245 research outputs found

    Is there any evidence that ionised outflows quench star formation in type 1 quasars at z<1?

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    The aim of this paper is to test the basic model of negative AGN feedback. According to this model, once the central black hole accretes at the Eddington limit and reaches a certain critical mass, AGN driven outflows blow out gas, suppressing star formation in the host galaxy and self-regulating black hole growth. We consider a sample of 224 quasars selected from the SDSS at z<1 observed in the infrared band by Herschel. We evaluate the star formation rate in relation to several outflow signatures traced by the [OIII]4959,5007 and [OII]3726,3729 emission lines in about half of the sample with high quality spectra. Most of the quasars show asymmetric and broad wings in [OIII], which we interpret as outflow signatures. We separate the quasars in two groups, ``weakly'' and ``strongly'' outflowing, using three different criteria. When we compare the mean star formation rate in five redshift bins in the two groups, we find that the SFRs are comparable or slightly larger in the strongly outflowing quasars. We estimate the stellar mass from SED fitting and the quasars are distributed along the star formation main sequence, although with a large scatter. The scatter from this relation is uncorrelated with respect to the kinematic properties of the outflow. Moreover, for quasars dominated in the infrared by starburst or by AGN emission, we do not find any correlation between the star formation rate and the velocity of the outflow, a trend previously reported in the literature for pure starburst galaxies. We conclude that the basic AGN negative feedback scenario seems not to agree with our results. Although we use a large sample of quasars, we did not find any evidence that the star formation rate is suppressed in the presence of AGN driven outflows on large scale. A possibility is that feedback is effective over much longer timescales than those of single episodes of quasar activity.Comment: 18 pages, new version that implements the suggestions of the referee and matches the AA published versio

    Widespread {QSO}-driven outflows in the early Universe

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    We present the stacking analysis of a sample of 48 quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) at 4.5 < z < 7.1 detected by the Atacama Large Millimetre Array (ALMA) in the [CII] lambda 158 mu m emission line to investigate the presence and the properties of massive, cold outflows associated with broad wings in the [CII] profile. The high sensitivity reached through this analysis allows us to reveal very broad [CII] wings tracing the presence of outflows with velocities in excess of 1000 km s(-1). We find that the luminosity of the broad [CII] emission increases with L-AGN, while it does not significantly depend on the star formation rate of the host galaxy, indicating that the central active galactic nucleus (AGN) is the main driving mechanism of the [CII] outflows in these powerful, distant QSOs. From the stack of the ALMA cubes, we derive an average outflow spatial extent of similar to 3.5 kpc. The average atomic neutral mass outflow rate inferred from the stack of the whole sample is (M)over dot(out) similar to 100 M-circle dot yr(-1), while for the most luminous systems it increases to similar to 200 M(circle dot)yr(-1). The associated outflow kinetic power is about 0.1% of LAGN, while the outflow momentum rate is similar to L-AGN/C or lower, suggesting that these outflows are either driven by radiation pressure onto dusty clouds or, alternatively, are driven by the nuclear wind and energy conserving but with low coupling with the interstellar medium. We discuss the implications of the resulting feedback effect on galaxy evolution in the early Universe

    Widespread QSO-driven outflows in the early Universe

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    We present the stacking analysis of a sample of 48 quasi-stellar objects (QSOs) at 4.5 &lt; z &lt; 7.1 detected by the Atacama Large Millimetre Array (ALMA) in the [CII] \u3bb158 \ub5m emission line to investigate the presence and the properties of massive, cold outflows associated with broad wings in the [CII] profile. The high sensitivity reached through this analysis allows us to reveal very broad [CII] wings tracing the presence of outflows with velocities in excess of 1000 km s 121. We find that the luminosity of the broad [CII] emission increases with LAGN, while it does not significantly depend on the star formation rate of the host galaxy, indicating that the central active galactic nucleus (AGN) is the main driving mechanism of the [CII] outflows in these powerful, distant QSOs. From the stack of the ALMA cubes, we derive an average outflow spatial extent of 3c3.5 kpc. The average atomic neutral mass outflow rate inferred from the stack of the whole sample is M\u2d9out 3c 100 M yr 121, while for the most luminous systems it increases to 3c200 M yr 121. The associated outflow kinetic power is about 0.1% of LAGN, while the outflow momentum rate is 3cLAGN/c or lower, suggesting that these outflows are either driven by radiation pressure onto dusty clouds or, alternatively, are driven by the nuclear wind and energy conserving but with low coupling with the interstellar medium. We discuss the implications of the resulting feedback effect on galaxy evolution in the early Universe

