81 research outputs found

    Logarithmic differential operators and logarithmic de Rham complexes relative to a free divisor

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    We prove a structure theorem for differential operators in the 0-th term of the V-filtration relative to a free divisor. manifold. As an application, we give a formula for the logarithmic de Rham complex with respect to a free divisor in terms of V0-modules, which generalizes the classical formula for the usual de Rham complex in terms of D-modules, and the formula of Esnault-Viehweg in the case of a normal crossing divisor. We also give a sufficient algebraic condition for perversity of the logarithmic de Rham complex.Nous prouvons un théorème de structure pour les opérateurs différentiels dans le terme 0 de la V-filtration relative à un diviseur libre. Comme application, nous donnons une formule pour le complexe de de Rham logarithmique par rapport à un diviseur libre en termes de V0-modules, qui généralise la formule classique pour le complexe de de Rham usuel en termes de D-modules et celle de Esnault-Viehweg dans le cas d'un diviseur à croisements normaux. Nous donnons aussi une condition algébrique suffisante pour la perversité des tels complexes.Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnic

    On the logarithmic comparison theorem for integrable logarithmic connections

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    Let X be a complex analytic manifold, D ⊂ X a free divisor with jacobian ideal of linear type (e.g. a locally quasi-homogeneous free divisor), j : U = X − D ֒→ X the corresponding open inclusion, E an integrable logarithmic connection with respect to D and L the local system of the horizontal sections of E on U. In this paper we prove that the canonical morphisms Ω • X(log D)(E(kD)) −→ Rj∗L, j!L −→ Ω • X(log D)(E(−kD)) are isomorphisms in the derived category of sheaves of complex vector spaces for k ≫ 0 (locally on X).Ministerio de Educación y CienciaFondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regiona

    Locally quasi-homogeneous free divisors are Koszul free

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    Let X be a complex analytic manifold and D ⊂ X be a free divisor. If D is locally quasi-homogeneous, then the logarithmic de Rham complex associated to D is quasi-isomorphic to Rj∗(CX\D), which is a perverse sheaf. On the other hand, the logarithmic de Rham complex associated to a Koszul-free divisor is perverse. In this paper, we prove that every locally quasi-homogeneous free divisor is Koszul free.Ministerio de Educación y CienciaInternational Association for the Promotion of Cooperation with Scientists from the New Independent States (NIS) of the former Soviet Unio

    Logarithmic cohomology of the complement of a plane curve

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    Let D, x be a plane curve germ. We prove that the complex Ω•(log D)x computes the cohomology of the complement of D, x only if D is quasihomogeneous. This is a partial converse to a theorem of F.J. Castro-Jiménez, D. Mond and L. Narváez-Macarro. Cohomology of the complement of a free divisor. Transactions of the A.M.S., 348 (1996), 3037– 3049, which asserts that this complex does compute the cohomology of the complement, whenever D is a locally weighted homogeneous free divisor (and so in particular when D is a quasihomogeneous plane curve germ). We also give an example of a free divisor in D ⊂ C3 which is not locally weighted homogeneous, but for which this (second) assertion continues to hold.Ministerio de Educación y CienciaEngineering and Physical Sciences Research Counci

    Women caregivers of dependent relatives and health: Effects of the participation in a stress management workshop

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    Las tareas de cuidado a dependientes merecen ser objeto de estudio y atención por representar un factor de riesgo para la salud. Por ello analizamos los efectos de ser cuidadora familiar y asistir a un curso de control del estrés, así como la incidencia de dos covariables consideradas relevantes, como son los pensamientos disfuncionales y el tiempo prestando cuidados. Analizamos una muestra de 219 asistentes a talleres psicoeducativos a la que se aplicaron tres instrumentos: cuestionario sociodemográfico, cuestionario de salud general (GHQ28) y pensamientos disfuncionales (CPD). El análisis univariante mostró que ser cuidadora familiar repercute negativamente (p< .001) en todas las escalas del GHQ y que realizar un curso de estrés tiene efectos claramente positivos (p< .05) en la salud general, la somatización y la función social. Asimismo, el análisis de la covarianza mostró que los efectos de ser cuidadora y haber realizado un curso de estrés se mantienen incluso si se consideran los pensamientos disfuncionales y el tiempo cuidando.Dependent care tasks deser ve a special study and attention because of being a health risk factor. That is the reason why we analyzed the effects of working as a family caregiver and of attending a stress management workshop and the impact of two relevant covariables, i.e., dysfunctional thoughts and the time spent providing care. We analyzed a sample of 219 participants attending psychoeducational workshops. Three instruments were applied: A socio-demographic questionnaire, the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ28), and the Dysfunctional Thoughts Questionnaire (CPD). Univariate analysis showed that working as a family caregiver has a negative impact (p< .001) on all GHQ scales and that attending a stress management workshop has a positive effect (p< .05) on general health, somatization and social function. Furthermore, covariance analysis showed that the effects of working as a caregiver and attending a stress management workshop remained significant even when the two covariables (dysfunctional thoughts and time providing care) were considered

