371 research outputs found

    Neurofilament Proteins as Body Fluid Biomarkers of Neurodegeneration in Multiple Sclerosis

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    Biomarkers of axonal degeneration have the potential to improve our capacity to predict and monitor neurological outcome in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. Neurofilament proteins, one of the major proteins expressed within neurons and axons, have been detected in cerebrospinal fluid and blood samples from MS patients and are now being actively investigated for their utility as prognostic indicators of disease progression in MS. In this paper, we summarize the current literature on neurofilament structure, assembly, and degeneration and discuss their potential utility as biomarkers for monitoring neurological decline in MS. We also discuss the need to further develop sensitive methods for assaying neurofilaments in blood to improve clinical applicability

    Association between clinic-level quality of care and patient-level outcomes in multiple sclerosis

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    Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS) quality of care guidelines are consensus-based. The effectiveness of the recommendations is unknown.// Objective: To determine whether clinic-level quality of care affects clinical and patient-reported outcomes.// Methods: This nationwide observational cohort study included patients with adult-onset MS in the Swedish MS registry with disease onset 2005–2015. Clinic-level quality of care was measured by four indicators: visit density, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) density, mean time to commencement of disease-modifying therapy, and data completeness. Outcomes were Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) and patient-reported symptoms measured by the Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale (MSIS-29). Analyses were adjusted for individual patient characteristics and disease-modifying therapy exposure.// Results: In relapsing MS, all quality indicators benefitted EDSS and physical symptoms. Faster treatment, frequent visits, and higher data completeness benefitted psychological symptoms. After controlling for all indicators and individual treatment exposures, faster treatment remained independently associated with lower EDSS (−0.06, 95% confidence interval (CI): −0.01, −0.10) and more frequent visits were associated with milder physical symptoms (MSIS-29 physical score: −16.2%, 95% CI: −1.8%, −29.5%). Clinic-level quality of care did not affect any outcomes in progressive-onset disease.// Conclusion: Certain quality of care indicators correlated to disability and patient-reported outcomes in relapse-onset but not progressive-onset disease. Future guidelines should consider recommendations specific to disease course..

    Evaluation of pregnancy outcomes in patients with multiple sclerosis after fingolimod exposure

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    Background and Methods: Limited data are available on the safety of fingolimod in pregnant women. We estimated the risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes in women with multiple sclerosis (MS) exposed to fingolimod either shortly before or during pregnancy in prospectively collected cases from clinical trials, observational studies, surveillance programs, and spontaneous reports.Results: The prevalence of major malformations among live births does not appear to be significantly higher than those in the general population and the unexposed MS population. Similarly, the prevalence of cardiac malformations observed in this analysis was not significantly different from that of the general population. Proportions of miscarriage were in line with those of the general and unexposed MS population and no specific pattern of birth defects was identified.Conclusions: These data can help inform healthcare professionals and women with MS exposed to fingolimod during conception.</p

    Developing a Digital Solution for Remote Assessment in Multiple Sclerosis: From Concept to Software as a Medical Device

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    Validación clínica; Salud digital; Salud participativaValidació clínica; Salut digital; Salut participativaClinical validation; Digital health; Participatory healthThere is increasing interest in the development and deployment of digital solutions to improve patient care and facilitate monitoring in medical practice, e.g., by remote observation of disease symptoms in the patients’ home environment. Digital health solutions today range from non-regulated wellness applications and research-grade exploratory instruments to regulated software as a medical device (SaMD). This paper discusses the considerations and complexities in developing innovative, effective, and validated SaMD for multiple sclerosis (MS). The development of SaMD requires a formalised approach (design control), inclusive of technical verification and analytical validation to ensure reliability. SaMD must be clinically evaluated, characterised for benefit and risk, and must conform to regulatory requirements associated with device classification. Cybersecurity and data privacy are also critical. Careful consideration of patient and provider needs throughout the design and testing process help developers overcome challenges of adoption in medical practice. Here, we explore the development pathway for SaMD in MS, leveraging experiences from the development of Floodlight™ MS, a continually evolving bundled solution of SaMD for remote functional assessment of MS. The development process will be charted while reflecting on common challenges in the digital space, with a view to providing insights for future developers.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship and/or publication of this article: F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd., Basel, Switzerland provided financial support for the publication of this manuscript

    Long-term safety and effectiveness of natalizumab treatment in clinical practice: 10 years of real-world data from the Tysabri Observational Program (TOP)

