2,747 research outputs found

    Microfluidic-SANS: flow processing of complex fluids

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    Understanding and engineering the flow-response of complex and non-Newtonian fluids at a molecular level is a key challenge for their practical utilisation. Here we demonstrate the coupling of microfluidics with small angle neutron scattering (SANS). Microdevices with high neutron transmission (up to 98%), low scattering background ([Image: see text]), broad solvent compatibility and high pressure tolerance (≈3–15 bar) are rapidly prototyped via frontal photo polymerisation. Scattering from single microchannels of widths down to 60 μm, with beam footprint of 500 μm diameter, was successfully obtained in the scattering vector range 0.01–0.3 Å(−1), corresponding to real space dimensions of [Image: see text]. We demonstrate our approach by investigating the molecular re-orientation and alignment underpinning the flow response of two model complex fluids, namely cetyl trimethylammonium chloride/pentanol/D(2)O and sodium lauryl sulfate/octanol/brine lamellar systems. Finally, we assess the applicability and outlook of microfluidic-SANS for high-throughput and flow processing studies, with emphasis of soft matter

    Highly efficient heavy-metal extraction from water with carboxylated graphene nanoflakes

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    Heavy metals such a lead or cadmium have a wide range of detrimental and devastating effects on human health. It is therefore of paramount importance to efficiently remove heavy metals from industrial wastewater streams as well as drinking water. Carbon materials, including graphene and graphene oxide (GO), have recently been advocated as efficient sorption materials for heavy metals. We show that highly carboxylated graphene nanoflakes (cx-GNF) outperform nano-graphene oxide (nGO) as well as traditional GO with respect to extracting Fe 2+ , Cu 2+ , Fe 3+ , Cd 2+ and Pb 2+ cations from water. The sorption capacity for Pb 2+ , for example, is more than six times greater for the cx-GNF compared to GO which is attributed to the efficient formation of lead carboxylates as well as strong cation-Ï€ interactions. The large numbers of carboxylic acid groups as well as the intact graphenic regions of the cx-GNF are therefore responsible for the strong binding of the heavy metal cations. Remarkably, the performance of the as-made cx-GNF can easily compete with previously reported carbon materials that have undergone additional chemical-functionalisation procedures for the purpose of heavy-metal extraction. Furthermore, the recyclability of the cx-GNF material with respect to Pb 2+ loading is demonstrated as well as the outstanding performance for Pb 2+ extraction in the presence of excess Ca 2+ or Mg 2+ cations which are often present under environmental conditions. Out of all the graphene materials, the cx-GNF therefore show the greatest potential for future application in heavy-metal extraction processes

    A simple and mild chemical oxidation route to high-purity nano-graphene oxide

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    Nano-graphene oxide (nGO) is used in a wide range of applications including cellular imaging, drug delivery, desalination and energy storage. Current preparation protocols are similar as for standard graphene oxide (GO) and typically rely on mixtures of sulfuric acid and potassium permanganate. We present a new route to nGO (∼30 nm diameter) using a quite defective arc-discharge carbon source and only 9 M nitric acid as the oxidising agent. The preparation can be scaled up proportionately with current GO protocols with 50 mL of half-concentrated nitric acid able to process one gram of arc-discharge material. The workup is straight forward and involves neutralization with sodium hydroxide which precipitates the sodium salt of nGO from solution. The only by-product of the new procedure is aqueous sodium nitrate which makes this protocol the cleanest route yet to nGO. The presence and quantities of functional groups in our nGO are determined and compared with standard GO. We anticipate that this new route to nGO will foster a range of new applications. The presence of highly reactive carboxylic anhydride groups on our nGO material in particular offers an excellent opportunity for purpose-specific chemical functionalization

    The influence of acidic edge groups on the electrochemical performance of graphene nanoflakes

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    Graphene nanoflakes (GNF) with lateral dimensions of ca. 30 nm and edge-terminated with carboxylic acid functionalities have been characterised and the influence of acidic functionalities on the [Fe(CN)6]3−/4− redox couple studied using cyclic voltammetry and spectroelectrochemical methods. The presence of the COOH-terminated GNF in solution as well as immobilised onto an electrode surface was found to inhibit the redox reaction, supporting the conclusion that GNF promote instability of [Fe(CN)6]3−/4− in solution. The redox reaction was also much less influenced by the presence of GNF in D2O, highlighting the role played by readily available protons in destabilising the [Fe(CN)6]3−/4− redox couple. In the presence of GNF in solution, an additional, very intense cyanide stretch IR band was observed that was attributed to the formation of a new, non-soluble species. When D2O was used as the solvent, the IR spectrum showed no evidence of a new cyano species

    Electrochemical characterisation of graphene nanoflakes with functionalised edges

