23 research outputs found

    A survey for variable young stars with small telescopes: IX - Evolution of spot properties on YSOs in IC 5070

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    We present spot properties on 32 periodic young stellar objects in IC 5070. Long term, ∼5 yr, light curves in the V, R, and I-bands are obtained through the HOYS (Hunting Outbursting Young Stars) citizen science project. These are dissected into six months long slices, with 3 months oversampling, to measure 234 sets of amplitudes in all filters. We fit 180 of these with reliable spot solutions. Two thirds of spot solutions are cold spots, the lowest is 2150 K below the stellar temperature. One third are warm spots that are above the stellar temperature by less than ∼2000 K. Cold and warm spots have maximum surface coverage values of 40 per cent, although only 16 per cent of warm spots are above 20 per cent surface coverage as opposed to 60 per cent of the cold spots. Warm spots are most likely caused by a combination of plages and low density accretion columns, most common on objects without inner disc excess emission in K − W2. Five small hot spot solutions have <3 percent coverage and are 3000 – 5000 K above the stellar temperature. These are attributed to accretion, and four of them occur on the same object. The majority of our objects are likely to be accreting. However, we observe very few accretion hot spots as either the accretion is not stable on our timescale or the photometry is dominated by other features. We do not identify cyclical spot behaviour on the targets. We additionally identify and discuss a number of objects that have interesting amplitudes, phase changes, or spot properties

    A survey for variable young stars with small telescopes: VIII — Properties of 1687 Gaia selected members in 21 nearby clusters

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    The Hunting Outbursting Young Stars (HOYS) project performs long-term, optical, multi- filter, high cadence monitoring of 25 nearby young clusters and star forming regions. Utilising Gaia DR3 data we have identified about 17000 potential young stellar members in 45 coherent astrometric groups in these fields. Twenty one of them are clear young groups or clusters of stars within one kiloparsec and they contain 9143 Gaia selected potential members. The cluster distances, proper motions and membership numbers are determined. We analyse long term ( 7 yr) V, R, and I-band light curves from HOYS for 1687 of the potential cluster members. One quarter of the stars are variable in all three optical filters, and two thirds of these have light curves that are symmetric around the mean. Light curves affected by obscuration from circumstellar materials are more common than those affected by accretion bursts, by a factor of 2 – 4. The variability fraction in the clusters ranges from 10 to almost 100 percent, and correlates positively with the fraction of stars with detectable inner disks, indicating that a lot of variability is driven by the disk. About one in six variables shows detectable periodicity, mostly caused by magnetic spots. Two thirds of the periodic variables with disk excess emission are slow rotators, and amongst the stars without disk excess two thirds are fast rotators – in agreement with rotation being slowed down by the presence of a disk

    A survey for variable young stars with small telescopes – VIII. Properties of 1687 Gaia selected members in 21 nearby clusters

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    The Hunting Outbursting Young Stars (HOYS) project performs long-term, optical, multi-filter, high cadence monitoring of 25 nearby young clusters and star forming regions. Utilising Gaia DR3 data we have identified about 17000 potential young stellar members in 45 coherent astrometric groups in these fields. Twenty one of them are clear young groups or clusters of stars within one kiloparsec and they contain 9143 Gaia selected potential members. The cluster distances, proper motions and membership numbers are determined. We analyse long term (≈ 7 yr) V, R, and I-band light curves from HOYS for 1687 of the potential cluster members. One quarter of the stars are variable in all three optical filters, and two thirds of these have light curves that are symmetric around the mean. Light curves affected by obscuration from circumstellar materials are more common than those affected by accretion bursts, by a factor of 2 – 4. The variability fraction in the clusters ranges from 10 to almost 100 percent, and correlates positively with the fraction of stars with detectable inner disks, indicating that a lot of variability is driven by the disk. About one in six variables shows detectable periodicity, mostly caused by magnetic spots. Two thirds of the periodic variables with disk excess emission are slow rotators, and amongst the stars without disk excess two thirds are fast rotators – in agreement with rotation being slowed down by the presence of a disk

    Risposta neuromuscolare indotta da terapia ortopedico-funzionale

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    Objectives. The aim of this work is the analysis of neuromuscular and functional effects caused by activator therapy in subjects with skeletal class II and skeletal deep bite malocclusion. Materials and methods. Electromyography (EMG) of masseter and temporal anterior muscles was carried out in 33 subjects at the beginning, after six and twelve months of activator therapy. A Freely electromyographic equipment was used following LAFAS protocol: 1) maximum voluntary clench on cotton rolls; 2) maximum voluntary clench on teeth; 3) Clench-Rest; 4) Tap. Maximum clench on the activator was added to this protocol in order to test neuromuscular changes caused by the appliance. Results. EMG showed an inhibition of muscular contraction during maximum voluntary clench on activator when compared to maximum voluntary clench on teeth. Conclusions. The results of our research confirm activator's mode of action in mandibular growth control, as described in literature. The appliance does not work by increasing active muscular contractions, but inducing elastic passive forces, generated by soft tissues viscoelasticity

    Disgiuntore con braccetto vestibolare : correzioni delle discrepanze trasverse asimmetriche

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    Questa comunicazione descrive un case report di un paziente trattato con una versione modificata dell\u2019espansore di tipo Hyrax descritto da Farronato and coll. nel 2009. Questo dispositivo pu\uf2 essere utilizzato per il trattamento di pazienti in dentizione mista che, a causa di una ipoplasia mascellare e della prematura perdita di alcuni elementi dentari decidui, presentano una migrazione degli incisivi permanenti con conseguente riduzione o chiusura dello spazio per i succedanei. L\u2019espansore presenta un braccio vestibolare per la correzione di discrepanze asimmetriche sul piano trasverso. Il protocollo di attivazione, i benefici terapeutici e clinici sono descritti