5 research outputs found

    Histomorphometric and vascular changes in equine endometrium after the infusion of conceptus fragments

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    This experiment aimed to verify if the proteins present in a 13th day conceptus induce changes in the equine endometrial ultra-structure, histology, and vascularization, two days after its infusion. Ten healthy cyclic mares were used. Once estrus was confirmed, mares were examined daily to detect ovulation (day 0). After ovulation, mares were examined daily until day seven by transrectal palpation and B-mode and Doppler ultrasonography. In this first cycle, intrauterine biopsies were collected at day seven after ovulation, constituting the Cyclic group (n = 10). In the second cycle, the same mares daily were examined until ovulation was detected. After ovulation, mares were examined daily by transrectal palpation and B-mode and Doppler ultrasonography until day 7. On day 5, after ovulation, fragments from previously collected 13-day-old concepti were infused into the uterus of each mare. Intrauterine biopsies were collected at day 7 in all mares (n = 10), constituting the Fragment group. The percentage of ciliated and flattened cells decreased in the Fragment group. Protruded cells, superficial and intraglandular secretion, glandular lumen and diameter, blood vessel diameter, endometrial vascularization, and immune cells were higher in the Fragment group than in the Cyclic group. In summary, proteins of 13th day equine conceptus fragments infused at day five after ovulation signaled histological and vascular changes in the endometrium at the 7th day after ovulation

    Uterine infusion of conceptus fragments changes the protein profile from cyclic mares

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    This experiment aimed to compare at day seven after ovulation, the protein profile of uterine fluid in cyclic mares with mares infused two days before with Day 13 conceptus fragments. Experimental animals were ten healthy cyclic mares, examined daily to detect ovulation (Day 0) as soon as estrus was confirmed. On day seven, after ovulation, uterine fluid was collected, constituting the Cyclic group (n = 10). The same mares were examined in the second cycle until ovulation was detected. On day five, after ovulation, fragments from a previously collected concepti were infused into each mare's uterus. Two days after infusion, uterine fluid was collected, constituting the Fragment group (n = 10). Two-dimensional electrophoresis technique processed uterine fluid samples. A total of 373 spots were detected. MALDI-TOF/TOF and NanoUHPLC-QTOF mass spectrometry identified twenty spots with differences in abundance between the Cyclic and Fragment group. Thirteen proteins were identified, with different abundance between groups. Identified proteins may be related to embryo-maternal communication, which involves adhesion, nutrition, endothelial cell proliferation, transport, and immunological tolerance. In conclusion, conceptus fragments signalized changes in the protein profile of uterine fluid seven days after ovulation in comparison to the observed at Day 7 in the same cyclic mares

    Determinación de la presencia de Salmonella en cerdos faenados en una planta de la ciudad de Guatemala.

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    El estudio se realizó en una planta de sacrificio y faenado en la zona 17 Ciudad de Guatemala durante un período de 5 semanas. Se tuvo como objetivo contribuir al estudio de Salmonella sp. en cerdos, lográndolo al determinar la presencia de Salmonella sp. a partir de muestras de nódulo linfático mesentérico, vesícula biliar e hisopados de cavidad abdominal. El estudio se planteó para evaluar la amenaza que significa la Salmonella en carne de cerdo en nuestro país como patógeno alimentario, junto con la creciente importancia de su papel en bloqueos comerciales. Para lograr dicho estudio, de corte transversal, se realizaron muestreos sistemáticos semanales en los cuales se obtuvieron las muestras antes mencionadas de cada cerdo con materiales estériles, un total de 30 cerdos (90 muestras totales, población de 5000 cerdos), las cuales fueron preenriquecidas, posteriormente trasladadas a caldos selectivos, luego sembradas en medios de cultivo selectivos, y los resultados positivos sometidos a una prueba confirmativa para tratar de identificarlas; luego los resultados fueron analizados mediante a estadística descriptiva, obteniendo 2 cerdos positivos y 4 muestras positivas (2 de nódulo linfático, 1 de vesícula biliar y 1 de cavidad abdominal), no pudiendo identificar ni la especie ni el serovar que los estaba afectando

