9 research outputs found


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    This paper presents an overview of legislative activity in Kosovo in the field of the justice for minors focused after 2004 year. The goal of paper is to offer the legal and institutional experience ragarding the criminal responsibility of minors, procedural regulations related to investigation, prosecution, judicial process, execution of decisions, rehabilitation as well as every measure that has do to with the minor as a victim or as a witness, or any measure which covers the conflict with the law and a minor victim or/and witness of penal act. Problems of minors in the conflict with the law are complex and they require inclusion of many actors before and after the criminal act is done. Without an inclusion of all actors, the system of juvenile justice will not be effective. Paper is focused in the juvenile justice including the penal sanction, diversity measures and education measures. For the needs of this paper the combined methodology is used with the methods of comparaison analysis and the method of sistemic analysis. Paper reviews the legal basis of juvenile justice in Kosovo in order to explain how effective it was from 2004 to 2017 year. Findings witness that legislative measures have not achieved needed efficiency regarding its implementation

    Employment Policies for People with Disabilities in Kosovo

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    The purpose of the paper is to understand the employment policies related to people with disabilities in Kosovo. Two main methods are used in the paper, first, the method of analysing statistical and administrative data on the situation of persons with disabilities in the labour market, and analysing budget expenditures for disability schemes in Kosovo, and, second, the method of analysing institutional strategies, action plans, and primary and secondary legislation governing the employment of persons with disabilities. The main conclusions of the paper are: (i) Kosovo does not have official statistics regarding the number of persons with disabilities in general, and their situation in the labour market; (ii) expenditure from Kosovo’s budget for financing disability schemes has steadily increased in the last three years; (iii) Kosovo has prepared and adopted an advanced legal framework that promotes vocational training, vocational retraining and employment of people with disabilities; iv) Kosovo does not have a strategic document (strategy or action plan) that defines the vision and long-term goal of increasing the employment of persons with disabilities


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    The EU-facilitated dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, from its inception until today, has not realized the anticipated expectations and specified goals. Despite more than a decade of diverse engagement approaches by the involved parties, the situation remained precarious. The disputing parties persisted in their respective demands. Conversely, the facilitator/mediator primarily adhered to abstractly proclaimed declarations concerning integration perspectives rather than formulating instruments, measures, and strategies that could be imperative for a final settlement. The Russian aggression in Ukraine further complicated the dialogue, elevating the significance of geopolitics in the process. This paper aims to offer insights into the Kosovo-Serbia dialogue, emphasizing key factors and circumstances crucial for stability and the EU integration of the Balkans. The Franco-German proposal, recognized as an official EU document, holds particular importance. To achieve the paper’s objectives, the authors employed the methods of legal analysis, teleological analysis, description analysis, logical analysis, and comparative analysis

    E Drejta Financiare

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    Krimi Financiar

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    E Drejta e Puneas dhe e Drejta Sociale

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    Etika ne Administrate Publike

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    Enhancing Youth Employability as a Result of Creating Linkages between Vocational Education Sector and Private Agricultural Sector in Kosovo

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    The agribusiness and Agriculture sector is the main field of economy in Kosovo and it is sector that contributes to social viability, employment and economic development. While in Kosovo on the basis of statistics from the results of the Kosovo labor force survey 2014, shows that Kosovo stands in the worst labor market situation in comparison to the Western Balkan countries and the 27 European Union member countries. The unemployment rate in Kosovo is 30%, from these percentage 55.9 % of the unemployed were young people (aged 15-24 years) and the share of female population is higher 68.4%. The labor force participation rate in Kosovo is 40.5 % while the participation rate in Western Balkan countries ranges between 60 to 68 % and it is 71.8 % in European Union countries. Part of these differences is due to the fact that Kosovo has such a young population and many of these young people are still in education (and therefore classified as inactive). A concern is that over time the potential for the inactive population to grow remains high as each year approximately 36,000 young people will enter the working age population (i.e., 14 year olds will become 15 year olds) while only approximately 10,000 will leave the working age population (i.e., 64 year olds becoming 65 year olds).Very strikingly, the labor force participation rate of women is significantly lower in Kosovo than its neighbors1. This study intends to serve as a key tool for identifying the gaps between vocational education sector and private agricultural sector in Kosovo, which impact directly to the unemployment rate. The research addressed identified gaps of the VET schools and Private sector, their needs, areas of focus, specific neede