103 research outputs found

    SUSY Higgs bosons and beyond

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    We consider extensions of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) where the extra degrees of freedom interact weakly with the Higgs sector. These models allow to relax the tension between the lower bound on the lightest CP even Higgs mass from direct LEP searches and the theoretical upper bound of the MSSM. We study the beyond MSSM (BMSSM) effects via an effective field-theory approach, assuming that the MSSM is valid up to a heavy physics scale M. We compute the masses, couplings and branching fractions of the Higgs sector, including all the relevant corrections up to order 1/M^2. We find that the collider phenomenology can be greatly different with respect to both the SM and the MSSM.Comment: Contribution to the XVIII International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects, April 19 -23, 2010, Florence, Italy. 5 pages, 2 figure

    Electroweak constraints on warped models with custodial symmetry

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    It has been recently argued that realistic models with warped extra dimensions can have Kaluza-Klein particles accessible at the Large Hadron Collider if a custodial symmetry, SU(2)_V \times P_{LR}, is used to protect the T parameter and the coupling of the left-handed bottom quark to the Z gauge boson. In this article we emphasize that such a symmetry implies that the loop corrections to both the T parameter and the Z b_L \bar{b}_L coupling are calculable. In general, these corrections are correlated, can be sizable, and should be considered to determine the allowed parameter space region in models with warped extra dimensions and custodial symmetry, including Randall-Sundrum models with a fundamental Higgs, models of gauge-Higgs unification and Higgsless models. As an example, we derive the constraints that arise on a representative model of gauge-Higgs unification from a global fit to the precision electroweak observables. A scan over the parameter space typically leads to a lower bound on the Kaluza-Klein excitations of the gauge bosons of about 2-3 TeV, depending on the configuration. In the fermionic sector one can have Kaluza-Klein excitations with masses of a few hundred GeV. We present the constraints on these light fermions from recent Tevatron searches, and explore interesting discovery channels at the LHC.Comment: 38 pages, 8 figure

    Heavy Quarks Above the Top at the Tevatron

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    Recent developments in models with warped extra dimensions have opened new possibilities for vector-like quark studies at hadron colliders. These new vector-like quarks can mix sizably with light Standard Model quarks without violating low energy constraints. We perform a model-independent analysis to determine the Tevatron reach in the search for new quarks. We find that the Tevatron has great potential to observe such quarks via their electroweak single production due to their mixing with valence quarks. With 4 (8) fb-1 integrated luminosity, one may reach a 5\sigma statistical significance for a heavy quark of mass 580 (630) GeV if the heavy quark-Standard Model quark mixing parameter is order one.Comment: Version published in Phys. Rev. D; 19 pages, 4 figures; extended version including model building example; added Table

    Clínica médica : una especialidad honorable y trascendente

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    Fil: Carena, José Alberto. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    El desafío de escribir un libro de Medicina

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    Fil: Carena, José Alberto. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médica

    ¿A cuántos?

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    Determinar a cuantos pacientes le realizamos prácticas recomendadas en promoción y prevención de la salud y pesquisa de enfermedades prevalentes en atención primaria.Determine to how many patients we carried out best practices in health promotion, prevention or investigation of prevalent diseases in primary care.Fil: Gasull, Andrea. Hospital Luis Lagomaggiore (Mendoza, Argentina). Servicio de Clínica MédicaFil: Lascano, Soledad. Hospital Luis Lagomaggiore (Mendoza, Argentina). Servicio de Clínica MédicaFil: Matile, Carlos. Hospital Luis Lagomaggiore (Mendoza, Argentina). Servicio de Clínica MédicaFil: Salomon, Susana. Hospital Luis Lagomaggiore (Mendoza, Argentina). Servicio de Clínica MédicaFil: Carena, José. Hospital Luis Lagomaggiore (Mendoza, Argentina). Servicio de Clínica Médic

