5,186 research outputs found

    Abordatge del conflicte juvenil al municipi d’Eivissa

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    Las estrategias de resolución de conflictos, en el ámbito juvenil, han de partir de la premisa de incorporar a los propios jóvenes en el proceso de intervención, cualquier decisión que no sea consensuada no será válida para conseguir el objetivo resolutivo. Aquí presentamos un modelo donde las dos partes están comprometidas con la estrategia de resolutiva.Conflict resolution strategies in the juvenile field must start from the premise of incorporating young people themselves in intervention processes, since any decision that has not been taken with their consensus will not be useful in achieving objectives. This paper presents a model in which two parties are committed to the resolution strategy

    Valoració objectiva de l’activitat física en sessions d’exercici físic d’un programa multidisciplinari per al tractament de l’obesitat infantil

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    Antecedents. La inclusió d’exercici físic supervisat en les intervencions per al tractament de l’obesitat infantil és un dels factors que pot determinar la seva eficàcia. No obstant, malgrat que les sessions hagin estat planificades segons les recomanacions, la resposta real dels nens/nenes no sempre ha estat quantificada. La finalitat del treball va ser analitzar el grau de moviment i estimar la despesa energètica durant les sessions d’exercici físic d’una intervenció per al tractament de l’obesitat infantil. Mètode. Hi van participar 41 nens/nenes de 8 a 12 anys, obesos i poc actius, en els quals es va mesurar, mitjançant acceleròmetres, el grau de moviment global i el temps dedicat a diferents nivells d’intensitat d’esforç (sedentària, lleugera, moderada-vigorosa) i el patró de les conductes sedentàries i d’activitat física durant les sessions d’exercici físic de la intervenció. Resultats. Les sessions de 60 minuts de durada es caracteritzen per períodes curts de moderada-vigorosa intensitat interromputs per períodes curts de menor intensitat de moviment. Els participants van dedicar un 58,3% del temps a activitats de moderada-vigorosa intensitat, un 30% a activitats de lleugera intensitat i tan sols un 11.8% del temps a conductes sedentàries. Per al conjunt de les sessions, i en particular a les de futbol, la despesa energètica dels nens va ser superior a la de les nenes. Conclusions. El programa d’intervenció dóna l’oportunitat d’augmentar els minuts setmanals dedicats a activitat física de moderada i vigorosa intensitat i d’incrementar la despesa energètica.Background. The inclusion of supervised physical exercise in interventions for the management of childhood obesity is one of the factors that can determine their efficacy. However, even though physical exercise sessions are planned according to existing guidelines, the children’s actual response has not always been quantified. The aim of this study was to analyse the level of movement and estimate energy expenditure during the supervised physical exercise sessions of an intervention for the treatment of childhood obesity. Method. Forty-one 8-to-12-year-old low active and obese children participated in the study. The overall physical activity, the time spent in different levels of exertion (sedentary, light intensity (LPA) and moderateto-vigorous intensity (MVPA) physical activity) and the pattern of sedentary and physical activity behaviour during the supervised physical exercise sessions were objectively assessed using Actigraph accelerometers. Results. The 60-minutes sessions were characterised by short bouts of MVPA interspersed by short bouts of LPA. Participants spent 58.3% of the duration of the session in MVPA, 30% in LPA and only 11.8% in sedentary behaviour. For all the sessions, and in particular for the football ones, energy expenditure was greater in boys than girls. Conclusions. Multidisciplinary intervention offers the opportunity to increase the weekly time devoted to moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and to raise energy expenditure

