17,593 research outputs found

    Sampling along reaction coordinates with the Wang-Landau method

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    The multiple range random walk algorithm recently proposed by Wang and Landau [Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 2050 (2001)] is adapted to the computation of free energy profiles for molecular systems along reaction coordinates. More generally, we show how to extract partial averages in various statistical ensembles without invoking simulations with constraints, biasing potentials or unknown parameters. The method is illustrated on a model 10-dimensional potential energy surface, for which analytical results are obtained. It is then applied to the potential of mean force associated with the dihedral angle of the butane molecule in gas phase and in carbon tetrachloride solvent. Finally, isomerization in a small rocksalt cluster, Na4F4, is investigated in the microcanonical ensemble, and the results are compared to those of parallel tempering Monte Carlo.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Spatiotemporal instability of a confined capillary jet

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    Recent experimental studies on the instability appearance of capillary jets have revealed the capabilities of linear spatiotemporal instability analysis to predict the parametrical map where steady jetting or dripping takes place. In this work, we present an extensive analytical, numerical and experimental analysis of confined capillary jets extending previous studies. We propose an extended, accurate analytic model in the limit of low Reynolds flows, and introduce a numerical scheme to predict the system response when the liquid inertia is not negligible. Theoretical predictions show a remarkable accuracy with results from the extensive experimental exploration provided.Comment: Submitted to the Physical Review E (20-March-2008

    Time Reversal Mirror and Perfect Inverse Filter in a Microscopic Model for Sound Propagation

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    Time reversal of quantum dynamics can be achieved by a global change of the Hamiltonian sign (a hasty Loschmidt daemon), as in the Loschmidt Echo experiments in NMR, or by a local but persistent procedure (a stubborn daemon) as in the Time Reversal Mirror (TRM) used in ultrasound acoustics. While the first is limited by chaos and disorder, the last procedure seems to benefit from it. As a first step to quantify such stability we develop a procedure, the Perfect Inverse Filter (PIF), that accounts for memory effects, and we apply it to a system of coupled oscillators. In order to ensure a many-body dynamics numerically intrinsically reversible, we develop an algorithm, the pair partitioning, based on the Trotter strategy used for quantum dynamics. We analyze situations where the PIF gives substantial improvements over the TRM.Comment: Submitted to Physica

    Dual branes in topological sigma models over Lie groups. BF-theory and non-factorizable Lie bialgebras

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    We complete the study of the Poisson-Sigma model over Poisson-Lie groups. Firstly, we solve the models with targets GG and GG^* (the dual group of the Poisson-Lie group GG) corresponding to a triangular rr-matrix and show that the model over GG^* is always equivalent to BF-theory. Then, given an arbitrary rr-matrix, we address the problem of finding D-branes preserving the duality between the models. We identify a broad class of dual branes which are subgroups of GG and GG^*, but not necessarily Poisson-Lie subgroups. In particular, they are not coisotropic submanifolds in the general case and what is more, we show that by means of duality transformations one can go from coisotropic to non-coisotropic branes. This fact makes clear that non-coisotropic branes are natural boundary conditions for the Poisson-Sigma model.Comment: 24 pages; JHEP style; Final versio

    Mapping the structural diversity of C60 carbon clusters and their infrared spectra

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    The current debate about the nature of the carbonaceous material carrying the infrared (IR) emission spectra of planetary and proto-planetary nebulae, including the broad plateaus, calls for further studies on the interplay between structure and spectroscopy of carbon-based compounds of astrophysical interest. The recent observation of C60 buckminsterfullerene in space suggests that carbon clusters of similar size may also be relevant. In the present work, broad statistical samples of C60 isomers were computationally determined without any bias using a reactive force field, their IR spectra being subsequently obtained following local optimization with the density-functional-based tight-binding theory. Structural analysis reveals four main structural families identified as cages, planar polycyclic aromatics, pretzels, and branched. Comparison with available astronomical spectra indicates that only the cage family could contribute to the plateau observed in the 6-9 micron region. The present framework shows great promise to explore and relate structural and spectroscopic features in more diverse and possibly hydrogenated carbonaceous compounds, in relation with astronomical observations

    Floquet interface states in illuminated three-dimensional topological insulators

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    Recent experiments showed that the surface of a three dimensional topological insulator develops gaps in the Floquet-Bloch band spectrum when illuminated with a circularly polarized laser. These Floquet-Bloch bands are characterized by non-trivial Chern numbers which only depend on the helicity of the polarization of the radiation field. Here we propose a setup consisting of a pair of counter-rotating lasers, and show that one-dimensional chiral states emerge at the interface between the two lasers. These interface states turn out to be spin-polarized and may trigger interesting applications in the field of optoelectronics and spintronics.Comment: 5 pages with 3 figures + supplemental materia

    Spin injection in Silicon at zero magnetic field

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    In this letter, we show efficient electrical spin injection into a SiGe based \textit{p-i-n} light emitting diode from the remanent state of a perpendicularly magnetized ferromagnetic contact. Electron spin injection is carried out through an alumina tunnel barrier from a Co/Pt thin film exhibiting a strong out-of-plane anisotropy. The electrons spin polarization is then analysed through the circular polarization of emitted light. All the light polarization measurements are performed without an external applied magnetic field \textit{i.e.} in remanent magnetic states. The light polarization as a function of the magnetic field closely traces the out-of-plane magnetization of the Co/Pt injector. We could achieve a circular polarization degree of the emitted light of 3 % at 5 K. Moreover this light polarization remains almost constant at least up to 200 K.Comment: accepted in AP

    Weathering processes and mineral neoformation at serpentinite areas from Galicia (Spain)

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    [Resumen] Se realiza un estudio de muestreos en distintos grados de alteración, desde roca fresca a fracción arcilla de horizontes edáficos. El orden de movilidades geoquímicas es Mg > Si, Ca > Na»Al = Fe, en una primera etapa, y un mayor enriquecimiento en Fe en los estadios más avanzados. El grado de alteración aleanzado se encuentra en una posición intermedia al obtenido para este tipo de rocas en áreas mediterráneas y tropicales y siempre es mucho menor que el observado sobre otros materiales básicos de Galicia. A pesar de que termodinámicamente las soluciones de suelos y arroyos se sitúan en un campo intermedio entre filosilicatos 1/1 Y2/1, estos últimos en medios de peor drenaje, la escasez de Al inhibe la formación de arcillas de tipo caolinita, siendo los productos de neoformación típicos en los medios más evolucionados oxihidrósidos de Fe y precipitados silíceos.[Abstract] In a serpentinite area several samples with different degrees of weathering, ranging from fresh rock to clay fractions of soil horizons, were studied. During weathering, the geochemical mobility of the elements follows the order Mg > Si, Ca > Na» Al = Fe in the initial phases, showing a gre.ater aproach to Fe pole in more advanced stages. The intensity of weathering is intermediate between that obtained for serpentinites in mediterranean and tropical areas, and never reachs the high levels found in other basic rocks of Galicia. The composition of stream waters and soil solutions falls between the stability fields of 1/1 and 2/ llayer silicates, last ones mostly in poorly drained areas. In spite of this fact, the scarcity of Al inhibit the formation of kaolinite; iron oxihidroxides and precipitated silica being the most typical secondary products in the more envolved environments