52 research outputs found


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    μ-opioid receptors (MOPr) play a critical role in social play, reward, and pain, in a sex and age-dependent manner. There is evidence to suggest that sex and age differences in brain MOPr density may be responsible for this variability, however, little is known about the factors driving these differences in cerebral MOPr density. Emerging evidence highlights gut microbiota's critical influence and its bidirectional interaction with the brain on neurodevelopment. Therefore, we aimed to determine the impact of gut microbiota on MOPr density in male and female brains at different developmental stages. Quantitative [3 H]DAMGO autoradiographic binding was carried out in the forebrain of male and female conventional (CON), and germ-free (GF) rats at postnatal days (PND) 8, 22, and 116-150. Significant 'microbiota status x sex,' 'age x brain region' interactions, and microbiota status- and age-dependent effects on MOPr binding were uncovered. Microbiota status influenced MOPr levels in males but not females, with higher MOPr levels observed in GF vs. CON rats overall regions and age groups. In contrast, no overall sex differences were observed in GF or CON rats. Interestingly, within-age planned comparison analysis conducted in frontal cortical and brain regions associated with reward revealed that this microbiota effect was restricted only to PND22 rats. Thus, this pilot study uncovers the critical sex-dependent role of gut microbiota in regulating cerebral MOPr density, which is restricted to the sensitive developmental period of weaning. This may have implications in understanding the importance of microbiota during early development on opioid signalling and associated behaviours

    Gypsum hemihydrate-cement blends to improve renderings durability

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    Gypsum is a historical binder that was already used thousands of years ago. More recently its employment in construction had a significant growth. It is a binding material being used in masonry as a plaster finish coat. Despite being economical, having good performance and easy application in buildings, its use is limited to indoors due to its solubility. Some efforts have been made to improve its performance in external environment. In that sense, researches advance in the attempt at using several admixtures like epoxy resins, polymers, cements, slags and waterproofing materials. The aim of this work was to investigate the effect of blastfurnace slag Portland cement addition to beta-hemihydrate and observe the changes in mechanical properties and microstructure to improve gypsum performance. Results show an improvement of gypsum performance when this kind of cement is added to the mixture and a 3-years rendering exposed to external environment had no changes, indicating that there was no ettringite formation. SEM analysis showed a more compact structure which can result in a water resistant composite. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.25114121412

    Water Treatment Sludge And Rice Husk Ash To Sustainable Geopolymer Production

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    Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Water Treatment Sludge (WTS) comes from a basic sanitation service and has increased generation. In Brazil, WTS is widely discarded into watercourses, or when it is treated to increase the solids content, the residue is landfilled. The objective of this research was to produce geopolymer using non-calcined WTS as partial replacement of metakaolin (MK). The alkali source was an alternative sodium silicate solution made from the mixture of NaOH and rice husk ash (RHA). MK was partially replaced by WTS in the proportions of 0%, 15%, 30%, and 60% in mass. Additional RHA was used in the geopolymer mixtures to keep SiO2/Al2O3 molar ratio constant. Geopolymer mortars were cured at room temperature. Mechanical properties and durability characteristics were investigated. WTS replacement decreased the flow, flexural and compressive strengths, and increased porosity and permeability of geopolymer mortar. The replacement of 15% of MK by WTS had 25 MPa of compressive strength at 28 days, which is a good result to make concrete or building components. The results show that the use of non-calcined WTS and sodium silicate solution from RHA in geopolymer is technically feasible, resulting in a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative for WTS and RHA disposal. © 2017 Elsevier Ltd149146155CAPES, Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível SuperiorCNPq, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e TecnológicoCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Fluid-dynamic Analysis Of The Flow In Air Permeability Measurement Of Mortars Prepared With Blast-slag Furnace Portland Cement [análise Fluido-dinâmica Do Escoamento Em Ensaio De Permeabilidade Ao Ar De Argamassas Preparadas Com Cimento Portland De Alto-forno]