    Evaluation of MODIS Land products for air temperature estimations in Colombia

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    El producto moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) land-surface temperature/emissivity (LST ) es a menudo utilizado en estudios meteorológicos para evaluaciones en tiempo cuasireal. Colombia requiere de un manejo prospectivo de sus ecosistemas productivos, sin embargo no existe una alta densidad de mediciones para la temperatura de la superficie (temperatura del aire a 2 m). La validación clásica de los productos MODIS incluye trabajo de campo para la calibración y la medición de las diferencias entre los radiómetros y el sensor MODIS. Para esta investigación, los datos del producto LST de MODIS son comparados con estaciones climatológicas usando técnicas de regresión múltiple para aumentar la exactitud de MODIS LST en conjunto con los productos MOD09GA , MOD17A2, MOD15A2 y MOD13A2 como parámetros auxiliares (variables explicativas) dentro del modelo final. Las mediciones terrestres se realizaron en la zona Caribe, Casanare y Valle del Cauca, usando las estaciones agroclimatológicas en la primera temporada seca de 2007 y los datos MODIS en versión diaria. El índice de vegetación aumentado, la porción de radiación activa fotosintética y la fotosíntesis neta son incluidas en el modelo final como estimadores del parámetro clave para la temperatura del aire: la vegetación. Finalmente dos factores son propuestos para la estimación de la temperatura de la superficie-LST : ángulo cenit del sensor y ángulo cenit del sol, que registran los cambios en la reflectancia de la vegetación y la sensibilidad del sensor.The moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) land-surface temperature/emissivity (LST) product is often used for studies in meteorology due to its ability for near realtime evaluations. Colombia, as a country requires a prospective management for its productive ecosystems, but currently does not have sufficient spatially-distributed field data for air temperature at 2-m above the ground. The traditional validation of MODIS products includes field campaigns for calibrating and measuring differences between the satellite sensor and radiometers. For this research, the LST data on the ground was compared with climatologic stations using multiple regression techniques for improving the accuracy of the LST from MODIS, using MOD09GA, MOD17A2, MOD15A2, MOD13A2 as ancillary parameters (explanatory variables) in the final model. The ground measurements were obtained in the Caribbean zone and the Casanare and Valle del Cauca departments in Colombia, using agroclimatic stations in the first dry season of 2007 and daily MODIS data. Enhanced vegetation index, fraction of photosynthetically active radiation, and net photosynthesis were included in the final model for explaining the vegetation as a key parameter for air temperature. Finally, two factors were proposed for LST estimation: sensor zenith angle and solar zenith angle due to the reflectance of the vegetation and sensitivity of the sensor.Fil: Castro Diaz, Ivan Ricardo. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Geografia "Romualdo Ardissone"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Implicancias de la resiliencia espacial en la prestación de servicios ambientales en cuencas norandinas

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    La acelerada transformación de los ecosistemas naturales en el mundo, ha traído graves consecuencias sobre la prestación de los servicios ambientales a familias campesinas. Como resultado de las condiciones históricas del mercado, los espacios humanos han entrado en conflicto con los elementos sistémicos que soportan la provisión de agua en la laguna de Fúquene. Para abordar los procesos que llevan al desabastecimiento de agua, la desertificación de la cuenca y la desecación de la laguna, este artículo tiene como objetivo el análisis de la dimensión biótica, tenencia de la tierra, los modos de producción, la conectividad social y la vulnerabilidad como agrupantes de elementos dinamizadores del sistema. Como resultado se encuentra que, indicadores de Agotamiento, Desertificación y Vulnerabilización, están en el umbral crítico que definirá el futuro del flujo natural del aguaFil: Castro Diaz, Ivan Ricardo. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Geografia "Romualdo Ardissone"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Territorial Implications of Payment of Ecosystem Services (PES) Programs in the North Andean Watersheds

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    Tras la promoción del desarrollo sostenible, la pugna por la conservación de los espacios naturales o semi-intervenidos ha buscado programas que integren el crecimiento económico, los flujos ecosistémicos y el mejoramiento de las condiciones socioeconómicas de comunidades locales. Ante esto, las naciones latinoamericanas han creado marcos políticos de pago por servicios ambientales (PSA); empero, existe un vacío empírico en las implicaciones territoriales que tienen estos programas en determinados sistemas socioecológicos históricamente funcionales para el campesinado. Este artículo identifica los "supuestos" que fomentan los programas PSA en América Latina y analiza teóricamente las implicancias territoriales del cambio de uso del suelo sobre la titulación de tierras, el poder y el equilibrio, las estructuras comunitarias, la exclusión e inequidad social, la resignificación de los elementos territoriales y la lógica del nuevo mercado.Após a promoção do desenvolvimento sustentável, a luta pela conservação dos espaços naturais ou semi-interceptados vem buscando programas que integrem o crescimento econômico, os fluxos ecossistêmicos e o melhoramento das condições socioeconômicas de comunidades locais. Diante disso, as nações latino-americanas criaram referenciais políticos de pagamento por serviços ambientais (PSA); contudo, existe um vazio empírico nas implicações territoriais que têm esses programas em determinados sistemas socioecológicos historicamente funcionais para o campesinato. Este artigo identifica os "supostos" que fomentam os programas PSA na América Latina e analisa teoricamente as implicações territoriais da mudança de uso do solo sobre a titulação de terras, o poder e o equilíbrio, as estruturas comunitárias, a exclusão e inequidade social, a ressignificação dos elementos territoriais e a lógica do novo mercado.In the context of the promotion of sustainable development, the struggle for the conservation of natural or partially intervened spaces has fostered programs that integrate economic growth, ecosystem flows, and the improvement of the socioeconomic conditions of local communities. In view of this, Latin American nations have created policy frameworks for the Payment of Ecosystem Services (PES), but there is an empirical void regarding the territorial implications of these programs on certain socio-ecological systems that are historically functional for the rural populations. The article identifies the "assumptions" fostered by PES programs in Latin America and carries out a theoretical analysis of the territorial implications of changes in land use for land titling projects, power and equilibrium, community structures, exclusion and social inequality, the reattribution of meaning to territorial elements, and the logic of the new market.Fil: Castro Diaz, Ivan Ricardo. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Geografia "Romualdo Ardissone"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Spatial Approach for Modeling Tropospheric Ozone and Its Interaction with the Infrared Wave and Temperature in Bogotá, Colombia

