2,746 research outputs found

    Inference Time Optimization Using BranchyNet Partitioning

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    Deep Neural Network (DNN) applications with edge computing presents a trade-off between responsiveness and computational resources. On one hand, edge computing can provide high responsiveness deploying computational resources close to end devices, which may be prohibitive for the majority of cloud computing services. On the other hand, DNN inference requires computational power to be executed, which may not be available on edge devices, but a cloud server can provide it. To solve this problem (trade-off), we partition a DNN between edge device and cloud server, which means the first DNN layers are processed at the edge and the other layers at the cloud. This paper proposes an optimal partition of DNN, according to network bandwidth, computational resources of edge and cloud, and parameter inherent to data. Our proposal aims to minimize the inference time, to allow high responsiveness applications. To this end, we show the equivalency between DNN partitioning problem and shortest path problem to find an optimal solution, using Dijkstra's algorithm.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figures, IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications 202

    Transmissão de luz em sistemas silvipastoris com eucalipto.

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    Conduziu-se um estudo preliminar para determinar os níveis de transmissão de luz em dois sistemas silvipastoris com eucalipto, de diferentes idades (2,5 e 5,5 anos), plantados no espaçamento de 10 x 4 m com as fileiras no sentido leste-oeste, objetivando conhecer melhor a evolução do sistema em termos de disponibilidade de luz para o sub-bosque. As avaliações foram realizadas em maio de 1999, em dias com céu claro, entre 11 e 13 horas. As determinações da densidade do fluxo de fótons (Dff) foram realizadas ao longo de dez transeções, transversais às fileiras de eucalipto. Determinou-se também a DFF a pleno sol. A variação espacial da transmissão de luz ao sub-bosque diferiu entre os sistemas, porém os valores médios de transmissão de luz foram idênticos (32% de pleno sol). Esse valor subestima a transmissão de luz aos sub-bosques dos sitemas silvipastoris estudados durante o verão, quando a altitude solar no local é maior. Nesta época, é provável que os valores estivessem superiores a 50%, nos dois sistemas

    Influência da irrigação intermitente sobre o avanço e infiltração de água em sulcos, num Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro álico.

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    Conduziu-se uma pesquisa para avaliar as caracteristicas de avanco e infiltracao de agua em sulcos, num Latossolo Vermelho Escuro alico, utilizando-se irrigacao continua e intermitente. Foram testadas as vazoes de 0,4; 0,8; 1,2/s-1, bem como os tempos ciclicos de 20; 40 e 60 min, com taxa ciclica de 0,5. A velocidade de avanco da agua aumentou com a vazao de 0,4ls-1, nos tres tempos ciclicos, e com a vazao de 0,8ls-1, nos tempos ciclicos de 40 e 60 min, em relacao ao escoamento continuo. Entretanto, nao houve diferenca entre os tempos de avanco, quando se fizeram irrigacoes continua e intermitente, com a vazao de 1,2ls-1. Na primeira aplicacao de agua nos sulcos, os efeitos da irrigacao intermitente foram mais acentuados. Os volumes de agua aplicada, para a conclusao do avanco, foram menores no escoamento intermitente, com a vazao de 0,8ls-1 e nos tempos ciclicos de 40 e 60 min

    Environmental footprints show China and Europe\u27s evolving resource appropriation for soybean production in Mato Grosso, Brazil

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    Mato Grosso has become the center of Brazil\u27s soybean industry, with production located across an agricultural frontier expanding into savanna and rainforest biomes. We present environmental footprints of soybean production in Mato Grosso and resource flows accompanying exports to China and Europe for the 2000s using five indicators: deforestation, land footprint (LF), carbon footprint (CF), water footprint (WF), and nutrient footprints. Soybean production was associated with 65% of the state\u27s deforestation, and 14–17% of total Brazilian land use change carbon emissions. The decade showed two distinct production systems illustrated by resources used in the first and second half of the decade. Deforestation and carbon footprint declined 70% while land, water, and nutrient footprints increased almost 30% between the two periods. These differences coincided with a shift in Mato Grosso\u27s export destination. Between 2006 and 2010, China surpassed Europe in soybean imports when production was associated with 97 m2 deforestation yr−1 ton−1 of soybean, a LF of 0.34 ha yr−1 ton−1, a carbon footprint of 4.6 ton CO2-eq yr−1 ton−1, a WF of 1908 m3 yr−1 ton−1, and virtual phosphorous and potassium of 5.0 kg P yr−1 ton−1 and 0.0042 g K yr−1 ton−1. Mato Grosso constructs soil fertility via phosphorous and potassium fertilizer sourced from third party countries and imported into the region. Through the soybean produced, Mato Grosso then exports both water derived from its abundant, seasonal precipitation and nutrients obtained from fertilizer. In 2010, virtual water flows were 10.3 km3 yr−1 to China and 4.1 km3 yr−1 to Europe. The total embedded nutrient flows to China were 2.12 Mtons yr−1 and 2.85 Mtons yr−1 to Europe. As soybean production grows with global demand, the role of Mato Grosso\u27s resource use and production vulnerabilities highlight the challenges with meeting future international food security needs