    The multi-phase winds of Markarian 231: from the hot, nuclear, ultra-fast wind to the galaxy-scale, molecular outflow

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    We present the best sensitivity and angular resolution maps of the molecular disk and outflow of Mrk 231, as traced by CO observations obtained with IRAM/PdBI, and we analyze archival Chandra and NuSTAR observations. We constrain the physical properties of both the molecular disk and outflow, the presence of a highly-ionized ultra-fast nuclear wind, and their connection. The molecular outflow has a size of ~1 kpc, and extends in all directions around the nucleus, being more prominent along the south-west to north-east direction, suggesting a wide-angle biconical geometry. The maximum projected velocity of the outflow is nearly constant out to ~1 kpc, thus implying that the density of the outflowing material decreases from the nucleus outwards as r−2r^{-2}. This suggests that either a large part of the gas leaves the flow during its expansion or that the bulk of the outflow has not yet reached out to ~1 kpc, thus implying a limit on its age of ~1 Myr. We find M˙OF=[500−1000] M⊙ yr−1\dot M_{OF}=[ 500-1000]~ M_{\odot}~yr^{-1} and E˙kin,OF=[7−10]×1043\dot E_{kin,OF}=[7-10]\times 10^{43} erg s−1^{-1}. Remarkably, our analysis of the X-ray data reveals a nuclear ultra-fast outflow (UFO) with velocity -20000 km s−1^{-1}, M˙UFO=[0.3−2.1] M⊙yr−1\dot M_{UFO}=[0.3- 2.1] ~M_\odot yr^{-1}, and momentum load P˙UFO/P˙rad=[0.2−1.6]\dot P_{UFO}/\dot P_{rad}=[0.2-1.6].We find E˙kin,UFO∼E˙kin,OF\dot E_{kin,UFO}\sim \dot E_{kin,OF} as predicted for outflows undergoing an energy conserving expansion. This suggests that most of the UFO kinetic energy is transferred to mechanical energy of the kpc-scale outflow, strongly supporting that the energy released during accretion of matter onto super-massive black holes is the ultimate driver of giant massive outflows. We estimate a momentum boost P˙OF/P˙UFO≈[30−60]\dot P_{OF}/\dot P_{UFO}\approx [30-60]. The ratios E˙kin,UFO/Lbol,AGN=[1−5]%\dot E_{kin, UFO}/L_{bol,AGN} =[ 1-5]\% and E˙kin,OF/Lbol,AGN=[1−3]%\dot E_{kin,OF}/L_{bol,AGN} = [1-3]\% agree with the requirements of the most popular models of AGN feedback.Comment: 16 pages, 17 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    Strongly star-forming rotating disks in a complex merging system at z = 4,7 as revealed by ALMA

