20 research outputs found

    Efficiency of public administration and economic growth in Russia : empirical analysis

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    This article presents the results of multivariate correlations between regional governance system performance indicators and key indicators of socio-economic territorial development based on modern economic and mathematical tools. The representation of the socioeconomic system of the region as a space of key variables of socio-economic territorial development and regional authorities’ performance indicators allows the use of canonical correlation analysis tools. The analysis is performed on the indicators calculated for the regions of the Russian Federation for the period of 2008-2010. As a result, weak correlation was found between subject-object variables of meso-level economic systems. A visible correlation in two sets is observed between economic territory development and indicators of executive authorities’ performance such as the average monthly wage of civil servants of executive authorities of the Russian Federation constituent entities, tax and non-tax share of municipalities budget income in total municipalities budget income and the number of employees in the executive branch of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The lack of correlation between performance indicators of regional governance systems and socio-economic territorial development requires a revision of the existing formal approach to this evaluation.peer-reviewe

    Formation of Marketing Strategy at Environmentally Determined Enterprise

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    Actuality of this research is caused by necessity for implementation into practice of economic activities of Russian enterprises of modern methods of ecological marketing which should adequately reflect ecological aspects of enterprise’s activity of its operative component (preparation and implementation of the process of production and provision of services) and of the sphere of management (including cooperation of enterprise with external environment as to problems of ecology and its obligations, including waste recovery), for the purpose of maximal reduction of possible negative consequences for ecosystem and human. Under modern market conditions, ecological marketing is gaining larger significance in the formation and implementation of functions of ecological policy of enterprise, which is caused by increase of responsibility of producers of goods and services before consumers and society in whole. Ecological marketing gives the possibility not only to implement the process of strategic target setting but also shows solutions to many difficulties related do emergence of ecological risk. At that, perceiving of ecological risk by society largely determines the relation of specific enterprise (or type of technology, products, or services) in no lesser way than actual characteristic of influence of production process. This circumstance, which characterizes the actuality and importance of a problem, determined the topic of this article. The conducted research pursued scientific & practical goals which correspond to tasks of formation of modern marketing strategies at environmentally determined enterprise. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n5s1p36

    Outcomes of Laparotomic Myomectomy during Pregnancy for Symptomatic Uterine Fibroids: A Prospective Cohort Study

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    Background: The incidence of pregnant women with uterine fibroids is increasing. As they are reactive to hormonal stimuli, in some cases, uterine fibroids tend to grow during pregnancy and potentially generate symptoms with different levels of severity, causing maternal-fetal complications. In very select cases, when other treatment strategies fail to manage symptoms and there is a substantial risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes, a surgical approach during pregnancy may be considered. Methods: From 2016 to 2021, the data from 28 pregnant women with symptomatic uterine fibroids who underwent laparotomic myomectomy during pregnancy were prospectively collected, and operative and maternal-fetal outcomes were analyzed (ClinicalTrial ID: NCT06009562). Results: The procedure was carried out between 14 and 16 weeks of pregnancy. Four (14.3%) patients had intraoperative complications (miscarriages) and nine (32.1%) had postoperative complications (threatened preterm birth). Overall, 24 (85.7%) women delivered at full term (mean: 38.2 gestational weeks), more than half (n = 13; 54.2%) by vaginal delivery, with normal fetal weights and 1 and 5 min Apgar scores. Conclusions: Laparotomic myomectomy during pregnancy can be considered in selected cases for uterine fibroids with severe symptoms when other treatment options have failed and there is high risk of adverse maternal-fetal outcomes

    Discovery of Bicyclic Peptide Inhibitors of KRas

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    Biological Sciences: 2nd Place (The Ohio State University Edward F. Hayes Graduate Research Forum)A five-year embargo was granted for this item

    Право работников на подготовку и дополнительное профессиональное образование в России и в некоторых зарубежных странах

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    In article the standards of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation regulating questions of additional professional education and experience of foreign countries in this sphere are considered. According to authors of article, fi xing in the Law «About Education in the Russian Federation» of the requirement of continuity of professional education in relation to separate categories of workers demonstrates that the right of these workers on additional professional educations gains lines of the right - claim. However the standards of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation regulating questions of additional professional education don't fi x the requirement of its continuityВ статье рассмотрены нормы ТК РФ, регулирующие вопросы дополнительного профессионального образования и опыт зарубежных стран в данной сфере. По мнению авторов статьи, закрепление в Законе «Об образовании в Российской Федерации» требования непрерывности профессионального образования применительно к отдельным категориям работников свидетельствует о том, что право этих работников на дополнительное профессиональное образование приобретает черты права - притязания. Однако нормы ТК РФ, регулирующие вопросы дополнительного профессионального образования, не закрепляют требование его непрерывности


