95 research outputs found

    Interações de cultivares e linhagens de feijoeiro com ambientes

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    The performance of bean lines brought forth in breeding programs or of cultivars in use can be affected by environmental variability. The adaptability and stability of grain yield of 18 common bean cultivars and lines in 23 environments (combinations of seasons, years and locations) were evaluated in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. 'IAC-Carioca' and 'IAC-Carioca Eté' were used as standard cultivars for the carioca grain type, while 'FT-Nobre' and 'IAC-Una' represented the standard for black grains. The experiment was set up in a randomized complete block design with four replications and plots consisting of two, two central five meters rows flanked by border rows. Stability parameters were estimated by the methods Maximum Yield Deviations (MYD) and by the Additive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interaction Analysis (AMMI). For the identification of the most stable cultivars, the two methods led to consistent results, although by MYD the highest stability was always associated to the highest yield. 'MAC-733327' and 'LP 9637' were the most suitable cultivars and lines for the joint seasons, while 'LP 9637' and 'FT-Nobre' were the most suitable for the dry season. The MYD method combined a simple procedure, easiness of result interpretation, uniqueness of parameters, and association between stability and yield. On the other hand, the AMMI method simplified the identification of stable cultivars by visual inspection, also providing information on the environments. However, the complex nature which combines uni-and multivariate techniques hampers its widespread use in breeding programs.A variabilidade de ambientes pode afetar o desempenho de linhagens de feijoeiro geradas nos programas de melhoramento e também dos cultivares em uso. Assim, foram avaliadas a adaptabilidade e a estabilidade de produção de grãos de 18 cultivares e linhagens de feijoeiro em 23 ambientes (combinações de épocas, anos e locais), no Estado de São Paulo. 'IAC-Carioca' e 'IAC-Carioca Eté' foram os cultivares usados como padrões de grãos tipo carioca, enquanto 'FT-Nobre' e 'IAC-Una' foram padrões para grãos pretos. Os ensaios foram instalados em blocos completos casualizados, com quatro repetições e parcela útil de duas linhas centrais de cinco metros. Os parâmetros de estabilidade foram estimados pelos métodos dos Desvios da Produtividade Máxima (MYD) e da Análise da Interação Multiplicativa e dos Efeitos Principais Aditivos (AMMI). Ambos produziram resultados congruentes em termos de identificação dos cultivares mais estáveis, porém a maior estabilidade esteve sempre associada à maior produtividade no MYD. 'MA-733327' e 'LP 9637' foram os cultivares mais indicados para o conjunto das épocas, águas e inverno, enquanto LP 9637 e FT-Nobre foram os mais estáveis na seca. MYD reuniu simplicidade de procedimento, facilidade de interpretação de resultados, unicidade de parâmetros e associação entre estabilidade e produtividade. Por sua vez, AMMI, além de informar sobre os ambientes, facilitou a identificação dos cultivares estáveis por inspeção visual. Porém sua fundamentação complexa, visto que combina técnicas uni e multivariadas, dificulta seu uso generalizado em programas de melhoramento

    Diversidade genética em acessos de feijoeiro avaliada por meio de dados morfo-agronômicos e de RAPD

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    Bancos de germoplasma guardam amostras de genótipos, variedades melhoradas, crioulas e espécies selvagens, todas genericamente denominadas acessos. A importância da caracterização de bancos de germoplasma reside na identificação e no conhecimento de características relevantes para o melhoramento genético e para conservação ex situ do germoplasma. Avaliou-se a diversidade genética entre 220 acessos de feijoeiro de um banco brasileiro de germoplasma de feijoeiro localizado no IAC (Instituto Agronômico, Campinas), por meio de 23 descritores morfo-agronômicos e 19 locos de RAPD. Os acessos correspondem a genótipos do pool gênico andino e mesoamericano e também por cultivares resultantes de programas de melhoramento de feijoeiro. Os acessos mesoamericanos e as cultivares melhoradas foram agrupados em um mesmo grupo, distintamente dos acessos andinos. Com base nos dados moleculares, 47% de similaridade genética foi detectada entre acessos mesoamericanos e resultados semelhantes foram observados para as cultivares melhoradas (50%). Os andinos apresentaram 60% de similaridade genética. O cluster formado pelas cultivares melhoradas e genótipos mesoamericanos apresentou diferenças quanto à coloração do tegumento. Ambos os conjuntos de dados, moleculares e morfo-agronômicos, foram igualmente eficientes para quantificação e estruturação da diversidade genética de acessos de feijoeiro. Essas informações poderão ser utilizadas para orientação de cruzamentos e para a conservação adequada do banco de germoplasma de feijoeiro do IAC.Germplasm banks store genotype samples, improved varieties, landraces and wild species, all generically denominated accessions. The importance of characterizing germplasm banks is based on the identification and knowledge of relevant traits for genetic improvement and ex situ germplasm conservation. Thus, the present study had as aim the evaluation of the genetic diversity among 220 accessions of a Brazilian common bean germplasm bank of the "Instituto Agronômico de Campinas" (IAC) by means of 23 morpho-agronomical descriptors and 19 RAPD loci. These accessions correspond to genotypes from the Andean and Middle American gene pool as well as from cultivars derived from common bean improvement programs. The Middle American accessions and the improved cultivars were clustered into one group, distinct from the one formed by the Andean accessions. In relation to the molecular data, 47% of the genetic similarity was detected among the Middle American accessions, and similar results were observed for the improved cultivars (50%). The Andean accessions revealed 60% of genetic similarity. The cluster constituted by the improved cultivars and the Middle American genotypes differed, basically, in tegument color. Both molecular and morpho-agronomical data sets were equally effective to quantify and organize the genetic diversity of common bean accessions. This information may be useful to direct crosses and for the proper organization of the IAC germplasm bank

