1,078 research outputs found

    Vitamina C : una estrategia didáctica polifuncional

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo contextualizar contenidos curriculares de química: incursionando en el área de bioquímica, como elementos básicos de la formación en química del estudiante; proporcionando información general sobre las propiedades de la vitamina C que permitan al estudiante, como ciudadano, tener libertad de elección frente a la vasta publicidad que se ofrece, entre otros, en los medios masivos de comunicación; aplicando su cultura científica a situaciones de la vida cotidiana y, por lo tanto, valorando la importancia de la educación científica para poder ser capaz de conocer mejor lo que consume y poder opinar en forma crítica sobre ello. Se presentan técnicas sencillas para investigar la presencia de vitamina C en alimentos de uso común. Se discuten distintas estrategias de presentación y tratamiento del tema en los distintos niveles escolares con objetivos diferentes y se analizan cambios en la metodología de trabajo en el aula. Este trabajo fue presentado bajo la modalidad de taller en el XV Congreso Nacional e Internacional de Profesores de Química y los resultados y conclusiones a las que se arribaron fueron ampliamente satisfactorias, ya que permitieron una revalorización de la tarea educativa buscando un currículo más abierto donde el estudiante se sienta partícipe de su proceso de aprendizaje y encuentre contenidos científicos útiles para su vida.This paper attempts to contextualise chemistry curricula contents, entering the field of biochemistry, as basic elements for the formation of chemistry in the student by providing general information on the properties of C vitamin that allows the student, as a citizen, the freedom to choose in front of the huge publicity offered to them, among others, by the mass media. They can apply their scientific culture to everyday life, thus assessing how important scientific education is to be able to better know what is consumed and give a critical opinion. We present simple techniques to find C vitamin in commonly used food. We discuss different strategies to present and deal with this subject at different school levels with different aims, and we analyse the changes in the classroom working methodology. This paper was presented as a workshop in the 15th National and International Congress of Chemistry Professors and its results and conclusion were highly satisfactory, as they allowed revaluing the educational task aiming at a more open curriculum where the student feels part of his learning process and finds scientific contents useful in his everyday life

    \u201cWhat is more important than love?\u201d. Parental attachment and romantic relationship in Italian emerging adulthood

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    Previous researches suggest that individuals with different attachment styles practice different styles of love, but these do not consider the role of trust, communication, and closeness to the father and mother separately. The main aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship and the impact of parental attachment, through the analysis of the participants\u2019 self-reported account and 1. Department of Education, Cultural Heritage and Tourism, University of Macerata. Postbox: Piazzale Luigi Bertelli (Contrada Vallebona) 62100, Macerata, Italy 2. Psychology of Communication department, University of Macerata, Angelo Carrieri. 3. University of Pablo de Olavide, (ES), Health Plus Parish Priest Mifsud Str. Hamrun, Malta 4. Health Plus Parish Priest Mifsud Str. Hamrun, Malta Accepted Manuscript 4 romantic styles in Italians emerging adulthood by using a multidimensional approach (trust, communication, closeness to father and mother). The 296 participants (19\u201329 years; 50.7% males) rated items of information on a questionnaire, regarding their perspective of their attachment to their mother/father and attitude toward love. Using a variable-centred approach and a person-centred approach, the results suggest that the respondents differed in levels of parental attachment or love styles and that the present parental attachment has a positive impact on their romantic relationship. It is possible to estimate romantic relationships and prevent manic relationships based on the individual\u2019s current perceptions of their attachment to the father or mother. The role of parents and paternal attachment, are still fundamental in Italian young adults. The role of communication with the mother, in particular, is controversial and should be further investigated

    Reconstruction of Acinetobacter johnsonii ICE_NC genome using hybrid de novo genome assemblies and identification of the 12α-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase gene