    Bulk fields with general brane kinetic terms

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    We analyse the effect of general brane kinetic terms for bulk scalars, fermions and gauge bosons in theories with extra dimensions, with and without supersymmetry. We find in particular a singular behaviour when these terms contain derivatives orthogonal to the brane. This is brought about by δ(0)\delta(0) divergences arising at second and higher order in perturbation theory. We argue that this behaviour can be smoothed down by classical renormalization.Comment: 31 pages, v2 few typos correcte

    Perfil clínico y social del paciente adicto hospitalizado

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    Objetivos: Determinar las características clínicas y morbilidad de los pacientes (pac.) adictos ingresados a un Servicio de Clínica Médica. Material y métodos: Estudio protocolizado, observacional, descriptivo y transversal. Criterio de inclusión: pac. adicto con consumo de sustancias ilícitas. Informe preliminar: Periodo: 24 meses. Datos analizados en Epi info 6.4 Resultados: Se incluyeron 40 pac. Prevalencia: 0.2/1000 egresos. El 82.5% eran hombres. Edad media: 31.5 años (DS±9.65). Permanencia media: 11 días (DS±13.98) vs 7.12 (DS±10.1) del Servicio (p=0.016). Consumían cocaína el 82.5% (IC95%67.22-92.66) marihuana el 77.5% (IC95% 61.65- 89.16), tolueno el 10% (IC95%2.79-23.66), floripondio y hachis el 2.5% (IC95% 0.06-13.16) cada uno. En el 2.5% la vía de administración era endovenosa y el 60% eran poliadictos. Solo el 10% recibió tratamiento para abandonar la adicción (100% tratamiento psicológico y 5.13% farmacológico). De clase social pobre el 75%. El 62.5% de los pac. estaban desocupados, tenían antecedentes judiciales el 10% y el 7.5% había estado en prisión. El 92.5% (IC95% 76.34-97.21) era heterosexual, 2.5% hombres que tenían sexo con hombres y bisexuales 5% (IC95% 0.61-16.92). Solo el 10% tenían secundaria completa. El 80% ingreso por Emergencias y por causa infecciosa el 45%. El 12.5% ingreso por complicaciones de la adicción. Las manifestaciones relacionadas con la adicción fueron: manifestaciones del sistema nervioso central: 12.5% (IC95%4.19-26.80); síndrome de abstinencia y temblor 7.5% cada uno y excitación psicomotriz, delirium, signo de foco neurológico y rigidez 5% cada uno. El 100% presentaba alguna comórbida; tabaquismo 80%, depresión 12.8% Y alcoholismo 57.5%, entre otras. Presentaban enfermedades de transmisión sexual 5 pac. (4 HIV, 2 VHC y 1 pediculus pubis). No hubo mortalidad hospitalaria. Conclusión: El paciente adicto internado se caracteriza por ser joven, pertenecer a un grupo social desprotegido, sin trabajo y sin educación, tener poliadicción, con alta carga de comórbidas y de internación, principalmente por complicaciones infecciosas.Objectives: To determine the clinical features and morbidity of addict patients (pac.) admitted to a Service of Medical Clinic. Material and Methods: In a protocolized, descriptive and observational study of 24 month we studied patients patient addicted to consumption of illicit substances. Preliminary Report. Data was analized with Epi Info 6.4. Results: 40 patients included. Prevalence: 0.2/1000 exits. The 82.5% (CI95%67.22-92.66) were men. Average Age: 31.5 years (SD±9.65), the mean hospital stay: 11 days (SD±13.98) vs. 7.12 (SD±10.1) of the Service (p=0.016). The 82.5% cocaine consumers (CI95%67.22-92.66) 77.5% marijuana consumers (CI95% 61.65-77.92), toluene 10 % (CI95%2.79-23.66), Datura metel and Hashish 2.5% (CI95 0.06-13.16) each. In the 2.5%, the way of administration was endovenous and 60% were poli-addicts. Only 10% received treatment to quit the addiction (100% psychological treatment and 5.13% pharmacological). Poor social class 75% (CI95%58.80-87.31); middle class 22.5% (CI95%10.84-38.45) and vagrant 2.5%. The 62.5% of the patients were unemployed (CI95%45.80-77.27), a 10% had a criminal record (CI95%2.79- 23.66), and the 7.5% had been in prison. The 92.5% were heterosexual, 2.5% men had had sex with men and 5% were bisexual. Only 10% had completed secondary education. The 80% admission by emergencies (CI95% 64.35- 90.95) and 45% by infectious cause (CI95%29.26-61.51). The events associated with addiction were: manifestations of central nervous system: 12.5% (CI95%4.19-26.80); abstinence and tremor 7.5% each and psychomotor hyperactivity, delirium, a sign of neurological focus and rigidity 5 percent each. The 100% had any comorbidities; smoking 80%, depression 12.82% and alcoholism 57.5%, among others; 5 patients presented sexually transmitted diseases (4 HIV, 2 HCV and 1 pediculus pubis). There was no hospital mortality. Conclusion: The hospitalized addicted patient is characterized by being young, belonging to a social group unprotected, unemployed and uneducated, having poli-addiction, with high burden of comorbid and of hospitalization, mainly by infectious complications.Fil: Santolín, María. Hospital Luis Lagomaggiore (Mendoza, Argentina). Servicio de Clínica MédicaFil: Zabala, P.. Hospital Luis Lagomaggiore (Mendoza, Argentina). Servicio de Clínica MédicaFil: Salomón, Susana Elsa. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Departamento de Medicina InternaFil: Carena, José Alberto. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Departamento de Medicina Intern

