167 research outputs found

    Comparative morphology of the endocrine brain and retrocerebral complex of the honeybee worlker and queens (Hymenoptera-apinae)

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    Foi estudado o aspecto das células neurosecretoras da pars intercerebralis e dos corpora cardiaca e allata, em material obtido de rainhas e operárias de Apis mellifera em diferentes idades. O material foi corado com hematoxilina crômicafloxina, verificando-se urna degranulação das células neurosecretoras das operárias após os 15 dias de ida de com correspondente aumento da atividade dos corpora cardiaca e dos corpora allata.Nas rainhas, com exceção da rainha virgem e da rainha fecundada, com 3 anos de idade, a atividade desse sistema endocrino manteve-se constante, fato que parece indicar a atuação dos hormônios produzidos na vitelogênese

    Ultrastructure of ovarian follicular epithelium of the amazonian fish Pseudotylosurus microps (Gunther) (Teleostei, Belonidae): I. the follicular cells cycle of development

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    The present paper deals with the changes on ultrastructural features of the follicular cells along the growth of the oocyte of Pseudotylosurus microps (Gunther, 1868). The epithelium pass from single squamous to pseudostratified and finally cylindric. Remarkable are the changes in the nuclear shapes, the increasing amount of rough endoplasmic reticulum and the formation of large lipid deposits in the follicular cells by the end of vitellogenic phase. Very peculiar intercellular deposits forms between the perinucleolar and vitellogenic phase of oocyte maturation. Although largely referred to in the specialized literature, our attempts to correlate the follicular cells changes with the formation of the oocyte envelopes or even with an endocrine function are not supported by conclusive evidences in the present paper.99109Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Post-embryonic changes in Melipona quadrifasciata anthidioides Lep. IV. Development of the digestive tract (1)

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    No presente trabalho estuda-se o desenvolvimento post-embrionário do tubo digestivo de Melipona quadrifasciata anthidioides. Cada uma das três partes do canal alimentar (estomódeo, mesentério e proctódeo) são tratadas isoladamente. O aspecto larval de cada porção é descrito antes de expor as transformações que ocorrem posteriormente. a maioria das tranformações post-embrionárias do tubo digestivo ocorrem durante a pupação, mas algumas ocorrem já na larva ou durante a fase de pré-pupa. A Tabela I é uma sinopse das mudanças pos-embrionárias que ocorrem nessas três fases. como pode ser visto as mudanças se iniciam 2 dias após a eclosão da larva e estão completas quando a pigmentação do corpo se inicia na pupa, ou seja, 6 dias antes da emergência

    Aspectos ultraestruturais da oogênese de Lytechinus variegatus (Echinoidea) com vistas a vitelogênese

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    O desenvolvimento de oócitos de Lytechinus variegatus foi acompanhado ao microscópio eletrônico afim de verificar-se a maneira pela qual o vitelo é acumulado na célula e a razão de participação de material exógeno e endógeno no processo

    Beekeeping practice: effects of Apis mellifera virgin queen management on ovary development

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    International audienceAbstractNewly emerged virgin queens are frequently imprisoned in cages either inside or outside of colonies before delivery to a new hive. Ovary integrity and proper functioning is the primary factor in a queen’s success as the colony mother. In this work, histological studies on ovaries are used to evaluate the effect of virgin queen imprisonment both out and inside the colony. The results show that the ovarian follicles of virgin queens maintained out of the colony advance only until the beginning of differentiation of oocytes and nurse cells, the vitellarium does not differentiate, and cell death is observed. For virgin queens caged inside a colony, oogenesis progresses until nurse cell and oocyte differentiation is completed, and the vitellarium shows initial differentiation. The results suggest that the best method for a head start of a queen’s fertility is to maintain her inside the colony until introduction into a new hive

    Presença de substâncias Lipídicas nas Glândulas do Sistema Salivar de Trigona (Hym., Apoidea)

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    A colony of eusocial bees is constitute of workers, males and a queen, each one with specific functions in the society. These particular functions imply in differential physiologies and therefore differential nourishment needs. This paper contains an evaluation of the midgut size and histology in different life phases of the mentioned individuals, besides observations about the food intake the food intestinal transit and eletrophoretic proteins pattern of midgut extracts. The results show a parallel between the individual function in the colony and these digestive parameters. Keywords: individual classes; midgut size, life phases, food intake, intestinal transit

    Changes in the size of cephalic salivary glands of Apis mellifera and Scaptotrigona postica (Hymenoptera: Apidae) queens and workers in different life phases

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    The bee species of the Apinae, in addition to the thoracic salivary glands, possess a pair of cephalic glands originating as branches of the excretory duct that crosses the head. These glands are known as cephalic salivary or labial cephalic glands. The degree of development of these glands in newly emerged, nurse and forager workers and virgin and egg-laying queens of Apis mellifera Linnaeus, 1758 and Scaptotrigona postica Latreille, 1807 were evaluated by measuring the secretory alveolar units. The area of the secretory alveoli, measured in total gland preparations, was used to evaluate differences in size. In both species, gland size was found to increase progressively from newly emerged workers to foragers and from virgin to egg-laying queens. A statistical analysis revealed significant differences (p < 0.05) in the area of gland alveoli of workers in different life phases in both species, and between S. postica virgin and egg-laying queens, but not between A. mellifera queens. In the case of workers, this suggests cephalic salivary gland secretion has a function in forager activity and, in queens, a possible pheromonal function