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    ObjectiveThe Tysabri Observational Programme (TOP), which began >10 years ago, is an open-label, multinational, prospective observational study evaluating the long-term safety and effectiveness of natalizumab in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients.MethodsThese data provide a 10-year interim analysis of safety and effectiveness in TOP. Annualised relapse rates (ARRs) and disability progression/improvement were analysed using the Poisson model and the Kaplan-Meier method, respectively. Analyses included patients on natalizumab and those who discontinued natalizumab but remained in TOP.ResultsAs of November 2017, TOP included 6148 patients. Overall, 829 patients (13.5%) experienced ≥1 serious adverse event (SAE), with infection the most common (4.1%). Fifty-three patients (0.9%) had confirmed progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. SAE data were consistent with natalizumab's known safety profile; no new safety signals were identified. A total of 3210 patients (52.2%) discontinued natalizumab; 2117 (34.4%) withdrew from TOP. Median time on natalizumab was 3.3 (range 0–11.6) years; median follow-up time was 5.2 (range 0–10.8) years. The on-natalizumab ARR was 0.15, a 92.5% reduction from the year before initiation. Ten-year cumulative probabilities of disability worsening and improvement were 27.8% and 33.1%, respectively. On-natalizumab ARRs were similar between patients who discontinued or remained on natalizumab, suggesting limited attrition bias.ConclusionsSince the TOP 5-year interim analysis (December 2012), cohort size (6148 vs 4821), median exposure (3.3 vs 1.8 years) and median follow-up time (62 vs 26 months) have increased. This 10-year interim analysis further supports the robust real-world effectiveness and well-established safety profile of natalizumab.Trial registration numberNCT00493298

    The Australian multiple sclerosis (MS) immunotherapy study: A prospective, multicentre study of drug utilisation using the MSBase platform

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    To prospectively characterise treatment persistence and predictors of treatment discontinuation in an Australian relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) population. Tertiary MS treatment centres participating in the MSBase registry prospectively assessed treatment utilisation, persistence, predictors of treatment discontinuation and switch rates. Multivariable survival analyses were used to compare treatment persistence between drugs and to identify predictors of treatment discontinuation. 1113 RRMS patients were studied. Patients persisted on their first disease-modifying therapy (DMT) for a median of 2.5 years. Treatment persistence on GA was shorter than on all IFN&beta; products (p&lt;0.03). Younger age at treatment initiation and higher EDSS were predictive of DMT discontinuation. Patients persisted on subsequent DMTs, for 2.3 years. Patients receiving natalizumab (NAT) as a subsequent DMT persisted longer on treatment than those on IFN&beta; or GA (p&lt;0.000). The primary reason for treatment discontinuation for any drug class was poor tolerability. Annualised switch or cessation rates were 9.5&ndash;12.5% for individual IFN&beta; products, 11.6% for GA and 4.4% for NAT. This multicentre MS cohort study is the first to directly compare treatment persistence on IFN&beta; and GA to NAT. We report that treatment persistence in our Australian RRMS population is short, although patients receiving IFN&beta; as a first DMT persisted longer on treatment than those on GA. Additionally, patients receiving NAT as a subsequent DMT were more likely to persist on treatment than those switched to IFN&beta; or GA. EDSS and age at DMT initiation were predictive of DMT discontinuation. Treatment intolerance was the principal reason for treatment cessation

    Serial Diffusion Tensor Imaging of the Optic Radiations after Acute Optic Neuritis

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    Previous studies have reported diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) changes within the optic radiations of patients after optic neuritis (ON). We aimed to study optic radiation DTI changes over 12 months following acute ON and to study correlations between DTI parameters and damage to the optic nerve and primary visual cortex (V1). We measured DTI parameters [fractional anisotropy (FA), axial diffusivity (AD), radial diffusivity (RD), and mean diffusivity (MD)] from the optic radiations of 38 acute ON patients at presentation and 6 and 12 months after acute ON. In addition, we measured retinal nerve fibre layer thickness, visual evoked potential amplitude, optic radiation lesion load, and V1 thickness. At baseline, FA was reduced and RD and MD were increased compared to control. Over 12 months, FA reduced in patients at an average rate of −2.6% per annum (control = −0.51%; = 0.006). Change in FA, RD, and MD correlated with V1 thinning over 12 months (FA: = 0.450, = 0.006; RD: = −0.428, = 0.009; MD: = −0.365, = 0.029). In patients with no optic radiation lesions, AD significantly correlated with RNFL thinning at 12 months ( = 0.489, = 0.039). In conclusion, DTI can detect optic radiation changes over 12 months following acute ON that correlate with optic nerve and V1 damage

