91 research outputs found

    Tendencias actuales en el ámbito de las habilidades sociales

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    En el presente trabajo se realiza una revisión de artículos sobre entrenamientos en habilidades sociales publicados en la década 2002-2012 a partir de la base de datos PsycInfo, centrando el foco de forma específica en artículos de revisión y meta-análisis. Estos artículos revisan fundamentalmente aplicaciones clínicas y educativas, y tratan poblaciones juveniles e infantiles. Se realiza una revisión crítica de la eficacia de estos entrenamientos, señalando tanto sus ventajas como sus inconvenientes. Finalmente se plantean unas recomendaciones prácticas y se señalan futuras direcciones, las cuales ponen de manifiesto la necesidad de identificar los prerrequisitos para documentar la efectividad de los entrenamientos en habilidades sociales, garantizar la generalización y mantenimiento de los logros alcanzados, adaptar los entrenamientos a las necesidades particulares de los participantes, formar y cualificar a las personas que realizan los entrenamientos y expandir los entrenamientos y garantizar su acceso (considerados estos como un derecho y no lujo, y por tanto que deba ser cubierto por las instituciones correspondientes).In the present study we realized a review of articles published on the topic of social skills training during the Decade 2002-2012. PsycInfo database was employed, focusing specifically on review articles and meta-analyses. These articles mainly reviewed clinical and educational trainings, implemented on child and youth populations. We started our work with a critical review of the effectiveness of these trainings, analyzing both strengths and weaknesses. Finally, we discuss some practical recommendations and identify future directions. Specifically, we pointed out: the need to identify the prerequisites for assessing and documenting the effectiveness of training in social skills, guaranteeing the generalization and maintenance of the achievements; the need for adapting trainings to participants’ needs; the need to train and qualifying trainers; the need to expand trainings and ensure their accessibility (by considering those training as a right - and not as luxury element - that should be covered by the corresponding institutions)

    Complementary music therapy for cancer patients in at-home palliative care and their caregivers: protocol for a multicentre randomised controlled trial

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    Background Patients with advanced cancer, receiving at-home palliative care, are subject to numerous symptoms that are changeable and often require attention, a stressful situation that also impacts on the family caregiver. It has been suggested that music therapy may benefit both the patient and the caregiver. We propose a study to analyse the efficacy and cost utility of a music intervention programme, applied as complementary therapy, for cancer patients in palliative care and for their at-home caregivers, compared to usual treatment. Method A randomised, double-blind, multicentre clinical trial will be performed in cancer patients in at-home palliative care and their family caregivers. The study population will include two samples of 40 patients and two samples of 41 caregivers. Participants will be randomly assigned either to the intervention group or to the control group. The intervention group will receive a seven-day programme including music sessions, while the control group will receive seven sessions of (spoken word) therapeutic education. In this study, the primary outcome measure is the assessment of patients' symptoms, according to the Edmonton Symptom Assessment System, and of the overload experienced by family caregivers, measured by the Caregiver Strain Index. The secondary outcomes considered will be the participants' health-related quality of life, their satisfaction with the intervention, and an economic valuation. Discussion This study is expected to enhance our understanding of the efficacy and cost-utility of music therapy for cancer patients in palliative care and for their family caregivers. The results of this project are expected to be applicable and transferrable to usual clinical practice for patients in home palliative care and for their caregivers. The approach described can be incorporated as an additional therapeutic resource within comprehensive palliative care. To our knowledge, no previous high quality studies, based on a double-blind clinical trial, have been undertaken to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of music therapy. The cost-effectiveness of the project will provide information to support decision making, thereby improving the management of health resources and their use within the health system

    Diferencias del rol desempeñado por la autoeficacia en el burnout percibido por el personal universitario en función de las condiciones de trabajo.

