50 research outputs found

    Paleopatología oral en la población medieval de Monte d'Argento (Roma, Italia)

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    Se ha estudiado la patología oral de una muestra de 60 individuos de la población altomedieval de "Monte d'Argento", Fondi, en la provincia de Latina. Los resultados más relevantes indican un 14.5% de piezas dentarias que presentan caries aunque con un grado moderado; la parodontopatía se puede inferir en los 34.4% de los alveolos y su intensidad es variable; los abscesos afectan al 1.3% de los alveolos y la reabsorción alveolar al 13.1% y la hipoplasia afecta al 25.1% de las piezas. Estos datos se han comparado con otras poblaciones medievales italianas y españolas. Los resultados sugieren una alimentación monótona y con escasez episódica, con gran preponderancia de carbohidratos, poco abrasiva y con pocas fibras, en ausencia de higiene oral, de conformidad con los datos históricos.A sample of 60 adult individuals found in a common grave at Monte d'Argento (Medieval Age, Fondi, Italy) was examined for dentoalveolar pathology. The results point to the presence of caries, generally with a moderate degree of severity, in a 14.5% of the individuals. Periodontal disease was found with a variable degree of severity on 34.4% of the observable alveoli. Abscesses were present on 1.3% and alveolar resorption on 13.1% of the alveoli. Enamel hypoplasia affected 25.1% of the subjects. A comparison with other Medieval Italian and Spanish samples suggests episodic stress and a diet mainly based on cereal consumption, poor in fibres and accompanied by conditions of scarce oral hygiene, in agreement with the historical data.Latina probintziako Fondi-ko "Monte d'Argento" Erdi Aro Garaiko populazioaren 60 gizabanakoak osaturiko laginaren aho-patologia aztertu da. Emaitzarik garrantzitsuenek adierazten dute hortz-aleetako % 14.5ak txantxarrak azaltzen dituela, maila apalean baina; paradontopatia ondorezta daiteke albeoloetako %34.4ean, intentsitate aldakorrekin; zornezorroek albeoloen %13.4a ukitzen dute, albeolobirzurgapenak %13.1a eta hipoplasiak hortz-aleen %25.1a. Datuok alderatu egin dira Erdi Aroko populazio italiar eta espainiarrekin. Emaitzek elikadura monotonoa eta eskasa sujeritzen dute populazioaren bizitzako denboraldiren batean. karbohidratoak nagusi direnekoa, urragarritasun apalekoa eta zuntz gutxikoa, aho-higienerik ezean, datu historikoekin bat eginez

    I cimiteri di S. Maria di Torba e della chiesa pievana di S. Giovanni a Castelseprio: i risultati delle analisi antropologiche

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    Questo elaborato presenta i dati antropologici e paleopatologici degli scheletri rivenuti presso i cimiteri di S. Maria di Torba (scavato negli anni '80) e della chiesa pievana di S. Giovanni a Castelseprio (scavato negli anni 2000). L'analisi paleopatologica ha evidenziato alcuni casi particolari di patologie articolari, deficitarie e di traumi inflitti. I dati hanno permesso di tracciare un quadro dello status di salute della popolazione esaminata

    The human burials from Şinduxa (Iraqi Kurdistan). A bioarchaeological andarchaeothanatological approach

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    In oriental archaeology the study of human skeletal remains sadly still today receives poor attention causing depletion to the archaeological and historical interpretations. Here we present the results of a study based on an integrated approach between archaeothanatology (among the topics taphonomy of human bone remains, spatial relationships between other elements of the tomb as the architectural structure or grave goods) and bioarchaeology (sex, age at death, ancestry, stature, palaeopathology) of the human bone remains coming from the excavations of Şinduxa necropolis nowadays embedded in the city center of Duhok, Iraqi Kurdistan. Briefly, four tombs were explored: one, placed in plain earth covered with stone slabs belonging to an adult woman and the other three consisted in stone funerary chambers above the ground were bone remains of 9 adult subjects of both sexes were lying. Interestingly in each of these structures a well preserved simple oval clay sarcophagus containing one or two skeletons was present. Regarding the tomb’s chronology C14 calibrated dating indicates a time frame from Neo-Assyrian to the Parthian epoch

    Skeletal Markers of Task Activities in Iron Age Human Remains from Mishrifeh (Central Syria)

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    2BAR IS 1528nonenoneA. CANCI; MORANDI BONACOSSI D.A., Canci; MORANDI BONACOSSI, Pierdaniel