5,674 research outputs found

    Personality and Attitudes of Indian Young Female Workforce: Entrepreneurial Orientation by Education and Regions

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    This investigation analyzes the impact of region and educational background on entrepreneurial orientation of Indian young female trainees by using four personality descriptors i.e. need for achievement, innovation, personal control, and self-esteem around three attitude components i.e. affect, behavior, and cognition. The findings reflect the highest score of the respondents on the achievement motivation as compared to the other three personality descriptors (innovation, personal control, and self-esteem) and lowest score on the self-esteem dimension. Among attitude components, cognition has emerged as highest. Entrepreneurial orientation score of the sample as a whole is moderately high and female trainees from South India are having an edge over their counterparts from North India. Significant differences are not found between females of different educational backgrounds.entrepreneurial orientation, achievement, attitude, female, self-esteem

    Perikanan dan Terumbu Karang yang Rusak: Bagaimana Mengelolanya?

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    Terumbu karang telah mengalami degradasi yang serius oleh berbagai aktivitasmanusia. Di sisi lain, nelayan pesisir sangat bergantung pada perikanan terumbukarang. Terumbu karang memberikan beberapa fungsi ekologi terhadap biotalaut (ikan dan invertebrata), yaitu sebagai daerah pemijahan, daerahpembesaran, dan daerah mencari makan. Terumbu karang yang sehat denganstruktur bio-fisik yang kompleks akan menyediakan makanan yang maksimalterhadap pelbagai organisme, menyediakan mikrohabitat yang baik untukberlangsungnya proses-proses reproduksi dan perlekatan larva, dan memberiperlindungan fisik dari predator (khususnya untuk larva). Kerusakan terumbukarang akan memberikan pengaruh tidak hanya berupa penurunan keragamanhayati tetapi juga berdampak sosial-ekonomi bagi masyarakat pesisir (nelayan).Oleh karena itu, diperlukan kegiatan-kegiatan yang terkait dengan USAha-USAhaagar dapat membatasi kerusakan tersebut (regulasi), dan melindungi ataumelakukan restorasi terhadap terumbu karang yang rusak


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    The prologue function as a kind of mission statement. The prologue is spoken anonymously there is no character assigned but it can be taken as an expression of Ben Johnson’s own thought. The prologue sets out his approach, promising to employ deeds and language. The best of English screenwriters aside from Shakespeare, the primary abstract despot and artist laureate, an essayist of refrain, exposition, parody, and analysis who most powerfully of the multitude of men of his time influenced the ensuing course of English letters: such was Ben Jonson, and as such his solid character expects an interest to us practically unrivaled, at any rate in his age


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    Feminism has always shared the big part of her poetry after Milk and Honey and The Sun and Her Flowers is also with no exception. Kaur‟s own life is very much present in her poems and boldly describe all trau-matic experiencesthat would make the readers feel her pain


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    Jean Rhys' last novel, Wide Sargasso Sea, is by and large related to women's activist and post-frontier issues. This examination endeavors to peruse this novel as an impression of Jean Rhys' view of the actual nature as profoundly enlivened. Uncovered, particularly, in her self-portrayal, Rhys trusts in a world soul that is reflected in all presence as the indication of a more prominent power. Human love particularly, in the entirety of its structures, replaces her faith in God. Rhys mirrors a similar faith in Wide Sargasso Sea, as the principle struggle that leads both Antoinette and Edward Rochester into misfortune, when Rochester neglects to conform to this supernatural reality on account of his Victorian reproducing. Awed by the actual impressions of Antoinette's affection for him due to his rigid upbringing, Rochester neglects to comprehend the otherworldly extension of it, which he sees as sexy as it were. Disconformity between Rochester’s material English reality and Antoinette’s West Indian otherworldliness diverts the two characters from a glad association

    Penerapan Metode (Ts-ts) Untuk Melihat Aktivitas Siswa Pada Pembelajaran Matematika

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    Learning activity is defined as an activity undertaken by students in the implementation of the learning process. Student activity is very necessary in the learning process. The purpose of this study is to observe the student learning activities in the study of mathematics after applied Two Stay Two Stray (TS-TS) method in SMP Negeri 19 Palembang. This research is a Mixed Methods Research. The data of this study is observational data of student activity at each meeting, interview data of the selected sample, and documentation. From the data analysis, it can be concluded that after applied the Two Stay Two Stray (TS-TS) method in mathematics instructions at SMP Negeri 19 Palembang, student learning activities included in the category of active with an average of 75: 12 very active students, 7 active students, 8 sufficient students, 3 less active students, and 1 very less active student. Keyword: learning activities, methods Two Stay Two Stray (TS-TS)

    Respons Masyarakat Pada Tayangan Kick Andy Di Metro TV (Studi Pada Masyarakat Desa Paslaten 1 Kecamatan Tatapaan Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan)

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    : Development of information and technology for now is to big, since millennium era is coming. Any kind of information with technology successive comes in to the human world. Mass media is the key can usually use for delivery the message from the source to the receiver, with use the instrument of communication like a newspaper, radio, and television. Television development came in Indonesia is no released of government regulation for the support of the press freedom. Television development is going to positive impact and negative impact. Kick Andy show at Metro Tv bringing the positive impact of the society. With the interest theme and concept, Kick Andy show be able to attractive the society of Paslaten 1 village. Starting from entertaining show, informative, and education show, everything going to be a good presentation. More of that Kick Andy show always doing observation to the locations for the next episode of Kick Andy. Theory and Methods: This study uses agenda setting theory and descriptive research theory. Results: Kick Andy show get a positive impact from the society of Paslaten 1 village, for them to always watching the show. Advice: Kick Andy show must be increase the show. Because it's going to be giving the more impact for the society's to watching the show

    Anticancer and Antioxidant activity of Tephrosia calophylla against cancer cell lines

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    To evaluate anticancer and antioxidant potentials of activity of methanol extract of Tephrosia calophylla. The methanol extract of Tephrosia calophylla was prepared and tested for in vitro anticancer activity by using human MCF 7, HCT-116, HEP-G2, A-549 cancer and vero normal cell lines. The antioxidant activity for the extract was evaluated by Superoxide scavenging, Lipid peroxidation and DPPH methods. IC50 values of extracts were parameters in both studies. The results of the study have shown that methanol extract of Tephrosia calophylla has shown significant IC50 values against MCF 7, HCT-116 and A-549 cell lines which shows its anticancer potentials but inhibitory effect of methanol extract against HEP-G2 and vero cell lines was not significant. The results also suggest that the methanol extract of Tephrosia calophylla has significant antioxidant properties against Superoxide scavenging, Lipid peroxidation and DPPH methods. The present study shows anticancer potentials of methanol extract of Tephrosia calophylla against MCF 7, HCT-116 and A-549 cell lines.