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    We performed a kinematical analysis of the [CII] line emission of the BR 1202-0725 system at z~4,7 using ALMA observations. The most prominent sources of this system are a quasar and a submillimeter galaxy, separated by a projected distance of about 24 kpc and characterized by very high SFR, higher than 1000 Msun/yr. However, the ALMA observations reveal that these galaxies apparently have undisturbed rotating disks, which is at variance with the commonly accepted scenario in which strong star formation activity is induced by a major merger. We also detected faint components which, after spectral deblending, were spatially resolved from the main QSO and SMG emissions. The relative velocities and positions of these components are compatible with orbital motions within the gravitational potentials generated by the QSO host galaxy and the SMG, suggesting that they are smaller galaxies in interaction or gas clouds in accretion flows of tidal streams. We did not find any clear spectral evidence for outflows caused by AGN or stellar feedback. This suggests that the high star formation rates might be induced by interactions or minor mergers with these companions, which do not affect the large-scale kinematics of the disks, however. Our kinematical analysis also indicates that the QSO and the SMG have similar Mdyn, mostly in the form of molecular gas, and that the QSO host galaxy and the SMG are seen close to face-on with slightly different disk inclinations: the QSO host galaxy is seen almost face-on (i~15), while the SMG is seen at higher inclinations (i~25). Finally, the ratio between the black hole mass of the QSO, obtained from XShooter spectroscopy, and the Mdyn of the host galaxy is similar to value found in very massive local galaxies, suggesting that the evolution of black hole galaxy relations is probably better studied with dynamical than with stellar host galaxy masses.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    The dense molecular gas in the z∼6\rm z\sim6 QSO SDSS J231038.88+185519.7 resolved by ALMA

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    We present ALMA observations of the CO(6-5) and [CII] emission lines and the sub-millimeter continuum of the z∼6z\sim6 quasi-stellar object (QSO) SDSS J231038.88+185519.7. Compared to previous studies, we have analyzed a synthetic beam that is ten times smaller in angular size, we have achieved ten times better sensitivity in the CO(6-5) line, and two and half times better sensitivity in the [CII] line, enabling us to resolve the molecular gas emission. We obtain a size of the dense molecular gas of 2.9±0.52.9\pm0.5 kpc, and of 1.4±0.21.4\pm0.2 kpc for the 91.5 GHz dust continuum. By assuming that CO(6-5) is thermalized, and by adopting a CO--to--H2H_2 conversion factor αCO=0.8 M⊙ K−1 (km/s)−1 pc2\rm \alpha_{CO} = 0.8~ M_{\odot}~K^{-1}~ (km/s)^{-1} ~pc^{2}, we infer a molecular gas mass of M(H2)=(3.2±0.2)×1010M⊙\rm M(H_2)=(3.2 \pm0.2) \times 10^{10}\rm M_{\odot}. Assuming that the observed CO velocity gradient is due to an inclined rotating disk, we derive a dynamical mass of Mdyn sin2(i)=(2.4±0.5)×1010 M⊙\rm M_{dyn}~sin^2(i) = (2.4\pm0.5) \times 10^{10}~ M_{\odot}, which is a factor of approximately two smaller than the previously reported estimate based on [CII]. Regarding the central black hole, we provide a new estimate of the black hole mass based on the C~IV emission line detected in the X-SHOOTER/VLT spectrum: MBH=(1.8±0.5)×109 M⊙\rm M_{BH}=(1.8\pm 0.5) \times 10^{9}~ M_{\odot}. We find a molecular gas fraction of μ=M(H2)/M∗∼4.4\rm \mu=M(H_2)/M^*\sim4.4, where M∗≈Mdyn−M(H2)−M(BH)\rm M^*\approx M_{dyn} - M(H_2)-M(BH). We derive a ratio vrot/σ≈1−2v_{rot}/\sigma \approx 1-2 suggesting high gas turbulence, outflows/inflows and/or complex kinematics due to a merger event. We estimate a global Toomre parameter Q∼0.2−0.5Q\sim 0.2-0.5, indicating likely cloud fragmentation. We compare, at the same angular resolution, the CO(6-5) and [CII] distributions, finding that dense molecular gas is more centrally concentrated with respect to [CII]. We find that the current BH growth rate is similar to that of its host galaxy.Comment: A&A in pres

