20 research outputs found

    Molte fedi, molte culture, un unico mondo (Cuneo, 18-22 settembre 2012)

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    Review of Many faiths, many cultures, one world (Cuneo, 18-22 September 2012).  Recensione di Molte fedi, molte culture, un unico mondo (Cuneo, 18-22 settembre 2012)

    Esporre per costruire: un’analisi storico-tipologica di alcuni grandi eventi come momento di ridefinizione identitaria

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    Con questo articolo mi propongo di analizzare da diverse prospettive la storia e lo sviluppo di alcuni grandi eventi, come le Esposizioni Internazionali e le Capitali Europee della Cultura. Situandoli nel dibattito teorico ed osservando alcuni esempi concreti, questo lavoro mostrerà come le politiche di city-marketing e di competizione fra territori abbiano portato ad un progressivo svuotamento di significato dei titoli attribuiti e ad un collegamento sempre più evidente con la rigenerazione urbana. Le differenze tipologiche tra gli eventi sfumano: il loro carattere strumentale è prevalente e dev’essere collegato ad altri parametri, tra i quali la dimensione rituale, che non ha perso la sua importanza. Gli eventi sono diventati una vera e propria strategia delle amministrazioni locali, i cui effetti non ricadono solo su un’élite ristretta, ma sulla comunità intera.This paper aims to analyse from a multi-perspective point of view the history and development of some “mega” and “hallmark” events, such as International Expositions and European Capitals of Culture. By placing them into the theoretical debate and observing some concrete examples, in this work we will suggest that the recent evolution of events in the context of city-marketing and territories competition has led to a progressive content depletion and to an increasing interconnection with urban regeneration. Typological differences are bluring: their specious character is predominant and has to be related to further parametres among which ritual dimension has not lost its peculiarity. Events have become a very strategy of municipalities and administrations, whose effects do not affect just a specific élite, but the whole community

    "A Marseille il n'y a pas de banlieues". Un nuovo centro tra nord e sud

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    This article aims to explore the complexity of suburbs transformation in cities which tend to be more and more integrated and multi-polar, by exploring the case-study of Marseille, European Capital of Culture in 2013, a city which is living a deep process of change that will radically modify its structure. Euroméditerranée, a project that since twenty years ago has been renovating the second city in France, is changing the relationships between centre and suburbs and putting at issue all existing balance. This process is not painless and impose an analysis of concepts that are commonly used in public discourse, even if they are often differently meant by several actors in the running, as banlieue, Quartiers Nord, Cité. This paper is the result of an ethnographic qualitative research and quotes expressions and definitions collected during interviews

    Zones Portuaires: un dispositivo di ricerca-azione sul Porto di Genova

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    Fino a pochi decenni fa, a Genova, porto e città erano culturalmente un tutt’uno: non c’era famiglia che non contasse un parente camallo, marinaio o armatore. Con la progressiva meccanizzazione portuale e una visione urbanistica che, in Italia, considera città e porto realtà separate, questo legame si è deteriorato. Il laboratorio di studi urbani UniGE “Incontri in città” e l’associazione U-BOOT Lab nel 2015 hanno promosso un dispositivo di indagine territoriale che coinvolge attivamente le comunità: Zones Portuaires lavora per favorire la connessione tra porto e città con un progetto di ricerca di lunga durata articolato in più azioni, la cui portata e efficacia sono cambiate nel tempo. Se il clima di fiducia sviluppato negli anni ha permesso di accedere ad ambienti, dati, contatti inizialmente non raggiungibili, anche le aspettative rispetto ai risultati si sono fatte più ambiziose nelle comunità coinvolte. Il testo esplora queste esperienze in maniera riflessiva e osserva il funzionamento del dispositivo e i suoi esiti, cercando di coglierne l’aspetto scientifico, culturale e sociale in una prospettiva integrata.Until a few decades ago, the port and the city were culturally “one” in Genoa: there was no family that did not count a dock worker, sailor or ship owner as a relative. With the progressive mechanization of the activity and an urbanistic vision that considers city and port as separate realities in Italy, this link has deteriorated. In 2015 UniGE urban studies laboratory “Incontri in città”, initiated with the association U-BOOT Lab a device for territorial analysis and active community involvement: Zones Portuaires works to understand and promote the connection between port and city with a long-term research project articulated in several actions. The scope and effectiveness of these actions have changed over time: while the climate of trust developed over the years and has allowed to access environments, data, contacts that were initially unreachable, expectations regarding results have also become more ambitious in the involved communities. The text explores these experiences in a reflective way and with concrete examples it observes the functioning of the device and its outcomes, trying to grasp its scientific, cultural and social aspect in an integrated perspective

    Comprendre l’impact de l’accueil d’un méga-évènement : l’expérience de Liverpool 2008, Capitale européenne de la culture

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    Le séminaire du projet Sport et culture en scène accueillera lundi 3 avril de 14h à 16h30, à l’amphithéâtre de la MSH Paris Nord (20, avenue George Sand 93210 La Plaine Saint-Denis) Beatriz Garcia, chercheuse en politique culturelle internationale et en méga-évènements à l’Université de Liverpool et directrice associée du Centre for Cultural Value. La présentation (1h) sera suivie d’une discussion avec le public animée par Marine Cordier, MCF à l’Université Paris-Nanterre et Magali Sizorn, MC..

