3,907 research outputs found

    Real time integration of user preferences into virtual prototypes

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    Within new product development (NPD), both virtual prototypes and physical prototypes play important roles in creating, testing and modifying designs. However, in the current design process, these two forms of prototyping methods are normally used independently and converted from one to the other during different design phases. This conversion process is time consuming and expensive and also introduces potential information loss/corruption problems. If the design process requires many iterations, it may simply be impractical to generate all the conversions that are theoretically required. Therefore, the integration of virtual and physical prototyping may offer a possible solution where the design definition is maintained simultaneously in both the virtual and physical environment. The overall aim of this research was to develop an interface or a tool that achieves real time integration of physical and virtual prototyping. “Real time integration” here means changes to the virtual prototypes will reflect any changes that have been made contemporaneously to the physical prototypes, and vice versa. Thus, conversion of the prototype from physical to virtual (or vice versa) will be achieved immediately, hence saving time and cost. A review of the literature was undertaken to determine what previous research has been conducted in this area. The result of the review shows the research in this area is still in its infancy. The research hypothesis was developed through the use of a questionnaire survey. Totally 102 questionnaires were sent to designers, design directors or design managers to address the issue: will industrial designers want to make use of real time integration and if so, how? The outcome from the literature review drove further development of the research hypothesis and an initial pilot experiment to test this. The pilot trial was designed to address the research questions: • Can real time physical and virtual prototyping integration be conveniently demonstrated? • Will designers and users be comfortable using the integration method? • Will users recognise the benefits of the integration? The results showed that real time integration between physical and virtual prototyping is necessary in helping designers develop new products and for getting users more closely involved. The future research suggested is that more investigations and experiments are needed to explore a proper method that simultaneously employing these two types of prototyping in product development process. Keywords: Physical Prototyping; Virtual Prototyping; Integration; Real Time.</p

    Metformin and cardiorenal outcomes in diabetes : a reappraisal

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    The guidance issued to the pharmaceutical industry by the US Food and Drug Administration in 2008 has led to the publication of a series of randomised, controlled cardiovascular outcomes trials with newer therapeutic classes of glucose‐lowering medications. Several of these trials, which evaluated the newer therapeutic classes of SGLT2 inhibitors and GLP‐1 receptor agonists have reported a reduced incidence of major adverse cardiovascular and/or renal outcomes, usually relative to placebo and standard of care. Metformin was the first glucose‐lowering agent reported to improve cardiovascular outcomes in the UK Prospective diabetes Study (UKPDS) and thus became the foundation of standard care. However, as this clinical trial reported more than 20 years ago, differences from current standards of trial design and evaluation complicate comparison of the cardiovascular profiles of older and newer agents. Our article revisits the evidence for cardiovascular protection with metformin and reviews its effects on the kidney.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Broadband and low loss high refractive index metamaterials in the microwave regime

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    Copyright Š 2013 American Institute of PhysicsA broadband, low-loss, isotropic, high refractive index metamaterial comprising an array of close-packed cubic elements of cross-linked square metal plates is demonstrated in the microwave regime. The structuring of the cubic elements reduces the diamagnetic response exhibited by arrays of solid metal cubes, whilst maintaining the strongly enhanced permittivity arising from capacitative coupling between adjacent metal elements. The corresponding increase in refractive index can be tailored through appropriate structuring of the faces and/or spacing of the cubes

    Relational Contracting In A Digital Age; Panel Discussion

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    If, as it has sometimes been argued, changes in contract rules and theory are strongly affected by changes in economic conditions, we should note that the world has changed a good deal since the early 1960s when relational contract theory began to bloom. The economic world of 2004 is very different from the world of 1964. Modern relational contract theory was born about the same time as its great theoretical competitor, the rational choice approach of the legal economists. It came before the vast changes wrought by the information revolution and the increased globalization of the economy. What has relational theory taught us over the past forty years? How has it changed and adapted in light of those great economic changes? Where is it going in the future? Those were the general topics at a panel discussion which took place June 8, 2004, at the Oxstalls campus of the University of Gloucestershire in Gloucester, England. It was part of a conference entitled, The Common Law of Contracts as a World Force in Two Ages of Revolution, which marked the 150th anniversary of one of the most famous contracts cases of all time, Hadley v. Baxendale, and is the theme of the present Symposium. The Conference\u27s object was to explore how the common law adapts to and influences the kind of revolutionary changes that have swept over our society in the past forty years, and which swept over England in the forty years before Hadley v. Baxendale

    Effect of abdominal binding on respiratory mechanics during exercise in athletes with cervical spinal cord injury

