4,570 research outputs found

    Comparison of NNLO DIS scheme splitting functions with results from exact gluon kinematics at small x.

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    We consider the effect of exact gluon kinematics in the virtual photon-gluon impact factor at small x. By comparing with fixed order DIS scheme splitting and coefficient functions, we show that the exact kinematics results match the fixed order results well at each order, which suggests that they allow for an accurate NLL analysis of proton structure functions. We also present, available for the first time, x-space parameterisations of the NNLO DGLAP splitting functions in the DIS scheme, and also the longitudinal coefficients for neutral current scattering

    Exact solutions for the biadjoint scalar field

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    CDW is supported by the UK Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), under grant ST/L000446/1

    Twistorial Foundation for the Classical Double Copy

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    The classical double copy relates exact solutions of gauge, gravity, and other theories. Although widely studied, its origins and domain of applicability have remained mysterious. In this Letter, I show that a particular incarnation—the Weyl double copy—can be derived using well-established ideas from twistor theory. As well as explaining where the Weyl double copy comes from, the twistor formalism also shows that it is more general than previously thought

    Wilson Lines and Webs in Higher-Order QCD

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    Sexual and geographic dimorphism in northern rockhopper penguins breeding in the South Atlantic Ocean

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    The Endangered northern rockhopper penguin Eudyptes moseleyi, like all penguins, is monomorphic, making sex determination of individuals in the field challenging. We examined the degree of sexual size dimorphism of adult birds across the species’ breeding range in the Atlantic Ocean and developed discriminant functions (DF) to predict individuals’ sex using morphometric measurements. We found significant site-specific differences in both bill length and bill depth, with males being the larger sex on each island. Across all islands, bill length contributed 78% to dissimilarity between sexes. Penguins on Gough Island had significantly longer bills, whilst those from Tristan da Cunha had the deepest. Island-specific DFs correctly classified 82-94% of individuals, and all functions performed significantly better than chance. The model for Nightingale Island correctly classified the greatest proportion of individuals (94-95%), while that for Tristan da Cunha performed the poorest (80-82%). A discriminant function derived from all sites accurately sexed 86-88% of northern rockhopper penguins achieving similar accuracy to island-specific functions. While molecular techniques conclusively determine an individual’s sex, morphometric measurements can provide a reliable estimate with close to 90% accuracy using a method that is less invasive and requires little technical expertise. Sexing is an important tool for meaningful interpretation of ecological data. Consideration of sex-specific differences in future studies will aid investigation of a potential sex-dependent vulnerability in this Endangered species.© The authors 2019. Open Access under Creative Commons by Attribution Licence. Use, distribution and reproduction are unrestricted. Authors and original publication must be credited. The attached file is the published pdf

    A Variable flavor number scheme for heavy quark production at small x.

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    We define a new variable flavour number scheme for use in deep inelastic scattering, motivated by the need to consistently implement high energy resummations alongside a fixed order QCD expansion. We define the DIS( ) scheme at fixed order, and show how to obtain the small x coefficient functions and heavy flavour matrix elements to leading order in the high energy resummation. We then implement these results in a global fit at LO which includes leading resummations with running coupling corrections. Finally, we address the impact of the resummed results on predictions for the longitudinal structure function. We find that they stabilise the behaviour of FL at small x. Overall, we find that resummations significantly improve the fit to scattering data in the low x regime, although higher orders in the fixed order expansion are needed to describe current structure function and related data over the complete x range

    Alternative formulations of the twistor double copy

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    Double copy of the multipole expansion

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    The classical double copy relates solutions of biadjoint, gauge, and gravity theories. The ultimate origin and scope of this correspondence remains mysterious, such that it is important to build a clear physical intuition of how the double copy operates. To this end, we consider the multipole expansion of exact classical solutions. Using a recently developed twistor translation of the classical double copy, we use well-established techniques to show that the multipole moments of arbitrary vacuum type-D gravity fields are exactly related to their counterparts in gauge and biadjoint scalar theories by the single and zeroth copies. We cross-check our results using previously obtained results for the Kerr metric and also provide new results for the "square root"of the Kerr-Taub-NUT solution

    The convolutional double copy: a case study with a point

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    The double copy relates scattering amplitudes in gauge and gravity theories. It has also been extended to classical solutions, and a number of approaches have been developed for doing so. One of these involves expressing fields in a variety of (super-)gravity theories in terms of convolutions of gauge fields, including also BRST ghost degrees of freedom that map neatly to their corresponding counterparts in gravity. In this paper, we spell out how to use the convolutional double copy to map gauge and gravity solutions in the manifest Lorenz and de Donder gauges respectively. We then apply this to a particular example, namely the point charge in pure gauge theory. As well as clarifying how to use the convolutional approach, our results provide an alternative point of view on a recent discussion concerning whether point charges map to the Schwarzschild solution, or the more general two-parameter JNW solution, which includes a dilaton field. We confirm the latter.Comment: 15 page

    Effective field theory and scalar extensions of the top quark sector

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    Effective field theory (EFT) approaches are widely used at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), such that it is important to study their validity and ease of matching to specific new physics models. In this paper, we consider an extension of the Standard Model (SM) in which a top quark couples to a new heavy scalar. We find the dimension six operators generated by this theory at low energy and match the EFT to the full theory up to the next-to-leading order (NLO) precision in the simplified model coupling. We then examine the range of validity of the EFT description in top pair production, finding excellent validity even if the scalar mass is only slightly above LHC energies, provided NLO corrections are included. In the absence of the latter, the LO EFT overestimates kinematic distributions, such that overoptimistic constraints on beyond the Standard Model (BSM) contributions are obtained. We next examine the constraints on the EFT and full models that are expected to be obtained from both top pair and four top production at the LHC, finding for low scalar masses that both processes show similar exclusion power. However, for larger masses, estimated LHC uncertainties push constraints into the nonperturbative regime, where the full model is difficult to analyze, and thus is not perturbatively matchable to the EFT. This highlights the necessity to improve uncertainties of SM hypotheses in top final states
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