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    El objetivo del presente estudio es analizar el papel que des-empeña la autoeficacia en la relación entre condiciones de trabajo y síndrome de estar quemado o burnout en una muestra de profesionales de la Universidad de Sevilla. En concreto, la muestra está compuesta por 194 profesores universitarios (PDI) y 121 personas encargadas de tareas de administración y servicios (PAS). Mediante un diseño transversal se les aplicó un cuestionario sobre condiciones de trabajo de carácter estresante y autoeficacia para afrontar las mismas (Escala Laboral de Estrés) así como el cuestionario de burnout MBI. Tal como apuntaban nuestras hipótesis, las condiciones de trabajo (ambigüedad de rol y sobrecarga laboral) se relacio-nan positivamente con el burnout, jugando la autoeficacia un papel modula-dor sólo en los casos en que el individuo puede actuar para modificar las condiciones estresantes. Se discuten las implicaciones a nivel teórico y práctico de los presentes resultados.The aim of this study is to analyze the role that self-efficacy plays in the relationship between working conditions and burnout in the University context. The sample was composed by 194 teachers and 121 employees from the administrative staff of the University of Seville (Spain). The Job Stress Scale and Maslach Burnout Inventory were used to measure working conditions, self-efficacy and burnout in a cross-sectional design study. According to our hypotheses, there is a positive relationship between stressful working conditions and burnout. In addition, self-efficacy seems to moderate the association between potentially stressful working conditions and burnout. However, the moderating effect of self-efficacy was observed only under the working conditions that can be directly influenced by employees’ behaviour. Theoretical and practical implications for occupational health researchers and practitioners are discussed

    Bases para el desarrollo de la autoeficacia en programas para la promoción de la actividad física

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    Las investigaciones muestran que reforzar la autoeficacia de las personas es una de las estrategias más eficaces para promocionar la práctica regular de actividad física. Considerando que la autoeficacia es un determinante de las conductas de salud, se pone en evidencia la necesidad de implementar planes para la promoción de la actividad física que contemplen la autoeficacia como objetivo de cambio. Estos programas persiguen no sólo la ejecución del comportamiento sino también su mantenimiento en el tiempo como hábito saludable. En este trabajo se quiere dar respuestas a tres cuestiones esenciales que plantean este tipo de intervención: cómo evaluar la autoeficacia para el ejercicio físico, cómo lograr que las personas que se inician en un programa de actividad física ganen mayor confianza en sus propias capacidades para mantenerse bajo las contingencias del mismo, y cómo guiar a los profesionales de la salud en todo este proceso.Research shows that reinforcing self-efficacy of individuals is one of the most effective strategies to promote physical activity as a regular practice. Whereas self-efficacy is a determinant of health behaviors, the need to implement plans for the promotion of physical activity covering self-efficacy as goal of change becomes evident. These programs seek not only behavioral performance but also its maintenance over time as a healthy habit. This paper wants to give answers to three key questions posed by this type of intervention: how to assess self-efficacy for physical exercise, how to get people who start a physical activity program to gain more confidence in their own capacities to initiate and maintain physical activity, and how to guide health professionals in this process

    Intervention to improve quality of sleep of palliative patient carers in the community: protocol for a multicentre randomised controlled trial

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    Background: Sleep disorders are commonly experienced by community caregivers for persons with cancer, with at least 72% reporting moderate to severe disorders. A consequence of this condition, which is associated with the presence of overload in the caregiver, is the increased risk of clinical depression. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of music on the sleep quality achieved by informal caregivers for cancer patients receiving home palliative care. In addition, we will assess the influence of specific variables that could modify these effects, analyse the correlates related to nocturnal wakefulness and consider the diurnal consequences according to the sleep characteristics identified. Methods: This single-blind, multicentre, randomised clinical trial will focus on informal providers of care for cancer patients. Two samples of 40 caregivers will be recruited. The first, intervention, group will receive seven music-based sessions. The control group will be masked with seven sessions of therapeutic education (reinforcing previous sessions). Outcomes will be evaluated using the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, a triaxial accelerometer, EuroQol-5D-5L, the Caregiver Strain Index, the Epworth Sleepiness Scale and the Client Satisfaction Questionnaire. The caregivers' satisfaction with the intervention performed will also be examined. Discussion: This study is expected to extend our understanding of the efficacy of music therapy in enhancing the sleep quality of caregivers for patients receiving home palliative care. To our knowledge, no reliable scientific investigations of this subject have previously been undertaken. Music is believed to benefit certain aspects of sleep, but this has yet to be proven and, according to a Cochrane review, high-quality research in this field is necessary. One of the main strengths of our study, which heightens the quality of the randomised clinical trial design, is the objective assessment of physical activity by accelerometry and the use of both objective and subjective measures of sleep in caregivers. Music therapy for the caregivers addressed in this study is complementary, readily applicable, provokes no harmful side effects and may produce significant benefits

