20 research outputs found

    Italian NSI for the school. A new project to promote statistical literacy in Italian regions

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    A key activity of Istat, Italian NSI, is that of promoting statistical literacy. In recent years this goal was further strengthened through the constitution of a network of around 80 experts of the territorial offices and the activation of proper synergies with the former School of Statistics and Socio-Economic Analysis (SAES). The most part of the network activities are devoted to promoting initiatives for the education system (teachers and students). One of the latest releases of the network is the “community of sharing experiences between Istat operators and teachers”, a place through which to discuss, share experiences and identify new approaches to the teaching of statistics across a process of cooperative intelligence. A particularly promising area of action is related to the use of virtual reality for the transfer of educational content. The Territorial Office for Apulia, maintaining and further developing the main goals of the network, acts synergistic actions of disseminations in many schools of the region. Tools adopted are mainly those of the educational packages. Methods of administration are quite innovative. There is a specific attention to find instruments of linkage between teachers in order to share educational technology and skills to develop students' abilities in the area of calculation, interpretation and graphical representation of data. A further instrument introduced to guide students towards critical thinking is that of laboratory. By means of laboratories students of secondary school are able to follow all the entire process of data production, from microdata to methods of synthesis

    La componente soggettiva è essenziale per la definizione del concetto di benessere? Alcune riflessioni sul rapporto BES dell’ISTAT

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    Lo scopo del presente lavoro è quello di contribuire al dibattito internazionale sul “superamento del PIL” quale misura del benessere, con la proposta di ulteriori indicatori adatti a misurare il Benessere equo e sostenibile. Recentemente, il dibattito su come misurare il Benessere, sia individuale che collettivo, ha coinvolto sia i responsabili politici che l'opinione pubblica in quanto i cambiamenti negli stili di vita e quelli in ambito economico, sociale ed ambientale hanno sottolineato la necessità di sviluppare nuove misure statistiche in grado di supportare i decisori, le imprese e i cittadini nelle loro scelte. Il punto di partenza dell’analisi è che “i parametri economici da soli si sono rivelati inadeguati per valutare il progresso delle società e dovrebbero essere integrati da informazioni sociali e ambientali nonché da misure di disuguaglianza e di sostenibilità" (Istat-CNEL, 2014). In Italia, il rapporto "Benessere Equo e Sostenibile" (BES) nasce da un'iniziativa congiunta del Consiglio Nazionale dell'Economia e del Lavoro (CNEL) e dell'Istituto Nazionale Italiano di Statistica (Istat) ed è ancora “aperto” per ricevere i contributi dei ricercatori per definire più correttamente la dimensione del benessere. In questo progetto, il Benessere come dimensione è articolato in 12 aree: salute, istruzione e formazione, lavoro e conciliazione dei tempi di vita, benessere economico, relazioni sociali, politica e istituzioni, sicurezza, benessere soggettivo, paesaggio e patrimonio culturale, ambiente, ricerca e innovazione, qualità dei servizi. Le dimensioni sono misurate per mezzo di 134 indicatori in totale, i cui dati provengono da fonti diverse, ma tutte ufficiali. Nella prima parte, il lavoro evidenzia alcune osservazioni circa gli indicatori oggettivi e soggettivi che compongono il set di dati. Successivamente vengono presentate alcune analisi per verificare se la componente soggettiva possa essere considerata importante per la definizione del benessere complessivo, concludendo che, per essa, gli indicatori soggettivi sono essenziali

    Una valutazione del benessere "a misura di comune" attraverso una proposta di indicatori sintetici per il reddito e per il dominio istruzione

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    Nel presente lavoro si presentano i risultati di una ricerca finalizzata alla implementazione di indicatori sintetici per il reddito e per il dominio istruzione ad una definizione a livello territoriale estremamente dettagliato, quello comunale, potenzialmente utilizzabile per l implementazione in futuro del set informativo stesso a misura di comune ed idonea per l arricchimento degli strumenti informativi per lo studio delle Relazioni tra mobilità intergenerazionale delle condizioni economiche e istruzione

    A forecasting model for the Italian local public demand and expenditure of services for the senior age. The impact of demographic aging

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    This paper proposes the use of a forecasting model to estimate the Italian public spending on services for the elderly, which is affected by the demand change due to demographic aging that will affect Italy in the coming decades. This phenomenon is to be addressed both at a national level and at a territorial one, through an estimate of expenditure according to different scenarios of public policy choices characterized by a marked proactivity or a simple desire for equal distribution

    Formazione e mercato del lavoro: italiani e stranieri a confronto

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    The theoretical framework of immigrant adjustment in the labour market of the host country is based on the international transferability of human capital (Chiswick, 1986; Duleep and Regets 1997). The extent of human capital transferability between two countries depends to a great extent on the type of skills of individual and on the migration motive (income maximisation problem or political situation in their home country, ethnic enclaves, etc.). On the other hand, the economic theory of assimilation into the host country labour market predicts that assimilation is mainly influenced by the characteristics of the home country, the migration motive and the expected migration duration (Bauer, Lofstrom and Zimmermann 2000). However important differences in the immigrants’ behaviour are observed when the immigrant population is stratified by the educational level. The analysis is clearly very complex because the variables intervening in producing a satisfying level of integration in the labour market are many with cumulative or combined effects. It is necessary to take into account both individual and context socio-economic characteristics. To understand the role played by the educational level, we proceed in our comparative study selecting two subsamples: foreign workers and Italian workers. We developed a broad descriptive analysis. However, in order to confirm (or not) our results and to analyse the possible correlation between the selected characteristics and the employment status, two logit models and X2 tests were performed focusing our attention on the educational level of the two subsamples. For our analysis, we decided to use the micro data of the Indagine continua Forze di Lavoro (Labour Force Survey) conducted on a regular base by ISTAT. Concerning the Italian case, we observed several interesting results revealing significant both similarities and differences between the two observed group

    Randomized, controlled, double-blind clinical study evaluating the safety and efficacy of MD2011001 cream in mild-to-moderate atopic dermatitis of the face and neck in children, adolescents and adults

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    This mono-center randomized, controlled, double-blind study evaluates the safety and efficacy of MD2011001 cream versus placebo, in mild-to-moderate atopic dermatitis (AD). MD2011001 is a nonsteroidal topical cream containing vitamin E, epigallocatechin gallate and grape seed procyanidins