9 research outputs found


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    Capital Islamic Organization has developed its own accounting code of ethics for professional members and accountants. This study attempts to explain the accounitng code of ethics and is more useful for values and norms for both members and organizations and makes the Quran the basis of its thinking. The methodology of this research is qualitative by observing and studying from books, various articles, research results, and based on the Qur'anic commentary, Al-Hadith as well as other related books.This shows us that Islamic accounting ethics codes ensure the best results for organizations and members

    Penyuluhan Peran Santri Dalam Menjawab Tantangan Dakwah Di Era Digital

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    The digital era made a new fraction of the da'wah strategy that made the perpetrators to change the direction of da'wah in accordance with the needs of the community, the santri was a very importantcadre of Islamic da'wah and had to play an active role in developing Islamic da'wah and innovative is expected to beable to keep abreast of the development of da'wah in the digital era. Alongwiththis, lecturers of Islamic religious education have a special duty to oversee the development of Islamic indictment through the tridharma of tertiary institutions to carryout community service activities in both Islamic boarding schools the result of this activity was the creation of an understanding of the model and strategy of da'wah for santri and the readiness of santri in facing the challenges of da'wah in the digital era after interactive discussions and collaboration in the for mof a MoU between theUniversity of Pamulang and Pondok Pesantren Hidayatul Mubatdi`ienand Nurul Ummah Putri hoped that the MoU wouldestablish a stronger Islamic da'wah in the future

    Pengaruh Fasilitas dan Intelektualitas terhadap Implementasi Kinerja Pegawai Bank Syariah Mandiri KCP Cimone Tangerang Periode 2019

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    Bank Syariah Mandiri KCP Cimone  Tangerang is a bank that uses sharia principles and a bank that constantly strive to improve employee work productivity so that the performance provided to customers is maximal to support the success of service quality and attractive and profitable performance quality. One of the bank's assessments is said to be good if the employee's work productivity is good, both from service to customers and the internal parties of the bank. Also always provide facilities and intellectuality to the implementation to its employees. Employees often do not understand their duties, and the knowledge of employees is still low on the function of intellectual facilities to the implementation of their performance. This makes the work system less effective and there are still employees who need training and education to further improve the quality of employees. How important facilities and intelligence factors to the implementation of employee performance in carrying out their duties, so that it will be more productive. The type of research used in this research is quantitative with associative research properties. Associative research is a study that aims to find out the relationship between two or more variables. The research location is at Bank Syariah Mandiri KCP Cimone. The population and samples using tenik purposive sampling from this study were employees of Bank Syariah Mandiri KCP Cimone Tangerang. The data collection technique is using questionnaires, interviews, and observations. Data analysis techniques use classic assumption tests and multiple linear regressions with SPSS 23 applications. The results of the research are Facilities Affecting Employee Performance Productivity, Intellectuality is very influential on employee performance, and In simultaneously both variables namely facilities and intellectuals can affect the implementation of employee performance of Bank Mandiri Syariah  Keywords: Facilities, Intellectuality, Implementatio


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui metode pendidikan salat yang digunakan keluarga guru dalam mendidik salat putra-putri mereka yang berada di Kelurahan Pamulang Timur Tangerang Selatan. Hasil penelitian diharapkan dapat memberikan masukan khasanah pendidikan Islam khususnya pendidikan salat dan dapat menyempurnakan metode pendidikan salat dalam pembelajaran salat di keluarga. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan subjek penelitian adalah keluarga guru yang mempunyai anak usia 5-10 tahun di Kelurahan Pamulang Timur Tangerang Selatan. Adapun metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara, dan analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis diskriptif. Hasil penelitian bertujuan: 1).Mengetahui metode pendidikan salat dalam keluarga guru di Kelurahan Pamulang Timur Tangerang Selatan. 2)Mengetahui problem pelaksanaan metode pendidikan salat dalam keluarga guru di Kelurahan Pamulang Timur Tangerang Selatan. 3).Mengetahui usaha yang dilakukan orangtua dalam mengatasi problem pelaksanaan metode pendidikan salat dalam keluarga guru di Kelurahan Pamulang Timur Tangerang Selatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1). Bahwasannya metode yang dipakai oleh keluarga guru dalam mendidik salat putra-putri mereka menggunakan metode keteladanan, menegakkan disiplin, menghafal, mempraktekkan dan pembiasaan. Dari metode tersebut ada beberapa metode yang dominan dipakai oleh kerluarga guru untuk mendidik putra-putri mereka yaitu metode keteladanan dan pembiasaan karena dengan keteladanan anak bisa meniru gerakan dari orangtua mereka dan dengan pembiasaan mereka terbiasa untuk menjalankannya. 2). Adapun hambatan-hambatan yang dihadapi oleh para keluarga guru dalam menerapkan metode pendidikan salat meliputi beberapa faktor yaitu: acara televisi yang menyita banyak waktu, bermain dengan teman sebaya dan lingkungan sekitar yang suka mempengarui hal-hal yang buruk sehingga membuat anak melupakan kewajiban mereka yaitu salat. 3). Usaha yang dilakukan dalam mengatasi problematika metode pendidikan salat yang diterapkan pada putra-putri mereka yaitu dengan memberikan motivasi serta penjelasan tentang salat dan manfaat salat. Dari penjelasan tersebut orangtua bisa mengatasi hambatan-hambatan yang mereka peroleh ketika menerapkan metode pendidik salat

