2,331 research outputs found

    Hyperon Enhancement in the Dual Parton Model

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    We review the two sources of hyperon enhancement in the dual parton model: strings originating from diquark-antidiquark pairs in the nucleon sea and net baryons containing two or three sea quarks with a yield controlled by the observed stopping. We show that adding final state interactions (including strangeness exchange reactions as well as the inverse reactions required by detailed balance) with a single averaged cross-section σ=0.2\sigma=0.2 mb, we can explain the observed hyperon enhancement in PbPb collisions at CERN SPS.Comment: 6 pages, 2 eps-figure

    Multiplicity and Transverse Energy Distributions Associated to Rare Events in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions

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    We show that in high energy nucleus-nucleus collisions the transverse energy or multiplicity distribution P_C, associated to the production of a rare, unabsorbed event C, is universally related to the standard or minimum bias distribution P by the equation PC(ν)=νP(ν)P_C(\nu)={\nu\over}P(\nu), with ∑P(ν)=1\sum P(\nu)=1 and ν≡ET\nu\equiv E_T or n. Deviations from this formula are discussed, in particular having in view the formation of the plasma of quarks and gluons. This possibility can be distinguished from absortion or interaction of comovers, looking at the curvature of the J/ΨJ/\Psi over Drell-Yan pairs as a function of E_T.Comment: 8 pages, 4 Postscript figure

    Baryon and Antibaryon production at RHIC energies in the Dual Parton Model

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    We compute the mid-rapidity densities of pions, kaons, baryons and antibaryons in AuAu--AuAu collisions at s\sqrt{s} = 130 GeV in the Dual Parton Model supplemented with final state interactions, and we present a comparison with available data.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Talk given at XXXVII Rencontres de Moriond, Les Arcs, France, March 200

    Diffractive Dissociation in Deep Inelastic Scattering at HERA

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    The diffraction dissociation of virtual photons is considered in the framework of conventional Regge theory. It is shown that the recent HERA data on large rapidity gap events can be successfully described in terms of the Pomeron structure function. Using Regge factorization, the latter can be related to the deuteron structure function. The parameters which relate these two structure functions are determined from soft hadronic diffraction data. The size of the shadowing corrections at low x and large Q**2 is also obtained.Comment: 17 pages, TEX, preprint LPTHE Orsay 94-4

    Baryon stopping and hyperon enhancement in the improved dual parton model

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    We present an improved version of the dual parton model which contains a new realization of the diquark breaking mechanism of baryon stopping. We reproduce in this way the net baryon yield in nuclear collisions. The model, which also considers strings originating from diquark-antidiquark pairs in the nucleon sea, reproduces the observed yields of p and Lambda and their antiparticles and underestimates cascades by less than 50 %. However, Omega's are underestimated by a factor five. Agreement with data is restored by final state interaction, with an averaged cross-section as small as 0.14 mb. Hyperon yields increase significantly faster than antihyperons, in agreement with experiment.Comment: 40 pages, 18 postscript figure

    Nuclear Structure Functions at Small x from Inelastic Shadowing and Diffraction

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    Nuclear structure functions at small x and small or moderate Q2Q^2 are studied using the relation with diffraction on nucleons which arises from Gribov's Reggeon Calculus. A reasonable description of experimental data is obtained with no fitted parameters. A comparison with other models and predictions for future lepton-ion colliders are provided. Consequences for the reduction of multiplicities in nucleus-nucleus collisions at energies of RHIC and LHC are examined.Comment: LaTeX, 32 pages, 14 eps figures included using epsfig; 1 reference update

    Elliptic Flow and Fixed p_T Suppression in a Final State Interaction Model

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    It has been shown that a final state interaction model, used to describe J/psi suppression, can also describe the fixed p_T suppression of the pi^0 (and charged pions) yield at all values of p_T, with a final state interaction cross-section sigma close to one milibarn. We propose an extension of the model to the pion motion in the transverse plane - which introduces a dependence of the suppression on the azimuthal angle theta_R. Using the same value of sigma, we obtain values of the elliptic flow v_2 close to the experimental ones, for all values of p_T, including the soft p_T region.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figure

    Production Associated to Rare Events in High Energy Hadron-Hadron Collisions

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    At very high energy the same universal relation between the multiparticle or the transverse energy distribution associated to a rare event CC, PCP_C and the corresponding minimum bias distribution P, PC(ν)≡ν/P(ν)P_C(\nu)\equiv \nu/ P(\nu), ν≡n\nu\equiv n or ETE_T works for nucleus-nucleus collisions as well as for hadron-hadron collisions. This suggests that asymptotically, all hadronic processes are similar.Comment: 9 pages, 4 Postscript figure

    A model-independent analysis of the dependence of the anomalous J/psi suppression on the number of participant nucleons

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    A recently published experimental dependence of the J/psi to Drell-Yan ratio on the measured, by a zero degree calorimeter, forward energy E_ZDC in Pb+Pb collisions at the CERN SPS is analyzed. Using a model-independent approach it is shown that the data are at variance with an earlier published experimental dependence of the same quantity on the transverse energy of neutral hadrons E_T. The discrepancy is related to a moderate centrality region: 100 < N_p < 200 (N_p is the number of participant nucleons) and is peculiar only to the data obtained within the `minimum bias' analysis (using the `theoretical Drell-Yan'). This could result from systematic experimental errors in the minimum bias sample. A possible source of the errors is discussed.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, 3 PS-figures. V2: Misprints are correcte
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