17,192 research outputs found

    Development of a transient expression assay for detecting environmental oestrogens in zebrafish and medaka embryos

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from BMC via the DOI in this record.BACKGROUND: Oestrogenic contaminants are widespread in the aquatic environment and have been shown to induce adverse effects in both wildlife (most notably in fish) and humans, raising international concern. Available detecting and testing systems are limited in their capacity to elucidate oestrogen signalling pathways and physiological impacts. Here we developed a transient expression assay to investigate the effects of oestrogenic chemicals in fish early life stages and to identify target organs for oestrogenic effects. To enhance the response sensitivity to oestrogen, we adopted the use of multiple tandem oestrogen responsive elements (EREc38) in a Tol2 transposon mediated Gal4ff-UAS system. The plasmid constructed (pTol2_ERE-TATA-Gal4ff), contains three copies of oestrogen response elements (3ERE) that on exposure to oestrogen induces expression of Gal4ff which this in turn binds Gal4-responsive Upstream Activated Sequence (UAS) elements, driving the expression of a second reporter gene, EGFP (Enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein). RESULTS: The response of our construct to oestrogen exposure in zebrafish embryos was examined using a transient expression assay. The two plasmids were injected into 1-2 cell staged zebrafish embryos, and the embryos were exposed to various oestrogens including the natural steroid oestrogen 17ß-oestradiol (E2), the synthetic oestrogen 17α- ethinyloestradiol (EE2), and the relatively weak environmental oestrogen nonylphenol (NP), and GFP expression was examined in the subsequent embryos using fluorescent microscopy. There was no GFP expression detected in unexposed embryos, but specific and mosaic expression of GFP was detected in the liver, heart, somite muscle and some other tissue cells for exposures to steroid oestrogen treatments (EE2; 10 ng/L, E2; 100 ng/L, after 72 h exposures). For the NP exposures, GFP expression was observed at 10 μg NP/L after 72 h (100 μg NP/L was toxic to the fish). We also demonstrate that our construct works in medaka, another model fish test species, suggesting the transient assay is applicable for testing oestrogenic chemicals in fish generally. CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that the transient expression assay system can be used as a rapid integrated testing system for environmental oestrogens and to detect the oestrogenic target sites in developing fish embryos.This work was co-funded by the Natural Environmental Research Council (reference NE/I014470/1) and the University of Exeter (CRT/TK). OL was funded by a studentship from Gwanglim, Korea

    Effects of environmental enrichment on survivorship, growth, sex ratio and behaviour in laboratory maintained zebrafish Danio rerio

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    This is the author accepted manuscriptEnvironmental enrichment involves increasing the complexity of a fish's environment in order to improve welfare. Researchers are legally obliged to consider the welfare of laboratory animals and poor welfare may result in less robust data in experimental science. Laboratory zebrafish Danio rerio are usually kept in bare aquaria for ease of husbandry and, despite being a well-studied species, little is known about how laboratory housing affects their welfare. This study shows that environmental enrichment, in the form of the addition of gravel substratum and plants into the tank, affects survivorship, growth and behaviour in laboratory-maintained D. rerio. Larvae reared in enriched tanks had significantly higher survivorship compared with larvae reared in bare tanks. Effects of the tank conditions on growth were more variable. Females from enriched tanks had a higher body condition than females maintained in bare tanks, but intriguingly this was not the case for males, where the only difference was a more variable body condition in males maintained in bare tanks. Sex ratio in the rearing tanks did not differ between treatments. Resource monopolisation was higher for fish in enriched tanks than for those in bare tanks. Fish from enriched tanks displayed lower levels of behaviours associated with anxiety compared with fish from bare tanks when placed into a novel environment. Thus, this study demonstrates differences in welfare for D. rerio maintained under different environmental conditions with enhancements in welfare more commonly associated with tank enrichment.University of Exeter Aquatic Resources Centr

    Impurity influence in quantum spin Hall transport

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    Enzymatic oxidation of chloramphenicol succinate in human bone marrow and liver

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    Acute Toxicity, Teratogenic, and Estrogenic Effects of Bisphenol A and Its Alternative Replacements Bisphenol S, Bisphenol F, and Bisphenol AF in Zebrafish Embryo-Larvae

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from American Chemical Society via the DOI in this recordBisphenol A (BPA), a chemical incorporated into plastics and resins, has estrogenic activity and is associated with adverse health effects in humans and wildlife. Similarly structured BPA analogues are widely used but far less is known about their potential toxicity or estrogenic activity in vivo. We undertook the first comprehensive analysis on the toxicity and teratogenic effects of the bisphenols BPA, BPS, BPF, and BPAF in zebrafish embryo-larvae and an assessment on their estrogenic mechanisms in an estrogen-responsive transgenic fish Tg(ERE:Gal4ff)(UAS:GFP). The rank order for toxicity was BPAF > BPA > BPF > BPS. Developmental deformities for larval exposures included cardiac edema, spinal malformation, and craniofacial deformities and there were distinct differences in the effects and potencies between the different bisphenol chemicals. These effects, however, occurred only at concentrations between 1.0 and 200 mg/L which exceed those in most environments. All bisphenol compounds induced estrogenic responses in Tg(ERE:Gal4ff)(UAS:GFP) zebrafish that were inhibited by coexposure with ICI 182 780, demonstrating an estrogen receptor dependent mechanism. Target tissues included the heart, liver, somite muscle, fins, and corpuscles of Stannius. The rank order for estrogenicity was BPAF > BPA = BPF > BPS. Bioconcentration factors were 4.5, 17.8, 5.3, and 0.067 for exposure concentrations of 1.0, 1.0, 0.10, and 50 mg/L for BPA, BPF, BPAF, and BPS, respectively. We thus show that these BPA alternatives induce similar toxic and estrogenic effects to BPA and that BPAF is more potent than BPA, further highlighting health concerns regarding the use of BPA alternatives.Natural Environment Research Council (NERC