    Long-term safety and effectiveness of natalizumab treatment in clinical practice: 10 years of real-world data from the Tysabri Observational Program (TOP)

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    Objective: The Tysabri Observational Programme (TOP), which began >10 years ago, is an open-label, multinational, prospective observational study evaluating the long-term safety and effectiveness of natalizumab in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients.Methods: These data provide a 10-year interim analysis of safety and effectiveness in TOP. Annualised relapse rates (ARRs) and disability progression/improvement were analysed using the Poisson model and the Kaplan-Meier method, respectively. Analyses included patients on natalizumab and those who discontinued natalizumab but remained in TOP.Results: As of November 2017, TOP included 6148 patients. Overall, 829 patients (13.5%) experienced ≥1 serious adverse event (SAE), with infection the most common (4.1%). Fifty-three patients (0.9%) had confirmed progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. SAE data were consistent with natalizumab's known safety profile; no new safety signals were identified. A total of 3210 patients (52.2%) discontinued natalizumab; 2117 (34.4%) withdrew from TOP. Median time on natalizumab was 3.3 (range 0-11.6) years; median follow-up time was 5.2 (range 0-10.8) years. The on-natalizumab ARR was 0.15, a 92.5% reduction from the year before initiation. Ten-year cumulative probabilities of disability worsening and improvement were 27.8% and 33.1%, respectively. On-natalizumab ARRs were similar between patients who discontinued or remained on natalizumab, suggesting limited attrition bias.Conclusions: Since the TOP 5-year interim analysis (December 2012), cohort size (6148 vs 4821), median exposure (3.3 vs 1.8 years) and median follow-up time (62 vs 26 months) have increased. This 10-year interim analysis further supports the robust real-world effectiveness and well-established safety profile of natalizumab.</p

    Interferon beta treatment is a potent and targeted epigenetic modifier in multiple sclerosis

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    IntroductionMultiple Sclerosis (MS) has a complex pathophysiology that involves genetic and environmental factors. DNA methylation (DNAm) is one epigenetic mechanism that can reversibly modulate gene expression. Cell specific DNAm changes have been associated with MS, and some MS therapies such as dimethyl fumarate can influence DNAm. Interferon Beta (IFNβ), was one of the first disease modifying therapies in multiple sclerosis (MS). However, how IFNβ reduces disease burden in MS is not fully understood and little is known about the precise effect of IFNβ treatment on methylation.MethodsThe objective of this study was to determine the changes in DNAm associated with INFβ use, using methylation arrays and statistical deconvolutions on two separate datasets (total ntreated = 64, nuntreated = 285).ResultsWe show that IFNβ treatment in people with MS modifies the methylation profile of interferon response genes in a strong, targeted, and reproducible manner. Using these identified methylation differences, we constructed a methylation treatment score (MTS) that is an accurate discriminator between untreated and treated patients (Area under the curve = 0.83). This MTS is time-sensitive and in consistent with previously identified IFNβ treatment therapeutic lag. This suggests that methylation changes are required for treatment efficacy. Overrepresentation analysis found that IFNβ treatment recruits the endogenous anti-viral molecular machinery. Finally, statistical deconvolution revealed that dendritic cells and regulatory CD4+ T cells were most affected by IFNβ induced methylation changes.DiscussionIn conclusion, our study shows that IFNβ treatment is a potent and targeted epigenetic modifier in multiple sclerosis

    Multiple Sclerosis risk variants regulate gene expression in innate and adaptive immune cells

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    At least 200 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are associated with multiple sclerosis (MS) risk. A key function that could mediate SNP-encoded MS risk is their regulatory effects on gene expression. We performed microarrays using RNA extracted from purified immune cell types from 73 untreated MS cases and 97 healthy controls and then performed Cis expression quantitative trait loci mapping studies using additive linear models. We describe MS risk expression quantitative trait loci associations for 129 distinct genes. By extending these models to include an interaction term between genotype and phenotype, we identify MS risk SNPs with opposing effects on gene expression in cases compared with controls, namely, rs2256814 MYT1 in CD4 cells (q = 0.05) and rs12087340 RF00136 in monocyte cells (q = 0.04). The rs703842 SNP was also associated with a differential effect size on the expression of the METTL21B gene in CD8 cells of MS cases relative to controls (q = 0.03). Our study provides a detailed map of MS risk loci that function by regulating gene expression in cell types relevant to MS