92 research outputs found

    Multi-project scheduling with 2-stage decomposition

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    A non-preemptive, zero time lag multi-project scheduling problem with multiple modes and limited renewable and nonrenewable resources is considered. A 2-stage decomposition approach is adopted to formulate the problem as a hierarchy of 0-1 mathematical programming models. At stage one, each project is reduced to a macro-activity with macro-modes resulting in a single project network where the objective is the maximization of the net present value and the cash flows are positive. For setting the time horizon three different methods are developed and tested. A genetic algorithm approach is designed for this problem, which is also employed to generate a starting solution for the exact solution procedure. Using the starting times and the resource profiles obtained in stage one each project is scheduled at stage two for minimum makespan. The result of the first stage is subjected to a post-processing procedure to distribute the remaining resource capacities. Three new test problem sets are generated with 81, 84 and 27 problems each and three different configurations of solution procedures are tested

    Multi-project scheduling with 2-stage decomposition

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    A non-preemptive, zero time lag multi-project scheduling problem with multiple modes and limited renewable and nonrenewable resources is considered. A 2-stage decomposition approach is adopted to formulate the problem as a hierarchy of 0-1 mathematical programming models. At stage one, each project is reduced to a macro-activity with macro-modes, which are systematically generated by utilizing artificial budgets. The resulting single project network problem is a Multi-Mode Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (MRCPSP) with positive cash flows. MRCPSP with positive cash flows is solved to maximize NPV and to determine the starting times and resource allocations for the projects. Using the starting times and resource profiles obtained in stage one each project is solved at stage two for minimum makespan. Three different time horizon setting methods, namely, relaxed greedy approach, artificial budget and Lagrangian relaxation are developed for setting the time horizon for MRCPSP with positive cash flows. A genetic algorithm approach is adopted to generate good solutions, which is also employed as a starting solution for the exact solution procedure. The result of the second stage is subjected to a post-processing procedure to distribute the resource capacities that have not been utilized earlier in the procedure. Since currently there are no data instances with the required structure, four new test problem sets are generated with 81, 84, 27 and 4 problems each. Three different configurations of solution procedures are tested employing the first three problem sets. A new heuristic decision rule designated here as Resource Return factor is presented and tested employing the fourth problem set

    Coğrafi bilgi sistemleri ile iklim değişikliklerinin izlenmesi: İzmir ili örneği

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    Climate is one of the most important factors that enable the existence of life on Earth. The climate has been studied by many scientists throughout the history for its influence on all living and non-living beings. Researchers have used climatological parameters (temperature, humidity, rainfall, sunshine duration, evapotranspiration etc.) with different approaches and created a variety of methods. When putting these classifications into consideration, they have taken different criteria into account and have produced different classification. Some of these formulas are short and simple, some are very long and complex. Using these formulas, researchers have determined different climatic types suited to different regions. In this study, two separate climate classification methods were used (Erinç and De Martonne). Meteorological data ranging from 1980 to 2011 were examined periodically and arranged according to determined classification methods. The data were processed in accordance with De Martonne and Erinç classification formulas by GIS and the climate change of İzmir province has been revealed between 1980-1989 and 2006-2011 time periodsİklim dünya üzerinde yaşamın var olmasını sağlayan en önemli etkenlerden biridir. İklim, canlı ve cansız bütün varlıklar üzerindeki etkisinden dolayı tarih boyunca birçok bilim insanı tarafından incelenmiştir. Araştırmacılar iklimi oluşturan parametreleri (sıcaklık, yağış, nem güneşlenme süresi, rüzgâr, evapotranspirasyon vb.) farklı yöntemlerle birlikte kullanarak birçok iklim sınıflandırma yöntemleri ortaya koymuştur. Bu sınıflandırmaları ortaya koyarken farklı ölçütleri dikkate almışlar ve bu ölçütlere göre farklı sınıflandırma indisleri ortaya çıkarmışlardır. Sınıflandırmalarla alakalı birçok eşitlik mevcuttur. Bu eşitliklerin bir kısmı kısa ve basit, bir kısmı ise çok uzun ve karmaşıktır. Araştırmacılar bu eşitlikleri kullanarak farklı bölgelerde farklı iklim tipleri ortaya koymuşlardır. Bu çalışmada, Türkiye Meteoroloji Genel Müdürlüğü’nden elde edilen 1980-2011 arasındaki meteorolojik veriler dönemler halinde incelenmiş ve iki ayrı iklim sınıflandırma yöntemi kullanılarak belirlenen sınıflandırma yöntemlerine göre düzenlenmiştir. Düzenlenen veriler CBS ile De Martonne ve Erinç sınıflandırma eşitliklerine uygun şekilde işleme konulmuş ve çalışma alanı olarak seçilmiş olan İzmir ilinin 1980-1989 ve 2006-2011 yılları arasındaki iklim değişiklikleri tespit edilmiştir

    Multi-project scheduling with two-stage decomposition

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    We consider a non-preemptive, zero time lag multi-project scheduling problem with multiple modes and limited renewable and nonrenewable resources. A 2-stage decomposition approach is adopted to formulate the problem as a hierarchy of 0-1 mathematical programming models. In stage one; each project is reduced to a macro-activity with macro-modes. The macro-activities are combined into a single macro-activity network over which the macro-activity scheduling problem (MP) is defined, where the objective is the maximization of the net present value with positive cash flows and the renewable resource requirements are time-dependent. An exact solution procedure and a genetic algorithm (GA) approach are proposed for solving the MP. A GA is also employed to generate an initial solution for the exact solution procedure. The first stage terminates with a post-processing procedure to distribute the remaining resource capacities. Using the start times and the resource profiles obtained in stage one, each project is scheduled in stage two for minimum makespan. Three new test problem sets are generated with 81, 84 and 27 problems each, and three different configurations of solution procedures are tested

