8 research outputs found

    Modelado de componentes pasivos de montaje superficial en radiofrecuencia

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    In this paper, lumped-element models for surface mounted devices (SMD), capacitors and inductors, are presented. The parasitic and packaging effects of SMD are extracted, including the characterization of the interconnects. The equivalent circuit parameters are extracted from Sparameters tests. These models are suitable for microstrip mounted components, and in the frequencies range 100 MHz to 4 GHz. The modelling and extraction procedure is demonstrated for 0805 style components

    HĂ­brido 180Âș de banda ancha en tecnologĂ­a uniplanar para ondas milimĂ©tricas

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    This document presents the design, simulation and characterization of a hybrid-ring coupler using uniplanar technology, developed at millimetre-wave frequencies. The hybrid-ring coupler is designed using a combination of coplanar waveguide (CPW) and slotline transmission lines in order to achieve the phase difference response between the transmitted and coupled ports. The use of uniplanar technology makes a straightforward and fast implementation, and also offers an easy integration with other MIC or MMIC applications. The circuit is optimized to get the best phase results by tuning the slotline branch of the ring. Circuit characterization shows a wideband frequency response, around 17 GHz, in terms of phase difference (180Âș±5Âș) working up to 40 GHz

    HĂ­brido 180Âș de banda ancha en tecnologĂ­a Microstrip a 41 GHz

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    A broadband modified rat-race hybrid with around 30% bandwidth is presented in this paper. The hybrid was developed from 35 to 47 GHz bandwidth (centre frequency 41 GHz) using microstrip technology on Alumina substrate. The design uses CPWG-Microstrip transitions to measure the response of the circuit in a coplanar probes station. The measurements over the frequency bandwidth show a maximum amplitude imbalance of 0.5 dB, the phase variation is ± 5Âș, the isolation is better than 20 dB and the return loss is greater than 10 dB. Moreover, the circuit is planar and consists of a single layer, without requirements of metallic holes and bonding wires, so it is also a low-cost circuit

    HĂ­brido 180Âș de banda ancha en tecnologĂ­a microstrip a 31 GHz

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    A broadband modified rat-race hybrid with around 35% bandwidth is presented in this paper. This hybrid was developed from 26 to 36 GHz bandwidth (centre frequency 31 GHz) using microstrip technology on Alumina substrate. The design uses CPWG-Microstrip transitions to measure the response of the circuit in a coplanar probes station. Measurements across the frequency bandwidth show a maximum amplitude imbalance of 0.5 dB, the phase variation is ± 5Âș, the isolation is better than 25 dB and the return loss is greater than 10 dB. Moreover, the circuit is planar, easy to design and consists of a single layer, without requirements of metallic holes and bonding wires, so it is also a low-cost circuit

    Conmutadores de fase de 90Âș en tecnologĂ­a hĂ­brida microstrip

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    This work describes the design and characterization of three different 90Âș phase switches working in the Ka-band. The phase switch is intended to be part of a radio astronomy receiver which works in the 26-36 GHz frequency band. The designs are based on the use of wideband band-pass filters with single-pole double-throw (SPDT) switches in order to select the transmission path. The design of the filters are performed in a 5-mils thick Teflon-based substrate (CLTE-XT) microstrip technology, showing an average phase shift of 89Âș±4Âș over the 24-37 GHz band with an amplitude imbalance of 0.1dB. The switch function is analyzed using three different SPDTs: a PIN diode based switch, MMIC PIN diode switch and MMIC pHEMT switch

    Diseño de un nuevo módulo posterior para el experimento Quijote (fase II)

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    This contribution presents the design of different subsystems developed for the back-end module under construction for the QUIJOTE project phase II. This module is divided into two blocks: one including the RF-gain and filtering stages, and the other with the correlation and detection components. This solution enables independent development and testing which facilitates the design process. Specifically, this document shows an ultra-wideband microstrip attenuator which can be easily modified to vary its attenuation value, a broadband E-plane waveguide power-splitter with excellent performance, two different waveguide architectures for achieving 90Âș phase shift covering the project bandwidth (26 – 36 GHz), and a video amplifier with adjustable gain that keeps the 1/f noise below limits. The designed back-end module provides improved flexibility regarding last-time modifications that may appear during the project assembly stage

    Receptor de polarizaciĂłn a 31 GHz para radioastronomĂ­a

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    This document describes the scheme and prototype test results of a broadband radioastronomy receiver aimed to obtain polarisation data of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation from the sky. Nominal receiver bandwidth is 26 to 36 GHz. The radiometer will work as a polarimeter to obtain the polarisation Stokes parameters (Q, U and I) of the incoming electromagnetic signal to the feed-horns. Prototype tests have demonstrated the receiver concept based on electronic phase switching in two balanced branches. The correlation between signals is performed directly at 31 GHz by a broadband 3 dB/180Âș hybrid coupler

    Millimeter Waves Broadband Circuits

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    MĂĄster en TecnologĂ­as de la InformaciĂłn y Comunicaciones en Redes MĂłviles (TICRM