    The assembly of "normal" galaxies at z=7 probed by ALMA

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    We report new deep ALMA observations aimed at investigating the [CII]158um line and continuum emission in three spectroscopically confirmed Lyman Break Galaxies at 6.8<z<7.1, i.e. well within the re-ionization epoch. With Star Formation Rates of SFR ~ 5-15 Msun/yr these systems are much more representative of the high-z galaxy population than other systems targeted in the past by millimeter observations. For the galaxy with the deepest observation we detect [CII] emission at redshift z=7.107, fully consistent with the Lyalpha redshift, but spatially offset by 0.7" (4 kpc) from the optical emission. At the location of the optical emission, tracing both the Lyalpha line and the far-UV continuum, no [CII] emission is detected in any of the three galaxies, with 3sigma upper limits significantly lower than the [CII] emission observed in lower reshift galaxies. These results suggest that molecular clouds in the central parts of primordial galaxies are rapidly disrupted by stellar feedback. As a result, [CII] emission mostly arises from more external accreting/satellite clumps of neutral gas. These findings are in agreement with recent models of galaxy formation. Thermal far-infrared continuum is not detected in any of the three galaxies. However, the upper limits on the infrared-to-UV emission ratio do not exceed those derived in metal- and dust-poor galaxies.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, MNRAS in press, replaced with accepted versio

    ALMA hints at the presence of turbulent disk galaxies at z > 5

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    High-redshift galaxies are expected to be more turbulent than local galaxies because of their smaller size and higher star formation and thus stronger feedback from star formation, frequent mergers events, and gravitational instabilities. However, this scenario has recently been questioned by the observational evidence of a few galaxies at z~4-5 with a gas velocity dispersion similar to what is observed in the local population. Our goal is to determine whether galaxies in the first Gyrs of the Universe have already formed a dynamically cold rotating disk similar to the local counterparts. We studied the gas kinematic of 22 main-sequence star-forming galaxies at z > 5 and determined their dynamical state by estimating the ratio of the rotational velocity and of the gas velocity dispersion. We mined the ALMA archive and exploited the [CII] and [OIII] observations to perform a kinematic analysis of the cold and warm gas of z>5 main-sequence galaxies. The gas kinematics of the high-z galaxies is consistent within the errors with rotating but turbulent disks. We infer a velocity dispersion that is systematically higher by 4 times than the local galaxy population and the z~5 dust-obscured galaxies reported in the literature. The difference between our results and those reported at similar redshift can be ascribed to the systematic difference in the galaxy properties in the two samples: the disks of massive dusty galaxies are dynamically colder than the disks of dust-poor galaxies. The comparison with the theoretical predictions suggests that the main driver of the velocity dispersion in high-z galaxies is the gravitational energy that is released by the transport of mass within the disk. Finally, we stress that future deeper ALMA high-angular resolution observations are crucial to constrain the kinematic properties of high-z galaxies and to distinguish rotating disks from kpc-scale mergers.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, 1 tables, accepted for publication in A&

    Dust attenuation law in JWST galaxies at z = 7-8

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    Attenuation curves in galaxies depend on dust chemical composition, content, and grain size distribution. Such parameters are related to intrinsic galaxy properties such as metallicity, star formation rate, and stellar age. Due to the lack of observational constraints at high redshift, dust empirical curves measured in the local Universe (e.g. Calzetti and SMC curves) have been employed to describe the dust attenuation at early epochs. We exploit the high sensitivity and spectral resolution of the JWST to constrain the dust attenuation curves in high-z galaxies. Our goals are to check whether dust attenuation curves evolve with redshift and quantify the dependence of the inferred galaxy properties on the assumed dust attenuation law. We develop a modified version of the SED fitting code BAGPIPES by including a detailed dust attenuation curve parametrization. Dust parameters are derived, along with galaxy properties, from the fit to the data from FUV to mm bands. Once applied to three star-forming galaxies at z = 7-8, we find that their attenuation curves differ from local templates. One out of three galaxies shows a characteristic MW bump, typically associated to the presence of small carbonaceous dust grains such as PAHs. This is one of the first evidences suggesting the presence of PAHs in early galaxies. Galaxy properties such as stellar mass and SFR inferred from SED fitting are strongly affected by the assumed attenuation curve, though the adopted star formation history also plays a major role. Our results highlight the importance of accounting for the potential diversity of dust attenuation laws when analyzing the properties of galaxies at the EoR, whose dust properties are still poorly understood. The application of our method to a larger sample of galaxies observed with JWST can provide us important insights into the properties of dust and galaxies in the early universe.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figure
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