    Common bean genotypes for agronomic and market-related traits in VCU trials

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    Value for Cultivation and Use (VCU) trials are undertaken when evaluating improved common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) lines, and knowledge of agronomic and market-related traits and disease reaction is instrumental in making cultivar recommendations. This study evaluates the yield, cooking time, grain color and reaction to anthracnose (Colletotrichum lindemuthianum), Fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli) and Curtobacterium wilt (Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens) of 25 common bean genotypes derived from the main common bean breeding programs in Brazil. Seventeen VCU trials were carried out in the rainy season, dry season and winter season from 2009 to 2011 in the state of São Paulo. Analyses of grain color and cooking time were initiated 60 days after harvest, and disease reaction analyses were performed in the laboratory under controlled conditions. In terms of yield, no genotype superior to the controls was observed for any of the seasons under consideration. Grains from the dry season exhibited better color, while the rainy season led to the shortest cooking times. The following genotypes BRS Esteio, BRS Esplendor and IAC Imperador were resistant to anthracnose, Fusarium wilt and Curtobacterium wilt and, in general, genotypes with lighter-colored grains were more susceptible to anthracnose and Fusarium wilt

    Efficiency in the use of phosphorus by common bean genotypes

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    Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is frequently grown in weathered soils with low phosphorus (P) availability, and this is one of the main limitations on its production. This study aimed to assess 20 common bean genotypes in a hydroponic system to select the best P concentration for inducing nutritional deficiency and to classify the genotypes in terms of nutrient utilization efficiency. The concentrations of P applied were 8.00, 4.00, 2.00 and 0.05 mg L¹. At 21 days, in the plot subjected to an application of the most severe stress, the 0.05 mg L¹ dose of P, had smaller plant size and early leaf abscission was observed. The 4.00 mg L¹ dose of P was the most efficient in inducing stress for discrimination of cultivars in terms of efficiency of use of P. The following genotypes: IAPAR 81, Carioca Comum, IAC Carioca Tybatã, IAC Imperador and G 2333 stood out as being efficient and responsive to P, while the two cultivars DOR 364 and Jalo Precoce were the most inefficient and unresponsive

    Public policies in bioeconomy in Brazil: the strategy of Agropolo Campinas-Brasil, Agropolo Campinas-Brasil

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    Agropolo Campinas-Brasil fue creado en Campinas, Brasil como una plataforma colaborativa entre algunas instituciones públicas (Instituto Agronómico de Campinas-IAC, Universidad Estadual de Campinas-UNICAMP, Instituto de Tecnología de Alimentos-ITAL, Prefectura de Campinas y TECHNO PARK) con la participación de Empresas Privadas y con el objetivo de cambiar la forma de hacer investigación y promover innovaciones tecnológicas en el área de la bioeconomía tropical. Brasil es un gran productor y exportador de alimentos, pero aún no puede agregar valor justoa sus productos. En este sentido, con el apoyo de la Fundación de Apoyo a la Investigación del Estado de São Paulo -FAPESP, y siguiendo el ejemplo de Agropolis International, Montpellier, Francia, se realizó un estudio en áreas consideradas estratégicas en agricultura, salud, alimentación, química verde y bioenergía. Este artículo presenta algunos de los principales resultados destinados a implementar una hoja de ruta para la bioeconomía tropical.Agropolo Campinas-Brasil was created in Campinas, Brazil as a collaborative platformamong public institutions (Agronomic Institute of Campinas-IAC, State Universityof Campinas-UNICAMP, Institute of Food Technology-ITAL, the Campinas City Hall, and the TECHNO PARK. The main objective was to change how research organized and to promote technological innovations in the bioeconomy tropical. Brazil is a large producer and exporter of food, but still has difficulties to add value to its products. In this sense, with the support of the Research Foundation of the State of São Paulo -FAPESP, and following the example of Agropolis International, Montpellier, France, a study was carried out in strategic areas in agriculture, health, food, green chemistry, and bioenergy. This article presents some of the main results aimed at implementing a roadmap for the tropical bioeconomyin Brazi

