146 research outputs found

    Nonparametric Bayesian Image Segmentation

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    Image segmentation algorithms partition the set of pixels of an image into a specific number of different, spatially homogeneous groups. We propose a nonparametric Bayesian model for histogram clustering which automatically determines the number of segments when spatial smoothness constraints on the class assignments are enforced by a Markov Random Field. A Dirichlet process prior controls the level of resolution which corresponds to the number of clusters in data with a unique cluster structure. The resulting posterior is efficiently sampled by a variant of a conjugate-case sampling algorithm for Dirichlet process mixture models. Experimental results are provided for real-world gray value images, synthetic aperture radar images and magnetic resonance imaging dat

    Entrainment and synchronization to auditory stimuli during walking in healthy and neurological populations : a methodological systematic review

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    Background: Interdisciplinary work is needed for scientific progress, and with this review, our interest is in the scientific progress toward understanding the underlying mechanisms of auditory-motor coupling, and how this can be applied to gait rehabilitation. Specifically we look into the process of entrainment and synchronization; where entrainment is the process that governs the dynamic alignments of the auditory and motor domains based on error-prediction correction, whereas synchronization is the stable maintenance of timing during auditory-motor alignment. Methodology: A systematic literature search in databases PubMed and Web of Science were searched up to 9th of August 2017. The selection criteria for the included studies were adult populations, with a minimum of five participants, investigating walking to an auditory stimulus, with an outcome measure of entrainment, and synchronization. The review was registered in PROSPERO as CRD42017080325. Objectives: The objective of the review is to systematically describe the metrics which measure entrainment and synchronization to auditory stimuli during walking in healthy and neurological populations. Results: Sixteen articles were included. Fifty percent of the included articles had healthy controls as participants (N = 167), 19% had neurological diseases such as Huntington's and Stroke (N = 76), and 31% included both healthy and neurological [Parkinson's disease (PD) and Stroke] participants (N = 101). In the included studies, six parameters were found to capture the interaction between the human movement and the auditory stimuli, these were: cadence, relative phase angle, resultant vector length, interval between the beat and the foot contact, period matching performance, and detrended fluctuation analysis. Conclusion: In this systematic review, several metrics have been identified, which measure the timing aspect of auditory-motor coupling and synchronization of auditory stimuli in healthy and neurological populations during walking. The application of these metrics may enhance the current state of the art and practice across the neurological gait rehabilitation. These metrics also have current shortcomings. Of particular pertinence is our recommendation to consider variability in data from a time-series rather than time-windowed viewpoint. We need it in view of the promising practical applications from which the studied populations may highly benefit in view of personalized medical care

    PepSplice: cache-efficient search algorithms for comprehensive identification of tandem mass spectra

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    Motivation: Tandem mass spectrometry allows for high-throughput identification of complex protein samples. Searching tandem mass spectra against sequence databases is the main analysis method nowadays. Since many peptide variations are possible, including them in the search space seems only logical. However, the search space usually grows exponentially with the number of independent variations and may therefore overwhelm computational resources. Results: We provide fast, cache-efficient search algorithms to screen large peptide search spaces including non-tryptic peptides, whole genomes, dozens of posttranslational modifications, unannotated point mutations and even unannotated splice sites. All these search spaces can be screened simultaneously. By optimizing the cache usage, we achieve a calculation speed that closely approaches the limits of the hardware. At the same time, we control the size of the overall search space by limiting the combinations of variations that can co-occur on the same peptide. Using a hypergeometric scoring scheme, we applied these algorithms to a dataset of 1 420 632 spectra. We were able to identify a considerable number of peptide variations within a modest amount of computing time on standard desktop computers. Availability: PepSplice is available as a C++ application for Linux, Windows and OSX at www.ti.inf.ethz.ch/pw/software/pepsplice/. It is open source under the revised BSD license. Contact: [email protected] or [email protected] Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics onlin

