546 research outputs found

    Analysis of azimuthal variation of rain attenuation

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    The attenuation due to rain is the main source of impairments in satellite links operating above 10 GHz. In the design of systems based on Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites, the analysis of the rain attenuation must take into account both azimuth and elevation variations. It requires a deep knowledge on the nature of this dependence. As measurements at several elevation and azimuth angles are not available, it is necessary to use prediction models that aim at reproducing the rain profiles of each link. This paper presents an analysis of the azimuth dependence of rain attenuation according to the size of the azimuthal window where this attenuation occurs. It is shown that the azimuthal rain attenuation windows smaller than 180° are few at higher elevation but their probability increases exponentially with the decreasing of the elevation

    Determining the Surface-To-Bulk Progression in the Normal-State Electronic Structure of Sr2RuO4 by Angle-Resolved Photoemission and Density Functional Theory

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    In search of the potential realization of novel normal-state phases on the surface of Sr2RuO4 - those stemming from either topological bulk properties or the interplay between spin-orbit coupling (SO) and the broken symmetry of the surface - we revisit the electronic structure of the top-most layers by ARPES with improved data quality as well as ab-initio LDA slab calculations. We find that the current model of a single surface layer (\surd2x\surd2)R45{\deg} reconstruction does not explain all detected features. The observed depth-dependent signal degradation, together with the close quantitative agreement with LDA+SO slab calculations based on the LEED-determined surface crystal structure, reveal that (at a minimum) the sub-surface layer also undergoes a similar although weaker reconstruction. This points to a surface-to-bulk progression of the electronic states driven by structural instabilities, with no evidence for Dirac and Rashba-type states or surface magnetism.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Further information and PDF available at: http://www.phas.ubc.ca/~quantmat/ARPES/PUBLICATIONS/articles.htm

    The impact of space and time averaging on the spatial correlation of rainfall

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    Nowadays a huge amount of data is available for the statistical characterization of rainfall worldwide, although unfortunately not always with the adequate spatial and temporal resolution required for the very high demanding telecommunication applications. On the basis of the NIMROD radar network composite rain maps, first, this paper investigates separately the impact of space or time integration on the spatial correlation of rainfall r, a key parameter for most Propagation Impairment Mitigation Techniques (PIMTs), as well as for many prediction models such as time-space rain field generators. Analytical formulations are proposed to model the average trend of r with the distance d between two sites as a function of the integration time T or the integration area A, which, in turn, can be used to de-integrate the spatial correlation information estimated respectively from networks of raingauges with long integration time or from radar data with coarse spatial resolution. As an example, the last part of the paper compares the spatial rain decorrelation trends estimated by a database of radar maps collected in Northern Italy with the ones de-integrated from products of meteorological re-analyses (ERA40) or Earth Observation missions (TMPA 3B42)

    Zaltoprofen/4,4′-Bipyridine: A Case Study to Demonstrate the Potential of Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) in the Pharmaceutical Field

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    The Zaltoprofen/4,4′-Bipyridine system gives rise to two co-crystals of different compositions both endowed - in water and in buffer solution at pH 4.5 - with considerably higher solubility and dissolution rate than the pure drug. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of the DSC measurements, carried out on samples made up of mixtures prepared according to different methodologies, allows us to elaborate and propose an accurate thermodynamic model that fully takes into account the qualitative aspects of the complex experimental framework and which provides quantitative predictions (reaction enthalpies and compositions of the co-crystals) in excellent agreement with the experimental results. Co-crystal formation and cocrystal compositions were confirmed by X-ray diffraction measurements as well as by FT-IR and NMR spectroscopy measurements. The quantitative processing of DSC measurements rationalizes and deepens the scientific aspects underlying the so-called Tammann's triangle and constitutes a model of general validity. The work shows that DSC has enormous potential, which however can be fully exploited only by paying adequate attention to the experimental aspects and the quantitative processing of the measurements

