39 research outputs found

    Caracterización de subproductos de la industria vitivinícola y su aplicabilidad en cosmética

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    La industria vitivinícola genera anualmente millones de toneladas de residuos o subproductos. Estos residuos o subproductos han de ser gestionados para minimizar el impacto medioambiental que pueden provocar. Buscar estrategias que permitan su utilización y puesta en valor repercutiría de forma positiva en el sector, mejorando el rendimiento económico de las explotaciones vitivinícolas, a la par que se disminuiría el impacto medioambiental al convertir estos residuos en nuevos recursos materiales. En la presente tesis doctoral se ha realizado un estudio de algunos subproductos, de especial interés, de la industria enológica andaluza. Se ha realizado una caracterización en compuestos bioactivos de interés industrial. Posteriormente y en base a los resultados obtenidos, se ha considerado y valorado su posible aplicabilidad en la industria cosmética.La presente tesis doctoral ha sido realizada gracias a la financiación del proyecto de excelencia AGR‐6874 por parte de la Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa de la Junta de Andalucía. La autora de esta tesis ha disfrutado de una beca predoctoral asociada a dicho proyecto

    Relationship between the oral cavity and cardiovascular diseases and metabolic syndrome

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    The components of the human body are closely interdependent; as a result, disease conditions in some organs or components can influence the development of disease in other body locations. The effect of oral health upon health in general has been investigated for decades by many epidemiological studies. In this context, there appears to be a clear relationship between deficient oral hygiene and different systemic disorders such as cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome. The precise relationship between them is the subject of ongoing research, and a variety of theories have been proposed, though most of them postulate the mediation of an inflammatory response. This association between the oral cavity and disease in general requires further study, and health professionals should be made aware of the importance of adopting measures destined to promote correct oral health. The present study conducts a Medline search with the purpose of offering an update on the relationship between oral diseases and cardiovascular diseases, together with an evaluation of the bidirectional relationship between metabolic syndrome and periodontal disease. Most authors effectively describe a moderate association between the oral cavity and cardiovascular diseases, though they also report a lack of scientific evidence that oral alterations constitute an independent cause of cardio - vascular diseases, or that their adequate treatment can contribute to prevent such diseases. In the case of metabolic syndrome, obesity and particularly diabetes mellitus may be associated to an increased susceptibility to periodontitis. However, it is not clear whether periodontal treatment is able to improve the sys - temic conditions of these patients

    Influence of Different Bacteria Inocula and Temperature Levels on the Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Activity of Prickly Pear Vinegar Produced by Surface Culture

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    This work intends to determine the effect on the aroma profile, phenolic content and antioxidant activity of prickly pear vinegars produced by the surface culture at two different fermentation temperatures and using different acetic acid bacteria (AAB) inocula. Prickly pear wine was fermented at two temperature levels (30 and 37 degrees C) by using bacteria inocula containing Acetobacter, Gluconobacter or a mixture of bacteria isolated from Sherry vinegars. Eighty-five individual volatile compounds from different families and sixteen polyphenolic compounds have been identified. It was confirmed that the highest temperature tested (37 degrees C) resulted in a lower concentration of volatile compounds, while no significant effect on the vinegars' volatile composition could be associated with the AAB inoculum used. Contrariwise, the highest content of polyphenolic compounds was detected in those vinegars produced at 37 degrees C and their concentration was also affected by the type of AAB inoculum used. Prickly pear wine displayed greater antioxidant activity than juices or vinegars, while the vinegars obtained through the mixture of AAB from Sherry vinegar showed higher antiradical activity than those obtained through either of the two AAB genera used in this study. It can be therefore concluded that, although the volatile content of vinegars decreased when fermented at a higher temperature, vinegars with a higher content in polyphenols could be obtained by means of partial fermentations at 37 degrees C, as long as thermotolerant bacteria were employed

    Study of the Cluster Thinning Grape as a Source of Phenolic Compounds and Evaluation of Its Antioxidant Potential

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    Thinning is a common viticulture practice in warm climates, and it is applied to increase the quality of the harvest. Thinning clusters are usually discarded, and they are considered another oenological industry waste. To valorize this by-product, the phenolic content and antioxidant activity of three red varieties (Tempranillo, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Syrah), thinned at three different times between veraison and harvest, were studied: the first at the beginning of the veraison stage, in a low ripening stage; the second in an intermediate ripening stage; and, finally, the third sampling in the highest ripening stage. These by-products showed high values of total phenolic contents (10.66-11.75 mg gallic acid equivalent/g), which is of the same order as or even higher than that found in grape pomace. In thinned grape were identified 24 phenolic compounds, being the flavan-3-ols (catechin and epicatechin) of particular interest, with mean contents ranging from 105.1 to 516.4 mg/kg of thinned grape. Antioxidant activity similar to that of the vintage grape was found. It is concluded that thinned grape is a good source of phenolic compounds. Its content does not depend mainly on the grape variety; however, it has been possible to establish differences based on the maturity stage of the thinning grapes: the intermediate ripeness stage, with a Brix degree in the range of 15-16 for this area, would be the optimum collection time for cluster thinning. In this intermediate ripeness stage, thinning grapes present a higher antioxidant activity and there is also appreciable anthocyanin content, which is not found for the lowest ripeness stage, since these samples present an intermediate composition in all the families of determined phenolic compounds: anthocyanins, flavonols, flavan-3-ols, cinnamic acids, and benzoic acids. It is important to note that the experiments in this study have been carried out with whole tinned grapes, without separating the skin or the seeds.This research was funded by Excellence Project of Consejeria de Innovacion, Ciencia y Empresa of the Junta de Andalucia (AGR6874)