    Estudio exploratorio de las preocupaciones, lagunas y exigencias del alumnado de una asignatura del Campus Andaluz Virtual

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    La asignatura de Psicología Social de la Salud: asesoramiento a profesionales sanitarios (PSS: APS) en su modalidad online fue una de las nueve asignaturas seleccionadas por la Universidad de Sevilla para su impartición en el Campus Andaluz Virtual (CAV) para el curso 08/09. Esta ha sido la primera edición en el formato e-learning, por lo que el equipo docente tenía mucho interés en conocer cuál ha sido su acogida por parte del alumnado y, sobre todo, qué aspectos de la asignatura virtual se pueden mejorar. La evaluación que se presenta tiene como principal objetivo indagar las preocupaciones, lagunas y exigencias expresadas por el alumnado a través de los mensajes proporcionados por medio de los correos electrónicos y foros de discusión que estaban disponibles durante el período lectivo de la asignatura. Con base en la información recogida se proponen una serie de medidas encaminadas a la mejora del proceso de enseñanza virtual

    Effectiveness of a Humor-Based Training for Reducing Employees’ Distress

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    An increasing number of studies have demonstrated that humor can impact interpersonal relationships in organizations and employee well-being. However, there is little evidence coming from intervention studies in organizational settings. In response, we developed a training following the principles of positive psychology that aims at improving employees’ adaptive use of humor as a successful mechanism to deal with stress. In this study, we assess the effectiveness of such training and its impact on employee well-being. Results from this one-group intervention study in an emergency ambulance service (N = 58) revealed that the participants reported higher levels of cheerfulness (Z = −3.93; p < 0.001) and lower levels of seriousness (Z = −3.32; p < 0.001) after being exposed to the training. Indeed, the participants reported lower scores on psychological distress after the training (Z = −3.35; p < 0.001). The effect size of the training was medium (r = 0.31 to 0.36), suggesting that interventions to improve adaptive humor at work can be a useful resource to deal with workplace stress and foster employee well-being. These results may have interesting implications for designing and implementing positive interventions as well as for developing healthy organizations.Consejería de Economía y Conocimiento, Junta de Andalucía PAIDI2021-SEJ458Universidad de Sevilla PP2019-13250 and PP2020/IV.4/01

    Dancing toward Well-Being: Effects on Mood and Well-Being of a 12-Week Flamenco Dance Workshop in Women Aged 60–80 Years

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    The objective of this study was to examine the effect of a flamenco dance program on the mood and subjective well-being of 34 self-selected women from the community, aged between 62 and 79 years. The mean age was 70.11 (SD = 5.13). Participants voluntarily enrolled in a 12-week flamenco dance workshop conducted by the Autoestima Flamenca Association, with one two-hour session per week. Every two weeks, mood measurements (sadness, anxiety, anger and joy) were taken, and subjective well-being assessments were conducted before and after each session. It was found that the participants’ overall mood and subjective well-being improved significantly following the intervention. These improvements were observed at both the individual and group levels. Overall, our findings suggest that participation in a free 12-week flamenco dance program had a positive impact on mood and subjective well-being in this segment of the population.Junta de Andalucía SEJ-45

    Effects of Music on the Quality of Life of Family Caregivers of Terminal Cancer Patients: A Randomised Controlled Trial

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of listening to self-chosen music on the quality of life of family caregivers of cancer patients receiving palliative home care. A total of 82 family caregivers were assigned either to the intervention group (n = 41) or to the control group (n = 41) in this double-blind, multicentre, randomised controlled clinical trial. The recruitment period was between July 2020 and September 2021. The intervention group received individualised pre-recorded music in daily 30 min sessions for 7 consecutive days. The control group was given a recorded repetition of the basic therapeutic training education also in 30 min sessions for 7 consecutive days. The primary endpoint assessed was the caregivers’ quality of life (Quality of Life Family Version and European Quality of Life visual analogue scale) before and after the intervention. The secondary endpoint was their perceived satisfaction with the intervention (Client Satisfaction Questionnaire). The music intervention was successful, producing a tangible improvement in the caregivers’ quality of life (p < 0.01) and satisfaction with the care provided (p = 0.002). The intervention was not only effective but produced no adverse effects. This study encourages the use of self-chosen music as a complementary intervention in nursing care for family caregivers of palliative cancer patients.Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag