7 research outputs found

    A Baía de Todos os Santos e seu Recôncavo Imediato: origens, identidades, percepções e utopia

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    RESUMO Os estudos nesta Tese visam compreender, em uma primeira instância, a Baía de Todos os Santos-Bahia e o seu Recôncavo imediato, discutindo a evolução geológica, histórica e cultural, o desenvolvimento das sociedades e da economia relacionando essa trajetória de desenvolvimento com os atributos ambientais que caracterizaram o fenômeno geográfico e humano. Em um segundo momento, responder às perguntas: o que é hoje o fenômeno Baía de Todos os Santos? Como a sociedade se manifesta e se organiza? Ainda existe uma sociedade característica do Recôncavo, tendo fisionomia e cultura próprias? Como sobrevive? Qual o estado da qualidade ambiental atual? O ambiente ainda é um indutor importante e tão forte como foi no passado? Quais as políticas públicas e tendências de desenvolvimento atuais? Com essas duas fases, suficientemente detalhadas para gerar uma base referencial de dados, visa-se propor alguns cenários projetivos de desenvolvimento fortemente apoiados na sustentabilidade ambiental. O objetivo final deste trabalho será discutir uma nova cultura de desenvolvimento sustentada na compreensão multi, inter e transdisciplinar desses fenômenos, considerando a cultura histórica e a contemporânea, identificando grandes e pequenas economias, resgatando as oportunidades do passado e outras ainda não identificadas, para configurar um painel de possibilidades que venham substanciar políticas de desenvolvimento sustentável.ABSTRACT Studies in this Thesis, aim to understand, in a first approach, the All Saints Bay and its surrounding Recôncavo, through its geological, historical and cultural evolution, as well as the development of its societies and economy, tracing parallels to its environmental features, which were the bases for its geographical and human phenomenon. Following, a few questions must be answered. How All Saints Bay phenomenon are presently understood? How society gets organized and manifests itself? Still exists a society which could characterize the Recôncavo by pursuing proper cultural physiognomy? How Recôncavo survives? What is its actual environmental quality? Is the environment still an important driver to development as strong as it was in the past? What are the main contemporary policies and developmental trends? Having these two phases enough detailed in order to build a referential data bases, the next step will be to suggest a few projections to stablish potential scenarios strongly supported on environmental sustainability. The final objective of this study will be to discuss a culture of development based on the multi, inter and transdisciplinary understandig of all these phenomena, considering both historical and contemporary culture, identifying economies of great and small scale, rescuing past opportunities and other still not envisaged, aiming to detect possibilities which may substantiate a panel of policies for a sustainable development

    Produtividade primária, biomassa e fatores limitantes na área estuarina SW da Baía de Todos os Santos

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    <abstract language="eng">The primary production by C14, standing crop as ratio of particulate carbon/nitrogen and biossay tests concerning to dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus were investigated in the SW estuahne mangrove area of the Bay of Todos os Santos (Brazil) during 10 months. The phytoplankton displaied in this area a mean density of 9x10(5) cells/liter. The primary productivity showed an average range of 9.52 to 10.93 mgC/m³/h, representing the rate about 45 g C/m³ /year or 181 g C/m² /year. Phytoplankton fraction under 35µ at the stations 0 and 1 was responsible for the most C14 uptake. A negative relationship between primary production and limiting nitrogen and phosphorus was verified. February samples exhibited the most drastic situation regarding to N and P, as limiting factors; an opposite situation corresponded Jo June and July. The relationship between particulated carbon and nitrogen showed a concentration area among the ranges of400/1400 mgC/m³/ and 4/28 mgN/m³, The ratios C/N revealed the most of times a short variation