    GeNova04 : la fabrique d’un nouveau patrimoine identitaire à Gênes

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    Cet article, issu de l’expérience de terrain conduit pendant une thèse doctorale en anthropologie sociale et historique, interroge la fabrique du patrimoine culturel génois par les élites locales de la fin du XXe et du début XXIe siècle. Il étudie la redécouverte d’un héritage oublié, légitimant la recherche d’une reconnaissance européenne et internationale. En particulier, l’analyse s’intéresse aux dynamiques culturelles et urbaines produites autour du label Capitale européenne de la culture en 2004 à Gênes comme moment majeur de l’objectivation culturelle (Handler, 1988) d’une identité génoise, inscrit dans un processus de patrimonialisation (Palumbo, 2003 ; Davallon, 2006) de plus longue durée.This paper presents the case-study of a patrimonialization process in the context of a Genoese cultural heritage, staged by local elites as a forgotten heritage rediscovered, in a bid to gain European and international recognition. The paper focuses on the 2004 European Capital of Culture event, identified as a key moment of the cultural objectivation (Handler, 1988) of a Genoese identity, within a longer process of patrimonialization (Palumbo, 2003; Davallon, 2006).En este artículo, basado en la experiencia de campo realizada durante mi tesis en antropología social e histórica, presenta el caso de la fábrica de un patrimonio cultural genovés, establecido por las élites locales a finales del siglo XX - principios del XXI - como el redescubrimiento de un legado olvidado que justificó la búsqueda de reconocimiento europeo e internacional. En particular, mi análisis se enfoca en el evento de la Capital Europea de la Cultura en 2004 como un momento importante en la objetivación cultural (Handler, 1988) de una identidad genovesa, insertada en el proceso de patrimonialización (Palumbo, 2003; Davallon, 2006) a largo plazo

    A View From The Sea The Regeneration of Marseille Waterfront: Iconic Buildings And Mediterranean Sea

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    <p>In this paper I will discuss how the isomorphic trend of urban regeneration of waterfronts implies a modeling which is not free from critical points. If we focus on the growing use of art and culture as a tool, both in stable museum form both in ephemeral festival form, we must pair this tool with a local contextualization which requires a deep and multi-prospectic knowledge of the territory. In this context a view “from the sea” becomes fundamental when we think to renovate the identity of the port cities materially and, at the same time, symbolically. First a general introduction about the actual evolution of strategies for regeneration of coastal areas will be given. Then two fundamental specific case-studies in the regeneration of the city of Marseille  will be discussed: Vieux Port and the Esplanade - Fort St-Jean. These areas, studied during my Ph. D. thesis, are meaningful for the connection generated between the local reality and the original project, based on a general purpose model. This paper will try to employ ethnographic methodology to examine which functions have been associated to renewed areas and how these acquired functions can be connected with project steps and with already observed results in other cities. A descriptive approach is predominant in this work; anyway a critical judgment cannot be avoided. This sort of judgment is not to be extended to all the other effects which cannot be directly observed within the case-study.</p

    Une anthropologie de la politique des Capitales européennes de la Culture vue des « marges ». Ethnographie comparée des cas de GeNova04, Marseille-Provence 2013 et Matera-Basilicata 2019

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    International audienceIn diesem Artikel schlage ich eine Ethnographie der europäischen Kulturpolitik der europäischen Kulturhauptstädte vor, indem ich drei Fallstudien zu Genua 2004, Marseille-Provence 2013 und Matera-Basilicata 2019 durchführe. Die Studie konzentriert sich insbesondere auf die Auswirkungen in Bezug auf die Rolle der lokalen Institutionen, die Bürgerbeteiligung und die eingesetzten Werte. Indem ich die Politik als Teil eines längeren Prozesses verstehe, richte ich meine Aufmerksamkeit auf einige entscheidende Phasen der Neuzusammensetzung lokaler Machtkonfigurationen, in denen sich europäische Verfügungen und Anreize mit territorialem Gegebenheiten verflechten und zu deren Instrumenten werdenIn this paper, I draw an ethnography of the European cultural policy designating European Capitals of Culture by analyzing the case studies of Genoa 2004, Marseille-Provence 2013 and Matera-Basilicata 2019. In particular, I focus on the implications of the policy in terms of the positioning of local institutions, the involvement of inhabitants, and the deployment of certain values. By observing this policy as part of a long-term process, I highlight a number of crucial phases in the re-composition and re-configuration of local power structures, with European requirements and incentives blending with territorial pressures to ultimately become their instruments.Dans cet article je propose une ethnographie de la politique culturelle européenne des Capitales européennes de la Culture en étudiant les formes qu’elle a assumées dans trois cas méditerranéens : Gênes 2004, Marseille-Provence 2013 et Matera-Basilicata 2019. L’étude cible en particulier les implications en termes de positionnement des institutions locales, de participation citoyenne, de valeurs déployées. En observant la politique comme partie d’un processus de plus longue durée, je focalise mon attention sur certaines phases cruciales de recomposition des configurations des pouvoirslocaux, où les injonctions et les incitations européennes s’entremêlent aux pressions territoriales et en deviennent des instruments

    <em>Nous Sommes Foot</em>, MuCEM - Musée des civilisations de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée, Marseille - 11 October 2017 - 4 February 2018

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    Recensione della mostra Nous Sommes Foot, MuCEM - Musée des civilisations de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée, Marsiglia - 11 ottobre 2017 - 4 febbraio 2018