1,130 research outputs found

    Microsolvation and sp²-stereoinversion of monomeric α-(2, 6-di-tert-butylphenyl)vinyllithium as measured by NMR

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    The beta-unsubstituted title compound dissolves in THF as a uniformly trisolvated monomer, whereas it forms exclusively disolvated monomers in tert-butyl methyl ether, Et2O, TMEDA, or toluene with TMEDA (1.4 equiv). This was established at low temperatures through the observation of separated NMR signals for free and lithium-coordinated ligands and/or through the patterns and magnitudes of C-13, Li-6 NMR coupling constants. An aggregated form was observed only with Et2O (2 equiv) in toluene as the solvent. The olefinic geminal interproton coupling constants of the H2C= part can be used as a secondary criterion to differentiate between these differently solvated ground-states (3, 2, or <2 coordinated ligands per Li). Due to a kinetic trisolvation privilege of THF, the cis/trans sp(2)-stereoinversion rates could be measured through analyses of H-1 NMR line broadening and coalescence only in THF as the solvent: The pseudomonomolecular (because THF-catalyzed),ionic mechanism is initialized by a C-Li bond heterolysis with the transient immobilization of one additional THF ligand, followed by stereoinversion of the quasi-sp(2)-hybridized carbanionic center in cooperation with a "conducted tour" migration of Li+(THF)(4) along the alpha-aryl group within the solvent-separated ion pair

    A human antibody against Zika virus crosslinks the E protein to prevent infection

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    The recent Zika virus (ZIKV) epidemic has been linked to unusual and severe clinical manifestations including microcephaly in fetuses of infected pregnant women and Guillian-Barré syndrome in adults. Neutralizing antibodies present a possible therapeutic approach to prevent and control ZIKV infection. Here we present a 6.2 Å resolution three-dimensional cryo-electron microscopy (cryoEM) structure of an infectious ZIKV (strain H/PF/2013, French Polynesia) in complex with the Fab fragment of a highly therapeutic and neutralizing human monoclonal antibody, ZIKV-117. The antibody had been shown to prevent fetal infection and demise in mice. The structure shows that ZIKV-117 Fabs cross-link the monomers within the surface E glycoprotein dimers as well as between neighbouring dimers, thus preventing the reorganization of E protein monomers into fusogenic trimers in the acidic environment of endosomes

    Version 1 of a sea ice module for the physics-based, detailed, multi-layer SNOWPACK model

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    Sea ice is an important component of the global climate system. The presence of a snowpack covering sea ice can strongly modify the thermodynamic behavior of the sea ice, due to the low thermal conductivity and high albedo of snow. The snowpack can be stratified and change properties (density, water content, grain size and shape) throughout the seasons. Melting snow provides freshwater which can form melt ponds or cause flushing of salt out of the underlying sea ice, while flooding of the snow layer by saline ocean water can strongly impact both the ice mass balance and the freezing point of the snow. To capture the complex dynamics from the snowpack, we introduce modifications to the physics-based, multi-layer SNOWPACK model to simulate the snow-sea-ice system. Adaptations to the model thermodynamics and a description of water and salt transport through the snow-sea-ice system by coupling the transport equation to the Richards equation were added. These modifications allow the snow microstructure descriptions developed in the SNOWPACK model to be applied to sea ice conditions as well. Here, we drive the model with data from snow and ice mass-balance buoys installed in the Weddell Sea in Antarctica. The model is able to simulate the temporal evolution of snow density, grain size and shape, and snow wetness. The model simulations show abundant depth hoar layers and melt layers, as well as superimposed ice formation due to flooding and percolation. Gravity drainage of dense brine is underestimated as convective processes are so far neglected. Furthermore, with increasing model complexity, detailed forcing data for the simulations are required, which are difficult to acquire due to limited observations in polar regions