    Light Kaluza-Klein States in Randall-Sundrum Models with Custodial SU(2)

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    We consider Randall-Sundrum scenarios based on SU(2)_L x SU(2)_R and a discrete parity exchanging L with R. The custodial and parity symmetries can be used to make the tree level contribution to the T parameter and the anomalous couplings of the bottom quark to the Z very small. We show that the resulting quantum numbers typically induce a negative T parameter at one loop that, together with the positive value of the S parameter, restrict considerably these models. There are nevertheless regions of parameter space that successfully reproduce the fit to electroweak precision observables with light Kaluza-Klein excitations accessible at colliders. We consider models of gauge-Higgs unification that implement the custodial and parity symmetries and find that the EW data singles out a very well defined region in parameter space. In this region one typically finds light gauge boson Kaluza-Klein excitations as well as light SU(2)_L singlet, and sometimes also doublet, fermionic states, that mix with the top quark, and may yield interesting signatures at future colliders.Comment: 35 pages, 7 figure

    Dengue hemorrágico : a propósito de un caso importado en la ciudad de Mendoza : importancia de los antecedentes epidemiológicos : caso clínico

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    El Dengue es una enfermedad infecciosa, endemo-epidémica, hoy emergente, producida por virus ARN de la familia flaviviridae, que precisa de un vector, mosquitos del género aedes, para ser transmitida al hombre. Los casos que aparecen en nuestro medio son importados, por lo que siempre es importante investigar la epidemiología ante cuadros febriles inespecíficos en pacientes que han estado en zonas endémicas.- Se comunica un caso de dengue hemorrágico importado en una mujer joven con compromiso hepático con el propósito de destacar la importancia de indagar acerca de los antecedentes epidemiológicos y realizar una revisión del tema.Dengue is an infectious disease, endemic and epidemic, now emerging, produced by RNA virus of the Flaviviridae family, which requires a vector, the Aedes mosquitoes, to be transmitted to humans. The cases that appear in our city are imported, and it's always important to investigate the epidemiology in nonspecific febrile patients who have been in endemic areas.- A case of imported hemorrhagic dengue fever is reported in a young woman with liver involvement, with the aim to point out the significance of the epidemiological risk factors.Fil: Parera, Jorgelina. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias MédicasFil: Cichitti, Cecilia. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias MédicasFil: Attorri, Silvia. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias MédicasFil: Salomón, Susana Elsa. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias MédicasFil: Carena, José Alberto. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médica