105 research outputs found

    Quality of life and anorectal malformations: a single-center experience

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    Purpose: The treatment and long term clinical outcomes of anorectal malformations (ARM) in children have always been the focus of pediatric surgeons. This study aimed at reporting our experience as far as long-term follow-up of ARM in children is concern. Methods: We enrolled patients treated between 1999 and 2019, and established selection criteria to choose appropriate subjects. A validated questionnaire was used to determine long-term quality of life outcomes. Results: Out of a total of 48 patients treated within the study period, 28 were enrolled in this study. Among the latter, more than 35% had at least one long-time complication, and more than 90% had a good lifestyle. Urinary and fecal continence was achieved in more than 95% of the patients using medical devices. Conclusion: This study aimed to bring up new concepts; taking into consideration all aspects of life in patients with ARM, from school life to sexuality, while evaluating fecal and urinary continence. This is essential for the improvement of the skills of the different specialists involved in the management of these patients, and for the implementation of strategies that can improve postoperative function. Most especially, it will also help improve communication between doctors to ensure an adequate transition of these children into adult life

    Trichobezoars in children: therapeutic complications

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    Trichobezoars are concretions formed by the accumulation of hair or fibers in the gastrointestinal tract, usually associated with underlying psychiatric disorders in females between 13 and 20 years old. Endoscopy, the gold standard for diagnosis, brings some additional advantages: sample taking, size reducing and, rarely, mass removal. This study shows that endoscopy can cause severe complications resulting in a surgical emergency

    Trichobezoars in children: therapeutic complications

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    Trichobezoars are concretions formed by the accumulation of hair or fibers in the gastrointestinal tract, usually associated with underlying psychiatric disorders in females between 13 and 20 years old. Endoscopy, the gold standard for diagnosis, brings some additional advantages: sample taking, size reducing and, rarely, mass removal. This study shows that endoscopy can cause severe complications resulting in a surgical emergency


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    Il Neuroblastoma (NB) con sintomatologia ipertensiva riveste un\u2019esigua percentuale dei tumori neuroblastici trattati ogni anno, attualmente in letteratura esistono unicamente due studi (1,2), che riportano un\u2019incidenza di sintomatologia ipertensiva del 10-19% dei casi. Il follow-up dei pazienti studiati risulta breve, inoltre il meccanismo fisiopatologico non \ue8 stato tuttora dimostrato, ipotizzando una combinazione tra la compressione del peduncolo vascolare renale e la secrezione di catecolamine urinarie. Per quanto riguarda il management intra-operatorio, che pu\uf2 risultare difficoltoso a causa di picchi iper\ipotensivi durante la manipolazione della massa, esistono unicamente case reports (3,4). Lo scopo dello studio \ue8 valutare l\u2019approccio diagnostico e la gestione perioperatoria del bambino affetto da NB con sintomatologia ipertensiv

    Malformazioni renali.

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    Malformazioni della parete ventrale.

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    Antibiotic tretment for appendicitis: much ado about nothing?

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    the authors analyze the medical and surgical treatment of appendicitis in childre

    Injury severity score and pediatric snowboarding severe abdominal trauma in high mountain

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    this study reports new findings about injury in high mountai