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    Graphene nanoflakes (GNF) of diameter ca. 30 nm and edge-terminated with carboxylic acid (COOH) or amide functionalities were characterised electrochemically after drop-coating onto a boron-doped diamond (BDD) electrode. In the presence of the outer-sphere redox probe ferrocenemethanol there was no discernible difference in electrochemical response between the clean BDD and GNF-modified electrodes. When ferricyanide or hydroquinone were used as redox probes there was a marked difference in response at the electrode modified with COOH-terminated GNF in comparison to the unmodified BDD and amide-terminated GNF electrode. The response of the COOH-terminated GNF electrode was highly pH dependent, with the most dramatic differences in response noted at pH < 8. This pH range coincides with partial protonation of the carboxylic acid groups as determined by titration. The acid edge groups occupy a range of bonding environments and are observed to undergo deprotonation over a pH range ca. 3.7 to 8.3. The protonation state of the GNF influences the oxidation mechanism of hydroquinone and in particular the number of solution protons involved in the reaction mechanism. The voltammetric response of ferricyanide is very inhibited by the presence of COOH-terminated GNF at pH < 8, especially in low ionic strength solution. While the protonation state of the GNF is clearly a major factor in the observed response, the exact role of the acid group in the redox process has not been firmly established. It may be that the ferricyanide species is unstable in the solution environment surrounding the GNF, where dynamic protonation equilibria are at play, perhaps through disruption to ion pairing

    Multi-functionalised graphene nanoflakes as tumour-targeting theranostic drug-delivery vehicles

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    Graphene nanoflakes (GNFs) consist of a graphene sheet approximately 30 nm in diameter with a pristine aromatic system and an edge terminated with carboxylic acid groups. Their high water solubility and relative ease of functionalisation using carboxylate chemistry means that GNFs are potential scaffolds for the synthesis of theranostic agents. In this work, GNFs were multi-functionalised with derivatives of (i) a peptide-based Glu-NH-C(O)-NH-Lys ligand that binds prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA), (ii) a potent anti-mitotic drug (R)-ispinesib, (iii) the chelate desferrioxamine B (DFO), and (iv) an albumin-binding tag reported to extend pharmacokinetic half-life in vivo. Subsequent 68Ga radiochemistry and experiments in vitro and in vivo were used to evaluate the performance of GNFs in theranostic drug design. Efficient 68Ga-radiolabelling was achieved and the particle-loading of (R)-ispinesib and Glu-NH-C(O)-NH-Lys was confirmed using cellular assays. Using dose–response curves and FACS analysis it was shown that GNFs loaded with (R)-ispinesib inhibited the kinesin spindle protein (KSP) and induced G2/M-phase cell cycle arrest. Cellular uptake and blocking experiments demonstrated that GNFs functionalised with the Glu-NH-C(O)-NH-Lys ligand showed specificity toward PSMA expressing cells (LNCaP). The distribution profile and excretion rates of 68Ga-radiolabelled GNFs in athymic nude mice was evaluated using time–activity curves derived from dynamic positron-emission tomography (PET). Image analysis indicated that GNFs have low accumulation and retention in background tissue, with rapid renal clearance. In summary, our study shows that GNFs are suitable candidates for use in theranostic drug design

