1,629 research outputs found

    Fake It Until You Make It? Female Leaders’ Emotional Expression Management and Subordinates’ Gender Stereotypes

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    As part of their organizational role, leaders manage their emotional expressions for the purpose of maintaining influence over followers, a concept that has received far less attention than the impact of other leadership behaviors. Further, there is almost no existing research regarding an employees’ reactions to the female supervisors’ emotional expression management (EEM), or the influence of subordinates’ underlying gender stereotypes on the relationship between leaders’ EEM and subordinate outcomes. To gain a better understanding of how EEM and the followers’ perception of gender roles interactively influence affective and attitudinal outcomes, this study used multi-source data from female leaders and their followers to examine the moderation effect of subordinates’ sex-based stereotypes on the relationship between leaders’ EEM and three dyadic outcomes: trust, satisfaction with communication, and commitment to goals set by the leader. Results from hierarchical multiple regressions found mixed support for the proposed relationships. As predicted, the relationship between genuinely felt emotional expressions and both subordinate trust and goal commitment was more positive for followers with stronger nontraditional views of women than for those with lower levels of nontraditional views. Additionally, genuinely felt expressions had a weaker positive relationship with trust for subordinates who held stronger communal stereotypes than for employees with lower levels of communal stereotypes. Unexpectedly, the associations between faked positive and suppressed negative EEM and the subordinate outcomes examined were not significantly affected by followers’ stereotypes about how women should act in general. The hypotheses for employee satisfaction with communication were also not supported. Given these results, I speculate that that female leaders may be subject to different behavioral norms than their male counterparts and that employee stereotypes may only have an impact on attitudes toward the leader when she deviates from these norms by expressing genuinely felt emotions. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed

    Helping Employees Help the Environment: An Intervention to Increase Environmental Organizational Citizenship Behaviors (OCB-E) Via a Subtle Stimulus

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    Researchers’ understanding of the relationships between environmentally-oriented organizational citizenship behaviors (i.e., OCB-Es) and other workplace variables have improved since the turn of the century, but both our comprehension of the behaviors and the effectiveness of interventions targeting them require much more investigation. Further, there is very little research that examines the role of positive affect in promoting these behaviors, even though scholars have suggested that it may be the “silver bullet” (Kals & Müller, 2012) to facilitating employees’ voluntary environmental actions. To that end, the aim of the current research is to take an initial step towards understanding how organizations can use a subtle affective stimulus intervention to increase employees’ OCB-Es, as well as how stable personality traits may moderate this relationship. The current experimental field-study was designed to increase OCBEs via repeated exposure to a positively valenced subtle stimulus (i.e., a picture of a person smiling). In addition to examining positive affect as a mediator of this relationship, I also investigated how certain personality traits (i.e., openness to experience and conscientiousness) may both moderate the relationship between positive affect and OCB-Es and directly affect them. Although neither the proposed relationship between the subtle stimulus and positive affect nor the indirect effect of the stimulus on OCB-Es via positive affect for two of the three performance dimensions were supported, results did demonstrate a mediation effect of the III smiling picture on eco-initiative OCB-Es via positive affect. Additionally, the path analytic results found a direct relationship between openness to experience and eco-civic engagement OCB-Es, and a moderation effect of openness on the relationship to positive affect and ecoinitiative OCB-Es. Unfortunately, the direct and moderation effects for conscientiousness and OCB-Es failed to demonstrate significance. Theoretical and practical implications, limitations, and future directions based on these findings are discussed

    Tuning Actions and Observables in Lattice QCD

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    We propose a strategy for conducting lattice QCD simulations at fixed volume but variable quark mass so as to investigate the physical effects of dynamical fermions. We present details of techniques which enable this to be carried out effectively, namely the tuning in bare parameter space and efficient stochastic estimation of the fermion determinant. Preliminary results and tests of the method are presented. We discuss further possible applications of these techniques.Comment: 17 pages, 4 eps figures; affiliation correction in this header + minor post-referee addition


