284 research outputs found

    Prefacio al volumen Mujeres

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    Como su título indica, el propósito de este volumen de Triangle es trabajar/ hablar de MUJERES. Y es solo una pequeña pincelada, pues “queda mucho por hacer”.El volumen reúne los trabajos resultantes de las investigaciones de seis profesoras de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili dedicadas al estudio de la mujer. Con el propósito de recoger lo que algunas de nosotras, a nivel individual o colectivo hemos ido aportando en distintas investigaciones y con la intención de preservar la memoria de otras mujeres y evitar así su olvido, organizamos este volumen monográfico

    El disfraz varonil en el teatro español de los Siglos de Oro

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    La literatura está llena de voces femeninas y masculinas y, por tanto, codificada en múltiples discursos sexualizados. La diferencia sexual, que presenta un componente biológico –previo a toda estructuración lingüística o retórica–, responde a una formación social y cultural; esto es, sufre un proceso de semiotización. La asignación de estereotipos relacionados con el género está presente a lo largo de la historia en todas las culturas, y los Siglos de Oro de la literatura española no son una excepción

    Widespread secondary contact and new glacial refugia in the Halophilic Rotifer Brachionus Plicatilis in the Iberian Peninsula

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    Small aquatic organisms harbour deep phylogeographic patterns and highly structured populations even at local scales. These patterns indicate restricted gene flow, despite these organisms' high dispersal abilities, and have been explained by a combination of (1) strong founder effects due to rapidly growing populations and very large population sizes, and (2) the development of diapausing egg banks and local adaptation, resulting in low effective gene flow, what is known as the Monopolization hypothesis. In this study, we build up on our understanding of the mitochondrial phylogeography of the halophilic rotifer Brachionus plicatilis in the Iberian Peninsula by both increasing the number of sampled ponds in areas where secondary contact is likely and doubling sample sizes. We analyzed partial mitochondrial sequences of 252 individuals. We found two deep mitochondrial DNA lineages differing in both their genetic diversity and the complexity of their phylogeographic structure. Our analyses suggest that several events of secondary contact between clades occurred after their expansion from glacial refugia. We found a pattern of isolation-by-distance, which we interpret as being the result of historical colonization events. We propose the existence of at least one glacial refugium in the SE of the Iberian Peninsula. Our findings challenge predictions of the Monopolization hypothesis, since coexistence (i.e., secondary contact) of divergent lineages in some ponds in the Iberian Peninsula is common. Our results indicate that phylogeographic structures in small organisms can be very complex and that gene flow between diverse lineages after population establishment can indeed occur

    Accuracy of Olsen P to assess plant P uptake in relation to soil properties and P forms

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    International audienceAbstractEfficient use of phosphorus (P) by plants in agriculture relies on accurate estimation of the phytoavailable soil P. However, poor relationships are frequently observed between P availability indices, such as Olsen P, and P uptake by plants. We therefore studied which soil properties modify the accuracy of Olsen P as a P availability index. We conducted a soil P depletion experiment in pots with 17 soils. Two samples differing widely in Olsen P were used for each soil and named “low-P” and “high-P.” Soil was mixed with siliceous sand to achieve 1 mg of Olsen P per pot, so that the ratio of non-readily available P, either inorganic P or organic P, to Olsen P in the pot was higher for low-P than for high-P samples. Results show that, in high-P samples, P uptake by cucumber is positively correlated with the affinity of the soil solid phase for P, with R2 of 0.76. In high-P samples, P uptake by cucumber is positively correlated with total P adsorption capacity as estimated by Fe in the form of Fe oxides, with R2 = 0.56. P uptake is positively correlated with the inorganic P released by NaOH and citrate-bicarbonate in low-P samples, with R2 of 0.52. In low-P samples, total organic P and phosphatase activity in the rhizosphere explained 37 % of plant P uptake. In low-P samples, phosphatase activity and pH explained 50 % of plant P uptake. These findings reveal that organic P forms and hydrolytic activity by roots are explaining P availability to plants. Whereas physico-chemical processes controlling inorganic P dynamics play a major role for low organic P/Olsen P ratios

    Design and evaluation of a didactic innovation based on mathematical contextualization