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    Fluid-dynamic phenomena study in porous media flow has been of great interest for diverse areas of sciences. These studies not only have evaluated the permeability of porous media, but also to analyze the behavior of the fluid during the flow. Being about to the cement based materials, the measuring of the permeability becomes basic so that the durability of these can be estimate, therefore is the permeability that controls the rate of ingression and movement of deleterious agents inside these materials. Thus, diverse methodologies and mathematical equations have been used to foresee the permeability of cementitious materials, however, some discrepancies and nonsense in the results have been found. Amongst the used methodologies to measure the permeability of porous media, one meets developed it by Thenoz, which it has demonstrated good results in cement based materials. Thus, this work aims at, by means of assay of permeability to air, carried through in accordance with the methodology of Thenoz, to evaluate the fluid-dynamic behavior of air during the assay of permeability in mortars. For this, mortars prepared with two types of Portland cement of blast furnace (CP IIE-32 and CP III - 32), two relations water/cement (0.5 and 0.6) and ages of 14 and 28 days were used. By means of the gotten results it was possible to observe that during the draining the compressibility of air can be ignored, the regimen of draining can be considered as to plate, demonstrating that the methodology proposal for Thenoz and used mathematical equations can result in coefficients of trustworthy air permeability, therefore phenomena and considerations that could influence in this type of flow can be neglected, in accordance with what it is considered by literature.54330160166Martin, G.R., A method for determining the relative permeability of concrete using gas (1986) Mag. Concrete Res, 38, p. 135Sanjuán, M.A., Martialay, R.M., Variability of the concrete air permeability coefficient with time (1997) Building and Environment, 32, pp. 51-55Tumidajski, P.J., Lin, B., On the validity of the Katz-Thompson equation for permeabilities in concrete (1998) Cement Concrete Res, 28, pp. 643-647Perraton, D., Gibergues, A.C., Aitcin, P.C., Thenoz, B., Air permeability measurement (1989) Mater. Res. Soc, 137, pp. 191-201Banthia, N., Mindess, S., Water permeability of cement paste (1989) Cement Concrete Res, 19, pp. 727-736Springer, D.S., Loaiciga, H.A., Cullen, S.J., Everret, L.G., Air permeability of porous materials under controlled laboratory conditions (1998) Ground Water, 36, pp. 558-565Carther, R., Figg, J.W., Marsden, A.F., O'Brien, T.P., Improvements to the Figg method for determining the air permeability of concrete (1984) Mag. Concrete Res, 36, pp. 241-245B. Thenoz, Measure de la perméabilité et de la poorosité dês roches três compactes, G.R.A.S. 243 (1964) 289-291Perraton, D., Gibergues, A.C., Aitcin, P.C., Thenoz, B., Air permeability measurement (1989) Mater. Res. Soc, 137, pp. 191-201. , apudVieira, S.L., (1990) Determinação do coeficiente de inércia no escoamento não-darciniano através de meios porosos com saturação residual, , Diss. Mestrado, UNICAMP () 71ppA. C. S. Telles, G. Massarani, Escoamento de fluidos através de meios porosos anisotrópicos, COPPE, Rio de Janeiro (1972)Vennard, J.K., Strett, R.L., (1978) Elementos de mecânica dos fluidos, Ed, , Guanabara Dois, Rio de JaneiroStreeter, V.L., (1877) Mecânica dos fluidos, Ed, , MacGraw-Hill do Brasil, S. PauloJ. M. Gaidis, E. M. Gartner, Materials Science of Concrete II: Hydration Mechanisms II, Ed. J. Skalny, S. Mindess, Am. Ceram. Soc., EUA (1991)Goodman, R.E., (1976) Introduction to Rock Mechanics, , 2nd Ed, John Wiley & Sons, New York, EUAMoreira, E.A., Innocentini, M.D.M., Salvini, V.R., Pandolfelli, V.C., Coury, J.R., Permeabilidade de cerâmicas celulares (2002) Rural - Sér. Ciências Exatas e da Terra, , Rev. Univ, UFRRJ, 21 () 177-185I. H. Shames, Mecânica dos Fluidos: Princípios Básicos, 2, Macgraw-Hill, S. Paulo (1973)Lisboa, E.F.A., (2000) Uma abordagem multi-escala para o cálculo da permeabilidade longitudinal de meios porosos fibrosos randômicos, , Diss. Mestrado, UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro () 190ppDullien, F.A.L., (1992) Porous Media - Fluid and pore structure, , 2a Ed, Academic Press, Inc, LondonGilles, R.V., (1967) Mecânica dos fluidos e hidráulica, , Ed. Ao livro Técnico, Rio de JaneiroScheid, C.M., Massarani, G., (2000) Escoamento acelerado de fluido não-newtoniano através de meio poroso, , Anais AXXVIII IMNEP, Teresópolis, RJE. L. Ferreira Jr. Avaliação das propriedades de concretos de cimento Portland de alto-forno e cimento Portland de alta resistência inicial submetidos a diferentes condições de cura, Diss. Mestrado, UNICAMP (2003) 141ppBodin, F.B., Zaharieva, R.H., Influence of industrially produced recycled aggregates on flow properties of concrete (2002) Mater. Struct, 35, pp. 504-509A. M. Neville, Propriedades do Concreto, Ed. Pini, S. Paulo (1982)Robler, M., Odler, I., Investigations on the relationship between porosity, structure na porosity of hydrated Portland cement pastes. I. Effect of porosity (1985) Cement Concrete Res, 15, pp. 320-330Ollivier, J.P., Massat, M., Permeability and microstructure of concrete: A review of modelling (1992) Cement Concrete Res, 22, pp. 503-514Silva, I.J., Libório, J.B.L., De Melo, A.B., Medida da estrutura porosa de pasta e concreto de cimento Portland (1999) Anais 41a REIBRAC, , Reunião do Instituto Brasileiro do Concreto, SalvadorM. D. M. Innocentini, A. R. F. Pardo, V. C. Pandolfelli, Influência da compressibilidade do ar na obtenção de parâmetros de permeabilidade de concretos refratários, Anais 43° Cong. Bras. Cerâmica, Florianópolis, SC (1999)Firoozabadi, A., Katz, L.D., (1979) An analysis of highvelocity gas flow through porous media, , J. Petroleum Tech

