20 research outputs found

    Unconventional views to generation of greenhouse gases

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    The majority of the implemented measures lowering the amount of originating greenhouse gases derive particularly fromthe balances targeted into power industry, transportation or heavy industry. The article summarized date shoving that the dumpingof communal biodegradace wastes related to catering in many aspects competes in the creation of grenhouses gates related with the cartransportation or power industry

    Desulphurisation of waste gases in Czech Republic

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    The paper deals with the problem of the decreasing sulphur dioxide emission in the Czech Republic. In 1991 a new Cean Air Act has been accepted. Emission limit values based on the best available technology not entailing cost. All sources of pollution will have to comply the emission limit values up to December 31, 1998 at the latest. At the present time the last units in the power plants and heating plants are under construction, many of them are on the scale. The prevailing system is the wet limestone technology producing gypsum. Differences in the installed systems, in particular power plants, are described. In a lesser extent the wet dry lime technology will be used. Old boilers are replaced by the atmospheric fluidized bed combustion. At the end of the paper the proposal of the amendment to the Europe Union Directive 608/87 EEC, is discussed. Differences in the systems in the particular power plants are described

    Modern Methods for Exchange Rete Prediction

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    Tato práce se snaží nabídnout odpověď na otázku, zda má smysl při rozhodování o budoucím pohybu měnových kurzů brát ohled na výsledky vystupující z modelů získaných analýzou měnových kurzů a relevantních časových řad provedeného pomocí metod strojového učení. Účelem této práce je tak prozkoumat možnosti analýzy kurzů (ve formě časových řad) s důrazem na použití nových metod spočívajících svým těžištěm v oblasti umělé inteligence a strojového učení (neuronové sítě, algoritmus GMDH sítí)

    Making biogas desulphurisation more effective by using surfactants

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    This work, studying three surfactants, has proved that if they are added in an amount below 0.1 wt. % to the washing solution of the Fe-EDTA complex capturing hydrogen sulphide from biogas, it is possible to reduce the required amount of oxidation air regenerating washing solution up to four times. This can also lead to a significant reduction in the volumes of technological apparatuses, the washing medium, costs of chemical substances. The aim of this research is to make the desulphurisation process more effective, reducing the costs of chemical solvents make the process quicker, reduce the volume of reaction reactors and reduce the energy requirements

    Enrichment of Limestone Used in the Desulphurisation of Fluidised-Bed-Boiler Flue Gases

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    In this work, we analysed the impact of adding several previously untested Sorbacal calcium-based substances to the raw limestone that is currently used for dry desulphurisation of brown-coal fluidised-bed boilers. Our focus was to examine whether these additives could potentially improve the limestone SO2 adsorption capacity. The main criterion was the time period for which each enriched limestone was able to keep its desulphurisation ability, i.e., time for which the SO2 concentration in the heated model flue gas was kept below 200 mg/m3 (current legal limit for the technology in our scope). The analysis showed that the limestone desulphurisation ability increased when 20% of Sorbacal SP was added to the calcined limestone. The overall desulphurisation capacity of this enriched mass was even higher than what would be proportional to the isolated capacity of the additive itself. On the other hand, the enrichment of raw limestone with Sorbacal H 90 proved to be unpromising for the technology of brown-coal fluidised-bed boilers as the fine particles of the additive were carried away, and fluidised bed was inhomogeneous with ducts forming in it

    Dissolution of sediments and deposits in Coke-Oven-Gas purification

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    553-560The report focuses on the development and operational testing of an organic agent for the chemical dissolution of organic sediments in technological units of a wet ammonia system for coke-oven-gas purification – a stripping column of free and bound ammonia and a hydrogen-sulphide scrubber. The experience gained has been used in the reorganisation and subsequent long-term implementation of the desulphurisation process of raw coke-oven gas in the coking plant ArcelorMittal a.s. Ostrava

    Exchange Rate Predictions in International Financial Management by Enhanced GMDH Algorithm

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    Exchange rate forecasting is an important financial problem that is receiving increasing attention nowadays especially because of its difficulty and host of practical applications in globalising world of today. The paper presents an enhanced MIA-GMDH-type network, discusses its design methodology and carries out some numerical experiments in the field of exchange rate forecasting. The method presented in this paper is an enhancement of self-organizing polynomial Group Method of Data Handling (GMDH) with several specific improved features - coefficient rounding and thresholding schemes and semi-randomized selection approach to pruning. The experiments carried out include exchange rate prediction and hedging case study where the predictions were used for financial management decision simulation of a virtual company. The results indicate, that the method shows promising potential of self-organizing network methodology. This implies that the proposed modelling approaches can be used as a feasible solution for exchange rate forecasting in financial management.time series analysis, self-organizing polynomial networks, GMDH, FX hedging, exchange rate prediction