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    Este estudio examina los efectos de la contextualización matemática como enfoque metodológico orientado a la promoción de la Competencia Matemática, y en concreto, a los procesos de resolución de problemas y razonamiento. En este sentido, la implementación de propuestas innovadoras que mejoren las prácticas profesionales del profesorado de Matemáticas resulta fundamental en términos pedagógicos, pues tanto la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico (OCDE), como el National Council of Teacher of Mathematics (NCTM), han puesto de manifiesto la necesidad de mejorar la Competencia Matemática debido a los malos resultados académicos en esta área. En el estudio han formado parte 23 participantes del quinto curso de Educación Primaria de un centro público de la Región de Murcia. El diseño del estudio es de tipo cuasi-experimental, con pre-test y pos-test. Para la recogida de datos, se diseñó un cuestionario con diferentes aspectos relacionados con los procesos de resolución de problemas y el razonamiento, validado a través de un juicio de expertos por el método Angoff. El análisis de los datos se realizó mediante una metodología cuantitativa, descriptiva e inferencial. Tras la intervención llevada a cabo en el aula y su posterior evaluación, se han obtenido resultados satisfactorios para los objetivos planteados en el estudio y la mejora de los procesos de resolución de problemas y razonamiento. Estos resultados nos hacen reflexionar sobre la posibilidad y necesidad de desarrollar estos enfoques en la oferta formativa del profesorado de esta área.This studyexamines the effects of mathematical contextualisation as a methodological approach aimed at promoting Mathematical Competence, and in particular, the processes of problem solving and reasoning. In this sense, the implementation of innovative proposals toimprove the professional practices of Mathematics teachers is essential in pedagogical terms, as both the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) have highlighted the need toimprove Mathematical Competence due to the poor academic results in this area. The study involved 23 participants in the fifth year of Primary Education in a public school in the Region of Murcia. The study design is quasi-experimental, with pre-test and post-test. For data collection, a questionnaire was designed with different aspects related to the processes of problem solving and reasoning, validated through expert judgement using the Angoff method. Data analysis was carried out using a quantitative, descriptive and inferential methodology. After the intervention carried out in the classroom and its subsequent evaluation, satisfactory results have been obtained for the objectives set out in the study and the improvement of the problem-solving and reasoning processes. These results lead us to reflect on the possibility and need to develop these approaches in the training offered to teachers in this area

    Using Soil Moisture Sensors for Automated Irrigation Scheduling in a Plum Crop

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    The growing scarcity and competition for water resources requires the urgent implementation of measures to ensure their rational use. Farmers need affordable irrigation tools that allow them to take advantage of scientific know-how to improve water use efficiency in their common irrigation practices. The aim of this study is to test under field conditions, and adjust where required, an automated irrigation system that allows the establishment of regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) strategies in a stone fruit orchard. For this, an automated device with an algorithm which combines water-balance-based irrigation scheduling with a feedback adjustment mechanism using 15 capacitive sensors for continuous soil moisture measurement was used. The tests were carried out in 2016 and 2017 in Vegas Bajas del Guadiana (Extremadura, Spain) on an experimental plot of ‘Red Beaut’, an early-maturing Japanese plum cultivar. Three irrigation treatments were established: control, RDI and automatic. The control treatment was scheduled to cover crop water needs, a postharvest deficit irrigation (40% crop evapotranspiration (ETc)) strategy was applied in the RDI treatment, while the Automatic treatment simulated the RDI but without human intervention. After two years of testing, the automated system was able to “simulate” the irrigation scheduling programmed by a human expert without the need for human intervention.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Diseño y validación de un instrumento sobre CLIL en las áreas de Science y Social Science en Educación Primaria [Design and validation of an instrument on CLIL in areas of Science and Social Science in Primary Education]

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    Resumen:Este artículo se ha elaborado a partir de un proyecto de investigación titulado «Análisis de la metodología CLIL en el Programa Sistema de Enseñanza Bilingüe Español-Inglés en Educación Primaria de la Región de Murcia en las áreas de Science y Social Science en 1º y 2º de Educación Primaria». El proyecto pretende recabar y analizar información sobre las estrategias metodológicas y los recursos CLIL empleados por el profesorado en el contexto antes citado. Para ello, se ha diseñado un cuestionario como principal instrumento de recogida de esa información. Los resultados sobre sus niveles de fiabilidad y validez demuestran la calidad de este cuestionario como instrumento de evaluación de la práctica docente en futuras investigaciones en este ámbito.Palabras clave. Educación Primaria, educación bilingüe, metodología, CLIL, Ciencias Sociales.  Abstract:This article has been built upon a research project entitled «Analysis of CLIL methodology in Science and Social Science in the first and second year of the Primary Spanish-English Bilingual Programme in the Region of Murcia». The project proposes to gather and analyse information about CLIL methodological strategies and resources used by teachers in the above mentioned context. For this purpose, a questionnaire has been designed as a main tool to collect that information. Results on its levels of reliability and validity prove the quality of this questionnaire as a tool for evaluating teaching practice in future research in this field.Keywords: Primary Education, bilingual education, methodology, CLIL, Social Science.