    Pengaruh Reksadana Syariah, Saham Syariah, dan Inflasi Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia

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    This research aims to prove empirically the influence of Sharia Mutual Funds, Sharia Stocks and Inflation onEconomic Growth in Indonesia with Sharia Bank Size as a Moderating Variable. The type of research used isquantitative. The type of data used is secondary data in the form of Consumer Price Index reports registeredwith the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), reports on Sharia Mutual Funds and Sharia Shares registered withthe Financial Services Authority (OJK), as well as Inflation reports registered with Bank Indonesia for theperiod January 2018 - December 2022. This research uses a saturated sample with a purposive samplingmethod. Data processing using the Microsoft Office Excel 2010 Program and the Eviews 9 Statistics Program.The research results show that Sharia Mutual Funds, Sharia Stocks and Inflation simultaneously influenceeconomic growth in Indonesia. Partially, Sharia Mutual Funds, Sharia Stocks and Inflation influence EconomicGrowth in Indonesia

    Metode Pendidikan Shalat pada Anak Usia 5-10 Tahun dalam Keluarga

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    The application of education in the family environment is often an obstacle especially for parents, not least for parents who work as teachers, special methods are needed because what is faced is their own biological children, this study aims to obtain appropriate learning solutions and methods for prayer education in the family environment teacher, the research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative by collecting data through interviews, the results obtained from this study are prayer learning methods for teachers' children by using habituation and parental modeling to their children


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    ABSTRACT The integration between religious education and entrepreneurship becomes an old concept that is renewed in the boarding school environment, the community's need for the world of work and an increase in the quality of output is very high, as one of the educational institutions in Indonesia has an obligation to innovate in order to realize these needs, one of the steps is implementing the program. enterpreuner based on religious education called the SANTRIPREUNER program. The community service team at Pamulang University in collaboration with the Roudhatul Ikhwan Islamic boarding school carried out community service activities for three consecutive days, from 11 to 13 December 2020 with the sharing session method and exposure to life skill management, while the target of this activity was the students. Roudhatul Ikhwan Islamic boarding school. The result of this activity was that the boarding schools were motivated again to implement the SANTRIPREUNER program that had been carried out, especially in the fields of agriculture and animal husbandry, the lecturers also found new formulas for the future in managing the program. Keywords: Santripreuner and Religious Education ABSTRAK Integrasi antara pendidikan agama dan enterpreuner menjadi konsep lama yang diperbarui di lingkungan pondok pesantren, kebutuhan masyarakat akan dunia kerja dan peningkatan kualitas output sangat tinggi, sebagai salah satu lembaga pendidikan di Indonesia memiliki kewajiban berinovasi dalam rangka mewujudkan kebutuhan tersebut, salah satu langkahnya ialah mengimplementasikan program enterpreuner berbasis pendidikan agama yang dinamakan program SANTRIPREUNER. Tim pengabdian kepada masyarakat Universitas Pamulang bekerjasama dengan pondok pesantren Roudhatul Ikhwan melaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat selama tiga hari berturut-turut yaitu tanggal 11 sampai dengan 13 desember 2020 dengan metode sharing session dan pemaparan tentang manajemen life skill, adapun sasaran pada kegiatan ini ialah para santri pondok pesantren Roudhatul Ikhwan. Hasil dari kegiatan ini ialah pihak pondok pesantren termotivasi kembali untuk melaksanakan program SANTRIPREUNER yang pernah dilakukan yaitu khususnya di bidang pertanian dan peternakan, para dosen juga menemukan rumusan baru untuk kedepannya dalam pengelolaan program tersebut. Kata Kunci: Santripreuner dan Pendidikan Agam


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    Pandemi COVID 19 telah banyak merubah sistem kehidupan manusia dari berbagai aspek termasuk aspek pendidikan dan sosial, sebagai organisasi terkecil di lingkungan sosial keluarga memiliki peran penting dalam aspek pendidikan mitigasi pandemi COVID 19 dan saling menguatkan dalam menghadapi pandemi, hal yang terjadi berbanding terbalik dengan teori kasus perceraian dan kehancuran keluarga meningkat pada setiap kota dan kabupaten di Indonesia.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji teori para tokoh dan praktek lapangan lalu dihubungkan dengan pandangan Al-Quran dan Hadits dalam mengatasi fenomena tersebut, juga untuk mencari dalil naqli tentang peran keluarga dalam pendidikan mitigasi.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ada dua metode yaitu metode penelitian dengan pendekatan kualitatif pustaka (book Research) dan metodologi tafsir dengan menggunakan metode maudhu`i dengan mencari penjelasan Al-Quran dalam menjawab setiap tema yang dituju.Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini ialah penjelasan secara terperinci Al-Quran dan Hadits tentang peran keluarga dan pendidikan mitigasi yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat muslim sebagai panduan kehidupan di masa pandemi COVID 19