23,009 research outputs found

    An investigation of mechanisms other than lightning to explain certain wideband plasma wave bursts detected in the Venusian nightside ionosphere

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    Several related topics are briefly discussed. Reviewed here is work on an investigation of plasma wave phenomena associated with the question of lightning on Venus. The work supported the contention that lightning is at least a candidate explanation for many of the 100 Hz-only Pioneer Venus orbital electric field detector (OEFD) signals. A review of the work on the investigation of mechanisms other than lightning to explain certain wideband plasma wave bursts detected in the Venusian nightside ionosphere is given. A summary is given of our analysis of data from 23 OEFD observing periods as well as a discussion of the properties of specifically multifrequency events. Our opportunity to work on this topic was not sufficient to draw any firm conclusions about the origins of the multifrequency bursts, but we call attention to what we consider to be several candidate sources. Also discussed are case studies to test for evidence of whistler mode propagation from subionospheric sources, results of a search for dispersive effects in the OEFD data, the results for a search for simultaneous 100 Hz and 730 Hz observations at altitudes below 150 km, changes with altitude in dispersive broadening effects in the time signatures of 100 Hz bursts, and a survey of activity at altitudes above 1000 km

    A DE-1/whistler study of the thermal plasma structure and dynamics in the dusk bulge sector of the magnetosphere

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    The objective of this research was to obtain new understanding of the thermal plasma structure and dynamics of the plasmasphere bulge region of the magnetosphere, with special emphasis on the erosion process that results in a reduction in plasmasphere size and on the manner in which erosion leads to the presence of patches of dense plasma in the middle and outer afternoon-dusk magnetosphere. Case studies involving data from the DE 1, GEOS 2, and ISEE 1 satellites and from ground whistler stations Siple, Halley, and Kerguelen were used. A copy of the published paper entitled 'A case study of plasma structure in the dusk sector associated with enhanced magnetospheric convection,' is included

    Selecting films for sex research: Gender differences in erotic film preference

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    The official published version can be obtained from the link below.The aim of this study was to explore gender differences in sexual responsiveness to erotic films that had been selected for their differential appeal for men and women. A secondary objective was to identify variables that influence sexual arousal and explore whether these variables differ for men and women. Fifteen men (M age = 26 yrs) and 17 women (M age = 24 yrs) were presented with 20 film clips depicting heterosexual interactions, half of which were female- and the other half male-selected, and were asked to rate the clips on a number of dimensions. Overall, men found the film clips more sexually arousing than did the women. Gender differences in arousal were negligible for female-selected clips but substantial for male-selected clips. Furthermore, men and women experienced higher levels of sexual arousal to clips selected for individuals of their own gender. Cluster regression analyses, explaining 77% of the variance for male and 65% for female participants, revealed that men's sexual arousal was dependent upon the attractiveness of the female actor, feeling interested, and both imagining oneself as a participant and watching as an observer. For women, with all variables entered, only imagining oneself as a participant contributed to sexual arousal ratings. The findings suggest that how films are selected in sex research is an important variable in predicting levels of sexual arousal reported by men and women

    ART-EMAP: A Neural Network Architecture for Learning and Prediction by Evidence Accumulation

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    This paper introduces ART-EMAP, a neural architecture that uses spatial and temporal evidence accumulation to extend the capabilities of fuzzy ARTMAP. ART-EMAP combines supervised and unsupervised learning and a medium-term memory process to accomplish stable pattern category recognition in a noisy input environment. The ART-EMAP system features (i) distributed pattern registration at a view category field; (ii) a decision criterion for mapping between view and object categories which can delay categorization of ambiguous objects and trigger an evidence accumulation process when faced with a low confidence prediction; (iii) a process that accumulates evidence at a medium-term memory (MTM) field; and (iv) an unsupervised learning algorithm to fine-tune performance after a limited initial period of supervised network training. ART-EMAP dynamics are illustrated with a benchmark simulation example. Applications include 3-D object recognition from a series of ambiguous 2-D views.British Petroleum (89-A-1204); Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (AFOSR-90-0083, ONR-N00014-92-J-4015); National Science Foundation (IRI-90-00530); Office of Naval Research (N00014-91-J-4100); Air Force Office of Scientific Research (90-0083