    The antihypertensive drug hydralazine activates the intrinsic pathway of apoptosis and causes DNA damage in leukemic T cells

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    Epigenetic therapies have emerged as promising anticancer approaches, since epigenetic modifications play a major role in tumor initiation and progression. Hydralazine, an approved vasodilator and antihypertensive drug, has been recently shown to act as a DNA methylation inhibitor. Even though hydralazine is already tested in clinical cancer trials, its mechanism of antitumor action remains undefined. Here, we show that hydralazine induced caspase-dependent apoptotic cell death in human p53-mutant leukemic T cells. Moreover, we demonstrate that hydralazine triggered the mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis by inducing Bak activation and loss of the mitochondrial membrane potential. Hydralazine treatment further resulted in the accumulation of reactive oxygen species, whereas a superoxide dismutase mimetic inhibited hydralazine-induced cell death. Interestingly, caspase-9-deficient Jurkat cells or Bcl-2- and Bcl-xL-overexpressing cells were strongly resistant to hydralazine treatment, thereby demonstrating the dependence of hydralazine-induced apoptosis on the mitochondrial death pathway. Furthermore, we demonstrate that hydralazine treatment triggered DNA damage which might contribute to its antitumor effect.Consejería de Economía, Innovación y Ciencia, Junta de Andalucía (Grant CTS-6183, Proyectos de Investigación de Excelencia 2010)University of Granada (Grant PP2012-PI13, Proyectos de Investigación Precompetitivos del Plan Propio

    Overview on Agent-Based Social Modelling and the Use of Formal Languages

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    The use of agent-based modelling and simulation techniques in the social sciences has flourished in the recent decades. The main reason is that the object of study in these disciplines, human society present or past, is difficult to analyse through classical analytical techniques. Population dynamics and structures are inherently complex. Thus, other methodological techniques need to be found to more adequately study this field. In this context, agent-based modelling is encouraging the introduction of computer simulations to examine behavioural patterns in complex systems. Simulation provides a tool to artificially examine societies where a big number of actors with decision capacity coexist and interact. However, formal modelling in these areas has not traditionally been used compared to other fields of science, in particular in their use of formal languages during the modelling process. In this chapter, the authors aim to revise the most relevant aspects on modelling in social sciences and to discuss the use formal languages by social scientists

    Experimental Type 2 Diabetes Induces Enzymatic Changes in Isolated Rat Enterocytes

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    Diabetes in humans and in experimental animals produces changes in the function and structure of the small intestine. The authors determined the activity of intestinal disaccharidases (maltase and sucrase) and of 6-phosphofructo-1-kinase (PFK-1) in enterocytes isolated from the small intestine of male Wistar rats (2.5 to 3 months old) with experimental nonobese type 2 diabetes, induced by streptozotocin (STZ) injection on the day of birth (n0-STZ) or on the 5th day of life (n5-STZ), with different degrees of hyperglycemia and insulinemia (n0-STZ and n5-STZ models). The glycemia (mmol/L) of the diabetic rats (n0-STZ: 8.77 ± 0.47; n5-STZ: 20.83 ± 0.63) was higher (P < .01) than that of the nondiabetic (ND) rats (5.99 ± 0.63); on the contrary, the insulinemia (ng/mL) was significantly lower in both n0-STZ (1.74 ± 0.53; P < .05) and n5-STZ (1.12 ± 0.44; P < .01) diabetic rats than in normal rats (3.77 ± 0.22). The sucrase and maltase activities (U/g protein) in diabetic rats (n0-STZ: 89 ± 9 and 266 ± 12; n5-STZ: 142 ± 23 and 451 ± 57) were significantly higher than those in the ND group (66 ± 5 and 228 ± 22). The PFK-1 activities (mU/mg protein) in the diabetic models (n0-STZ: 14.89 ± 1.51; n5-STZ: 13.35 ± 3.12) were significantly lower (P < .05) than in ND rats (20.54 ± 2.83). The data demonstrated enzymatic alterations in enterocytes isolated fromthe small intestine of n0-STZ rats that are greater (P < .05) than in the more hyperglycemic and hypoinsulinemic n5-STZ animals. The results also show that nonobese type 2–like diabetes in the rat produces modifications that favor an increase in glucose absorption rates