    Magnetically Levitated Microrobotic Mixer

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    Microfluidic systems, when combined with microrobots, offer enhanced precision in chemical synthesis by precisely controlling reaction conditions. These systems, when integrated with analytical tools, allow for real-time monitoring and are cost-efficient due to their minimal volume requirements, thereby reducing risks associated with hazardous chemicals. In our study, we have investigated the mixing efficiency of Thymolphthalein indicator with NaOH solution in a magnetically levitated microrobotic mixer. A PMMA microfluidic chip was used to transfer fluid containing two different solutions and achieve fast and efficient mixing. By adjusting five different flow rates and altering the rotational speeds of the microrobots, the mixing efficiency was observed. The studies were carried out under the laminar regime, with incompressible Newtonian flow rates and varying actuator speeds. The measurement of mixing efficiency was accomplished through the calculation of changes in pixel intensity observed in microscopic images acquired throughout the mixing process. The presence of the microrobots resulted in the best efficiency at 80.37% at 500 rpm and 7 mL/min flow rate. Their potential in advanced reactions, such as nanoparticle synthesis and encapsulation, suggests promising avenues for improving product yields.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 1 tabl

    A Rare Cardiotoxicity: Butane Inhalation

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    The number of cases of voluntary inhalation of volatile substances is increasing all over the world and in our country. This is a social health problem that can be encountered in different socioeconomic and cultural levels. The number of applications to pediatric emergency services cannot be underrated because the age of first use of such illegal substances has decreased gradually. Inhalation of volatile substances can cause pathologies in a very broad spectrum, including sudden death. In this paper, we report a case of cardiac arrest developing after lighter fluid inhalation

    Effects of TiN/CrN, CrAlN, and TiN Coatings on the Performance of AISI M2 Tool Steel

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of various ceramic-based coatings on the performance of AISI M2 high-speed steel punch used in the nut piercing process. AISI M2 punches were coated with TiN, TiN/CrN, and CrAlN utilizing a physical vapour deposition method. The total stroke number of the punches was used to evaluate the tool life of TiN, CrAlN, and TiN/CrN coated AISI M2 punches. AISI M2 punch coated with TiN/CrN was able to work up to greater stroke numbers than punches coated with TiN and CrAlN. Hardness and wear tests were performed to study the wear resistance of TiN/CrN and CrAlN coatings under relatively normal load conditions compared to actual working conditions (impact loading conditions) in the piercing process. The hardness and wear resistance of the CrAlN coating were greater than those of the TiN/CrN coating. The wear performance of the CrAlN coating was higher at normal loads and sliding speeds while the tool life of the TiN/CrN-coated punch was better under impact loading conditions

    An international guideline with six personalised titration schedules for preventing myocarditis and pneumonia associated with clozapine

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    White blood cell (WBC) monitoring has reduced clozapine-treated patient deaths associated with agranulocytosis to a rarity. However, clozapine protocols and package inserts worldwide provide no instructions for preventing myocarditis or pneumonia during clozapine titrations. Prescribers worldwide are largely unaware of that. Meanwhile, as they worry about agranulocytosis, their clozapine-treated patients are at risk of dying from pneumonia or myocarditis. Consequently, an international guideline with 104 authors from 50 countries/regions was recently published to provide personalised clozapine titration schedules for adult inpatients. This forum article reviews pneumonia and myocarditis occurring during clozapine titration, as well as the three most innovative aspects of this new guideline: (1) personalised titration, (2) C reactive protein (CRP) measures, and (3) dose predictions based on blood levels. Clozapine metabolism is influenced by 3 levels of complexity: (1) ancestry groups, (2) sex-smoking subgroups, and (3) presence/absence of poor metabolizer status. These 3 groups of variables should determine the maintenance dose and speed of clozapine titration; they are summarised in a table in the full-text. The international clozapine titration guideline recommends measuring CRP levels simultaneously with WBC, at baseline and weekly at least for the first 4 weeks of titration, the highest risk period for clozapine-induced myocarditis

    Turkish music generation using deep learning

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    This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by IEEE in 28th IEEE Conference on Signal Processing and Communications Applications (SIU), available online at: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9302283 The accepted version of the publication may differ from the final published version.Bu çalı¸smada derin ögrenme ile Türkçe ¸sarkı bes- ˘ teleme üzerine yeni bir model tanıtılmaktadır. ¸Sarkı sözlerinin Tekrarlı Sinir Agları kullanan bir dil modeliyle otomatik olarak ˘ olu¸sturuldugu, melodiyi meydana getiren notaların da benzer ˘ ¸sekilde nöral dil modeliyle olu¸sturuldugu ve sözler ile melodinin ˘ bütünle¸stirilerek ¸sarkı sentezlemenin gerçekle¸stirildigi bu çalı¸sma ˘ Türkçe ¸sarkı besteleme için yapılan ilk çalı¸smadır. In this work, a new model is introduced for Turkish song generation using deep learning. It will be the first work on Turkish song generation that makes use of Recurrent Neural Networks to generate the lyrics automatically along with a language model, where the melody is also generated by a neural language model analogously, and then the singing synthesis is performed by combining the lyrics with the melody. It will be the first work on Turkish song generation