    Cryptic homoelogy analysis in species and hybrids of genus Zea

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    Cryptic intergenomic pairing of genus Zea was induced by the use of a diluted colchicine solution in order to elucidate the phylogenetic relations and differentiation of the homoeologous genomes. Results indicate that in species and hybrids with 2n = 20, there was chromosome pairing between the homoeologous A and B genomes with a maximum of 5IV, with the exception of Zea diploperennis and their interspecific hybrids where cryptic homoeologous chromosome pairing was not induced. In almost all 2n = 30 hybrids, observed cryptic pairing increased to a maximum of 10III although Z. mays x Z. mays with 2n = 30 did not show significant differences between treated and untreated materials. Pairing was also observed in species and hybrids with 2n = 40, in which a maximum of 10IV was observed, with the exception of Z. mays with 2n = 40 where treated and untreated cells did not differ significantly.This research was supported by the Universidad Nacional de la Plata, Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora and CONICET.Molina, M.; Lopez, C.; Staltari, S.; Chorzempa, S.; Moreno Ferrero, V. (2013). Cryptic homoelogy analysis in species and hybrids of genus Zea. Biologia Plantarum. 57(3):449-456. doi:10.1007/s10535-012-0299-4S449456573Bass, H.W., Riera-Lizarazu, O., Ananiev, E.V.B., Bordolini, S.J., Rines, H.W., Phillips, R.L., Sedat, J.W., Agard, D.A., Cande, Z.W.: Evidence for the coincident initiation of homologous pairing and synapsis during the telomereclustering (bouquet) stage of meiotic prophase. — J. Cell Sci. 113: 1033–1042, 2000.Bozza, C.G., Pawlowsky, W.P.: The cytogenetics of homologous chromosome pairing in meiosis in plants. — Cytogenet. Genet. 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A.: Rapid elimination of low copy DNA sequences in polyploidy wheat: a possible mechanism for differentiation of homeologous chromosomes. — Genetics 147: 1381–1387, 1997.Fukunaga, K., Hill, J., Vigoroux, Y., Matsuoka, Y., Sanchez G., J., Liu, K., Bucker, E., Doebley, J.: Genetic diversity and population structure of teosinte. — Genetics 169: 2241–2254, 2005.Furini, A., Jewell, C.: Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration of maize/Tripsacum hybrids. — Maydica 40: 205–210, 1995.García, M.D., Molina, M. del C.: Embryo rescue and induction of somatic embryogenesis as a method to overcome seed inviability in Zea mays ssp. mays (2n = 40) × Zea mays ssp. parviglumis crosses. — Biol. Plant. 44: 497–501, 2001.García, M.D., Molina, M. del C., Caso, 0.H.: [Maize (Zea mays ssp. mays) plant regeneration from tissue culture and its applications in maize breeding.] — Rev. Fac. Agron. UNLP 68: 15–25, 1992. [In Spanish]Goluboskaya, I.N., Harper, L.C., Pawlowski, W.P., Schicnes, D.; Cande, W.Z.: The pam1 gene is required for meiotic bouquet formation and efficient homologous synapsis in maize (Zea mays L.). — Genetics 162: 1979–1993, 2002.González, G., Poggio, L.: Karyotype of Zea luxurians and Z. mays subsp. mays using FISH/DAPI, and analysis of meiotic behavior of hybrids. — Genome 54: 26–32, 2011.Harper, L., Golubovskaya, I., Cande, W.Z.: A bouquet of chromosomes. — J. Cell. Sci. 117: 4025–4032, 2004.Iltis, H.H., Benz B.F: Zea nicaraguensis (Poaceae), a new teosinte from Pacific coastal Nicaragua. — Novon 10: 382–390, 2000.Iltis, H.H.; Dobley J.: Taxonomy of Zea (Gramineae). II Subspecific categories in the Zea mays comple× and a generic synopsis. — Amer. J. Bot. 67: 994–1004, 1980.Jackson, R.C.: Polyploidy and diploidy: new perspectives on chromosome pairing and its evolutionary implications. — Amer. J. 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    Conformation and phase behavior of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose in the presence of mono- and divalent salts

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    We report a small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) study of semidilute aqueous solutions of sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (NaCMC), in the presence of mono- (Na+) and divalent salts (Mg2+, Ca2+, Zn2+, and Ba2+). A degree of substitution of 1.3 is selected to ensure that, in salt-free solution, the polymer is molecularly dissolved. We find that Na+ and Mg2+ salt addition yields H-type phase behavior, while Ca2+, Zn2+, and Ba2+ instead yield a mixed H/L-type phase behavior dependent on the NaCMC concentration (cp), in the decreasing order of the salt concentration required to induce turbidity (at a fixed cp). Charge screening by addition of NaCl induces the disappearance of the characteristic polyelectrolyte correlation peak and eventually yields scattering profiles with a q–1 dependence over nearly 3 decades in the wavenumber q. By fitting a descriptive model to data with excess Na+, we obtain a correlation length ξ′ = 1030 cp–0.72 Å with cp in g L–1. Addition of Mg2+, which does not interact specifically with NaCMC carboxylate groups, yields an analogous screening behavior to that of Na+, albeit at lower salt concentrations, in line with its higher ionic strength. At low salt concentration, addition of specifically interacting Ca2+, Zn2+, and Ba2+ yields a comparatively greater screening of the polyelectrolyte correlation peak, and at concentrations above the phase boundary, results in excess scattering at low-q, compatible with the formation of 20–40 nm clusters. This behavior is interpreted as due to the reduction in charge density along the chain, promoting interchain association and multichain domain formation resulting in visible turbidity. Overall, drawing analogies with NaCMC at a lower degree of substitution, where hydrophobic association takes place, our findings provide a framework to describe the solution structure and phase behavior of NaCMC in salt-free and salt solutions

    New Kadampa Buddhists and Jungian psychological type

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    Building on previous studies on Canadian Anglicans and Catholics, this study examines and discusses the psychological type profile of 31 adherents to New Kadampa Buddhism. Like Anglicans and Catholics, Buddhists preferred introversion (I). Like Anglicans who preferred intuition (N) and unlike Catholics who preferred sensing (S), Buddhists displayed a preference for intuition (N). Unlike Anglicans and Catholics who both preferred feeling (F), Buddhists displayed a balance between feeling (F) and thinking (T). Like Anglicans and unlike Catholics, Buddhists preferred the Apollonian temperament (NF) over the Epimethean temperament (SJ). These data are discussed to interpret the psychological appeal of New Kadampa Buddhism
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