    Knowledge systems and the construction of knowledge systems : introducing interdisciplinary studies on ontologies and language sciences

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    2013-2014 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journalVersion of RecordPublishe

    The effect of cigarette price increase on the cigarette consumption in Taiwan: evidence from the National Health Interview Surveys on cigarette consumption

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    BACKGROUND: This study uses cigarette price elasticity to evaluate the effect of a new excise tax increase on cigarette consumption and to investigate responses from various types of smokers. METHODS: Our sample consisted of current smokers between 17 and 69 years old interviewed during an annual face-to-face survey conducted by Taiwan National Health Research Institutes between 2000 to 2003. We used Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) procedure to estimate double logarithmic function of cigarette demand and cigarette price elasticity. RESULTS: In 2002, after Taiwan had enacted the new tax scheme, cigarette price elasticity in Taiwan was found to be -0.5274. The new tax scheme brought about an average annual 13.27 packs/person (10.5%) reduction in cigarette consumption. Using the cigarette price elasticity estimate from -0.309 in 2003, we calculated that if the Health and Welfare Tax were increased by another NT$ 3 per pack and cigarette producers shifted this increase to the consumers, cigarette consumption would be reduced by 2.47 packs/person (2.2%). The value of the estimated cigarette price elasticity is smaller than one, meaning that the tax will not only reduce cigarette consumption but it will also generate additional tax revenues. Male smokers who had no income or who smoked light cigarettes were found to be more responsive to changes in cigarette price. CONCLUSIONS: An additional tax added to the cost of cigarettes would bring about a reduction in cigarette consumption and increased tax revenues. It would also help reduce incidents smoking-related illnesses. The additional tax revenues generated by the tax increase could be used to offset the current financial deficiency of Taiwan's National Health Insurance program and provide better public services

    Improving zebrafish laboratory welfare and scientific research through understanding their natural history

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Wiley via the DOI in this recordGlobally, millions of zebrafish (Danio rerio) are used for scientific laboratory experiments for which researchers have a duty of care, with legal obligations to consider their welfare. Considering the growing use of the zebrafish as a vertebrate model for addressing a diverse range of scientific questions, optimising their laboratory conditions is of major importance for both welfare and improving scientific research. However, most guidelines for the care and breeding of zebrafish for research are concerned primarily with maximising production and minimising costs and pay little attention to the effects on welfare of the environments in which the fish are maintained, or how those conditions affect their scientific research. Here we review the physical and social conditions in which laboratory zebrafish are kept, identifying and drawing attention to factors likely to affect their welfare and experimental science. We also identify a fundamental lack knowledge of how zebrafish interact with many biotic and abiotic features in their natural environment to support ways to optimise zebrafish health and well-being in the laboratory, and in turn the quality of scientific data produced. We advocate that the conditions under which zebrafish are maintained need to become a more integral part of research and that we understand more fully how they influence experimental outcome and in turn interpretations of the data generated.University of Exete

    Oral cancer treatment: developments in chemotherapy and beyond

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    Oncology is one of the few areas of medicine where most patients are treated intravenously rather than receiving oral drugs. Recently, several oral anti-cancer drugs have been approved and there are many more in development. Oral chemotherapy is attractive because of its convenience and ease of administration, particularly in the palliative setting. With an increasing number of oral agents emerging, we can expect to see a rapid rise in the use of oral chemotherapy in years to come. This article reviews recent developments in oral chemotherapy, both of traditional cytotoxics and novel, targeted agents, from the viewpoint of patients, physicians, drug developers and health-care providers

    Reproducibility of creatine kinase: how useful is this measurement tool?

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    Establishing the reproducibility of a measurement is essential for repeated testing to ensure that any systematic change is a result of an external influence (i.e. intervention), as oppossed to normal random variation. Although some degree of error is inherent in any measure, a measurement tool should yield consistent results that do not fluctuate to an unacceptable degree from one test to another. Creatine kinase (CK) is consistently measured in the blood as a marker of exercise induced muscle damage (EIMD). However, its usefulness as a predictive tool to examine the temporal pattern, and magnitude of muscle damage has been questioned. PURPOSE:The main aim of the present study was to employ a variety of reproducibility statistics in order to examine the typical level of measurement error for CK. METHODS: Fifty (36 male, 14 female), apparently healthy participants completed three trials on three separate occasions with each trial separated by 48 - 72 h. The initial trial served as a familiarisation. During trials 2 and 3 (48 h), CK measures were obtained using standard fingerprick technique, and analysed in duplicate immediatley using a colorimetric assay procedure. Each participant completed their trials at the same time of day, following identical pre-test procedures. RESULTS: The intra-test coefficient of variation (CV) within our laboratory was 9%. Dependent t-tests indicated there was no systematic bias between trials (p = 0.82). The interdian CV displayed low reproducibility (20%). Furthermore, the 95% limits of agreement (LoA) were -69.7 to 63.5 iµ/L. However, the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was 0.90, which can be clasified as displaying ‘high’ reproducibility. CONCLUSION: The interdian CV demonstrates that under identical resting conditions (48 h apart), CK displays inherent low absoulte reproducibility, which may obscure a true experimental effect. However, interpretation of the ICC, suggests that CK has high relative reproducibility. The high range of observed CK values is thought to have increased the size of the correlation. Subsequently, an indivdual change in CK following EIMD may not be indicative of the magnitude of damage, and may simply be a result of the inherent variation (e.g. biological). Therefore, it is advised that caution should be taken when using CK within experimental research, and as an indication of when an athlete has recovered, and is able to recommence training