576 research outputs found

    MSSM Forecast for the LHC

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    We perform a forecast of the MSSM with universal soft terms (CMSSM) for the LHC, based on an improved Bayesian analysis. We do not incorporate ad hoc measures of the fine-tuning to penalize unnatural possibilities: such penalization arises from the Bayesian analysis itself when the experimental value of MZM_Z is considered. This allows to scan the whole parameter space, allowing arbitrarily large soft terms. Still the low-energy region is statistically favoured (even before including dark matter or g-2 constraints). Contrary to other studies, the results are almost unaffected by changing the upper limits taken for the soft terms. The results are also remarkable stable when using flat or logarithmic priors, a fact that arises from the larger statistical weight of the low-energy region in both cases. Then we incorporate all the important experimental constrains to the analysis, obtaining a map of the probability density of the MSSM parameter space, i.e. the forecast of the MSSM. Since not all the experimental information is equally robust, we perform separate analyses depending on the group of observables used. When only the most robust ones are used, the favoured region of the parameter space contains a significant portion outside the LHC reach. This effect gets reinforced if the Higgs mass is not close to its present experimental limit and persits when dark matter constraints are included. Only when the g-2 constraint (based on e+ee^+e^- data) is considered, the preferred region (for μ>0\mu>0) is well inside the LHC scope. We also perform a Bayesian comparison of the positive- and negative-μ\mu possibilities.Comment: 42 pages: added figures and reference

    Accounting in Mexico

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    Quantifying the tension between the Higgs mass and (g-2)_mu in the CMSSM

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    Supersymmetry has been often invoqued as the new physics that might reconcile the experimental muon magnetic anomaly, a_mu, with the theoretical prediction (basing the computation of the hadronic contribution on e^+ e^- data). However, in the context of the CMSSM, the required supersymmetric contributions (which grow with decreasing supersymmetric masses) are in potential tension with a possibly large Higgs mass (which requires large stop masses). In the limit of very large m_h supersymmetry gets decoupled, and the CMSSM must show the same discrepancy as the SM with a_mu . But it is much less clear for which size of m_h does the tension start to be unbearable. In this paper, we quantify this tension with the help of Bayesian techniques. We find that for m_h > 125 GeV the maximum level of discrepancy given current data (~ 3.3 sigma) is already achieved. Requiring less than 3 sigma discrepancy, implies m_h < 120 GeV. For a larger Higgs mass we should give up either the CMSSM model or the computation of a_mu based on e^+ e^-; or accept living with such inconsistency

    The health of SUSY after the Higgs discovery and the XENON100 data

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    We analyze the implications for the status and prospects of supersymmetry of the Higgs discovery and the last XENON data. We focus mainly, but not only, on the CMSSM and NUHM models. Using a Bayesian approach we determine the distribution of probability in the parameter space of these scenarios. This shows that, most probably, they are now beyond the LHC reach . This negative chances increase further (at more than 95% c.l.) if one includes dark matter constraints in the analysis, in particular the last XENON100 data. However, the models would be probed completely by XENON1T. The mass of the LSP neutralino gets essentially fixed around 1 TeV. We do not incorporate ad hoc measures of the fine-tuning to penalize unnatural possibilities: such penalization arises automatically from the careful Bayesian analysis itself, and allows to scan the whole parameter space. In this way, we can explain and resolve the apparent discrepancies between the previous results in the literature. Although SUSY has become hard to detect at LHC, this does not necessarily mean that is very fine-tuned. We use Bayesian techniques to show the experimental Higgs mass is at 2 σ\sim 2\ \sigma off the CMSSM or NUHM expectation. This is substantial but not dramatic. Although the CMSSM or the NUHM are unlikely to show up at the LHC, they are still interesting and plausible models after the Higgs observation; and, if they are true, the chances of discovering them in future dark matter experiments are quite high

    Low-power direct resistive sensor-to-microcontroller interfaces

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    “© © 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.”This paper analyzes the energy consumption of direct interface circuits where the data conversion of a resistive sensor is performed by a direct connection to a set of digital ports of a microcontroller (µC). The causes of energy consumption as well as their relation to the measurement specifications in terms of uncertainty are analyzed. This analysis yields a tradeoff between energy consumption and measurement uncertainty, which sets a design procedure focused on achieving the lowest energy consumption for a given uncertainty and a measuring range. Together with this analysis, a novel experimental setup is proposed that allows one to measure the µC’s timer quantization uncertainty. An application example is shown where the design procedure is applied. The experimental results fairly fit the theoretical analysis, yielding only 5 µJ to achieve nine effective number of bits (ENOB) in a measuring range from 1 to 1.38 k. With the same ENOB, the energy is reduced to 1.9 µJ when the measurement limits are changed to 100 and 138 k.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    LHC and dark matter phenomenology of the NUGHM

