac point has been difficult because of the presence of disorder which leaves the graphene with local microscopic electron and hole puddles, resulting in a finite density of carriers even at the charge neutrality point. Efforts have been made to reduce the disorder by suspending graphene, leading to fabrication challenges and delicate devices which make local spectroscopic measurements difficult. Recently, it has been shown that placing graphene on hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) yields improved device performance. In this letter, we use scanning tunneling microscopy to show that graphene conforms to hBN, as evidenced by the presence of Moire patterns in the topographic images. However, contrary to recent predictions, this conformation does not lead to a sizable band gap due to the misalignment of the lattices. Moreover, local spectroscopy measurements demonstrate that the electron-hole charge fluctuations are reduced by two orders of magnitude as compared to those on silicon oxide. This leads to charge fluctuations which are as small as in suspended graphene, opening up Dirac point physics to more diverse experiments than are possible on freestanding devices.Comment: Nature Materials advance online publication 13/02/201

    Evolution of Landau Levels into Edge States at an Atomically Sharp Edge in Graphene

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    The quantum-Hall-effect (QHE) occurs in topologically-ordered states of two-dimensional (2d) electron-systems in which an insulating bulk-state coexists with protected 1d conducting edge-states. Owing to a unique topologically imposed edge-bulk correspondence these edge-states are endowed with universal properties such as fractionally-charged quasiparticles and interference-patterns, which make them indispensable components for QH-based quantum-computation and other applications. The precise edge-bulk correspondence, conjectured theoretically in the limit of sharp edges, is difficult to realize in conventional semiconductor-based electron systems where soft boundaries lead to edge-state reconstruction. Using scanning-tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy to follow the spatial evolution of bulk Landau-levels towards a zigzag edge of graphene supported above a graphite substrate we demonstrate that in this system it is possible to realize atomically sharp edges with no edge-state reconstruction. Our results single out graphene as a system where the edge-state structure can be controlled and the universal properties directly probed.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    Electronic Spin Transport in Dual-Gated Bilayer Graphene

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    The elimination of extrinsic sources of spin relaxation is key in realizing the exceptional intrinsic spin transport performance of graphene. Towards this, we study charge and spin transport in bilayer graphene-based spin valve devices fabricated in a new device architecture which allows us to make a comparative study by separately investigating the roles of substrate and polymer residues on spin relaxation. First, the comparison between spin valves fabricated on SiO2 and BN substrates suggests that substrate-related charged impurities, phonons and roughness do not limit the spin transport in current devices. Next, the observation of a 5-fold enhancement in spin relaxation time in the encapsulated device highlights the significance of polymer residues on spin relaxation. We observe a spin relaxation length of ~ 10 um in the encapsulated bilayer with a charge mobility of 24000 cm2/Vs. The carrier density dependence of spin relaxation time has two distinct regimes; n<4 x 1012 cm-2, where spin relaxation time decreases monotonically as carrier concentration increases, and n>4 x 1012 cm-2, where spin relaxation time exhibits a sudden increase. The sudden increase in the spin relaxation time with no corresponding signature in the charge transport suggests the presence of a magnetic resonance close to the charge neutrality point. We also demonstrate, for the first time, spin transport across bipolar p-n junctions in our dual-gated device architecture that fully integrates a sequence of encapsulated regions in its design. At low temperatures, strong suppression of the spin signal was observed while a transport gap was induced, which is interpreted as a novel manifestation of impedance mismatch within the spin channel