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    On July 3, 1959, an incident occurred in the Hilac Building when the turning of the wrong valve resulted in pressurizing a helium cooling box, with a resultant blowout of a thin foil. The burst of He gas disintegrated experimental foils made up with 10/sup 11/ dpm of Cm/sup 244/. The resultant activity was quickly dispersed as airborne particulates throughout the building. The 27 people in the building were evacuated within 10 minutes under surveillance of the Health Chemistry personnel; wherever clothing proved to be contaminated it was removed, and in cases where nose swipes were pertinent they were taken. Although an assumption of a combination of the worst conditions could conceivably have resulted in 1 man's inhsling between 2 and 4 times the (alculated allowable inhalation for shont bursts,. evaluation from air analysis and medical tests indicate that it is unlikely that anyone actually did receive this amount. The bullding was closed during decontamination procedures, which required about 30 people for 3 weeks in direct decontamination work and 30 people for 3 weeks in indirect work. The cost of labor, material, and other charges related to the spill amounted to about 0,500 without overhead; equipment loss was held to less than 00. The lost time of operation of the Hilac has been evaluated at ,000, so that the total loss from the incident amounts to roughly 8,500. The primary cause of the accident was determined to be an error by the experimenter. Steps were taken to help insure against any recurrence of an uncontained radiation spill at the Hilac, and to decrease the danger of exposure to personnel in the event that a spill should occur in the future. (auth

    Thermal oxidation of reactively sputtered amorphous W_(80)N_(20) films

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    The oxidation behavior of reactively sputtered amorphous tungsten nitride of composition W_(80)N_(20) was investigated in dry and wet oxidizing ambient in the temperature range of 450 °C–575 °C. A single WO_3 oxide phase is observed. The growth of the oxide follows a parabolic time dependence which is attributed to a process controlled by the diffusivity of the oxidant in the oxide. The oxidation process is thermally activated with an activation energy of 2.5 ± 0.05 eV for dry ambient and 2.35 ± 0.05 eV for wet ambient. The pre‐exponential factor of the reaction constant for dry ambient is 1.1×10^(21) Å^2/min; that for wet ambient is only about 10 times less and is equal to 1.3×10^(20) Å^2/min

    Is the up-quark massless?

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    We report on determinations of the low-energy constants alpha5 and alpha8 in the effective chiral Lagrangian at O(p^4), using lattice simulations with N_f=2 flavours of dynamical quarks. Precise knowledge of these constants is required to test the hypothesis whether or not the up-quark is massless. Our results are obtained by studying the quark mass dependence of suitably defined ratios of pseudoscalar meson masses and matrix elements. Although comparisons with an earlier study in the quenched approximation reveal small qualitative differences in the quark mass behaviour, numerical estimates for alpha5 and alpha8 show only a weak dependence on the number of dynamical quark flavours. Our results disfavour the possibility of a massless up-quark, provided that the quark mass dependence in the physical three-flavour case is not fundamentally different from the two-flavour case studied here.Comment: references added, typos correcte

    Light hadron spectroscopy with O(a) improved dynamical fermions

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    We present the first results for the static quark potential and the light hadron spectrum using dynamical fermions at β=5.2\beta=5.2 using an O(a) improved Wilson fermion action together with the standard Wilson plaquette action for the gauge part. Sea quark masses were chosen such that the pseudoscalar-vector mass ratio, m_PS/m_V$, varies from 0.86 to 0.67. Finite-size effects are studied by using three different volumes, 8^3\cdot 24, 12^3\cdot 24 and 16^3\cdot 24. Comparing our results to previous ones obtained using the quenched approximation, we find evidence for sea quark effects in quantities like the static quark potential and the vector-pseudoscalar hyperfine splitting.Comment: 38 pages, 14 Postscript figure, LaTe

    Serum anti-Müllerian hormone concentrations before and after treatment of an ovarian granulosa cell tumour in a cat

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    Case summary A 15-year-old female cat was presented for investigation of progressive behavioural changes, polyuria, polydipsia and periuria. An ovarian granulosa cell tumour was identified and the cat underwent therapeutic ovariohysterectomy (OHE). The cat’s clinical signs resolved, but 6 months later it was diagnosed as having an anaplastic astrocytoma and was euthanased. Serum anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) concentration prior to OHE was increased vs a control group of entire and neutered female cats. Following OHE, serum AMH concentration decreased to <1% of the original value. Relevance and novel information Serum AMH measurement may represent a novel diagnostic and monitoring tool for functional ovarian neoplasms in cats


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    The title compound, C9H8Br2N2O3, is planar (r.m.s. deviation = 0.030 Å) with the exception of the terminal methyl group which lies out of the plane [1.219 (3) Å]. The conformation about the C=N double bond [1.268 (3) Å] is E. An intra­molecular N—H⋯N hydrogen bond occurs. Linear supra­molecular chains along the b axis mediated by O—H⋯O hydrogen-bonding inter­actions feature in the crystal structure. These chains are also stabilized by weak C—H⋯N contacts