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    The human activities increase the global emissions, especially those resulting from industrial activities in urban areas. The tropospheric ozone, which is a pollutant derived from the interaction of the chemical smog under the solar radiation impact, is being analyzed because of its palliative effect to the greenhouse phenomenon.The situation becomes strongly dangerous due to the consequences to the public sanitation and the radiative forcing increasing the superficial temperature under the cities’ smog. This layer retains the infrared and thermal waves causing a heat island effect.This research led a mixed methodology to combine the ETM+ sensor and the climate ground stations for describing the interaction between the urban pollution layer and the heat island phenomenon. A per-day ‘local’ dimming model was developed under four assumptions in order to understand the dynamics of the tropospheric ozone and the high temperatures.Fil: Castro Diaz, Ivan Ricardo. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Geografía "Romualdo Ardissone"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Geotechnical risk decision tools for alternative project delivery method selection

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    Design-build (DB) geotechnical risk mitigation is an important concern for state departments of transportation (DOT), especially they seek to accelerate project delivery schedules. The nature of the DB delivery requires that projects are awarded before a complete subsurface has been done. Hence, projects are awarded without a comprehensive geotechnical scope, nor completed geotechnical design. DOTs are responsible for how mitigate the geotechnical risk during the procurement stage. Preliminary geotechnical investigation and geotechnical requirements are included in the request for proposals (RFP), and the goal of geotechnical risk allocation is to manage these risks. Based on the DOTs’ position, design-builders’ geotechnical risk perception is affected, and is reflected in their geotechnical risk contingency at the time of bidding the project. The worst scenario is when the DOT cannot award DB projects because projects are over budget. The purpose of this study is to identify tools to manage geotechnical risk in DB projects by analyzing what types of geotechnical information should be included in DB solicitation documents. The study found a difference in the perception of geotechnical risk between DOTs when agencies were classified based on the level of their DB experience (those who have delivered more than 10 DB projects versus those that who delivered less than 10). Based on this classification, agency approaches in managing geotechnical risk were found to be different. As a result, the study proposes mitigation tools to assist DOTs to have a better geotechnical risk approach. Furthermore, the study found 27 geotechnical risks factors. These were identified based on an importance index whose purpose was to identify those factors that are more crucial in DB projects. The study benchmarked the perception of these geotechnical factors between DOTs and DB industry. Results showed that there is a significant difference between these two perceptions. In addition to this analysis, the study also found geotechnical factors that potentially could disqualify a project from being an ideal candidate for DB delivery. The study was based on a comprehensive literature review; surveys of U.S. DOTs; case studies where potential geotechnical factors where identified; structure interviews of DOTs and a survey of DB industry. The results make it a useful document that records the tools to manage geotechnical risk in DB projects

    Existence of solutions to a semilinear elliptic boundary value problem with augmented Morse index bigger than two

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    Building on the construction of least energy sign-changing solutions to variational semilinear elliptic boundary value problems introduced in [A. Castro, J. Cossio and J.M. Neuberger, Sign changing solutions for a superlinear Dirichlet problem, Rocky Mountain J. Math. 27 (1997), 1041--1053], we prove the existence of a solution with augmented Morse index at least three when a sublevel of the corresponding action functional has nontrivial topology. We provide examples where the set of least energy sign changing solutions is disconnected, hence has nontrivial topology

    A Category-Theoretic Compositional Framework of Perceptron-Based Neural Networks plus an Architecture for Modeling Sequences Conditioned to Time-Structured Context: An Implementation of a Generative Model of Jazz Solo Improvisations

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    This work introduces an algebraic graphical language of perceptrons, multilayer perceptrons, recurrent neural networks, and long short-term memory neural networks, via string diagrams of a suitable hypergraph category equipped with a concatenation diagram operation by means of a monoidal endofunctor. Using this language, we introduce a neural network architecture for modeling sequential data in which each sequence is subject to a specific context with a temporal structure, that is, each data point of a sequence is conditioned to a different past, present, and future context than the other points. As proof of concept, this architecture is implemented as a generative model of jazz solo improvisations
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