    Selective Hybridization of a Terpyridine-Based Molecule with a Noble Metal

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    The electronic properties of metal-molecule interfaces can in principle be controlled by molecular design and self-assembly, yielding great potential for future nano- and optoelectronic technologies. However, the coupling between molecular orbitals and the electronic states of the surface can significantly influence molecular states. In particular, molecules designed to create metal-organic self-assembled networks have functional groups that by necessity are designed to interact strongly with metals. Here, we investigate the adsorption interactions of a terpyridine (tpy)-based molecule on a noble metal, Ag(111), by low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and spectroscopy (STS) together with density functional theory (DFT) calculations. By comparing the local density of states (DOS) information gained from STS for the molecule on the bare Ag(111) surface with that of the molecule decoupled from the underlying metal by a NaCl bilayer, we find that tpy-localized orbitals hybridize strongly with the metal substrate. Meanwhile, those related to the phenyl rings that link the two terminal tpy groups are less influenced by the interaction with the surface. The selective hybridization of the tpy groups provides an example of strong, orbital-specific electronic coupling between a functional group and a noble-metal surface, which may alter the intended balance of interactions and resulting electronic behavior of the molecule-metal interface

    Graphene promotes axon elongation through local stall of Nerve Growth Factor signaling endosomes

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    Several works reported increased differentiation of neuronal cells grown on graphene; however, the molecular mechanism driving axon elongation on this material has remained elusive. Here, we study the axonal transport of nerve growth factor (NGF), the neurotrophin supporting development of peripheral neurons, as a key player in the time course of axonal elongation of dorsal root ganglion neurons on graphene. We find that graphene drastically reduces the number of retrogradely transported NGF vesicles in favor of a stalled population in the first two days of culture, in which the boost of axon elongation is observed. This correlates with a mutual charge redistribution, observed via Raman spectroscopy and electrophysiological recordings. Furthermore, ultrastructural analysis indicates a reduced microtubule distance and an elongated axonal topology. Thus, both electrophysiological and structural effects can account for graphene action on neuron development. Unraveling the molecular players underneath this interplay may open new avenues for axon regeneration applications

    NGF steers microglia toward a neuroprotective phenotype

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    Microglia are the sentinels of the brain but a clear understanding of the factors that modulate their activation in physiological and pathological conditions is still lacking. Here we demonstrate that Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) acts on microglia by steering them toward a neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory phenotype. We show that microglial cells express functional NGF receptors in vitro and ex vivo. Our transcriptomic analysis reveals how, in primary microglia, NGF treatment leads to a modulation of motility, phagocytosis and degradation pathways. At the functional level, NGF induces an increase in membrane dynamics and macropinocytosis and, in vivo, it activates an outward rectifying current that appears to modulate glutamatergic neurotransmission in nearby neurons. Since microglia are supposed to be a major player in Aβ peptide clearance in the brain, we tested the effects of NGF on its phagocytosis. NGF was shown to promote TrkA-mediated engulfment of Aβ by microglia, and to enhance its degradation. Additionally, the proinflammatory activation induced by Aβ treatment is counteracted by the concomitant administration of NGF. Moreover, by acting specifically on microglia, NGF protects neurons from the Aβ-induced loss of dendritic spines and inhibition of long term potentiation. Finally, in an ex-vivo setup of acute brain slices, we observed a similar increase in Aβ engulfment by microglial cells under the influence of NGF. Our work substantiates a role for NGF in the regulation of microglial homeostatic activities and points toward this neurotrophin as a neuroprotective agent in Aβ accumulation pathologies, via its anti-inflammatory activity on microglia

    Intranasal “painless” Human Nerve Growth Factors Slows Amyloid Neurodegeneration and Prevents Memory Deficits in App X PS1 Mice

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    Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) is being considered as a therapeutic candidate for Alzheimer's disease (AD) treatment but the clinical application is hindered by its potent pro-nociceptive activity. Thus, to reduce systemic exposure that would induce pain, in recent clinical studies NGF was administered through an invasive intracerebral gene-therapy approach. Our group demonstrated the feasibility of a non-invasive intranasal delivery of NGF in a mouse model of neurodegeneration. NGF therapeutic window could be further increased if its nociceptive effects could be avoided altogether. In this study we exploit forms of NGF, mutated at residue R100, inspired by the human genetic disease HSAN V (Hereditary Sensory Autonomic Neuropathy Type V), which would allow increasing the dose of NGF without triggering pain. We show that “painless” hNGF displays full neurotrophic and anti-amyloidogenic activities in neuronal cultures, and a reduced nociceptive activity in vivo. When administered intranasally to APPxPS1 mice ( n = 8), hNGFP61S/R100E prevents the progress of neurodegeneration and of behavioral deficits. These results demonstrate the in vivo neuroprotective and anti-amyloidogenic properties of hNGFR100 mutants and provide a rational basis for the development of “painless” hNGF variants as a new generation of therapeutics for neurodegenerative diseases