    Professional interpreters and their critical role in ensuring communication with other-language speaking patients

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    In our current societies, people from different backgrounds and cultures who speak different languages live together. This rich mixture of cultures and languages also implies some challenges for the functioning of and access to public services, including healthcare, as people who do not speak the official language of the place they live in have the right to access public services in the same conditions as native speakers. The barriers raised by linguistic and cultural disparity become even more obvious when healthcare is considered from a humanistic perspective, as language barriers in healthcare very frequently lead to a lower quality in health services, worse patient health outcomes and greater treatment costs. It has already been proved, however, that the best remedy to overcome these language and culture-based communicative problems is to resort to professional interpreters. This contribution describes a set of case studies that have been extracted from a corpus of real conversations recorded from medical consultations with patients who did not speak the language of healthcare providers. Our aim is to discuss how healthcare interpreters work (and how they should work) in order for communication to be improved and assistance to be enhanced through the intervention of professional interpreters


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    400 PáginasLa Institución Educativa Departamental Normal Superior (E.N.S.U) se encuentra ubicada en el municipio de Ubaté, departamento de Cundinamarca, esta institución a partir de octubre de 2016, por una disposición administrativa de la Secretaría de Educación de Cundinamarca (S.E.C), contempla un cambio en el paradigma metodológico educativo, con la implementación del Sistema de Educación Relacional FONTÁN (SERF) el cual genera cambios significativos en los procesos tradicionales y la concepción de la relación enseñanza - aprendizaje; también trajo consigo una nueva forma de trabajo en el aula centrada en el desarrollo y fortalecimiento de la autonomía del estudiante pretendiendo modificar significativamente el rol del profesor. Sin embargo, a partir de la implementación del SERF, se presentaron fracturas entre la intencionalidad que tiene el sistema y la ejecución práctica de su diseño en el aula de clase, causada en gran parte por el desconocimiento del contexto y de las necesidades educativas específicas de cada aula, que ha generado en la comunidad educativa involución de los procesos de comunicación y de formación

    Cyanotype: Workshops for people with early dementia

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    The workshop "Cyanotype: Workshops for people with early dementia", carried out at the 5th International Conference on Health Humanities introduced the cyanotype. The cyanotype is a 19th century photographic technique that the research project used as a way for preventing the decline of faculties of people living with diseases that provoke memory loss. The activities carried out in the cyanotype workshop at the Conference were based on the creation of photographic images that could be intervened or complemented with other traditional art techniques. It was specially targeted at educators who want to develop an occupational therapy experience. This engaged the participants in activating their vision and developing their fine motor skills so as to create their own personal artwork. These aspects are important when applying this technique to groups living with dementia. The general aim of the workshops at the Conference was to develop the cyanotype as a resource for art educators or facilitators in experiences with people living with Alzheimer‘s disease or other early dementias

    Tenemos cita con el arte: a pilot project of visits and workshops with people affected by Alzheimer's disease in the Prado Museum, the Centro de Arte Reina Sofía Museum and the Faculty of Fine Arts at the Complutense University of Madrid

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    GIMUPAI is a research group comprising teachers and researchers from the Faculty of Fine Arts (University Complutense of Madrid) and the Department of Social Psychology and Anthropology (Salamanca University) who have been working in art and health projects over the last thirteen years. Recently, we have carried out Tenemos cita con el arte, part of a national research project entitled "Art education in museums and other cultural institutions as a tool for increasing the wellbeing of people affected with Alzheimer" (Ministry of the Economy and Competitiveness-EDU2013-43253-R). The main objective of the program is to make the museum‘s artworks available to people with Alzheimer‘s and their caregivers, at the same time encouraging them to participate in artistic activities and artistic creation through art workshops. Tenemos cita con el arte has been designed as a program of visits of the Prado Museum and the Centro de Arte Reina Sofia Museum. The program also has included participation in workshops on visual arts and artistic creativity in the Faculty of Fine Arts. The program was undertaken between October and December 2015 with a group of 15 participants (Alzheimer‘s patients, caregivers, and other health and social workers)