205 research outputs found

    Antipseudomonal and immunomodulatory properties of esc peptides: Promising features for treatment of chronic infectious diseases and inflammation

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    Persistent infections, such as those provoked by the Gram-negative bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the lungs of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients, can induce inflammation with lung tissue damage and progressive alteration of respiratory function. Therefore, compounds having both an-timicrobial and immunomodulatory activities are certainly of great advantage in fighting infectious diseases and chronic inflammation. We recently demonstrated the potent antipseudomonal efficacy of the antimicrobial peptide (AMP) Esc(1-21) and its diastereomer Esc(1-21)-1c, namely Esc peptides. Here, we confirmed this antimicrobial activity by reporting on the peptides’ ability to kill P. aeruginosa once internalized into alveolar epithelial cells. Furthermore, by means of enzyme-linked immunosor-bent assay and Western blot analyses, we investigated the peptides’ ability to detoxify the bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) by studying their effects on the secretion of the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-6 as well as on the expression of cyclooxygenase-2 from macrophages activated by P. aeruginosa LPS. In addition, by a modified scratch assay we showed that both AMPs are able to stimulate the closure of a gap produced in alveolar epithelial cells when cell migration is inhibited by concentrations of Pseudomonas LPS that mimic lung infection conditions, suggesting a peptide-induced airway wound repair. Overall, these results have highlighted the two Esc peptides as valuable candidates for the development of new multifunctional therapeutics for treatment of chronic infectious disease and inflammation, as found in CF patients

    "Toxic erythema" and eosinophilia associated to tocilizumab therapy in a COVID-19 patient

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    Since the new fatal pneumonia was identified in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, the WHO declared the infection a health emergency of international concern. The novel ss-RNA ß-coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) spreads through airborne and direct contagion; virulence is high in the elderly and in patients with diabetes, chronic pulmonary, cardiovascular and neoplastic diseases. SARS-CoV-2 ssRNA is recognized by intracellular Pattern Recognition Receptors (PRRs), which trigger NF-kB - the master regulator of inflammation - and Interferon Regulatory Factors (IRFs)1

    Saffron: A multitask neuroprotective agent for retinal degenerative diseases

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    Both age related macular degeneration (AMD) and light induced retinal damage share the common major role played by oxidative stress in the induction/progression of degenerative events. Light damaged (LD) rats have been widely used as a convenient model to gain insight into the mechanisms of degenerative disease, to enucleate relevant steps and to test neuroprotectants. Among them, saffron has been shown to ameliorate degenerative processes and to regulate many genes and protective pathways. Saffron has been also tested in AMD patients. We extended our analysis to a possible additional effect regulated by saffron and compared in AMD patients a pure antioxidant treatment (Lutein/zeaxanthin) with saffron treatment. Methods: Animal model. Sprague-Dawley (SD) adult rats, raised at 5 lux, were exposed to 1000 lux for 24 h and then either immediately sacrificed or placed back at 5 lux for 7 days recovery period. A group of animals was treated with saffron. We performed in the animal model: (1) SDS-PAGE analysis; (2) Western Blotting (3) Enzyme activity assay (4) Immunolabelling; in AMD patients: a longitudinal open-label study 29 (+/- 5) months in two groups of patients: lutein/zeaxanthin (19) and saffron (23) treated. Visual function was tested every 8 months by ERG recordings in addition to clinical examination. Results: Enzymatic activity of MMP-3 is reduced in LD saffron treated retinas and is comparable to control as it is MMP-3 expression. LD treated retinas do not present "rosettes" and microglia activation and migration is highly reduced. Visual function remains stable in saffron treated AMD patients while deteriorates in the lutein/zeaxanthin group. Conclusion: Our results provide evidence of an additional way of action of saffron treatment confirming the complex nature of neuroprotective activities of its chemical components. Accordingly, long term follow-up in AMD patients reveals an added value of saffron supplementation treatment compared to classical antioxidant protocol