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    West CR, Goosey-Tolfrey VL, Campbell IG, Romer LM. Effect of abdominal binding on respiratory mechanics during exercise in athletes with cervical spinal cord injury. J Appl Physiol 117: 36–45, 2014. First published May 22, 2014; doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00218.2014.—We asked whether elastic binding of the abdomen influences respiratory mechanics during wheelchair propulsion in athletes with cervical spinal cord injury (SCI). Eight Paralympic wheelchair rugby players with motor-complete SCI (C5-C7) performed submaximal and maximal incremental exercise tests on a treadmill, both with and without abdominal binding. Measurements included pulmonary function, pressure-derived indices of respiratory mechanics, operating lung volumes, tidal flow-volume data, gas exchange, blood lactate, and symptoms. Residual volume and functional residual capacity were reduced with binding (77 18 and 81 11% of unbound, P 0.05), vital capacity was increased (114 9%, P 0.05), whereas total lung capacity was relatively well preserved (99 5%). During exercise, binding introduced a passive increase in transdiaphragmatic pressure, due primarily to an increase in gastric pressure. Active pressures during inspiration were similar across conditions. A sudden, sustained rise in operating lung volumes was evident in the unbound condition, and these volumes were shifted downward with binding. Expiratory flow limitation did not occur in any subject and there was substantial reserve to increase flow and volume in both conditions. V ˙ O2 was elevated with binding during the final stages of exercise (8 –12%, P 0.05), whereas blood lactate concentration was reduced (16 –19%, P 0.05). V ˙ O2/heart rate slopes were less steep with binding (62 35 vs. 47 24 ml/beat, P 0.05). Ventilation, symptoms, and work rates were similar across conditions. The results suggest that abdominal binding shifts tidal breathing to lower lung volumes without influencing flow limitation, symptoms, or exercise tolerance. Changes in respiratory mechanics with binding may benefit O2 transport capacity by an improvement in central circulatory function.This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund

    Platinum-group element geochemistry of the Forest Reef Volcanics, southeastern Australia: Implications for porphyry Au-Cu mineralisation

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    Platinum-group element concentrations in felsic to intermediate rocks from the Forest Reef Volcanics, Cadia-Neville region, southeastern Australia have been analysed by the Ni-S fire assay-isotope dilution method. The Forest Reef Volcanics are shoshonitic to calc-alkaline in composition and fractionated to produce a wide range of compositions, with MgO varying between 9.7 and 1.8 wt.%. The interest in this suite is that it is coeval with Au-Cu porphyry-style mineralisation in the Cadia mineral district. This study uses PGE geochemistry to determine the timing of sulfide saturation, relative to volatile (ore-fluid) saturation, in the magma that gave rise to the Forest Reef Volcanics and, in turn, to assess how this timing affected the mineralisation potential of the evolving magmatic system. The Forest Reef Volcanics can be subdivided, on the basis of their contrasting PGE geochemistry, into high-Mg (>6.8 wt.% MgO) and low-Mg suites (≤6.8 wt.% MgO). Platinum, Pd and Re concentrations increase in the high-Mg samples, whereas Ir and Ru decrease and Rh concentrations remain steady, with decreasing MgO. The coupled Ir, Ru and Rh depletion is attributed to the partitioning of these elements into magnetite. The rate of Pt and Pd enrichment is not possible by closed-system fractional crystallisation alone, which suggests that the parent magma was replenished by a Pt-Pd-rich melt. In contrast, the PGE concentrations in the low-Mg samples decrease with decreasing MgO indicating the onset of sulfide saturation at 6.8 wt.% MgO, which is confirmed by the presence of spheroidal sulfide inclusions in liquidus crystals (i.e. clinopyroxene, plagioclase, magnetite). The rate of Pd depletion is appreciably less than for any other sulfide saturated felsic system for which data are available. This requires either that the amount of sulfide melt to have precipitated was unusually low, or that the rate of Pd depletion was limited by the mass of silicate melt the sulfide melt reached equilibrium with, or both. In any event, the fraction of sulfide melt that precipitated was too small to have had a significant effect on the Cu and Au content of the magma so that both Cu and Au were available to enter the ore-forming fluid when the magma became volatile saturated at, or shortly after, it reached ca. 2.9 wt.% MgO.This research was funded by a Newcrest Mining LTD Grant to Ian Campbell

    Alice in recidivism land: The Queens logic and child protection workers\u27 assessment of sexual dangerousness

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    This article is based on a case that highlights the dearth of cogent and pertinent risk assessment information in the reports and testimonies of many involved in assessing risks to children in real life problematic circumstances. In the case, the decision to exclude an intrafamilial sexual offender from the family home was made in large measure on the basis that the offender\u27s wife accepted the offender\u27s &quot;denial of guilt&quot; to accusations previously made against him. Keeping families apart should not be entertained without reliable and valid evidence pointing to that decision. However, as will be seen, the evidence often relied upon by child protection workers, albeit in good faith, is neither. The assessment processes described in the case point directly to what appears to be a wider lack of knowledge specific to assessment of recidivism, to misrepresentation of risk assessment information, and to overarching epistemological issues that appear to be widely ignored and/or misunderstood within the overall field of risk assessment and threat management. The purpose of this article is to describe how the information used to decide upon exclusion in the case cannot be considered probative and to iterate the methodological processes that must be considered in such cases if miscarriages of justice are to be avoided

    Stretched exponential behavior and random walks on diluted hypercubic lattices

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    Diffusion on a diluted hypercube has been proposed as a model for glassy relaxation and is an example of the more general class of stochastic processes on graphs. In this article we determine numerically through large scale simulations the eigenvalue spectra for this stochastic process and calculate explicitly the time evolution for the autocorrelation function and for the return probability, all at criticality, with hypercube dimensions NN up to N=28. We show that at long times both relaxation functions can be described by stretched exponentials with exponent 1/3 and a characteristic relaxation time which grows exponentially with dimension NN. The numerical eigenvalue spectra are consistent with analytic predictions for a generic sparse network model.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure
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