    Quantum sensing protocol for motionally chiral Rydberg atoms

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    A quantum sensing protocol is proposed for demonstrating the motion-induced chirality of circularly polarised Rydberg atoms. To this end, a cloud of Rydberg atoms is dressed by a bichromatic light field. This allows to exploit the long-lived ground states for implementing a Ramsey interferometer in conjunction with a spin echo pulse sequence for refocussing achiral interactions. Optimal parameters for the dressing lasers are identified. Combining a circularly polarised dipole transition in the Rydberg atom with atomic centre-of-mass motion, the system becomes chiral. The resulting discriminatory chiral energy shifts induced by a chiral mirror are estimated using a macroscopic quantum electrodynamics approach

    A Supervised Learning Approach for Crohn's Disease Detection Using Higher-Order Image Statistics and a Novel Shape Asymmetry Measure

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    Increasing incidence of Crohn's disease (CD) in the Western world has made its accurate diagnosis an important medical challenge. The current reference standard for diagnosis, colonoscopy, is time-consuming and invasive while magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has emerged as the preferred noninvasive procedure over colonoscopy. Current MRI approaches assess rate of contrast enhancement and bowel wall thickness, and rely on extensive manual segmentation for accurate analysis. We propose a supervised learning method for the identification and localization of regions in abdominal magnetic resonance images that have been affected by CD. Low-level features like intensity and texture are used with shape asymmetry information to distinguish between diseased and normal regions. Particular emphasis is laid on a novel entropy-based shape asymmetry method and higher-order statistics like skewness and kurtosis. Multi-scale feature extraction renders the method robust. Experiments on real patient data show that our features achieve a high level of accuracy and perform better than two competing method

    Cyclotron resonance lineshape in a Wigner crystal

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    The cyclotron resonance absorption spectrum in a Wigner crystal is calculated. Effects of spin-splitting are modelled by substitutional disorder, and calculated in the coherent potential approximation. Due to the increasing strength of the dipole-dipole interaction, the results show a crossover from a double-peak spectrum at small filling factors to a single-peak spectrum at filling factors \agt 1/6. Radiation damping and magnetophonon scattering can also influence the cyclotron resonance. The results are in very good agreement with experiments.Comment: 4 pages REVTEX, attempt to append 3 figures that seem to have been lost last tim

    Shared Data and Algorithms for Deep Learning in Fundamental Physics

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    We introduce a collection of datasets from fundamental physics research -- including particle physics, astroparticle physics, and hadron- and nuclear physics -- for supervised machine learning studies. These datasets, containing hadronic top quarks, cosmic-ray induced air showers, phase transitions in hadronic matter, and generator-level histories, are made public to simplify future work on cross-disciplinary machine learning and transfer learning in fundamental physics. Based on these data, we present a simple yet flexible graph-based neural network architecture that can easily be applied to a wide range of supervised learning tasks in these domains. We show that our approach reaches performance close to state-of-the-art dedicated methods on all datasets. To simplify adaptation for various problems, we provide easy-to-follow instructions on how graph-based representations of data structures, relevant for fundamental physics, can be constructed and provide code implementations for several of them. Implementations are also provided for our proposed method and all reference algorithms.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, 5 table

    Image method in the calculation of the van der Waals force between an atom and a conducting surface

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    Initially, we make a detailed historical survey of van der Waals forces, collecting the main references on the subject. Then, we review a method recently proposed by Eberlein and Zietal to compute the dispersion van der Waals interaction between a neutral but polarizable atom and a perfectly conducting surface of arbitrary shape. This method has the advantage of relating the quantum problem to a corresponding classical one in electrostatics so that all one needs is to compute an appropriate Green function. We show how the image method of electrostatics can be conveniently used together with the Eberlein and Zietal mehtod (when the problem admits an image solution). We then illustrate this method in a couple of simple but important cases, including the atom-sphere system. Particularly, in our last example, we present an original result, namely, the van der Waals force between an atom and a boss hat made of a grounded conducting material.Comment: This is a pedagogical and introductory paper on van der Waals forces between an atom and a conducting surfac
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