    The Floodplain Woods of Tuscany

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    The contraction of lowland forests throughout Europe began in remote times and then intensified strongly with land reclamation by agriculture and urbanization during the first half of the last century. We present a map of the Floodplain Woods of Tuscany on a scale of 1:300,000 as a synthesis of that built at the scale of 1:10,000 and the methods used to obtain it. Nearly 90% of the patches contain habitats of concern to conservation, according to the Habitat Directive. The Tuscan Floodplain Woods remained prevalent in coastal areas, where some levels of protection are guaranteed by the presence of several protected areas, whereas they have practically vanished in the other parts of the regional territory. The resulting patches are very small and distant from each other, so only in-depth management of all potential floodplain forest areas, taking into consideration patches for their regeneration, can be useful to assure their conservation

    Daytime sleepiness in de novo untreated patients with epilepsy.

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    The aims of our study were to evaluate excessive daytime sleepiness in a group of de novo untreated people with epilepsy using a comprehensive and standardized approach, including subjective evaluation and neurophysiological and performance tests, and to compare these results with those obtained in a control group. Forty-seven patients with epilepsy (17 affected by primary generalized epilepsy and 30 by partial epilepsy), with a new epilepsy diagnosis and never treated, and 44 controls underwent Multiple Sleep Latency Test (preceded by nocturnal polysomnography), simple/complex visual reaction times, and Epworth Sleepiness Scale evaluation. Newly diagnosed and drug-free patients with epilepsy did not differ from controls in any of the tests performed to evaluate daytime sleepiness. In clinical practice, daytime sleepiness is a well-known and frequent complaint of patients with epilepsy, but different mechanisms and causes, such as associated psychiatric or sleep disorders, nocturnal seizures, sleep fragmentation, and antiepileptic drugs, must be taken into account. Excessive daytime sleepiness should not be considered an unavoidable consequence of epilepsy. Thus, a complete diagnostic work-up in patients with epilepsy and sleepiness should be undertaken whenever possible

    Avaliação eletrocardiográgica e da pressão arterial em cães obesos

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    On the tracks of Nitrogen deposition effects on temperate forests at their southern European range - an observational study from Italy

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    We studied forest monitoring data collected at permanent plots in Italy over the period 2000\u20132009 to identify the possible impact of nitrogen (N) deposition on soil chemistry, tree nutrition and growth. Average N throughfall (N-NO3+N-NH4) ranged between 4 and 29 kg ha 1 yr 1, with Critical Loads (CLs) for nutrient N exceeded at several sites. Evidence is consistent in pointing out effects of N deposition on soil and tree nutrition: topsoil exchangeable base cations (BCE) and pH decreased with increasing N deposition, and foliar nutrient N ratios (especially N : P and N : K) increased. Comparison between bulk openfield and throughfall data suggested possible canopy uptake of N, levelling out for bulk deposition >4\u20136 kg ha 1 yr 1. Partial Least Square (PLS) regression revealed that - although stand and meteorological variables explained the largest portion of variance in relative basal area increment (BAIrel 2000\u20132009) - N-related predictors (topsoil BCE, C : N, pH; foliar N-ratios; N deposition) nearly always improved the BAIrel model in terms of variance explained (from 78.2 to 93.5%) and error (from 2.98 to 1.50%). N deposition was the strongest predictor even when stand, management and atmosphere-related variables (meteorology and tropospheric ozone) were accounted for. The maximal annual response of BAIrel was estimated at 0.074\u20130.085% for every additional kgN. This corresponds to an annual maximal relative increase of 0.13\u20130.14% of carbon sequestered in the above-ground woody biomass for every additional kgN, i.e. a median value of 159 kgC per kgN ha 1 yr 1 (range: 50\u2013504 kgC per kgN, depending on the site). Positive growth response occurred also at sites where signals of possible, perhaps recent N saturation were detected. This may suggest a time lag for detrimental N effects, but also that, under continuous high N input, the reported positive growth response may be not sustainable in the long-term

    Efeitos da restrição calórica na avaliação eletrocardiográfica e da pressão arterial em cães obesos

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