    Simplification of the DPPH assay for estimating the antioxidant activity of wine and wine by-products

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    The DPPH assay is one of the most commonly employed methods for measuring antioxidant activity. Even though this method is considered very simple and efficient, it does present various limitations which make it complicated to perform. The range of linearity between the DPPH inhibition percentage and sample concentration has been studied with a view to simplifying the method for characterising samples of wine origin. It has been concluded that all the samples are linear in a range of inhibition below 40%, which allows the analysis to be simplified. A new parameter more appropriate for the simplification, the EC20, has been proposed to express the assay results. Additionally, the reaction time was analysed with the object of avoiding the need for kinetic studies in the method. The simplifications considered offer a more functional method, without significant errors, which could be used for routine analysis

    Fatty Acid and Tocopherol Composition of Pomace and Seed Oil from Five Grape Varieties Southern Spain

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    Grape pomace and seeds are important winemaking by-products. Their oils are rich in bioactive compounds such as fatty acids and tocopherols. We have characterized oils from both by-products from five Spanish grape varieties (Palomino Fino, Pedro Ximenez, Muscat of Alexandria, Tempranillo and Tintilla de Rota). A high content of UFAs was found in all the analyzed samples. Grape pomace oils generally had the same oleic acid (PUFA(omega-6)) content as seed oils, and lower PUFA contents; they also had a markedly higher linolenic acid (PUFA(omega-3)) content, improving the PUFA(omega-6)/PUFA(omega-3) ratio. All the oil studied show good indicators of nutritional quality: low values of the atherogenicity (0.112-0.157 for pomace, 0.097-0.112 for seed) and thrombogenicity indices (0.30-0.35 for pomace, 0.28-0.31 for seed) and high values of the relationship between hypo- and hypercholesterolemic fatty acids (6.93-9.45 for pomace, 9.11-10.54 for seed). Three tocopherols were determined: alpha-, gamma- and delta-tocopherol. Pomace oils have higher relative contents of alpha- and delta-tocopherol, whereas seed oils have higher relative contents of gamma-tocopherol. A significantly higher content of total tocopherols has been found in pomace oil; it is higher in the oils from red varieties of pomace (628.2 and 706.6 mg/kg by-product), and in the oils from pomace containing stems (1686.4 mg/kg by-product). All the oils obtained can be considered as a source of vitamin E, and their consumption is beneficial for health

    Estudio de algunos compuestos de interés en preparados cosméticos realizados con residuos de vinificación del Jerez

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    Actas XI Congreso Nacional de Investigación EnológicaEl uso del vino en cosmética no es algo novedoso. Hay escritos que indican que ya desde la edad antigua se utilizaban mezclas preparadas con vino para el tratamiento de alteraciones de la piel. Lo que sí resulta una novedad es la posibilidad de utilizar los residuos de la vinificación con dicha finalidad. La uva y por consiguiente los residuos de la vinificación, presentan distintos compuestos de gran interés cosmético. Éste es el caso de los compuestos polifenólicos, que debido a su gran eficacia para atrapar radicales libres favorecen la integridad celular, pudiendo actuar como antioxidantes en fórmulas antienvejecimiento. De igual forma, algunos α-hidroxiácidos como el láctico, cítrico o tartárico, presentan importantes propiedades cosméticas debido a su efecto astringente. Estos compuestos al ser aplicados por vía tópica forman una fina capa protectora al reaccionar con las proteínas superficiales de la piel, generando una acción antitranspirante que a su vez produce un efecto hidratante y reafirmante. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido determinar el contenido en diversos α-hidroxiácidos, así como el contenido polifenólico total y la actividad antioxidante en distintas muestras cosméticas que han sido elaboradas utilizando residuos de la vinificación de Vinos de Jerez

    Spatial variability in threshold temperatures of heat wave mortality: impact assessment on prevention plans

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    Spain’s current heat wave prevention plans are activated according to administrative areas. This study analyses the determination of threshold temperatures for triggering prevention-plan activation by reference to isoclimatic areas, and describes the public health benefits. We subdivided the study area – the Madrid Autonomous Region (MAR) – into three, distinct, isoclimatic areas: ‘North’, ‘Central’ and ‘South’, and grouped daily natural-cause mortality (ICD-10: A00-R99) in towns of over 10,000 inhabitants (2000–2009 period) accordingly. Using these three areas rather than the MAR as a whole would have resulted in a possible decrease in mortality of 73 persons (38– 108) in the North area, and in aborting unnecessary activation of the plan 153 times in the Central area and 417 times in the South area. Our results indicate that extrapolating this methodology would bring benefits associated with a reduction in attributable mortality and improved effectiveness of public health interventions.This study was funded by a ‘Miguel Servet type 1’ grant (SEPY 1037/14), as well as a Health Research Fund grant (Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias/FIS Project ENPY1133/16 from the Carlos III Institute of Health

    Umbrales de definición de ola de frío e impacto sobre la mortalidad en España. Necesidad de Planes de prevención

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    Ponencia presentada en: XXXIV Jornadas Científicas de la AME y el XVII Encuentro Hispano Luso de Meteorología celebrado en Teruel, del 29 de febrero al 2 de marzo de 2016

    Determinación de umbrales de definición de ola de calor e impacto sobre la mortalidad en España

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    Ponencia presentada en: XXXIV Jornadas Científicas de la AME y el XVII Encuentro Hispano Luso de Meteorología celebrado en Teruel, del 29 de febrero al 2 de marzo de 2016