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    We present a Bayesian analysis of the NUGHM, a supersymmetric scenario with non-universal gaugino masses and Higgs masses, including all the relevant experimental observables and dark matter constraints. The main merit of the NUGHM is that it essentially includes all the possibilities for dark matter (DM) candidates within the MSSM, since the neutralino and chargino spectrum -and composition- are as free as they can be in the general MSSM. We identify the most probable regions in the NUHGM parameter space, and study the associated phenomenology at the LHC and the prospects for DM direct detection. Requiring that the neutralino makes all of the DM in the Universe, we identify two preferred regions around mχ10=1 TeV,  3 TeVm_{\chi_1^0}= 1\ {\rm TeV},\; 3\ {\rm TeV}, which correspond to the (almost) pure Higgsino and wino case. There exist other marginal regions (e.g. Higgs-funnel), but with much less statistical weight. The prospects for detection at the LHC in this case are quite pessimistic, but future direct detection experiments like LUX and XENON1T, will be able to probe this scenario. In contrast, when allowing other DM components, the prospects for detection at the LHC become more encouraging -- the most promising signals being, beside the production of gluinos and squarks, the production of the heavier chargino and neutralino states, which lead to WZ and same-sign WW final states -- and direct detection remains a complementary, and even more powerful, way to probe the scenario.Comment: The Sommerfeld enhancement has been included in the computation of the relic density and in the discussion of indirect-detection limits. Some references have been adde

    AmbienNet: An Intelligent Environment to Support People with Disabilities and Elderly People

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    AmbienNet is an ongoing project aiming to demonstrate the viability of accessible intelligent environments to support people with disabilities and elderly people living autonomously. Based on the Ambient Intelligence paradigm, it tries to study in depth its advantages and disadvantages for people with sensory, physical or cognitive restrictions. To this end diverse supporting technologies and applications have been designed, in order to test their accessibility, usability and validity. After introducing the objectives and findings of the project, in this paper a number of preliminary results are presented and discussed

    Proton Stopping Power of Different Density Profile Plasmas

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    In this work, the stopping power of a partially ionized plasma is analyzed by means of free electron stopping and bound electron stopping. For the first one, the RPA dielectric function is used, and for the latter one, an interpolation of high and low projectile velocity formulas is used. The dynamical energy loss of an ion beam inside a plasma is estimated by using an iterative scheme of calculation. The Abel inversion is also applied when we have a plasma with radial symmetry. Finally, we compare our methods with two kind of plasmas. In the first one, we estimate the energy loss in a plasma created by a laser prepulse, whose density is approximated by a piecewise function. For the latter one, a radial electron density is supposed and the stopping is obtained as function of radius from the calculated lateral points. In both cases, the dependence with the density profile is observed.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figure

    Naturalness of MSSM dark matter

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    There exists a vast literature examining the electroweak (EW) fine-tuning problem in supersymmetric scenarios, but little concerned with the dark matter (DM) one, which should be combined with the former. In this paper, we study this problem in an, as much as possible, exhaustive and rigorous way. We have considered the MSSM framework, assuming that the LSP is the lightest neutralino, χ10\chi_1^0, and exploring the various possibilities for the mass and composition of χ10\chi_1^0, as well as different mechanisms for annihilation of the DM particles in the early Universe (well-tempered neutralinos, funnels and co-annihilation scenarios). We also present a discussion about the statistical meaning of the fine-tuning and how it should be computed for the DM abundance, and combined with the EW fine-tuning. The results are very robust and model-independent and favour some scenarios (like the h-funnel when Mχ10M_{\chi_1^0} is not too close to mh/2m_h/2) with respect to others (such as the pure wino case). These features should be taken into account when one explores "natural SUSY" scenarios and their possible signatures at the LHC and in DM detection experiments.Comment: 28 pages, 18 figures. References added, matches JHEP published versio

    Quality indicators in subtropical soils of Formosa, Argentina: Changes for agriculturization process

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    The agriculturization process has been defined as the advance of annual crops in different environments, in competition with traditional land uses such as agriculture rotations with pastures. In Argentina and other countries agriculturization has different degrees of impact on natural resources. In the northeast region of the province of Formosa, Argentina, agriculturization includes deforestation (clear cutting, slash burning and plowing), technological improvements and changes in land use. Because of these alterations, it is necessary to define the state of the soil to evaluate its sustainability. This can be done by means of indicators, which are not universal; they differ according to the use, management and type of soils, weather conditions and ecosystems. The objectives of this paper are: (1) To identify quality indicators for subtropical Argiudolls and Hapludolls; (2) To determine which indicators related to organic matter are most affected during agriculturization. The changes produced in the Typic Hapludolls and Typic Argiudolls after 25 years of continuously using native forests, agriculture, fruit plantations and pastures were analyzed. These changes were in pH, electrical conductivity, total organic carbon, particulate organic carbon, total nitrogen, structural stability, hydraulic conductivity, respiration and dehydrogenase and urease and enzyme activity. Variables with significant differences between diverse uses were evaluated by multivariate methods, Principal Component Analysis, and Correlation Analysis. The results of this study showed that total organic carbon, particulate organic carbon, structural stability and dehydrogenase activity are the quality indicators most affected by agriculturization. All are related to organic matter.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale