31 research outputs found

    Effects of endocrine disruptors on fetal testis development, male puberty, and transition age

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    Purpose Endocrine disruptors (EDs) are exogenous substances able to impair endocrine system; consequently, they may cause numerous adverse effects. Over the last years, particular focus has been given to their harmful effects on reproductive system, but very little is known, especially in males. The aim of this review is to discuss the detrimental effects of EDs exposure on fetal testis development, male puberty, and transition age. Methods A search for the existing literature focusing on the impact of EDs on fetal testis development, male puberty, andrological parameters (anogenital distance, penile length, and testicular volume), and testicular cancer with particular regard to pubertal age provided the most current information available for this review. Human evidence-based reports were given priority over animal and in vitro experimental results. Given the paucity of available articles on this subject, all resources were given careful consideration. Results Information about the consequences associated with EDs exposure in the current literature is limited and often conflicting, due to the scarcity of human studies and their heterogeneity. Conclusions We conclude that current evidence does not clarify the impact of EDs on human male reproductive health, although severe harmful effects had been reported in animals. Despite controversial results, overall conclusion points toward a positive association between exposure to EDs and reproductive system damage. Further long-term studies performed on wide number of subjects are necessary in order to identify damaging compounds and remove them from the environment

    Long-Term Follow Up of the Erectile Function of Testicular Cancer Survivors

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    The diagnosis of testicular cancer (TC) can have a considerable and persistent impact on a patient's sexuality, especially given its location. The high prevalence of TC in young adults, and the good prognosis, explain the great interest in sexual dysfunction and its influence on post-treatment quality of life. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of the diagnosis and treatments (inguinal orchiectomy and chemotherapy) on sex life. For this purpose, we recruited 241 TC patients attending the Laboratory of Seminology–Sperm Bank “Loredana Gandini” for sperm cryopreservation (mean age 31.3 ± 6.9 years) and 223 cancer-free healthy men who were undergoing andrological screening (mean age 32.0 ± 7.7 years). The IIEF-15 questionnaire was administered at the baseline (post-orchiectomy, pre-chemotherapy—T0) and at 6 (T1), 12 (T2), 18 (T3), 24 (T4), 48 months (T5) and >5 years (T6, median 96 months) after chemotherapy to all patients, to evaluate the following domains: erectile function (EF), orgasmic function (OF), sexual desire (SD), intercourse satisfaction (IS) and overall satisfaction (OS). A subgroup of patients also underwent blood sex hormone analysis for further correlations with IIEF scores. At the baseline, 37.7% of patients had erectile dysfunction (EF score <26) and all IIEF domains except OF showed significantly lower scores than in controls (p < 0.001). Long-term follow-up revealed persistently lower scores in TC survivors than in controls for EF, SD, IS, and OS. Furthermore, most IIEF domains did not improve significantly in TC patients during the duration of the follow-up, with the exception of EF, which showed a significant improvement from T2. Finally, no significant correlation was found between hormone levels (gonadotropin and testosterone) and IIEF-15 scores. In conclusion, TC and its treatment have a significant effect on sexuality. The absence of a clear correlation with biochemical hypogonadism suggests that this may to a large extent be due to the surgical procedure itself, or to the psychological impact of a cancer diagnosis

    Data monitoring roadmap. The experience of the Italian Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders Register

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    Introduction Over the years, disease registers have been increasingly considered a source of reliable and valuable population studies. However, the validity and reliability of data from registers may be limited by missing data, selection bias or data quality not adequately evaluated or checked.This study reports the analysis of the consistency and completeness of the data in the Italian Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders Register.MethodsThe Register collects, through a standardized Web-based Application, unique patients.Data are exported bimonthly and evaluated to assess the updating and completeness, and to check the quality and consistency. Eight clinical indicators are evaluated.ResultsThe Register counts 77,628 patients registered by 126 centres. The number of centres has increased over time, as their capacity to collect patients.The percentages of updated patients (with at least one visit in the last 24 months) have increased from 33% (enrolment period 2000-2015) to 60% (enrolment period 2016-2022). In the cohort of patients registered after 2016, there were >= 75% updated patients in 30% of the small centres (33), in 9% of the medium centres (11), and in all the large centres (2).Clinical indicators show significant improvement for the active patients, expanded disability status scale every 6 months or once every 12 months, visits every 6 months, first visit within 1 year and MRI every 12 months.ConclusionsData from disease registers provide guidance for evidence-based health policies and research, so methods and strategies ensuring their quality and reliability are crucial and have several potential applications

    Indicazioni andrologiche alla PMA

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    L’infertilità di coppia, intesa come l’incapacità di ottenere una gravidanza dopo almeno 12 mesi di rapporti regolari e non protetti, è una condizione evidenziabile nel 10-15% di tutte le coppie. Nella definizione di infertilità bisogna considerare lo stato di entrambi i componenti: infatti, la fertilità non è quasi mai dell'individuo ma deriva dall'integrazione della potenzialità riproduttiva di entrambi i componenti della coppia. I dati epidemiologici evidenziano che nel 50% dei casi l’infertilità è a carico del partner maschile (1), il cosiddetto “fattore maschile”. E’ evidente quindi come componente maschile e femminile abbiano un peso molto simile nell’ambito dell’infertilità di coppia. Numerose sono le cause maschili di infertilit

    Acromegalia, sessualitĂ  e patologia cardiovascolare

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    L’ acromegalia è una condizione rara rappresentata dall’eccesso di secrezione dell’ormone della crescita (GH) ed elevati livelli di Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) associato, nella maggioranza dei casi, alla presenza di un adenoma ipofisario secernente (1). I dati epidemiologici riportati in letteratura mostrano una prevalenza di 2,8-13 casi per 100.000 abitanti ed una mediana di età alla diagnosi attorno alla quinta decade di vita. In molti casi, la sfumata sintomatologia può ritardare la diagnosi di diversi anni e favorire l’insorgenza di comorbidità legate all’alterazione dell’asse ormonale (ipertensione, alterato metabolismo glicolipidico, diabete, cardiomiopatia ipertrofica, insufficienza cardiaca, coronaropatia, ecc.

    A decade of WHO 2010. Total sperm number temporal trend and role of lifestyle factors

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    After a huge decline in sperm concentration between 1938 and 1991 was reported, many researchers investigated the possibility of a worsening of human sperm quality. Despite massive efforts, published evidence is still controversial. Similarly, the role of lifestyle factors on semen parameters is debated. We conducted a monocentric Italian study to evaluate the total sperm number trend over the last 10 years (from 2010 to 2019). Additionally, we evaluated the association between lifestyle factors and total sperm number in order to identify possible damaging factors. We performed a retrospective study analyzing subjects aged 18-55 years who had their semen analyzed between 2010 and 2019. A total of 3329 subjects were included: 1655 subjects referred to our department (Department of Experimental Medicine, Sapienza University of Rome, Roma, Italy) for idiopathic infertility and 1674 subjects referred for preconceptional or andrological screening with no confirmed andrological diseases. Semen samples were examined according to World Health Organization (WHO) 2010 criteria by two seminologists with the same training and the same equipment. For statistical evaluations, only total sperm number (Ă—106 per ejaculate) was taken into consideration. We detected no significant changes in mean total sperm number during the last decade, in either the entire population or the two subgroups (infertile group and control group). In a multivariate analysis total sperm number was significantly associated with the history of infertility, body mass index (BMI) and cigarette smoking. Our results suggest that infertile men are "vulnerable" subjects, particularly susceptible to several negative factors, many of which still remain unknown. Our study highlights the need for studies addressing men's lifestyle in order to find and reduce deleterious agents