    Analysis Of Project Manager Skills For A Good Performance In Organizations [análise Das Habilidades Do Gerente De Projetos Necessárias Para O Bom Desempenho Nas Organizações]

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    This work analyses the managerial skills for managing projects based on different authors found in the literature. It is observed the influence these skills cause in organizations. The authors present each one a profile for the project manager giving attention to the difference it makes to the success of project implementation and for the matrix organization. The use of projects is a strategic manner to integrate process and reduce bureaucracy. This work discuss the models of the following authors in different periods: Gaddis (1959), Shtub, Bard & Globerson (1994) Meredith & Mantel (1985), and Kerzner (1998). The analysis showed that managerial skills are almost the same for all authors. It is important that the project managers have the skills of interpersonal relationship, leadership, conflict resolution, capacity of planning and technical knowledge. With these skills the manager can lead the project for its success.31105122CASAROTTO Filho, N., FÁVERO, J.S., CASTRO, J.E.E., (1999) Gerência de projetos: Engenharia simultânea, , São Paulo, AtlasCLELAND, D.I., (1994) Project management: Strategic design and implementation, , 2 ed. Boston. McGraw HillCLELAND, D.I., IRELAND, R.I., Gerência de Projetos (2002) Rio de Janeiro, Reichmann & AffonsoCLEMENTE, A., FERNANDES, E., (1998) Projetos empresariais e públicos, , São Paulo, AtlasGADDIS, P.O., The project manager (1959) Harvard Business Review, 37 (N3), pp. 89-97. , New York, v, Mai./JunKERZNER, H., (1998) Project management: A systems aprouch to planning, scheduling and controlling, , 6.ed. New York, John Wiley & Sons, incKERZNER, H., (2000) Applied project management: Best practices on implementation, , New York, John Wiley & Sons, incMAXIMIANO, A.C.A., O gerente de projetos: Um "ator" com vários personagens. (1988) Revista de Administração, 23 (N2), pp. 93-98. , São Paulo, v, abr./junMAXIMIANO, A.C.A., (2002) Administração de projetos: Como transformar idéias em resultados, , São Paulo, AtlasMEREDITH, J.R., MANTEL Jr, S.J., (1995) Project management: A managerial approach, , 3.ed. New York, John Willey & SonsO'KEEFE, W. M. In: DONAIRE, D. A figura do gerente de projeto e aspectos na empresa de engenharia consultiva. São Paulo, 1977. 192f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração)- Curso de Pós-graduação em Administração, Universidade de São Paulo(2004) PMBOK - Project management body of knowledge, , PROJECT MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE PMI, 3rd. editionRABECHINI, R.J., A importância das habilidades do gerente de projetos. (2001) Revista de Administração, 36 (N1), pp. 92-100. , São Paulo, v, Jan./MarSBRAGIA, R. Algumas características da estrutura matricial. In: MAXIMIANO, A. C. A. et al. (Org.) Administração do processo de inovação tecnológica. São Paulo, Atlas, 1980SBRAGIA, R.MAXIMIANO, A. C. A.KRUGLIANKAS, I. O gerente de projetos: seu papel e habilidades. Revista de Administração, São Paulo, V.21, n3, p.24-31, jul./Set. 1986SHTUB, A., BARD, J.F., GLOBERSON, S., (1994) Project management engineering, technology and implementation, , New Jersey, Prentice HallSTUCKENBRUCK, L.C., Project manager: The system integrator (1978) Project manegement quaterly, , SeptemberTHITE, M.leadership styles in information technology projects. International Journal of Project Management, n. 18, p.235-241, ago. 2000VALERIANO, D.L., (1998) Gerência em projetos: Pesquisa, desenvolvimento e engenharia, São Paulo, MakronVARGAS, R.V., Gerenciamento de projetos: Estabelecendo diferenças competitivas (2002) Rio de Janeiro, Brasport Hall, , 3.edVASCONCELOS, E., HEMSLEY, J.R., (1997) Estrutura das organizaçõ es: Estrutura tradicionais, estruturas para inovação, estrutura matricial, , 3.ed. São Paulo. Pioneir