    Estudo das características de avanço e infiltração da água em sulcos, em um Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro alico, com aplicação de água contínua e intermitente.

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    Conduziu-se uma pesquisa com a finalidade de estudar as caracteristicas de avanco e infiltracao da agua em sulcos com aplicacao de agua continua e intermitente. Foram testadas as vazoes de 0,4, 0,8 e 1,2 1.s-1 e tempos ciclicos de 20, 40 e 60 min com taxa ciclica de 0,5. A velocidade de avanco aumentou, para a vazao de 0,4 1.s-1, nos tres tempos ciclicos, em relacao ao escoamento continuo, e para a vazao de 0,8 1.s-1, nos tempos ciclicos de 40 e 60 min. Entretanto, nao houve diferenca entre os tempos de avanco com irrigacao continua e intermitente para a vazao de 1,2 1.s-1. Os efeitos da irrigacao intermitente foram mais acentuados durante a primeira irrigacao. Os volumes de agua aplicada para conclusao do avanco foram menores no escoamento intermitente com vazao de 0,8 1.s-1 e tempos ciclicos de 40 e 60 min

    Competency level in radiotherapy across EU educational programmes: A cross-case study evaluating stakeholders' perceptions

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    Introduction: The education of Therapeutic Radiographers (TRs) is regulated in some countries but is not standardised across the EU, leading to differences in competencies between and within member states. This study aimed to explore stakeholders’ perceptions regarding underdeveloped competencies of TRs practising on the linear accelerator, identified in a previous study by the same research team.Methods: Interviews with stakeholders from four countries (selected based on the characteristics of their degrees) were performed as part of this cross-case study. Stakeholders were asked to provide their perception regarding the least developed competencies identified in a previous study.Results: The 27 stakeholders confirmed that Pharmacology, Quality Assurance (QA), Management and Leadership, Research (from the previous study) were underdeveloped and identified Image Verification and Critical Thinking as additional underdeveloped competencies. Suggested causes included: lack of regulation of required competencies at the national level, lack of training dedicated to radiotherapy (RT) (taught within generic modules) and lack of time within the degree programme. The ideal academic level to develop these competencies and whether they are essential varied between country and stakeholder.Conclusion: It is essential to regulate learning outcomes at the national level to ensure a high level of care is provided to all RT patients and, ideally, standardise it across Europe. Education institutions should review their curricula to ensure that sufficient time is dedicated to RT and that the essential competencies are developed. Due to time constraints within some programmes, some competencies must be developed after graduation.Implications for practice: Lack of regulation of learning outcomes (at European level and national level in many countries) and lack of RT-specific training lead to underdeveloped competencies that may compromise patient care.peer-reviewe

    A miniaturized self-calibrated pyrometer microsystem

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    paper describes the design, modeling and optimization of a miniaturized self-calibrated pyrometer to detect infrared radiation (in 5-20 µm range of wavelengths) in order to measure the real temperature of objects without contact. The microsystem consists of a thermally insulated absorbing area and two thermopiles with the hot junctions in the absorbing area and the cold junctions on a heat sink (i.e. the silicon bulk). The complete microsystem is in silicon planar technology and each thermopile has a different reference temperature, biased by a Peltier microstructure near to the cold junction of the thermopile. A silicon die passivated with a silicon nitride membrane is the ground floor of all microsystem. The absorbing area, a black gold strip on the silicon nitride membrane is obtained by anisotropic etching of the bulk silicon from the back of the wafer. The pyrometer microsystem is composed by: the IR optical filter on the top, the electronic system built in CMOS technology added by Multi-Chip-Module (MCM) techniques and the pyrometer. Application of a network of pyrometers in textile industry is the final goal.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT
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