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    Aims: The role of a Acinetobacter johnsonii strain, isolated from a soil sample, in the biotransformation of bile acids (BAs) was already described but the enzymes responsible for these transformations were only partially purified and molecularly characterized. Methods and Results: This study describes the use of hybrid de novo assemblies, that combine long-read Oxford Nanopore and short-read Illumina sequencing strategies, to reconstruct the entire genome of A. johnsonii ICE_NC strain and to identify the coding region for a 12α-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (12α-HSDH), involved in BAs metabolism. The de novo assembly of the A. johnsonii ICE_NC genome was generated using Canu and Unicycler, both strategies yielded a circular chromosome of about 3.6 Mb and one 117 kb long plasmid. Gene annotation was performed on the final assemblies and the gene for 12α-HSDH was detected on the plasmid. Conclusions: Our findings illustrate the added value of long read sequencing in addressing the challenges of whole genome characterization and plasmid reconstruction in bacteria. These approaches also allowed the identification of the A. johnsonii ICE_NC gene for the 12α-HSDH enzyme, whose activity was confirmed at the biochemical level. Significance and impact or the study: At present, this is the first report on the characterization of a 12α-HSDH gene in an A. johnsonii strain able to biotransform cholic acid into ursodeoxycholic acid, a promising therapeutic agent for several diseases. © 2022 The Authors. Journal of Applied Microbiology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society for Applied Microbiology

    Developing a typology of interventions to support doctors’ mental health and wellbeing

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    Background: The problem of mental ill-health in doctors is complex, accentuated by the COVID-19 pandemic, and impacts on healthcare provision and broader organisational performance. There are many interventions to address the problem but currently no systematic way to categorise them, which makes it hard to describe and compare interventions. As a result, implementation tends to be unfocussed and fall short of the standards developed for implementing complex healthcare interventions. This study aims to develop: 1) a conceptual typology of workplace mental health and wellbeing interventions and 2) a mapping tool to apply the typology within research and practice. Methods: Typology development was based on iterative cycles of analysis of published and in-practice interventions, incorporation of relevant theories and frameworks, and team and stakeholder group discussions. Results: The newly developed typology and mapping tool enable interventions to be conceptualised and/or mapped into different categories, for example whether they are designed to be largely preventative (by either improving the workplace or increasing personal resources) or to resolve problems after they have arisen. Interventions may be mapped across more than one category to reflect the nuance and complexity in many mental health and wellbeing interventions. Mapping of interventions indicated that most publications have not clarified their underlying assumptions about what causes outcomes or the theoretical basis for the intervention. Conclusion: The conceptual typology and mapping tool aims to raise the quality of future research and promote clear thinking about the nature and purpose of interventions, In doing so it aims to support future research and practice in planning interventions to improve the mental health and wellbeing of doctors

    MAGLIO study: epideMiological Analysis on invasive meninGococcaL disease in Italy: fOcus on hospitalization from 2015 to 2019

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    This study analyzed hospital admissions for invasive meningococcal disease (IMD) in epidemiological and economic terms in Italy from 2015 to 2019. The volume of acute admissions for meningococcal diagnosis was analyzed in the period from 2015 to 2019. IMD admissions were identified by ICD-9-CM diagnoses. Costs were assessed using current DRG tariffs. In 2019, a total of 237 admissions for meningococcal disease were recorded in Italy. The mean age of patients was 36.1 years. Lumbar puncture was reported in only 14% of hospital discharge forms. From 2015 to 2019, there was a mean annual reduction of - 1.2% nationally for IMD hospitalizations. For 2019, the total costs for acute inpatient admissions were euro2,001,093. Considering annual incidence due to IMD, a significant decrease was noted in the age group from 0 to 1 year (p = 0.010) during 2015-2019. For all years, mortality associated with meningeal syndrome was lower compared to septic shock with or without meningitis. From 2015 to 2019, hospitalizations for IMD appear to be decreasing slightly in Italy, even if mortality remains high. Favorable trends in hospitalizations for IMD were seen in the 0-1-year age group, which may be attributable to increased vaccination. Costs of hospitalizations for IMD remain high
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