28 research outputs found

    Personal Glimpses of an Honest Judge

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    Preliminary Analysis of the Gradient Field Imploding Liner Fusion Propulsion Concept

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    The advancement of human deep space exploration requires the continued development of energetic in-space propulsion systems, advancing from current chemical engines to nuclear thermal rockets to future high energy concepts such as nuclear fusion. This paper presents the initial results of a NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) Phase I study funded to investigate the feasibility of a new pulsed fusion propulsion concept based on the rapid implosion of a fuel target injected at high velocity into a strong stationary magnetic field. The proposed concept takes advantage of the significant advances in terrestrial magneto-inertial fusion designs while attempting to mitigate the most common engineering impediments to in-space propulsion applications. A semi-analytic numerical model used to estimate target compression physics and energy release is presented, leading to estimates for engine performance. A preliminary vehicle design concept is outlined, and representative trajectory analyses for rapid Mars and Saturn missions are provided. The paper concludes with an overview of proposed next steps for theoretical and experimental validation of the concept

    Gradient Field Imploding Liner Fusion Propulsion System: NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts Phase I Final Report

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    The advancement of human deep space exploration requires the continued development of energetic in-space propulsion systems, from current chemical engines to nuclear thermal rockets to future high energy concepts such as nuclear fusion. As NASA embarks on a program to develop near-term nuclear thermal propulsion, this NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) Phase I activity was funded to investigate the feasibility of an innovative approach toward highly energetic pulsed fusion propulsion. Previous concept studies have proposed the conversion of fusion energy for in-space propulsion, ranging from laser-ignited fusion systems such as Gevaltig and VISTA, to the British Interplanetary Society's Daedalus concept and its more recent incarnation under Project Icarus, to steady-state spherical torus fusion systems. Recent NIAC studies have also evaluated several innovative fusion concepts, including the acceleration and compression of field reversed configuration plasmas in time-changing magnetic fields, magnetically driven liners imploding onto plasma targets, and high current z-pinch compression of material liners onto fission-fusion fuel targets. While each of these studies firmly established the potential benefits of fusion systems for interplanetary travel, they also identified significant challenges in successfully engineering such systems for spacecraft propulsion. The concept outlined in this Technical Publication (TP) builds on the lessons learned from these prior activities, approaching the quest for fusion-powered propulsion through an innovative variation of magneto-inertial fusion concepts developed for terrestrial power applications

    One-dimensional radiation-hydrodynamic scaling studies of imploding spherical plasma liners

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    One-dimensional radiation-hydrodynamic simulations are performed to develop insight into the scaling of stagnation pressure with initial conditions of an imploding spherical plasma shell or "liner." Simulations reveal the evolution of high-Mach-number (M), annular, spherical plasma flows during convergence, stagnation, shock formation, and disassembly, and indicate that cm- and {\mu}s-scale plasmas with peak pressures near 1 Mbar can be generated by liners with initial kinetic energy of several hundred kilo-joules. It is shown that radiation transport and thermal conduction must be included to avoid non-physical plasma temperatures at the origin which artificially limit liner convergence and thus the peak stagnation pressure. Scalings of the stagnated plasma lifetime ({\tau}stag) and average stagnation pressure (Pstag, the pressure at the origin, averaged over {\tau}stag) are determined by evaluating a wide range of liner initial conditions. For high-M flows, {\tau}stag L0/v0, where L0 and v0 are the initial liner thickness and velocity, respectively. Furthermore, for argon liners, Pstag scales approximately as v0^(15/4) over a wide range of initial densities (n0), and as n0^(1/2) over a wide range of v0. The approximate scaling Pstag ~ M 3/2 is also found for a wide range of liner-plasma initial conditions.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figures, accepted by Physics of Plasmas (June 23, 2011

    Tendency of spherically imploding plasma liners formed by merging plasma jets to evolve toward spherical symmetry

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    Three dimensional hydrodynamic simulations have been performed using smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) in order to study the effects of discrete jets on the processes of plasma liner formation, implosion on vacuum, and expansion. The pressure history of the inner portion of the liner was qualitatively and quantitatively similar from peak compression through the complete stagnation of the liner among simulation results from two one dimensional radiationhydrodynamic codes, 3D SPH with a uniform liner, and 3D SPH with 30 discrete plasma jets. Two dimensional slices of the pressure show that the discrete jet SPH case evolves towards a profile that is almost indistinguishable from the SPH case with a uniform liner, showing that non-uniformities due to discrete jets are smeared out by late stages of the implosion. Liner formation and implosion on vacuum was also shown to be robust to Rayleigh-Taylor instability growth. Interparticle mixing for a liner imploding on vacuum was investigated. The mixing rate was very small until after peak compression for the 30 jet simulation.Comment: 28 pages, 16 figures, submitted to Physics of Plasmas (2012

    Formation and Study of a Spherical Plasma Liner for Plasma-Jet-Driven Magneto-Inertial Fusion

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    Plasma-jet-driven magneto-inertial fusion (PJMIF) is an alternative approach to controlled nuclear fusion which aims to utilize a line-replaceable dense plasma liner as a repetitive spherical compression driver. In this experiment, first measurements of the formation of a spherical Argon plasma liner formed from 36 discrete pulsed plasma jets are obtained on the Plasma Liner Experiment (PLX). Properties including liner uniformity and morphology, plasma density, temperature, and ram pressure are assessed as a function of time throughout the implosion process and indicate an apparent transition from initial kinetic inter-jet interpenetration to collisional regime near stagnation times, in accordance with theoretical expectation. A lack of primary shock structures between adjacent jets during flight implies that arbitrarily smooth liners may be formed by way of corresponding improvements in jet parameters and control. The measurements facilitate the benchmarking of computational models and understanding the scaling of plasma liners towards fusion-relevant energy density