    Forced Symmetry Breaking from SO(3) to SO(2) for Rotating Waves on the Sphere

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    We consider a small SO(2)-equivariant perturbation of a reaction-diffusion system on the sphere, which is equivariant with respect to the group SO(3) of all rigid rotations. We consider a normally hyperbolic SO(3)-group orbit of a rotating wave on the sphere that persists to a normally hyperbolic SO(2)-invariant manifold M(ϵ)M(\epsilon). We investigate the effects of this forced symmetry breaking by studying the perturbed dynamics induced on M(ϵ)M(\epsilon) by the above reaction-diffusion system. We prove that depending on the frequency vectors of the rotating waves that form the relative equilibrium SO(3)u_{0}, these rotating waves will give SO(2)-orbits of rotating waves or SO(2)-orbits of modulated rotating waves (if some transversality conditions hold). The orbital stability of these solutions is established as well. Our main tools are the orbit space reduction, Poincare map and implicit function theorem

    Tissue drives lesion: computational evidence of interspecies variability in cardiac radiofrequency ablation

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    Radiofrequency catheter ablation (RFCA) is widely used for the treatment of various types of cardiac arrhythmias. Typically, the efficacy and the safety of the ablation protocols used in the clinics are derived from tests carried out on animal specimens, including swines. However, these experimental findings cannot be immediately translated to clinical practice on human patients, due to the difference in the physical properties of the types of tissue. Computational models can assist in the quantification of this variability and can provide insights in the results of the RFCA for different species. In this work, we consider a standard ablation protocol of 10g force, 30W power for 30s. We simulate its application on a porcine cardiac tissue, a human ventricle and a human atrium. Using a recently developed computational model that accounts for the mechanical properties of the tissue, we explore the onset and the growth of the lesion along time by tracking its depth and width, and we compare the lesion size and dimensions at the end of the ablation

    Hopf algebras in dynamical systems theory

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    The theory of exact and of approximate solutions for non-autonomous linear differential equations forms a wide field with strong ties to physics and applied problems. This paper is meant as a stepping stone for an exploration of this long-established theme, through the tinted glasses of a (Hopf and Rota-Baxter) algebraic point of view. By reviewing, reformulating and strengthening known results, we give evidence for the claim that the use of Hopf algebra allows for a refined analysis of differential equations. We revisit the renowned Campbell-Baker-Hausdorff-Dynkin formula by the modern approach involving Lie idempotents. Approximate solutions to differential equations involve, on the one hand, series of iterated integrals solving the corresponding integral equations; on the other hand, exponential solutions. Equating those solutions yields identities among products of iterated Riemann integrals. Now, the Riemann integral satisfies the integration-by-parts rule with the Leibniz rule for derivations as its partner; and skewderivations generalize derivations. Thus we seek an algebraic theory of integration, with the Rota-Baxter relation replacing the classical rule. The methods to deal with noncommutativity are especially highlighted. We find new identities, allowing for an extensive embedding of Dyson-Chen series of time- or path-ordered products (of generalized integration operators); of the corresponding Magnus expansion; and of their relations, into the unified algebraic setting of Rota-Baxter maps and their inverse skewderivations. This picture clarifies the approximate solutions to generalized integral equations corresponding to non-autonomous linear (skew)differential equations.Comment: International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics, in pres

    Borrelia recurrentis employs a novel multifunctional surface protein with anti-complement, anti-opsonic and invasive potential to escape innate immunity

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    Borrelia recurrentis, the etiologic agent of louse-borne relapsing fever in humans, has evolved strategies, including antigenic variation, to evade immune defence, thereby causing severe diseases with high mortality rates. Here we identify for the first time a multifunctional surface lipoprotein of B. recurrentis, termed HcpA, and demonstrate that it binds human complement regulators, Factor H, CFHR-1, and simultaneously, the host protease plasminogen. Cell surface bound factor H was found to retain its activity and to confer resistance to complement attack. Moreover, ectopic expression of HcpA in a B. burgdorferi B313 strain, deficient in Factor H binding proteins, protected the transformed spirochetes from complement-mediated killing. Furthermore, HcpA-bound plasminogen/plasmin endows B. recurrentis with the potential to resist opsonization and to degrade extracellular matrix components. Together, the present study underscores the high virulence potential of B. recurrentis. The elucidation of the molecular basis underlying the versatile strategies of B. recurrentis to escape innate immunity and to persist in human tissues, including the brain, may help to understand the pathological processes underlying louse-borne relapsing fever