    Common bean resistance expression to whitefly in winter and rainy seasons in Brazil

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    Whitefly Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) biotype B is the major pest of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Brazil and other countries. Host plant resistance is one of the cornerstones of Integrated Pest Management (IPM), and assessment of cultivars for insect resistance is fundamental to provide farmers options for pest control. This study evaluated common bean resistance to whitefly in the winter and rainy seasons in Jaboticabal, Brazil, and correlated the infestation with climatic factors. The plant part and development period of common bean that are more susceptible to whitefly infestation were also examined for potential use in IPM. Field experiments were carried out using 18 and 19 commercial cultivars in the winter and rainy seasons, respectively. Whitefly eggs, nymphs, and adults in the upper part and lower part of plants were sampled from 25 to 60 days after emergence (DAE). Cultivars IAC-Una and IAC-Eldorado had less oviposition and the former also showed lower adult infestation in the winter season. In the rainy season, cultivars IAPAR-81 and Guará had a smaller number of eggs, whereas IAC-Centauro was less infested by nymphs. The number of nymphs and adults was similar among cultivars in the winter and rainy seasons, respectively. The upper part of plants had a greater number of eggs and adults, while, the lower part harbored larger numbers of nymphs. Common bean was more susceptible to whitefly at 25-32 DAE in both seasons. These results add useful information to IPM of whitefly in common bean

    Influence of high temperature on the reproductive biology of dry edible bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of heat stress on 12 bean genotypes through the analysis of their reproductive biology in terms of flowering, pollen viability, meiotic behavior, and production. Plants were grown in a climate chamber at 25-20 °C (day and night) and at a high temperature treatment 37-26 °C (day and night) from the vegetative (V4) development stage to physiological maturity. The experimental design was 2 × 12 factorial arrangement with six replications and the factors consisted of heat treatments and genotypes. In three replications, the number of newly opened flowers was checked daily. At physiological maturity, the following traits were evaluated: percentage of pod set, number of pods, number of viable seeds, number of aborted seeds, 100 seed weight, and seed yield (g per plant). The other three replications were used to collect flowers to create slides to study viability of the pollen grain and analyze the meiotic behavior. The heat treatment factor significantly affected the following traits: total number of pollen grains, number of flowers, number of pods, pod set, number of viable seeds, 100 seed weight, and seed yield. The raised temperature reduced these variables, except for percentage of pod set, and increased meiotic irregularities. The mean values regarding seed yield were 16.39 g per plant for the control treatment and 7.46 g per plant under high temperature. IAC Imperador, FT Nobre, Pérola, BRS Estilo, and IAC Diplomata stood out for higher bean seed yield under increased temperature

    Novos marcadores microssatélites desenvolvidos a partir de uma biblioteca genômica enriquecida em feijão-comum

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    The objective of this work was to develop new microsatellite markers in common bean. Ninety nine new microsatelitte loci were developed from a microsatellite enriched library for (CT)8 and (GT)8 motifs, from CAL-143 line. The majority of microsatellite sequences (51%) was related to cellular metabolism. The remaining sequences were associated to transcription functions. Only 17.2% of the sequences presented some level of similarity with other plant species genes.O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver novos marcadores microssatélites para feijão-comum. Noventa e nove novos locos de microssatélites foram desenvolvidos a partir de uma biblioteca enriquecida com motivos (CT)8 e (GT)8, proveniente da linhagem CAL-143. A maioria dos microssatélites (51%) esteve relacionada ao metabolismo celular. As demais seqüências estiveram associadas a funções de transcrição. Apenas 17,2% das seqüências apresentaram alguma semelhança com genes de outras espécies
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