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    The problem of asymmetry, uneven development has been the most important problem of the state for a long time. The concept of asymmetry is multifaceted, and can manifest itself in various aspects of the development of the region. The article identifies the prerequisites for differentiation, asymmetry, which are diverse and related both to natural and climatic, as well as to historical, political, and economic conditions. Each constituent entity of the federation, developing its own strategy of innovative development, should take into account both state priorities and the opportunities and specifics of regional development and their competitive advantages in specific science-intensive industries. Among the main prerequisites objectively contributing to the disproportion of the socioeconomic status of the subjects of the South of Russia are the following: area size, demography (number and density of population), geolocation, etc. As a result of the study of the differentiation of the socio-economic development of the regions of the Southern Federal District, the authors note a certain tendency: for several years inequality in the explored development of regions exists, but it is not dynamic. The graduation of the regions, with respect to practically every indicators considered, remains unchanged. The dynamics is observed only relative to the base value of the indicator for each of the subjects of the district, without violating the overall degree of differentiation. Consequently, the existence of strategies for socio-economic development of the regions is not yet a guarantee that development in these regions will reach a new trajectory. Many external and internal factors can influence it. Nevertheless, it is necessary to know the guidelines of innovative development and to look for ways out of the existing imbalance in this development. Thus, developing their own strategy of innovative development, regions need to create starting conditions for further development, increasing production and socio-economic sphere

    Право работников на подготовку и дополнительное профессиональное образование в России и в некоторых зарубежных странах

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    In article the standards of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation regulating questions of additional professional education and experience of foreign countries in this sphere are considered. According to authors of article, fi xing in the Law «About Education in the Russian Federation» of the requirement of continuity of professional education in relation to separate categories of workers demonstrates that the right of these workers on additional professional educations gains lines of the right - claim. However the standards of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation regulating questions of additional professional education don't fi x the requirement of its continuityВ статье рассмотрены нормы ТК РФ, регулирующие вопросы дополнительного профессионального образования и опыт зарубежных стран в данной сфере. По мнению авторов статьи, закрепление в Законе «Об образовании в Российской Федерации» требования непрерывности профессионального образования применительно к отдельным категориям работников свидетельствует о том, что право этих работников на дополнительное профессиональное образование приобретает черты права - притязания. Однако нормы ТК РФ, регулирующие вопросы дополнительного профессионального образования, не закрепляют требование его непрерывности

    The Decision on Commercialisation of Scientific and Technical Developments in the Economic Cluster

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    In the context of the implementation of the strategy of national economy innovative development, the urgent problem consists in the development of the mechanism of commercialization of existing or newly emerging developments. On the basis of comparative analysis, the competency models of creation and commercialization of scientific and technological developments are presented. They include state, scientific and industrial as well as industrial and scientific models allocated by the following criteria: the initiator of an STD; the cooperation technique within the cluster. The advantages and disadvantages of each model are substantiated. The authors propose the technique of decision-making on the STD commercialization in the conditions of the cluster economic system formation taking into account the expansion of the participants’ integration at the regional market. The technique consists of a few methods and is based on the construction of a “decision tree”; it suggests a multi-level approach and provides a review of existing problems and identifying possible risks in implementing innovation activity. For evaluating the innovative projects the authors propose the matrix of criteria for a developer and for a potential manufacturer of a scientific and technological solution. These criteria may be complemented by the implementation of specific ones during the innovative development under certain conditions

    Assessment of the digital transformation impact on the structural changes dynamics in the Russian economy

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    The purpose of this study is a quantitative assessment of the structural changes dynamics; the authors propose to assess these shifts based on an analysis of changes occurring within the economy sectoral structure and the gross value added in recent years. Another purpose is to identify the relations between economic development and the digital technologies use in the Russian economy in general, which allow to evaluate the effectiveness of the strategy implementation as part of the development of the Digital Economy in the country in general. The Gatev’s coefficient is the most effective tool for calculating the magnitude of structural changes, it allows to evaluate the dynamics of changes, as well as to identify structural changes based on the effectiveness. The empirical base of the study consists of statistical materials on the gross value added reflected in the industry structure, statistical publications on the use of various types of digital technologies and on digital technology expenses from 2005 to 2022. The study identified the trends of the Gatev’s structural changes coefficients dynamics and provided their quantitative assessment according to the selected indicators for Russia. An analysis of the comparability of economical structural changes both in terms of the use and the costs of digital technologies was carried out. The obtained results of the quantitative assessment served as the basis for substantiating the identified dynamics for the quantitative assessment of the structural changes taking place in the country's economy and the dynamics of the use of digital technologies


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    Technological changes in the modern economy are due to qualitative modifications in the material and technical basis of production with the help of computer technology and the Internet system, which is a global information resource and a reflected form of universal productive forces created and used collectively. Information technologies used in the process of enterprise management allow transforming the organizational structure of economic relations into a network form. The article reveals the essence of corporate capital polarization in the conditions of deep technological shifts. The attention is paid to the corporate and network forms of economic relations. The authors reveal the virtual component of increasing polarization of corporate capital and its fictitious form. The specificity of its virtual form acquires a new qualitative basis in network-type corporations, forming the conditions for accelerated fictitious transactions with the help of Internet technologies. As a result of the global generalization and informatization of capital, corporate and network forms are merging, forming a total market of corporate networks. The article shows that in the corporate sector of the Russian economy, such interaction is weakened, and the scale of the network form is insufficient, therefore, the movement of this contradiction is not on the path of synthesis, but on the path of polarization. The economic system of Russia demonstrates the stagnation of changes of the corporate capital and its integration in the economic system. The authors propose to use the following measures for ensuring an additional source of developing resources in the conditions of low investment attractiveness: the reproduction of fictitious capital, the restoration of public confidence in national financial markets, carrying out protectionist policies, import substitution and reindustrializatio