    Mare endometrial architectural and structural changes at day 5 post-ovulation

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    Rápidas adaptações endometriais ocorrem com a chegada do embrião no útero para criar um ambiente uterino receptivo, que é essencial para o desenvolvimento do concepto. As descrições dos eventos endometriais que ocorrem antes da chegada do embrião ao útero, são escassas. O objetivo deste experimento foi demonstrar mudanças na arquitetura e na estrutura do endométrio que ocorrem no dia 5 pós-ovulação em éguas cíclicas e inseminadas. Amostras de biopsia endometrial foram recolhidas em torno do dia 5 pós-ovulação em um grupo de 10 éguas reprodutivamente sadias, uma de cada corno, durante dois ciclos. No primeiro como ‘Cíclicas’ (n = 10) e no seguinte estas mesmas foram inseminadas para formar o grupo ‘Inseminadas’ (n = 10). As éguas inseminadas foram subdivididas em dois subgrupos: aquelas em que as amostras foram recolhidas antes do dia 5.5 e aquelas em que as amostras o foram depois do dia 5.5. As biopsias endometriais foram analisadas por microscopia de luz e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. A densidade, o diâmetro, o epitélio, o lúmen e a secreção glandular, foram submetidos à análise histomorfométrica. As células brancas foram avaliadas em uma contagem diferencial. As células ciliadas, poligonais com microvilosidades, e a presença de células planas ou ingurgitadas no epitélio, na microscopia eletrónica de varredura, foram analisados por uma contagem individual de cada um dos tipos celulares. Houve um aumento no diâmetro glandular, uma diminuição significativa nas células ciliadas e um aumento significativo na população de linfócitos nas éguas inseminadas, quando comparadas com as égua cíclicas. Na análise dos subgrupos de éguas inseminadas, não houve diferenças nas variáveis. Estes resultados levam a concluir que mudanças significativas ocorrem no endométrio no dia 5 pós ovulação, na égua inseminada.Rapid endometrial adaptations occur as the embryo enters the uterus to create a receptive uterine environment, which is essential for the conceptus' development. Descriptions of endometrial events before the embryo reaches the uterus, are scant The aim of this experiment was to demonstrate architectural and structural changes in the endometrium on day 5 after ovulation in cyclic and inseminated mares. Endometrial biopsy samples were taken during day 5 post-ovulation from a group of 10 reproductively healthy mares, one from each uterine horn, during two cycles. The first one they were considered as ‘cyclic’ (n = 10), and in the following one, the same mares were inseminated to constitute the ‘inseminated’ group (n = 10). Inseminated mares were subdivided into two subgroups: those sampled before day 5.5 and those sampled after day 5.5. Biopsy samples were analyzed through optic microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Glandular density, diameter, epithelial height, lumen, and secretion were analyzed through histomorphometry. White blood cells were evaluated through a differential cell count. Ciliated cells, micro-ciliated polygonal cells, and flat or protruded cells over the epithelium, on scanning electron microscopy, were analyzed through an individual cell type count. Inseminated mares presented an increase in glandular diameter, significant decrease in ciliated cell population, and a significant increase in lymphocyte population, compared to cyclic mares. No differences in any of the variables were detected between subgroups from inseminated mares. The results here presented lead to the conclusion that significant endometrial changes occur on day 5 post-ovulation in inseminated mares

    Mare endometrial architectural and structural changes at day 5 post-ovulation

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    Rápidas adaptações endometriais ocorrem com a chegada do embrião no útero para criar um ambiente uterino receptivo, que é essencial para o desenvolvimento do concepto. As descrições dos eventos endometriais que ocorrem antes da chegada do embrião ao útero, são escassas. O objetivo deste experimento foi demonstrar mudanças na arquitetura e na estrutura do endométrio que ocorrem no dia 5 pós-ovulação em éguas cíclicas e inseminadas. Amostras de biopsia endometrial foram recolhidas em torno do dia 5 pós-ovulação em um grupo de 10 éguas reprodutivamente sadias, uma de cada corno, durante dois ciclos. No primeiro como ‘Cíclicas’ (n = 10) e no seguinte estas mesmas foram inseminadas para formar o grupo ‘Inseminadas’ (n = 10). As éguas inseminadas foram subdivididas em dois subgrupos: aquelas em que as amostras foram recolhidas antes do dia 5.5 e aquelas em que as amostras o foram depois do dia 5.5. As biopsias endometriais foram analisadas por microscopia de luz e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. A densidade, o diâmetro, o epitélio, o lúmen e a secreção glandular, foram submetidos à análise histomorfométrica. As células brancas foram avaliadas em uma contagem diferencial. As células ciliadas, poligonais com microvilosidades, e a presença de células planas ou ingurgitadas no epitélio, na microscopia eletrónica de varredura, foram analisados por uma contagem individual de cada um dos tipos celulares. Houve um aumento no diâmetro glandular, uma diminuição significativa nas células ciliadas e um aumento significativo na população de linfócitos nas éguas inseminadas, quando comparadas com as égua cíclicas. Na análise dos subgrupos de éguas inseminadas, não houve diferenças nas variáveis. Estes resultados levam a concluir que mudanças significativas ocorrem no endométrio no dia 5 pós ovulação, na égua inseminada.Rapid endometrial adaptations occur as the embryo enters the uterus to create a receptive uterine environment, which is essential for the conceptus' development. Descriptions of endometrial events before the embryo reaches the uterus, are scant The aim of this experiment was to demonstrate architectural and structural changes in the endometrium on day 5 after ovulation in cyclic and inseminated mares. Endometrial biopsy samples were taken during day 5 post-ovulation from a group of 10 reproductively healthy mares, one from each uterine horn, during two cycles. The first one they were considered as ‘cyclic’ (n = 10), and in the following one, the same mares were inseminated to constitute the ‘inseminated’ group (n = 10). Inseminated mares were subdivided into two subgroups: those sampled before day 5.5 and those sampled after day 5.5. Biopsy samples were analyzed through optic microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Glandular density, diameter, epithelial height, lumen, and secretion were analyzed through histomorphometry. White blood cells were evaluated through a differential cell count. Ciliated cells, micro-ciliated polygonal cells, and flat or protruded cells over the epithelium, on scanning electron microscopy, were analyzed through an individual cell type count. Inseminated mares presented an increase in glandular diameter, significant decrease in ciliated cell population, and a significant increase in lymphocyte population, compared to cyclic mares. No differences in any of the variables were detected between subgroups from inseminated mares. The results here presented lead to the conclusion that significant endometrial changes occur on day 5 post-ovulation in inseminated mares