    ART-EMAP: A Neural Network Architecture for Object Recognition by Evidence Accumulation

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    A new neural network architecture is introduced for the recognition of pattern classes after supervised and unsupervised learning. Applications include spatio-temporal image understanding and prediction and 3-D object recognition from a series of ambiguous 2-D views. The architecture, called ART-EMAP, achieves a synthesis of adaptive resonance theory (ART) and spatial and temporal evidence integration for dynamic predictive mapping (EMAP). ART-EMAP extends the capabilities of fuzzy ARTMAP in four incremental stages. Stage 1 introduces distributed pattern representation at a view category field. Stage 2 adds a decision criterion to the mapping between view and object categories, delaying identification of ambiguous objects when faced with a low confidence prediction. Stage 3 augments the system with a field where evidence accumulates in medium-term memory (MTM). Stage 4 adds an unsupervised learning process to fine-tune performance after the limited initial period of supervised network training. Each ART-EMAP stage is illustrated with a benchmark simulation example, using both noisy and noise-free data. A concluding set of simulations demonstrate ART-EMAP performance on a difficult 3-D object recognition problem.Advanced Research Projects Agency (ONR N00014-92-J-4015); National Science Foundation (IRI-90-00530); Office of Naval Research (N00014-91-J-4100); Air Force Office of Scientific Research (90-0083

    3-D Object Recognition by the ART-EMAP Evidence Accumulation Network

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    ART-EMAP synthesizes adaptive resonance theory (AHT) and spatial and temporal evidence integration for dynamic predictive mapping (EMAP). The network extends the capabilities of fuzzy ARTMAP in four incremental stages. Stage I introduces distributed pattern representation at a view category field. Stage 2 adds a decision criterion to the mapping between view and object categories, delaying identification of ambiguous objects when faced with a low confidence prediction. Stage 3 augments the system with a field where evidence accumulates in medium-term memory (MTM). Stage 4 adds an unsupervised learning process to fine-tune performance after the limited initial period of supervised network training. Simulations of the four ART-EMAP stages demonstrate performance on a difficult 3-D object recognition problem.Advanced Research Projects Agency (ONR N00014-92-J-4015); National Science Foundation (IRI-90-00530); Office of Naval Research (N00014-91-J-1309); Air Force Office of Scientific Research (90-0083

    Segmentation ART: A Neural Network for Word Recognition from Continuous Speech

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    The Segmentation ATIT (Adaptive Resonance Theory) network for word recognition from a continuous speech stream is introduced. An input sequeuce represents phonemes detected at a preproccesing stage. Segmentation ATIT is trained rapidly, and uses a fast-learning fuzzy ART modules, top-down expectation, and a spatial representation of temporal order. The network performs on-line identification of word boundaries, correcting an initial hypothesis if subsequent phonemes are incompatible with a previous partition. Simulations show that the system's segmentation perfonnance is comparable to that of TRACE, and the ability to segment a number of difficult phrases is also demonstrated.National Science Foundation (NSF-IRI-94-01659); Office of Naval Research (N00014-95-1-0409, N00014-95-1-0G57

    Patient's breath controls comfort devices

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    Patient assist system for totally disabled persons was developed which permits a person, so paralyzed as to be unable to move, to activate by breathing, a call system to summon assistance, turn the page of a book, ajust his bed, or do any one of a number of other things. System consists of patient assist control and breath actuated switch

    Remote sensing of geologic mineral occurrences for the Colorado mineral belt using LANDSAT data

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    The author has identified the following significant results. LANDSAT imagery was examined as a practical and productive tool for mineral exploration along the Colorado Mineral Belt. An attempt was made to identify all large, active and/or abandoned mining districts on the imagery which initially were discovered by surface manifestations. A number of strong photolinements, circular features, and color anomalies were identified. Some of these form a part of the structural and igneous volcanic framework in which mineral deposits occur. No specific mineral deposits such as veins or porphyries were identified. Promising linear and concentric features were field checked at several locations. Some proved to be fault zones and calderas; others were strictly topographic features related to stream or glacial entrenchment. The Silverton Caldera region and the Idaho Springs-Central City district were chosen and studied as case histories to evaluate the application of LANDSAT imagery to mineral exploration. Evidence of specific mineralization related to ore deposits in these two areas were observed only on low level photography